Friday, September 23, 2016

Cop Killers, Killer Cops

I have a friend with whom I became a pen pal during the Iraq war.  He has experience in security work, was a military policeman and is black.  I spoke with him at length this morning regarding the Blue vs Black vs White mess we find ourselves in these days.

He gave me quite a bit to digest but it all goes back to what values you are taught within the family unit and the decisions you choose to make with or without that teaching. The values are there staring you in the face as you go through life. Where do the parents learn the proper values to pass on?  From their faith in the teachings of God.  He took me to ground zero of a different sort and it made a great deal of sense.

He took the issue from being neither black against blue or white but rather an issue of choice of behavior consciously made.  His feeling is that those who partake as agitators and the violent rowdiness that often ensues is done with full knowledge that it is wrong.  They know that because of the political climate they will most likely get a pass.  It matters not at all that they know they are in the wrong.

On the blue side of the equation we talked about the over kill of their actions. No pun intended. That one bullet should do the job.  Emptying the magazine into a person is most likely not necessary. Is it a lack of training or character? Perhaps a combination but no matter which it is a matter of choice on the part of the shooter.

Then there is the media's contribution.  More whites are killed by police than blacks. Yet we rarely hear those stories.  Why is that?  It's a matter of choice.  It's a whole different issue as to why so many, regardless of race, are killed in the first place.
So how do we fix all of it?  I would think some of the ministry in communities where such activity  runs rampant are trying to fill two roles.  That in teaching the value of faith in God and  surrogate parent to too many.  That shouldn't be their role but perhaps it's better than no parenting at all. It still boils down to choice.  Conscious choice.  Whether or not to even attend services.  Whether or not to parent. Whether or not to make the right choice.

There are always consequences.  You either live or you die.  You either love or you hate.  You either make the right choice or you sacrifice your freedom to make any choice at all sooner or later.

I guess what it all boils down to is that I had this conversation with a black man who isn't "black" to me.  He's a friend.  A good friend.  And a very wise one.

Thursday, September 08, 2016

Judgement Day Approaches

What do we have left - somewhere around 60 days before our angst will be governed by a whole new set of circumstances. Right now it's will it be Clinton or Trump.  Then it will be what is the new President going to do.

I fear both of them but I think I fear Hillary the most.  I don't like her agenda - too far left for my comfort.  If in fact what she's saying is actually what she will do because she's known to lie. That doesn't add anything to my comfort zone.  Plus the fact her presidency will be all about fulfilling the Clinton's agenda first and foremost.  Being President will just make it easier for them because of the power they will wield.

Trump scares me for entirely different reasons.  The main reason is I'm not convinced he has any real self control nor do I think he takes kindly to advice.  I can understand being politically naive having never before been in politics but refusing to listen to those who have and are willing to help smooth rough edges is probably going to be his final down fall. He's been trying to be sure and is getting better but with him it's always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I do believe Trump is genuinely concerned about our country.  He has a sincerity about him once you get past the bombast.  But he reminds me of me if I were running.  I have a ton of opinions and darn little to back up most of them.  Especially if it meant running the country with all the special interests bombarding  me with their points of view and defenses thereof.  It would be a tremendous amount of information to sort through and make sense of.  I'm surprised and concerned that Trump seems pretty much in the same boat.  Lots of opinions but little to defend them.  The strength of his personality is no substitute for substance.

So this is where I am.  Still watching and waiting with little to add to the dialogue. When one reaches my age you don't tend to wish time away but I will sure be glad when this is over.  At least we'll be able to figure out what we ourselves need to do to carry on our lives.

After all is said and done though I think I'd rather have a President, as inept as Trump may seem, that cares about the country than one who lies with impunity and expects the country to be okay with it.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Politics Of Fixed Income

Since I'm not quite divorced from politics I thought I'd share what I've been learning because we're on a fixed income.  No social security increase because there is no inflation is a crock.  Don't the economists ever buy food or gas or pay their utility bills?  Probably not.  They probably have "people" who do it for them.

Not so with us. We buy our own groceries and are always wondering how we can eat healthy when all we can afford is junk.  One remedy is to plant a garden.

The last gardening I remember was when as a youngster we had a victory garden during WWII.  Reminiscing about gardens from years past we decided to try our hand with peas and carrots, among other things.  Have you ever seen a carrot seed?  I have to wear my reading glasses to even see them whats more plant one to a hole.  Last year I harvested them in clumps.  This year was better; I used tweezers while planting.

We had better luck with peas.  Remember shelling them?  We did and decided to put a modern slant on the chore.  We fixed a plate of hors d'oeuvres, opened a bottle of wine and settled in on the front porch - ate, drank and shelled peas.  Actually it was a very pleasant evening.

The problem with gardening for two is there is always too much. Unless you're into canning and such. I'm not going that far. Now it's time for creative meals so nothing goes to waste.

I'm also learning a lot about trees.  We had what we thought was a crabapple blow over in a windstorm years ago.  It regrew and I've been wondering if it would produce fruit.  While mowing around it  recently I found an apple at its base.  Looking up into the tree sure enough there were several.  Odd since I never saw spring blossoms, but apples never the less. Golden Delicious I think.  Who knew?

Another tree which I thought was a Dogwood is bearing fruit this year and insanely long thorns.  After some research I find it's a Hawthorn. If I can figure out to make tea from the fruit it should help with my blood pressure issues or so my research into what kind of tree it is tells me.

Actually I'm learning a lot and having fun at it.  At least we're getting fresh fruit and vegetables.  It would be nice if we got a bit more social security so we could splurge now and then. Maybe during the next administration. HaHahahahahahaha!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Trump's Disservice

You'd think we'd learn.  The second term of a man with no practical experience relating to governing.  Now we're being asked to elect another one.

I've long thought business experience would be a plus but not when the candidate is a buffoon. All politicians have egos, but those we're supposed to choose between beat anything I've ever seen. Trump will set back the possibility of an outsider ever having a chance again for a decade or more.  That leaves our choices to the politicians which are the problem in the first place. It can't get any more complicated can it?

Today, however, is about Trump.  The FOX talking heads tell us the few times Trump actually acts like an adult is the "real" Donald Trump. I'm not convinced.

I'm surprised his ego hasn't clued him in on the fact that he is probably going to lose the election.  At one point I thought he really wanted the job but as gaffes continue and he says he'll just go back to a very good life, I'm wondering if it all started as a joke.  That he was as surprised as many of us that he began winning primaries.  Now his refusal to act "presidential" indicates he really wants out or he's not the smart guy his colleagues would have us believe.  That his personality is the end all.  Forget about policies and country.

If he does lose he'll blame it on all of us.  We'll be bad people, really bad people.  I don't expect him to drop out, he'll just continue blaming others for his drop in the polls.

The curious thing is I don't think Hillary is a shoo in.  Between her health and the e-mail/Clinton Foundation mess, I'm thinking there is a bombshell coming sometime around the end of September or early October.

The Democrats are lucky.  They at least have some viable people to step in.  I don't know the rules for either party but I could see either Tim Kaine or Joe Biden stepping up to the plate.

On the Republican side, who knows?  I'd see a battle between Pence  and probably Cruz who had the second most votes in the primaries.  The fact that he isn't well liked by many in his party would make for another fine mess. With little time to sort it out.

Wrapping up the rambling, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see  that one or the other is out before election day.

Friday, August 05, 2016

Hillary The Hypocrite

She who shall not be crossed! Sigh. I've come to the conclusion that Hillary will be the next President of the United States.  The problem is she shares too many of Trumps traits.  She just isn't as childish as he is.  At least publicly.

The most obvious similarities is their very large egos and narcissism.  The second is both have trouble with the truth. They can't seem to tell it.

They both scare the devil out of me.  As my dearly departed Mother used to say, "I won't be around for the fall out, thank heavens!" I won't be either and since I have no children or grand children I guess I too am glad.  I'm not particularly worried about future generations.  What is happening now is the new normal.  This will be their good old days. I can't imagine.

Back to what I will have to deal with.  Assuming it will be Hillary we will have a President who's lust for power far outweighs her love for country. What compass she will follow is any one's guess.  I would guess it will be the most expedient for which ever master she most needs to placate. Hopefully they will have a direction, unlike Obama's, that will bear some benefit for the country no matter how remote.  It's obvious she has no such thoughts of her own.

I've struggled over Trump as you who read this know.  He reminds me of a kid turned loose in a bouncy house.  He's all over the place and never the same place twice. The largest factor that disturbs be, though, is his refusal to rein himself in. We're already hearing the beginnings of excuses for a failed campaign.  The election is rigged.  Right.

We still have a ways to go.  He could quit before hand to stave off humiliation and the infamous e-mails in Julian Assange's possession may yet be released.  Oh happy day.

I wonder what would happen if both candidates were discredited to the point of having to withdraw before the actual election.  Neither back bench is particularly strong nor inspiring but maybe that's what we need.  Some staid old politician who still believes being pragmatic is the preferred way of getting things done.

Ah.  Those days are gone forever I fear.  I don't much care for the new normal.  It's a generational thing.  Too bad.