Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Mr. President, Don't Even Think It!

While speaking before the African Union President Obama patted himself on the back proclaiming that he's been a pretty good president.  He went on to say if he ran for a third term he expected he could win.

Other than being totally delusional it creates cause for worry.  As he continued with his self congratulations he explained that, alas, he could not run for a third term because the law doesn't allow it. And after all, the law is the law.

Have we heard that before?  Before, when he has changed written law on a whim, when he refuses to  enforce laws on the books, when he takes matters into his own hands whether or not he's in compliance with the Constitution?  Usually always prefaced by saying he couldn't because the law doesn't allow it.

I can't help  but wonder if this isn't one of those moments where he's testing the waters to see if he could possibly bypass law, Constitution and the wishes of the people to gain a third term. I hope not but his past history sure set the red flags a flyin'!

Don't even think it Mr. President.  Don't even think it.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Defending Ted Cruz Again

I don't intend to get in the habit of defending Ted Cruz but today I once again must.  I applaud him for calling out Mitch McConnell for what he is.

Oh, the hue and cry!  How dare he.  The Senate is above such behavior.  It has it's dignity you know.  Well, they've been hiding behind tradition and false dignity far too long.

How can anyone say with a straight face that while Harry Reid was majority leader that he acted with dignity? Mitch McConnell is a different personality but no less a servant of the gods of  power and money.

I'm still waiting for some of these newer members of both houses to show their grit.  Some have and done so admirably.  Tom Cotton.  Trey Gowdy.  In his own way, Rand Paul.  They're not afraid to speak out for what they believe.  Some waffle a bit too much for my taste but are getting there.  Others are spot on.  Whether or not you agree with them, it is refreshing.

Both house and senate leadership are having difficulty in keeping their members in line.  There is a good reason for that.  Some of them actually behave as though they were elected to serve the people who elected them rather than the special interests of the leadership. The presidential election aside, it will be interesting to see if more of them step up to the plate.

For the moment we are watching the beginnings of a turning tide.  The old war horses are just that and like me are having a difficult time adjusting to new thinking.  They resist mightily because they see a future where they are no longer vital and stripped of the power they so enjoy now.  As for myself, I'll  cheer on any one of them that will put the country first while we still have one.

I'll wrestle with my own ability to adjust to new thinking. I've already conceded the loss of the morality I lived with as I grew up.  That counter balances with efforts to prevent unwanted pregnancies leading to ruined lives not to mention lives lost to abortion.

See?  I can adjust.  So bring it on, ladies and gentlemen, do it for the good of the country as we all see it and I'll cheer you on.  Bring it on for your own prejudices without foundation and I will condemn you as Cruz did McConnell.

Don't think for a moment my generation isn't watching!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Republican Nominee Will Be?

As much as Trump is striking a chord, I don't think he'll be the nominee.  Voters will come to their senses.  One can hope.

At the moment my guess is it will be the candidate who can take Trump's broad brush on the issues and paint in the details.  I think the candidate most likely to  do this is Ted Cruz.

He is almost evangelical in his delivery.  He is passionate and articulate.  He also hasn't insulted Trump.  If he can say, "Trump is correct and here's why..." I think it would carry him a long way.

At the moment I'm leaning toward a candidate who probably has no chance because the media is giving her short shrift.  Almost to the point of being chauvinist.  If only they felt the same about Hillary! What I like about her is her business background and understanding of how businesses are run.  Exactly what our government needs - to be run like a business.  As it is now it isn't being run at all.  It's Camp Run-a-Muck. And like a poorly run company, doomed.

Realistically, however, I figure a politician is going to win the nod and it will be a matter of personality.  Not a good reason to be sure but with 16 candidates running personality is going to be a large part of what helps a candidate break out.  I think Cruz has that zeal.

They all are saying pretty much the same thing regarding policy.  So far I haven't heard a one of them explain exactly how they are going to achieve what they all agree needs to be done.  Especially if they don't have a solid majority in both houses.  Actually they are a pretty boring bunch.

Personality could push some one past Hillary too.  Hers is grating and fraught with ums and ahs. That is if she even succeeds.  With the rumors about Biden thinking seriously about jumping in and Warren reconsidering, she could have some real competition.  Webb, so far, has been a disappointment.

Of course my ideas change on a nearly daily basis as the jockeying for position continues.  Trump, on the Republican side, does, like it or not, have a huge amount to do with how things shake out.

Even if Trump goes 3rd party I believe a strong Republican can prevail.  Mainly because to date Trump hasn't said anything of substance either.  I'm not sure there is any from which he can draw.  Take note, Republican candidates. Get some personality and passion!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Figuring Out Trump's Popularity Isn't Rocket Science

Republicans should take a little more time trying to figure out the Trump appeal rather than trying to oust him from their ranks.

To me it's pretty simple.  He says what he means and means what he says.  When have you heard a politician do the same?  Granted he isn't always artful but a lot of what people "think" he's saying isn't at all accurate.

He has not disparaged our men and women in the military.  Not even close.  Basically he's saying McCain's "heroism" is over blown.  I'm not saying I agree, but I do think "hero" is applied far too often to far too many who don't deserve it.

What McCain endured while a prisoner of war was beyond comprehension, yes.  That he chose to stay behind when he could have left was heroic.  Yes.  Should that, however, give him a pass for the rest of his life even having not lived up to expectations?  I think something like that is what Trump was getting at in a very tortured manner.  Pardon the pun.

Rather than exaggerating the circumstances of gaffes, or bending them to suit their purposes, the Republicans should look at what's stealing their thunder.  Here you have a man who is beholden to no one.  No Chamber of Commerce nor Business Round Table is going to dictate to him how to think.  So far the other candidates, those who are politicians, not outsiders, still dance around everything that might be threatening.  Not so Trump.

What you see is what you get.  If you don't like him, fine.  He doesn't care.  If you do like him what you hear from him is the straight forward Donald Trump. That he is loud, egotistical and often just plain obnoxious is of no matter. To many his being the anti-politician is all they need.  A breath of fresh air.

One day soon I expect he'll have to come up with specifics.  He may have some difficulty with that.  Just as the politicians don't know what to do with him, he'll find dealing with Congress equally as difficult.  Maybe.

Don't forget Obama has set the precedent for going around Congress to get what he wants.  It wouldn't surprise me to see Trump do the same.  The difference being I think he would tell us first exactly what he would do and why.

One other consideration for the Republicans.  If they force Trump into a third party run they might as well kiss the presidency good bye.  Enough people will vote for him, no matter the label, to skew the results.

Perhaps they should tone down their own rhetoric and let the Trump flame burn itself out. If they don't tend to their own business rather than trying to end Trump's they may well find themselves on the outside looking in at their own territory.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Monumental Egos

Donald Trump and Barack Obama have one very disturbing trait in common.  They both are narcissists.  Every thing has to be about them.  Those who don't see it their way are totally insignificant.

The difference between that trait within each is how it manifests itself.  Obama is distant, aloof.  Trump can't keep from running off his mouth.

His disparagement of John McCain this past week end may have closed that mouth that roars.  Had he couched his statement by saying getting shot down doesn't make McCain a hero but what he did after capture certainly does, he might have gotten away with it. Alas, he didn't couch it at all.

One cannot continually back pedal and yet get ahead.  I don't think, but then I've been wrong before.  News cycles don't last all that long and soon Trump's error in judgement will be old news.  Think of all the fool hardy things said by others running for the presidency.  Can't think of any?  Point made.

As for egos in general, all politicians have them.  It's the nature of the beast.  Some just handle it better than others. Trump is likely to have hoisted himself on his own petard. But what about Hillary?  Look at the way she enters a stage.  The strut.  The smirk.  The air of entitlement. It's part of what makes her unattractive.  A little humility would be nice, but I don't believe it's in her genetic make up.  If anything she oozes the victim card with ridiculous regularity.

When I want to cry out,  "Where oh where is dull and boring," I can't help but remember how uninspiring those candidates are.  Where is the happy medium?  Strength and humility.  Enough ego to inspire confidence of leadership in others and wisdom to know one should also listen. There are a couple like that running but so far they aren't getting the press needed to move forward.

Sensationalism may sell, but for God's sake we're electing a President!  The media needs to get real too and give all the candidates coverage and let the voters decide, not themselves.

Again, it's not the nature of the beast.  It is one way to eliminate the less than worthy.  Cover the most egregious of faux pas and let them eliminate themselves.  It, of course, pays no attention to policy issues but then that's what the Internet is for isn't it?  You know the mantra.  "Go to our web site for more information."  Most people won't. So will we elect a president on the basis of which candidate has been able to avoid inflicting  or absorbing the most wounds to him or herself?

Well, it would figure.  We seem to be at war with everything but that which deserves it so mortal wounds to candidates might as well be part of the process.