Friday, June 29, 2012

Sing Fat Lady, Sing!

As I was finishing up my morning coffee I browsed through the Wall Street Journal Magazine.  It is filled with all things high end and high maintenence.  I look sometimes wishfully, sometimes snickering and sometimes resigned to the fact that the magazine is definitley not aimed toward me.

Now, I'm old, I'll admit, and as one ages one's perspective can change.  To me the women look emaciated.  Seeing light between their thighs is just too skinny.  The men look like shoulderless wimps trying to grow facial hair to make them look like they can actually afford the clothes they model.

And the clothes.  Even when I lived in New York and San Franscisco I never ever saw anyone in the designer garb being hyped.

After I finished up my coffee I had a doctor's appointment.  My weight and blood pressure were both down and the nurse was kind enough to tell me I didn't look my age.  Well.  That was nice.  I had told my doctor that I was consciously working on the weight but I no longer weighed myself nor took my blood pressure because I was obsessing over both and Hub was getting more than a little weary listening to me.

But there is a point to this.  I do try.  I do care about my appearence.  Is that a generational thing?  Maybe yes, maybe no.  I just don't like torn jeans or tattoos or body piercings, or my body not quite squeezed into my clothes. There must be a happy medium.  I wonder, though, what the fitness industry is trying to accomplish with it's latest trend, gyms banning slim clients !

This seems to be counter indicative of incentive!  Of course in this age where everyone wants everything to be free and painless,  being made to feel uncomfortable because you're a tad hefty and your fellow exercisers may not be quite as much, is self defeating, isn't it?

I don't know.  If I were going to a gym and everyone looked like I do, I'd wonder why I was bothering.  I want to see what I might be able to achieve!  My self esteem would not be affected in a negative manner. It just might get the kick in the pants it needs.

If we cocoon ourselves with only those like us, and it's easy to do, we'll never achieve anything.  We'll begin to feel we're the norm, that we're just like everyone else.  Take a walk through a parking lot or store and you see more stouts than slims these days.

On the other hand there are the designers of those frocks in the glossy magazines.  Even though they've gotten hip to the idea many of us are larger than a size 2, the models appear the same no matter what.  And they fudge the sizes.  I have no idea what size I actually am.  It all depends on the label. But I sure don't look like the models.  Never have and never will.

I can sing though.  Being not quite thin by today's standards, I measure my accomplishments no longer by scale but by how many of the 'skinny' clothes in my closet are gradually beginning to fit again.  It gives me a huge sense of satisfaction.

So let the fit and trim into the gyms!  After all, it's how they got that way and how they maintain it and gyms may well be the last bastions of good examples. If you're going to belly up to a bar, the juice bar at the gym might be a good choice. The test will be when you can reach the juice before your belly hits the bar!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Wisdom Of The Supremes

I have not yet had the time to read through the Supreme Court decision on health care and probably won't until all the hyperbole dies down and cool heads prevail.

I do feel, however, that Chief Justice Roberts couldn't be more correct when he stated, "It is not our job to protect the people from the outcome of their political choices."

There is nothing more important to remember as this election season continues.  Consider the consequences for there will be consequences.  Good, bad and indifferent.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sean Hannity Was Right!

Back when the turmoil first began in Egypt, Sean Hannity did little but harp on the possibility of the Muslim Brotherhood taking over the government should Mubarak fall.

Never having thought Hannity is much more than a parrot for conservative causes, I listened to the "experts" who assured us that the Muslim Brotherhood had a miniscule presence in Egypt and the chances of their gaining a foothold was basically nil.

So much for self-proclaimed experts!  The Egyptians have now elected a member of the Brotherhood to the presidency. I harken back to the thought we had best be careful of what we wish.

He was elected democratically.  That brings me to a Dogwalk theorem. A democratic election doesn't necessarily bring democracy nor  do democratic elections necessarily mean a change in culture.  Consider that an Egyptian plumber beat his pregnant wife to death because she didn't vote for the Brotherhood candidate, Mohammed Mursi.

That aspect of Islamic culture isn't going to change.  We're now stuck with keeping our fingers crossed that the military will keep him in check.  This will be no bed of roses since the military are no fans of democracy in the first place and you have an Islamist to lead what had been a secular country.

As is usual the rest of the world will be expecting the United States to take the lead in how relationships are handled.  There may be a lull until after our election since the world, though wanting it, has come not to expect such leadership from this administration.

To make matters even more sticky, the mother of Hillary Clinton's chief of staff has served in the women's division of the Brotherhood, the Sisterhood, and is a close associate of President Mursi's wife.  She alledgedly represented a charity known to have spawned at least one terror group designated by our government as an official al Qaeda front as well as other activities with terrorist ties.

Secretary of State Clinton has spoken at the university where Saleha Mahmood Abedin teaches and praised her work.  It brings back memories of when than Hillary, then wife of President  Clinton, spoke at a Palestinian function and exchanged a kiss of affection with Yasser Arafat's wife.

Oh the intrigue of international relations!  I can't help but wonder if blood runs thicker than water in this instance. Will we find out?  It's a concern to me when someone with the power of the Secretary of State has a person related to another with known terrorist ties on staff - especially chief of staff.

It's one thing to have no foreign policy.  It's so much easier to turn a blind eye to the atrocities in other countries but to have people with known terrorist ties in top positions in the most sensitive areas of government seems to be recklessly putting the country at risk.

It bears watching and is one more reason I keep harping on our lack of direction in foreign policy.  Keeping our back turned to what we'd rather not deal with doesn't mean it isn't there.  The adage 'the best defense is a good offense' should be heeded, not ignored.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Can They At Least Eat The Cake?

As June draws to an end so does the traditional month of weddings.  How many of you were June brides?

I hope a lot of marriages are taking place today as I write this.  The government should hope so too, because it's a great boost to the economy.  Just think about it.  The cost of a bridal gown and brides maids dresses.  Tux rentals or purchases for the groom and the groomsmen. The brides and grooms gift to each other. The rental of a facility for the reception plus the cost of that reception.  The mother's of the bride's and groom's new outfits.  The rehearsal dinner.  The rings.  Don't forget the rings.  Both engagement and wedding.   No wonder father's brows are sweating!

And the gifts!  But wait?  This is an election year and the President's fund raising isn't up to snuff!  Don't look for gifts!   Ask your friends and loved ones to send the President's campaign the money.  It's for a much better cause!

Whoa.  Wait a minute.  This can't possibly be true.  The intrepid investigator in me went to work and, gasp, look what I found on the campaign website! The Obama Event Registry !  If you're not getting married, you can register for your anniversary or birthday or whatever!  Who needs a gravy boat anyway?

Well, the President wouldn't be asked to my wedding were I having one!  I would want those gifts to help set up housekeeping and to have remembrances of those who shared the happy event.

On top of that, if I were having any Hispanic friends, they'd not likely be able to eat at the reception! At least if the secret service holds true to it's actions at the   National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials luncheon on Friday when guests had to give up their eating utensils before the President arrived.  I'm sorry, but I would not tolerate my guests being thus insulted considering how many dinners and luncheons he attends on a regular basis where such is not the practice!

It makes me wonder if the bride and groom would even be able to exchange the traditional first bite of cake.  This is often done with the fingers so no utensils would be necessary.  Except for the knife with which to cut the cake of course.  Breaking off a piece with your fingers could prove rather messy.

My guess the cake would be outlawed anyway because it no doubt would contain sugar and butter and all that other stuff that makes it taste so good but is deemed bad for our health.  So maybe no cake.

What have we left.  No gifts.  No meal.  No cake.  Doesn't sound like much of a celebration to me. Is a champagne toast allowed? If a glass was broken it could be construed as a lethal weapon! Dad might as well wipe his brow and stash his wallet.  Why bother with all the trimmings if you can't have the steak?

Elope.  Take the money and have a grand time on a fabulous honeymoon.  It's your time.  The President will just have to settle for taking candy from babies.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Republican Sheep And He Who Herds Them

Why would any politician in his right mind sign a pledge put forth by anyone who is not a constituent? Or at all, considering the fluidity of governing? Ask 276 Republican members of the House and Senate.

It's because Grover Norquist, the head of Americans for Tax Reform, threatened them if they didn't sign.  Heaven forbid they should think for themselves, for the country and their constituents!

It was beginning to look like a few of them were getting some backbone then along came Norquist to remind them of the pledge and the consequences of breaking ranks.

You'd think they'd have learned that inflexibility like the Tea Partiers espouse does more harm than good.  It creates stalemate and partisanship.

This "pledge" has been around since 1986 and, ohh how it hurts to say it, even Mitt Romney has signed it.  I could ask what he was thinking, but like all the others he obviously wasn't.

What's at stake?  Political careers of course.  More importantly, the continued butting of heads by these political rams with no end in sight. It makes me angry.  Every single person who signed that pledge, to raise no taxes, no way, no how, no matter the consequences, should be turned out of office.

Who elected this guy king anyway?  I had no part in it.  Did you? I would guess many of you don't even recognize the name.  Grover Norquist.  Remember it.  He has done more with his pledge to prevent progress in getting our economic mess straightened out than any other one individual.

All taxes are not bad.  Doing away with an entitlement or closing a loop hole is not a tax increase.  He would have you believe it is.  The frightening thing is those 276 members of Congress have fallen prey to him.  They should be ashamed of themselves.

Every day something happens that brings me closer to understanding what's happening to our country.  Today's lesson is that a self appointed demagogue is able to hold an entire party hostage with threats and blackmail.

It is astounding that one man has this sort of power over the people we have elected to do right by the country.  Yep.  Government bennies are great.  Those 276 have them now.  It's time to turn them out to pasture.  Maybe the next herd we put in their place will include a few sheep dogs able to herd them in a better direction.
