Friday, August 14, 2015

FOX, Quit Shilling For Trump

For those of you who watch FOX, are you tired of them shilling for Trump at the expense of the other candidates?

Okay, so he's touched on a hot button, the American voters disgust with professional politicians.  I get that and I've enjoyed watching his bellicose antics.  Isn't it time for him to be relegated to the cheer leading squad? Well, maybe not.  He isn't one to cheer for anyone other than himself.

 But back to FOX.  That Sean Hannity panders to him doesn't surprise me.  Sean is impressed by power, calls himself a disgruntled conservative and appears to have no idea of the intricacies of how the government works.  Just bull on through!

Lou Dobbs, on the other hand, is a man of some intellect and he too can't praise Trump enough. Hey, guys, he's a self-serving clown.  I can not speak for anyone other than myself, but I do not want him as President.  Just because he's successful doesn't make him Presidential material.

I'd at least like our President to have some class. So who does? Every Republican that's running would not be the embarrassment Trump is.  Of course I'm still shilling for Carly because of her business acumen.  Government today is just that.  A business.  Too many of the other candidates do not have that experience nor knowledge.

Still, any one of them would put a better, less belligerent, foot forward than Mr. Trump. One can be tough and passionate about a cause without insulting anyone who differs with you.  Maybe it's the one thing about politics I can tolerate.  Being politic.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Huff and Puff All You Want, Trump!

Trump can huff and puff and deny all he wants his implication about Megan Kelly.  I figure he protests too much and that once again, Carly Fiorina's assessment of what was said was spot on.

Crude men, and Trump is crude, often think women, during their time of the month, makes them irrational and thus can and should be dismissed.  Up yours, Donald.

Of course Trump immediately dismissed her. Like her losing the top job at Hewlett Packard was reason to dismiss her.  Any one who knows how the business world works at the executive level knows CEOs are often dismissed by petulant boards.

If you were a CEO and Trump an employee, how long would you keep him?

Fiorina also questioned whether Trump has the temperament to be President.  I think not.  That he tells it like it is in his opinion is great.  It's why people love him.  They love his candor.  He doesn't temper anything, however, and I think that will be his downfall.

Every time someone disagrees with him he tries to bluster his way out of it and if that fails he starts name calling and insults.  Somehow I don't imagine other world leaders will have any of it.

Mr. Trump is a narcissist much like Obama.  It's all about him.  We have one in the White House now.  We don't need another.

Sunday, August 09, 2015

Dream Team # 1

I'm going to do this now and then.  It will be interesting where I stand when the primary season is over.

Fiorina for President.  She has the most business acumen and understands economics and jobs.  She'll bring class back to the White House. She's not shrinking violet.  She's tempered, not volatile.  And last but not least she's a she.

Rubio for Vice President.  To give him the opportunity to shed the 1st term Senator albatross.  He identifies with everyman.  He's the best versed on current foreign policy. He represents the future.

I wonder what I'll think next month!

Saturday, August 08, 2015

Some Advice For The Media

I've got a hot flash for the political pundits who anchor debates.  They aren't about you!  They're about the candidates.  Now I know you all love the sound of your own voices.  That's apparent from watching your daily shows where you don't let guests have their say so you can pontificate. Especially when the guest has a different point of view.

But to take up a third of the allotted time so you can "frame" your questions is ridiculous.  Face it, those watching this first debate were there for one of two reasons.  One to see Donald Trump.  Two to hear what the candidates had to say, not you.  We viewers already know the issues.  You don't have to patronize us with your "depth of understanding" which is usually lacking at best anyway.

A note to the ladies, especially Ms. Kelly.  If you want to be taken seriously you might try dressing like a professional.  Many nights you look like you're on your way out to the streets after your broadcast.  C'mon.  If you want to be a model or something different, television "news" isn't the proper venue.

I know.  Professionalism isn't what it was when I was a young working woman. There are, however, those of us who will judge you on yours never-the-less.  All things being cyclical, professionalism will return.

If you need an example, it isn't the fashionably challenged Hillary Clinton nor Ms. Kelly.  Take a good look at Carly Fiorina.  She reeks class and professionalism. Take a lesson.

Friday, August 07, 2015