Wednesday, February 17, 2016

I'd Vote For Who???

A friend sent me one of those questionnaires that often circulate around the web.  It was  about which Presidential candidate matched most closely my way of thinking.  I take them for fun on occasion but half heartedly because there are always caveats to my answers.

Actually I don't know where I stand these days  but the questionnaire gave me pause. The candidate with whom I most closely mirror is Marco Rubio!

Well, at least it wasn't Trump or Sanders! I remember seeing Rubio with Trey Gowdy and Tim Scott and wondered if they are the faces of the future of Republican politics.  We could do worse.  I do like Gowdy and Scott a lot.

Having been away all day yesterday it was no comfort coming home to the news and seeing the nasties going at one another in clips, ad nauseam, off and on all evening.  One thing for sure, who ever gets the nomination won't be choosing cabinet members from the current crop of candidates.  This has gone far beyond typical election year antics. It's down and dirty and likely to get worse.

I keep telling myself to not let age be a factor in my judgement.  When you're my age anyone ten or more years younger look like kids.  I also try not to fall prey to the curse of one term senators or house members.   They aren't all dunces.  When Lindsey Graham endorsed Jeb rather than Cruz or Rubio he used the age factor by saying when he wasn't ready to take on the presidency when he was a mere forty four.  Well, truth be told, the voters didn't think he was at sixty either!

It's a far more complicated formula than age alone or time spent in national politics.  Now Rubio is a political animal for sure. He talks a good game but the question is can he deliver. The same can be said for Trump. He's pushing 70 as is Hillary and Bernie is over.  Maybe it is time to put the old war horses out to pasture and let the youngsters have a crack at it.

I think the most unfair thing I can do is look at how inexperienced Obama was when elected and judge all others by the same criteria.  What we did learn from Obama is that the Presidency is not the time nor place for on the job training. On the other hand the voting public seems to want outsider and that leaves Dr. Carson.  He's probably more intelligent than the rest of them put together but his soft spoken demeanor has been a drawback.  Oh how I wish that weren't the case. I just don't see things turning around for him.  Thank you Ted Cruz.

So much for my musing about the current choices before me.  The field will be whittled down to size soon enough.  One last shot at wishful thinking - that Trump grows up or just takes his ball and goes home.  I do understand why he's on this third wife. Who could put up with having to massage his enormous ego and insecurity 24/7?

Monday, February 15, 2016

Never Miss An Opportunity To Miss An Opportunity

It never ceases to amaze me that the Republicans continue to earn the title of this post.  Judge Scalia hadn't even gotten cold before they were informing the President no replacement would be considered until we have a new president.

It shows me several things about those nit wits.  The most serious is that no matter how hard we try to show them we're not happy even with a new House Speaker, they just don't get it.

They have no respect for the dearly departed or else they wouldn't have turned Scalia's demise into a political hot potato.  Disgusting.  This goes for the candidates too.

They are still ensnarled in partisan politics.  Sure, Obama would no doubt nominate a left leaning candidate but it is his right to do so and their obligation to do a non-partisan vetting.  Just bear in mind Scalia had very high praise for Justice Kagan.

Then too, the way they have been behaving, there is no guarantee they will win the White House.  They had best consider who they would rather have put forward a nominee - Obama, Clinton or Sanders.  Of course it would be helpful if Obama would be impartial but we know that won't happen!

I have a couple of long time readers who are diametrically opposed to me when it comes to politics, but in deference to them I will say this.  I understand why Obama has taken the executive order road.
Congress is so tied up with their own partisanship ways nothing ever gets accomplished.

Still wondering why Trump is doing so well considering his faults?  He isn't a part of the political process.  Should he be elected he'll need some political guidance to be sure but it will be a presidency such as we've never before seen.  I think the same scenario applies to Sanders and even though he is a sitting Senator he fits no mold other than his own.

What does it take to wake these people up?

Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Man Among Boys


Justice Scalia is gone.  May he rest in peace.  He sure wasn't going to get any in court!  There was a ton of air time given to him hallowing him as both man and Supreme Court Justice. What I take away from it is that he was a good, devout man and maybe more importantly a Constitutionalists, where  words matter more than personal philosophies.  We're not likely to see the likes of him again, whether or not you agree with his decisions.

Then there is the Republican presidential field.  I couldn't watch it. It was like a bunch of grade school kids having a squabble on the play ground. C'mon guys.  You're trying to convince us you can lead the country back to greatness?  Well, I've got a hot flash for you, trying to out shout and out besmirch your fellow candidates, you're in danger of losing your audience.

If I never saw Donald Trump smirk again I don't think my world will fall apart. If Cruz and Rubio don't cut it out I'll file them in my "Don't even bother" file.   

Sure I understand why they are behaving the way they are.  They want to oust their opposition.  But at what cost?  Will it get more civilized?  I doubt it. Will people really tune out?  They may continue to watch for the entertainment value if nothing else is on but to choose a candidate from the singed earth doesn't cut it.

I have some friends who are staunch Democrats who vow to vote for Hillary or whoever the nominee is.  I'm not so staunch in my beliefs.  I find myself moving more and more to the center, leaving most of these guys behind.  Maybe it is time for "None of the Above" on the ballot.  Or that ever elusive third party.

Both parties would do well to revamp their debate format.  I haven't yet seen one where the candidate defends his own policy rather than demonizing their opponents.  They are not debates in the true sense anyway so why give them a platform to have screaming matches?

Tomorrow is Presidents Day.  It makes me think of Mount Rushmore.  What giants of American politics have been immortalized in that stone. None of them perfect to be sure, but as a whole they're a heck of a lot better than the current batch of want-to-bes.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Incoming! Duck!

Where does political dysfunction begin? In the campaign.  At least this time around.

Candidates play a fantastic game of bait and switch and will do every thing in their power to succeed. It is said they have no say over what the PACs do on their behalf but I seriously doubt it's true. If it is true then they are doing the candidates they support no favor.

Yeah, I know, negative advertising works.  That doesn't make we voters look good does it?  But them, like our politicians, we believe what we want to believe no matter how far from truth the issue may be.

Even Sanders and Clinton are getting nasty.  Bernie has such a treasure trove of baggage claims on Hillary he could win the battle nasties on the Democrats side.

Then there are the Republicans.  Can any one honestly say they've heard more than generalities from any of them?  Perhaps they have their policies laid out on their web pages.  If that be so then do away with the debates.   We who vote can read.  At least enough to negotiate a ballot. More than that is any one's guess.

If there are those who have trouble with the written word and listen to the debates to become informed, they are getting cheated  by both the media and the and the cat fights which the debates have become.

As my husband said while listening to the "news" the other evening and upon finding out we were out of gin, "It's going to be a very long year."

He's right when it comes to our quest for knowledge.  Let's see.  What I remember so far is that Sanders is a socialist, Hillary is a felon,  everyone hates Cruz, Rubio is a robot, Carson has all but disappeared,  Kasich is who he is since having found the Lord, and Trump uses foul language, is  against eminent domain and is not a conservative.  Duh. Oh, yes, he has a very attractive wife and family.

And I'm supposed to choose a candidate from this?  C'mon boys and girls.  Grow up before I join the rotten tomato brigade!

Friday, February 12, 2016

What's Next?

A reader asked me recently where I've been and hoping all is well.  It brought home the point I haven't been posting on a regular basis for some time.  Partly because of obligations other than tapping away on a key board and partly because this year's political scenario has become foreign to me and likely to get worse.

In some ways I'm elated.  The voting public has been telling the "establishment" they don't much care for how we're being governed.  A lot of the candidates still don't get it either or don't know how to function outside the mold.  It has left an open field for the mavericks.

Take Bernie Sanders.  Though a sitting Senator he really had'nt been in the public eye until he decided to run for President.  Having lit a fire under a huge part of his Democrat/Independent/Socialist followers he has becom a threat to behold. It mazes me how popular his stands seem to be.  Maybe it isn't that at all but rather his energy and sincerity as to what he'd like to see.

Okay.  I can't vote for him.  Nor can I vote for Hillary.  For very different reasons. With Bernie it's his tax to the hilt policies and Hillary is self-explanatory, she's too self serving to be polite boyut it.

On the Republican side I'm equally disturbed. Trump has now said he can change his rude and crude ways.  That remains to be seen. I've written a lot about his appeal and that hasn't changed, but the rest of the field doesn't say much for the Republican party.  First I don't care for all the referrals to how much they pray and what good people they are.  Save it for church. Secondly no one is explaining exactly how they plan to put in place their policies if they have a Congress that is not friendly to them.  I don't know anyone who feels the new Republican dominated House and Senate have come close to delivering on their promises.  Even with a new Speaker, they as a whole remain weak.

I don't know how Trump plans to do what he says either but I think voters who form his base think he can and will.  He could use executive fiat as much as Obama has.  I cringe at the thought.  I do think you'll see a whole lot of new faces at Cabinet level positions who are not politicians.  People who actually have experience in the fields which they would manage.

Other than Trump and Carson I see more of the same cronyism as we have always had - on both sides.  Carson isn't going to get the nomination I'm sure.  I can't say the same about Trump so I'm constantly looking for the good side.  My candidate bowed out after New Hampshire because she couldn't catch on.  The same is true with Carson.  He has his base but it just isn't big enough.

Cruz , modern day Elmer Gantry that he is, Rubio the robot, and Kasich have lost me. I think Trump has really said more than any of them, but then he's getting the press.

Then there's Jeb.  You know, the other Bush.  Running as Jeb to downplay the Bush name is now bringing in older brother George and 90 year old Mom to push his case.  Sorry, I think it's pretty weak to ask your 90 year old mother to stump for you.  In Jeb's case I don't think all the money in the world can make him appealing.

Long story short this is pretty much what I've been weighing when absent from here.  Everything is still up in the air because the candidates, except Trump and in some cases Sanders,  are too scripted.  If I want adherence to a script I'll go to legitimate theater.  I don't like it in politics.