Friday, September 05, 2014

Empty Promises Again?

It's time to get beyond words when it comes to the multitude of crises simutaneously playing out around the world.  But is it possible?  I really doubt it with the current administration.

Since getting home and trying to get caught up on the news, every show I've listened to has had a host ask a guest what needs to be down about Putin, ISIS, the border, etc.  To a person, if allowed by the host to answer, they have all had strong opinions as to what needs to be done.

Considering the shaky start the President had on ISIS alone he finally got it straight as the NATO conference wound up.  No doubt he was coached by Britain's David Cameron on what needed to be said.  Too bad he didn't also coach Obama on delivery though when he gets home Joe Biden can help.  He has shown what the passion should be.

Okay, so now the President has agreed that ISIS must be 'dismantled'.  I like Biden's response better, but at least he finally has said it.

So now what? We've heard all the fancy promises before.  The question is will there be any follow through.  Not in a timely manner, that's for sure.  Now they want to seek UN approval.  Why?  It's a stall from taking action.

In the meantime, like with Iran continuing to enrich, ISIS will keep on killing. There is a huge gap that needs closed, but how?  The generals and military personnel on the news programs have offered doable solutions.  NATO countries have agreed it has to be done.  So what's the problem?  There is still no strategy.  To have one will require a decision, something our President is loath to do. It's essential.  It's a question I ask of every politician during a campaign.  'What' is fine. 'How' is the crux of the situation.  You know.  Strategy.

Unless he quits acting like the petulant narcissist he is and starts acting like the leader of the free world the words spoken will be, as usual, meaningless. NATO members have never had to lead, therefore are not sure how to go about it.  Cameron is the best hope.  At least he is showing some true emotion, not merely mouthing words he doesn't believe.

Can and will he rise to the occasion?  Or will everything be dragged out until one of our countries really gets hit.  Will we be content to let obvious undeniable terrorism be written off as work place violence once again? After all, the two beheaded Americans were working journalists.

That mind set must be made to end. Waiting for elections two years away doesn't cut it. The problem is immediate. The question is who and how.   For those far wiser than this writer,  it's time  for the strategy of how we negate the reluctance get it done.

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

It's A Mystery To Me

Knowing that while on vacation I'd be away from the constant inundation of dreary news I had hoped to come home with a modicum of refreshed clarity.  It was not to be.

Shortly before we left I watched an interview with a Muslim woman who was asked to explain the radical Islamic mindset.  Her reply made me stop and think.  In essence what she said is the radicals are more concerned with what life after death will be than life while living while westerners are more concerned with life before death.  In other words we live in the here and now; the radicals are looking ahead so nothing now has value unless it will enhance that after life.

That may be a little convoluted, but it helps me understand their complete disdain for life. Actually I think it's an excuse for barbaric behavior by bastardizing the true meaning of their "religion".

Now I'm wondering about the mindset of my peers as in western civilization if you will and ours in the U.S. in particular .

For instance why does the President think his rhetoric is so powerful all will fall in place once he has decreed it should?  Especially since such thinking has been proven faulty.

Why is his closest advisor, Valerie Jarrett, one who has no national nor international expertise?

Why does he make promises he has no intention of fulfilling?  What is his mindset?

Why isn't Congress in Washington working on not only domestic issues but pushing the administration for a cohesive strategy for calming a warring world?  Why is the entire institution impotent in this time of great need?  Is it an issue of character of the modern day career bent politician?

Why do the Democrats march in lock step to ideology rather than working for the good of the country?

Why can't the Republicans find at least one voice behind which to rally? What is Congress' mindset?

Why do talking heads invite worthy guests to their shows then shout them down? Why do the guests agree to appear?  Whatever happened to objectivity over opinion?  They may love to hear themselves wax profound but those of us trying to gain insight of substance don't.

Does anyone else wonder about these things?  As we inch toward the fall elections I'll be watching to see who questions, who besmirches, who listens and most of all who thinks in an objective manner and has some concrete solutions for a myriad of issues.

My guess is I'm going to find the pickin's mighty slim.  Can the country afford more of the same?  In a simple word - no.

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

There's No Place Like Home

No matter how good a vacation I have it's always great to get back home.  Especially to my own bed.  More on the trip later.  For now, I'll just say we went to the Indian Art Market in Santa Fe and lots in between.

This is just to let you know I'm back and primed for election season.  On that note, there should be no under informed voters at least among those who travel by car.  Nearly every chain  motel in the country serves a free breakfast.  In the breakfast room there are often complimentary newspapers if they haven't been delivered directly to your room.  There is always a television set usually tuned to CNN.  People watch and listen and talk.  That's good to know.

One comment on the current news cycle before I head off to overdue yard work.  It's about the issue of the cloud being hacked and nude photos of celebrities being made public.  Don't they know nothing uploaded to the web is sacred?  And deep down, do you wonder if they really wanted it to happen?  Why else would one post nude photos of themselves?  Any where.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Vacation, Sweet Vacation

The President does it.  Congress does it.  Schools do it.  Europe does it for a whole month.  What?  Go on vacation.

Now it's our turn.  In a day or two we'll be gone for a week or two, whatever suits the mood.

It would be nice, too, if the rest the world would take a vacation.  In Iraq, in Syria, in Ukraine and here at home. Take a breather.  Get some rest.  Come back relaxed.  I'm hoping to enjoy some good time with good friends and tranquil scenery.

I'm praying nothing in our travels reminds me of guns or violence or dead kids, for any reason, or frenzied media or over taxed cops.  Wishful thinking?  There was a time it could be accomplished by not turning on the TV.  That seems to no longer be the case but wishful think I will.

We'll see if the wish comes true when I return.  In a week or two, whatever suits the mood.