Monday, March 07, 2016

Star Struck

He came, he saw, he conquered!  Yep, ole Trusted came to our burg Saturday and had the citizenry wowed.  It's not uncommon around here for people to be in awe if some "personality" is spotted.  I find it odd since we do have our share of them that visit for at least a short time to enjoy the lake and surroundings.

A lot of politicians pass us by however so perhaps that's why all the hub bub.  The reason is this part of the state is redder than red when it comes to politics.  As Hub says, you could say a tree stump was Republican and it would get elected. In fact I think a few have.  It's definitely an area where the good old boys club reigns supreme.

Back to the purpose of this post.  The organizers secured a building at the fair grounds, expecting to seat around 800 people.  They had that and just as many if not more standing outside in the rain to hear the man.  Talk about political nirvana.

Cruz had just come off his best showings in the primaries leaving poor Marco playing catch up. Where was he?  In Puerto Rico which is okay because he won there.  Now the southern part of the state does better than we do because that's where the largest city is - Boise, the capital, and the largest population base. Cruz headed there  well primed from his local visit. Rubio was scheduled and I think finally made it after a trip to Puerto Rico. It gave him bragging rites for now he had won a whole two contests.

Cruz did bring them out, they came from all over the area and a respectable number from our neighboring states.  Did I go?  No.  following politics as I do I don't need to stand in the rain to hear the same old stump speech. I did watch the coverage of the even and searched the crowd for a familiar face but saw none. I'm not one of the in crowd for sure and don't mingle with the political class so it was no surprise.

What is of concern though is this being star struck.  A reporter asked one of the locals if he thought Cruz would do well here.  Yep.  He sure would.  He took the time to come and address we little people (my paraphrase).  The people sure would reward him with their votes.

Really?  Just because he showed up?  What about his policies, his negatives with a Congress with which he is not held in high regard, plus a lot more I won't take the time to list.  That's not important. He cared enough to show up.  Really?  Maybe it's why political speeches are referred to as "stump" speeches.  It's bound to be elected, especially if it's red wood!

Thursday, March 03, 2016

Mitt - Too Little Too Late

I was surprised yesterday when I heard that Mitt Romney was going to give a speech on the state of the Republican party. The fact that he is the titular head of the party having been the most recent presidential nominee, he's been pretty much out of the spotlight.

I wondered how hard he could be on Trump since Trump endorsed him in his bid.  Well, that didn't take long to answer.  It is open season on every person past, present and future.  It seems more bloody this year as the Republican establishment tries to find a way to oust Trump.  Needless to say they're botching it but good.

There he stood, still with the movie star looks and beautifully tanned. His voice was firm with conviction.  He sliced and diced Mr. Trump to a fare-thee-well and it rang with truth. I could find no argument with anything he said.  If you haven't heard it here's the transcript.

I shouldn't have been but never-the-less was surprised at how badly it was received by the pundits.  He's old news.  He's the loser, not Trump.  He's the epitome of the "establishment".  Perhaps so and I have lots of ill feelings toward said establishment myself.  One thing that can't be denied, however, put side by side with Trump, who would you rather have facing the world?  Without question I would choose Romney.

Trump took on Romney's remarks during a rally in Portland, Maine.  I watched briefly then went on with my morning chores.  I couldn't listen to any more self aggrandizement in rebuttal.

Romney had an interesting ploy though.  He suggested that people vote for who ever is ranked highest in the polls where it is someone other than Trump.  For instance Kasich in Ohio, Rubio in Florida, Cruz has already won Texas.  Should any of them actually win that would give all the delegates to them thus depriving Trump of the numbers needed.

Point being, after the first vote at the convention delegates are released to vote for whom ever they want.  Thus a brokered convention.  Actually the Democrats may have one themselves if Hillary's troubles catch up with her.  Who would they choose?  Perhaps Biden.  I'm not sure.  But who for the Republicans?  Romney perhaps?  He's said he wouldn't run but could he be chosen after the fact?

Curious times these. I have no idea how this is going to play out but I hope all who are planning to vote realize this isn't a single circle circus.  It has all three rings.  Our domestic woes and foreign policy are the two other than the nominee.  Who ever wants it most had better distinguish himself from the field, as small as its getting to be,  and start talking concrete policy and quit the name calling.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Boys Behaving Badly

I have never been so disgusted in all my life.  The campaigns, both of them, are a pretty sorry example of what this country is supposed to be about.  It's down right embarrassing.

Trump is one thing.  He seems to relish having his foot in his mouth.  But now, in desperation according to some sources, both Rubio the boy wonder and Cruz the crusader  have stooped to his level of invective.  What happened to their campaigns?  How long has it been since they actually laid out policy instead of throwing dirt at Trump and each other hoping something will stick and save their ambitions?

To me they're not making their point.  They're whining.  And Cruz had best be careful insinuating Trump has ties to the mob.  When you think about it you have to wonder if any of them are actually running because they want to help the country or is it merely to fulfill their ambitions?  There is a huge difference.  Look at Hillary!

Last go round I really hoped Romney would win but as difficult as its been, I'm glad he didn't.  I never thought he would stoop to Cruz's or Rubio's level with insinuation without grounds. There might be a bomb shell in Trump's tax returns.

Cruz again, I could care less if Trump is actually as rich as he says he is.  Trump, I could care less how much Rubio sweats.  Rubio strikes me as a kid swinging madly at a much larger opponent who is holding him off with a hand on his head yet unable to strike a damaging blow.

The media doesn't get a pass either.  You'd think the debate moderators could aim some questions at Carson and Kasich and elicit something useful for those listening rather than feeding the verbal brawl.

I can't even begin to go after the Democrats even though there is only two of them.  I do not like nor trust Hillary and think there is yet another shoe to fall, maybe two.  Benghazi and the e-mails.  I know my Democratic friends will tell me nothing has been proven but evidence is mounting.  Does it matter?  To me it does.  It goes to character and  unwarrented privilege.

Sanders?  If you want the government involved in every aspect of your life he's your man.  I don't.

I'll be glad when Super Tuesday is over and done with.  The direction of the races will be pretty predictable at that point.

For the moment I'm in a quandary.  With the exception of Carson and Kasich, there is not one who rates my vote.  It's too bad the circus has come to town.  With the world situation such as it is I don't understand why none of the headliners have anything concrete to offer.  Does it matter?  Well, we can see now what seven plus years of disengagement has done. So will the adults in the room, assuming there are any, please stand up?

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Have We Backed Ourselves Into A Corner?

Is this the best our country can do?  I've been trying to figure out why the better candidates haven't caught on and have already forfeited the game to one of these two?

First I look at Trump.  He says he can be presidential if necessary.  I'd like to see a bit of that decorum before hand.  He isn't a " true conservative" by any stretch of the imagination and to my way of thinking thats a plus.  It comes with being a moderate or a centrist or whatever you want to call it.

There are issues near and dear to the Democrats with which I agree; the same goes with the Republicans.  A leader, a true leader, should bring those sides together even if it means each loses a bit.  It's called negotiating and Trump should be a master of it.  What's a mystery however is whether or not he can actually govern.  There is too much at stake for another amateur in the job.

Hillary is another story.  Let's leave all the pending and past scandles aside.  Other than holding the office of Secretary of State what are her accomplishments? Being strident is not an accomplishment.
I ask, too, whether she has the ability to govern.  I see no indication she'd be willing to compromise on anything. Just besmirch those who don't agree with her.

One more thing about her worries me.  If the reports are true her health needs to be thouroughly vetted, to borrow a political term. The headaches, the falls, the cough and the glasses.   She looks her age and she looks tired and this is only the campaign.  Does she have the stamina to actually hold the office?

Neither of these candidates bring youth and vitality to the fore though Trump wins on that score by the power of his personality.

Those who did bring that youth and vitality have already moved on.  Rubio and Cruz are the same age but Cruz is an unknown element thanks to some serious goof ups already.  Rubio looks young and stiff as a board.  He is so scripted I wonder who will be writing it for him if he's elected.  Some would tell you it would be the Business Roundtable, the Chamber of Commercee and all the other monied suspects.

I probably pay more attention to foreign policy than a lot of people because as goes the world so go we.  For some reason the cream hasn't risen to the top, it's been filtered out and what we have left is sour.  Just look at them.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Talk About Inequality

South Carolina for the Republicans and Nevada for the Democrats has come and gone.  I'm guessing Hillary is taking the stance that a win is a win and Bernie probably feels that collecting delegates will get him something at the convention if not the nomination.

The Republican field has been winnowed but still has a way to go.  Other candidates either not having the funds or the following to go further bow out as it becomes necessary.  How long Carson and Kasich will remain for awhile though I think the window of opportunity for them has been closed.

Jeb Bush threw in the towel last night after not having gained ground in a state where he should have done well.  I almost felt sorry for him - but not quite.  I never thought he wanted to enter the race in the first place and those who poured millions into his campaign chest must be in mourning.

Let's take a look at that campaign chest.  According to an article in the New Yorker his acolytes had raised one hundred million dollars!  That's a lot of money for a losing cause!

I get on this kick every election cycle.  Think of how many student loans that could pay off, or repair infrastructure, or hire teachers, policemen and fire fighters.  Think of many of we seniors could get a Social Security raise.  Then take Bush's purse and add to it the war chests of all the other candidates.

Wow. How many of we folks have dropped out of the work force because there are no jobs.  The economy has yet to rebound unless you believe the skewed figures the government puts out every month. If Hillary and Bernie want to give us everything from universal health care to free education then let the candidates put all their surplus funds into government hands to be distributed equally among we poor folk who watch every cent we spend on life's necessities.

As for where I stand at the moment on those left in the race, I haven't a clue.  I'm not comfortable enough with any of them to lend support. I'm waiting to hear how they propose to institute their grand plans if they have a Congress that opposes them.  Don't tell me executive orders. But I wouldn't doubt some of them would use the device should they feel the need.  Obama has set the precedent.

The next shoe to drop (or not) will be what the FBI decides to do about Hillary and e-mails.  This campaign has become my addiction of choice.  I can't stay away from it.  It's soap opera at it's best.  Too bad it isn't fiction.