Sunday, August 09, 2015

Dream Team # 1

I'm going to do this now and then.  It will be interesting where I stand when the primary season is over.

Fiorina for President.  She has the most business acumen and understands economics and jobs.  She'll bring class back to the White House. She's not shrinking violet.  She's tempered, not volatile.  And last but not least she's a she.

Rubio for Vice President.  To give him the opportunity to shed the 1st term Senator albatross.  He identifies with everyman.  He's the best versed on current foreign policy. He represents the future.

I wonder what I'll think next month!

Saturday, August 08, 2015

Some Advice For The Media

I've got a hot flash for the political pundits who anchor debates.  They aren't about you!  They're about the candidates.  Now I know you all love the sound of your own voices.  That's apparent from watching your daily shows where you don't let guests have their say so you can pontificate. Especially when the guest has a different point of view.

But to take up a third of the allotted time so you can "frame" your questions is ridiculous.  Face it, those watching this first debate were there for one of two reasons.  One to see Donald Trump.  Two to hear what the candidates had to say, not you.  We viewers already know the issues.  You don't have to patronize us with your "depth of understanding" which is usually lacking at best anyway.

A note to the ladies, especially Ms. Kelly.  If you want to be taken seriously you might try dressing like a professional.  Many nights you look like you're on your way out to the streets after your broadcast.  C'mon.  If you want to be a model or something different, television "news" isn't the proper venue.

I know.  Professionalism isn't what it was when I was a young working woman. There are, however, those of us who will judge you on yours never-the-less.  All things being cyclical, professionalism will return.

If you need an example, it isn't the fashionably challenged Hillary Clinton nor Ms. Kelly.  Take a good look at Carly Fiorina.  She reeks class and professionalism. Take a lesson.

Friday, August 07, 2015

Monday, August 03, 2015

Better Theater Than Political!

There are two elements for successful theater.  Those who can - and the audience.  I am audience but one of the best - I can out laugh and clap with the best of them!

Yesterday we drove 8 hours total to take in a performance of "Chicago" at the Cutler Brothers theater in Hub's home town of Deer Lodge, Montana.  The town of has a storied history but fell on hard times with demise of the Milwaukee RR of which it was a major crew change hub and has been declining ever since.  Now it's largest employer is the prison, a growth industry to be sure but not one to make a town flourish.

But Montanans come from sturdy stock and when determined they are a power to be reckoned with.  Such it is with Kelly Cutler and his family of theater lovers.  And my oh my, what they are doing for Deer Lodge as we witnessed yesterday.  We've know Kelly since his high school days when he mowed my in-laws lawn.  Even then he was into filming skits starring his brother and doing gigs around town.  We've watched the emergence of a young man who I will be prouud to say, "I knew him when..."

Having taken over the town's video store, they converted it into a most serviceable theater that seats I would guess about 125.  Tickets were a mere $15.  The performance was a sell out plus.

Like Kelly and his family who all have a part, a lot of the talent is home grown and wonderful.  Absolutely wonderful. From restaurant owners to prison personnel to high school students to college drama majors they all share a passion for theater. And they are good.

Mr. Cutler can do it all.  He's plays a wicked piano, can dance, sing,  and of course direct.  Perhaps his greatest strength is his ability to draw the best from his actors, no small talent in of itself.

The progress of bringing live theater to small town Montana has been documented by Kelly and the basis for what he'd like to see become a reality show.  Isn't it time there's something on the tube for those of us who have a passion for something other than the self-absorbed, mindless drivel that's out there?  How about something that shows real creativity, passion other than physical and the march toward success?

I've embedded Kelly's trailer for the concept though it doesn't do justice to what he's accomplished. You can also find more on You Tube.

If anyone who reads this would or could help him get it to the powers that be to move it forward please let me know.  Or contact Kelly directly. He's good.  Really good.

Otherwise, if you're in the neighborhood, take in a performance.  You won't be disappointed.

  1. Cutler Bros. Productions 
  2. Performing Arts Theater
  3. Address: 301 Main St, Deer Lodge, MT 59722

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Mr. President, Don't Even Think It!

While speaking before the African Union President Obama patted himself on the back proclaiming that he's been a pretty good president.  He went on to say if he ran for a third term he expected he could win.

Other than being totally delusional it creates cause for worry.  As he continued with his self congratulations he explained that, alas, he could not run for a third term because the law doesn't allow it. And after all, the law is the law.

Have we heard that before?  Before, when he has changed written law on a whim, when he refuses to  enforce laws on the books, when he takes matters into his own hands whether or not he's in compliance with the Constitution?  Usually always prefaced by saying he couldn't because the law doesn't allow it.

I can't help  but wonder if this isn't one of those moments where he's testing the waters to see if he could possibly bypass law, Constitution and the wishes of the people to gain a third term. I hope not but his past history sure set the red flags a flyin'!

Don't even think it Mr. President.  Don't even think it.