Showing posts with label Hillary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary. Show all posts

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Celebrity And Politics Don't Mix

One thing I took from the Benghazi hearings is that Hillary Clinton wasn't paying necessary attention to her job. Oh, sure, she racked up more air miles than any of her predecessors but what did she actually accomplish?

 Just as bad if not worse seems to be that the President didn't much care.  While the men in Benghazi were fighting for their lives he was in bed.

Then came the ludicrous story about the You Tube video which both the President and Hillary claimed as the reason for the attacks.  According to the witnesses at yesterday's hearings, both knew better.  In essence they lied to the American people but since neither was under oath, so be it.

Now you can argue that the witnesses were no more than mal contents.  Many of you will, especially those of you who feel the President and Hillary can do no wrong.  I disagree.

Both, I believe, have achieved their status due to celebrity, not ability. The voters seem to be content with it.  Consider everyone who has the slightest possibility of running for higher office in 2014 or 16 is working on their own celebrity status.  It amazes me how we embrace celebrity.

Look at Mark Sanford regaining his old House seat.  An adulterer and a liar.  Anthony wanting to run for Mayor of New York.  I'm not sure exactly how one categorizes a man who tweets photos of his underwear covered privates other than shameless.  I have other words for it, but I doubt anyone cares.

Back to the ones who have already achieved high office.  The compliant media ignored the Benghazi story as much as they could to  successfully protect Obama during the election season. Now they are doing the same in anticipation of Hillary's run.

There are just too many verifiable reports of intimidation, too many rewrites, too much righteous indignation for me to believe these witnesses are lying.  Their careers have already been altered. What is left for them to gain?

Will Hillary succeed in fooling some of the people all of the time?  I expect so.  I just hope she and her machine don't succeed in fooling all of the people.  When you listen to former diplomats and military personnel who have actually participated in government tell what could and should have been it becomes apparent what happens when you have celebrity rather than experience at the helm.

When the Secretary of Defense states the forces who were trained and exist to combat situations like Benghazi couldn't be put in harms way I wonder what they are supposed to do. When the Secretary of State asks "What difference does it make now" I wonder why she doesn't understand it makes every bit as much difference as it did the day it happened.

Who do I want to answer the phone at 3:00 a.m.  The people didn't want Hillary last go 'round.  I hope they don't want her this time either because she likely won't.  They wanted Obama.  They got him and he didn't.

I want someone who cares more about their country than themselves.  Unfortunately they seem to be in short supply in both parties.

Sunday, April 07, 2013

They're Out Of The Gate And It's Hillary In The Lead...

Did you notice that as Hillary's term as Secretary of State drew to an end her wardrobe grew more and more bazaar? Let's face it, she doesn't do prints well, and certainly didn't lend any sophistication to her office.  Not that it's all that important to many, but I'm one of the old timers who feel appearance still counts.

Now she's had some rest, has been given a clean bill of health and has hit the speaking circuit.  She's looking good. It has ramped up the speculation game of will she or won't she run.

As Maureen Dowd says, of course she's going to run. As long as she stays healthy she's a shoo in.  Consider the two most prominent people who have stated a desire to run if she doesn't.  Joe Biden and Janet Napolitano.  Me thinks that would guarantee us a Republican president.

I'm not a particular fan of Hillary Clinton mostly because she's a Democrat and I'm not.  Too, she didn't accomplish much as Secretary of State other than run up air miles and busy herself into a state of exhaustion.  Not a good recommendation for one who wishes upon themselves the stresses of the presidency.  Though she could take a page from Obama's book and recreate her time through her term. I don't know that she plays golf however.

That aside, I'm more worried about what kind of Democrat she is and that I do not know.  I don't want to see a continuation of the Obama policies of union supremacy, big government intrusion and international malaise.  She has the remainder of Obama's term to answer my questions.

I hope she doesn't overdo and exhaust herself again before she even gets started.  After all, she isn't getting any younger.  That should be a plus when you look at the likely Republican opposition.  At this point they are all relatively young men who seem to still be wet behind the ears.  Jeb Bush, 60 to her 65, is the closet on the maturity scale. Rand Paul is 50 and the others, Cruz, Rubio and Jindal are all in their 40s.  We've had youth and vitality in the office for awhile now and I'm more than ready to re-think maturity! Not Joe Biden, 70, maturity though maturity isn't the biggest reason he'd not get my support.  One could surmise, however, that misspeaking as a matter of habit shows something less than maturity.

Three and three quarter years is a long time. We know who's out of the gate, it will be interesting to see who's going full out in the back stretch and who's holding back for the homestretch. Oh yeah, and who has the best trainers and jockeys!