Showing posts with label Jeb Bush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jeb Bush. Show all posts

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Talk About Inequality

South Carolina for the Republicans and Nevada for the Democrats has come and gone.  I'm guessing Hillary is taking the stance that a win is a win and Bernie probably feels that collecting delegates will get him something at the convention if not the nomination.

The Republican field has been winnowed but still has a way to go.  Other candidates either not having the funds or the following to go further bow out as it becomes necessary.  How long Carson and Kasich will remain for awhile though I think the window of opportunity for them has been closed.

Jeb Bush threw in the towel last night after not having gained ground in a state where he should have done well.  I almost felt sorry for him - but not quite.  I never thought he wanted to enter the race in the first place and those who poured millions into his campaign chest must be in mourning.

Let's take a look at that campaign chest.  According to an article in the New Yorker his acolytes had raised one hundred million dollars!  That's a lot of money for a losing cause!

I get on this kick every election cycle.  Think of how many student loans that could pay off, or repair infrastructure, or hire teachers, policemen and fire fighters.  Think of many of we seniors could get a Social Security raise.  Then take Bush's purse and add to it the war chests of all the other candidates.

Wow. How many of we folks have dropped out of the work force because there are no jobs.  The economy has yet to rebound unless you believe the skewed figures the government puts out every month. If Hillary and Bernie want to give us everything from universal health care to free education then let the candidates put all their surplus funds into government hands to be distributed equally among we poor folk who watch every cent we spend on life's necessities.

As for where I stand at the moment on those left in the race, I haven't a clue.  I'm not comfortable enough with any of them to lend support. I'm waiting to hear how they propose to institute their grand plans if they have a Congress that opposes them.  Don't tell me executive orders. But I wouldn't doubt some of them would use the device should they feel the need.  Obama has set the precedent.

The next shoe to drop (or not) will be what the FBI decides to do about Hillary and e-mails.  This campaign has become my addiction of choice.  I can't stay away from it.  It's soap opera at it's best.  Too bad it isn't fiction.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Couldn't We Do It Right Just Once?

Will the political parties that represent us ever grow up?  Better yet, will we demand that they do?

I was reading headlines on Drudge a few minutes ago.  Jeb is seriously considering running.  We know that.  The next one read Democrats already digging up dirt.  Please.

Let's look at this.  If it's Hillary versus Bush we know the Republicans will dig up tons of dirt on Hillary.  There is plenty going back to their days in Arkansas, Bill's moral shortcomings, Hillary's tenure as Secretary of State and so on. I wonder too, in this moral client where women are coming out of the woodwork to accuse Bill Cosby of indecencies, how Hillary tolerating Bill's peccadilloes will wash.

On the Bush side, it is known Jeb's wife had some issues with custom's over some shopping items while he was governor.  I have no idea what else there may be to be found or manufactured but you can be sure there will be something.

So what do we have without the dirt?  Two people vying for the presidency. One has a great deal of experience having been a two term governor of Florida.  The other has a great deal of experience being the wife of a former President.  Which looks better?  Forget who you'd like to have a beer with.

Bush has some perceived drawbacks.  One being his support for common core, the other being his support for a legal path to citizenship for certain illegals.  He has said he will run on what he believes which I would like to take to mean he will not pander.

Hillary?  I don't know.  I have heard her parrot other's opinions but has claimed none for her own. Wanting to be President shouldn't be enough. She is pretty good at pandering.

No matter.  Other's will in time enter the race because these two in their individual ways are vulnerable.  It would be nice, though, to have them all be judged on the merit of their ideas for regaining the stature of the country and moving the economy so we can all get back to living what used to be normal.  A decent job, good wages, a future and respect around the world shown toward our President and our country.

I know negative advertising works.  Only because we allow it.  We should dig, not for dirt, but truth.  If we don't we'll end up once again mired in nothing but mud.