Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Jet Lag

Okay. You've all been reading about the horrors of air travel this summer. Well. We're off and running. You might as well make a paper plane and fly yourself!

The kids were supposed to arrive today. My niece called yesterday to confirm everything. I found myself preoccupied with the fact that Flat Jessie basically eats chicken or pepperoni pizza. Lapsing into my Mother's spirit for the moment, I asked, "No vegetables?" No more than nine peas. Food allergies. Okay. I laughed at the look on my husband's face as he muttered something about how he'd have gone hungry if he tried to pull that when he was her age. But I love an adventure.

The beds are made up, the bathrooms are clean. Bacchus had a bath. We're ready.

The weather across the country is decent for flying. They had an early morning flight out of Philadelphia. Should be no problem. At seven fifteen the phone rings. Their flight has been canceled. They won't get out until nearly three which necessitates over-nighting in Denver.

They'll be here tomorrow. Early. I hope. I am so disappointed! Generation gap aside, I can't wait to see them.


Update: 11:50 a.m. The phone rings. It's my niece again. Sitting on the plane on the tarmac, still in Philadelphia. Some sort of trouble with the nose of the plane. Another half hour delay. The kids are being great. This too shall pass. Tomorrow has got to be a better day!


Update: 2:14 p.m. Another call. It is now 5:15 p.m. in Philadelphia. They are on the runway with planes in front of them and behind. They have been sitting there since 2:15 p.m. Thunderstorms are moving through the area and all additional flights have been canceled. The pilot knows nothing more. They are flying United. Mind you they got up at 5 this morning so they could be at the airport by 6. They were scheduled to be here an hour ago.

I'm waiting for the next call...


Update: 3:05 p.m. 6:05 p.m. in Philadelphia. Still sitting on the runway in Philadelphia. In coach.


Final Update: Our travel agent checked for us and told us it was wheels up at 6:18 p.m. Philadelphia time. They should be in Denver around 7:30 Denver time.

We'll see what transpires tomorrow. Whew!

Final Final Update: 9:10 p.m. Denver time. No rooms at the airport hotels. Cots and blankets, luggage and two very unhappy youngsters; not to mention Mom. Happy traveling this summer, folks.


Word Tosser said...

No way... I guess my flying days will be over for across country... and who knows, mayb even for local...
there is no way I could be couped up like cattle in a truck, on a plane for 3 or more hours. I have heard up to 11 hours. I think there should be a law, no more than one hour... if the plane can't do it in that time.. then back to the tarmac...

Anonymous said...

Not even remotely funny! Hope they arrive today. This is the reason I never fly in the summer and never fly coach. Interestingly, yesterday there was an article on this problem. Several suggestions made included taking food and water on board. Calling the local press and reporting that you are being held against your will on the runway. Planes can return to the gate, but it costs money so they do not. It pays to know your rights. Food and water can be purchased after clearing security.

I hope that after finally arriving, the remainder of their holiday is fantastic.