Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Whatcha Gonna Do When The Bad Boys Come...

...and who ya gonna believe?? I understand Cops is returning to Spokane for another round of filming. I'd think the police department might want to rethink it. They haven't been looking too good lately.

The city is just settling down after a mentally deficient man, threatening suicide on a local bridge, was negotiated into surrendering. A slight hitch occurred when they cops decided to taser him but hit him with only one probe. No doubt scared out of his wits, the victim retreated and jumped to his death.

Rather poor judgement on the part of the police but they had their caveats ready.

This next item is so bland it didn't even make the paper, though KREM 2 was all over it. Spokane Bride Arrested On Her Wedding Night. It would seem members of a wedding party were a bit too raucous for the confines of the Spokane Club. Police were summoned after requests for restraint apparently weren't met.

In the hustle to vacate the premises, the bride found her wedding gown, which she had bundled in her arms, was trailing on the ground. Her mother stepped on it and the bride "pushed" her off.

Oops! Bad move. She was arrested, against her mother's protests, for "domestic violence"! Mom would not press charges so the officer, a female by the way, did. Wow.

Police called it assault. Because it was her mother it was domestic violence and the police were required by law to make an arrest.

If it had been me would she have been arrested? I'm not a relative. If the police can taser a potential suicide victim at their discretion you'd think they could use some for a group of wedding celebrants who were apparently feeling the effects of the celebration.

She spent her wedding night in jail and was released only after her mother contacted their lawyer who spoke to a judge. "Inmates" normally arent released on Sundays.

The chief, Ann Kirkpatrick, came to Spokane from Federal Way. You know, over near Seattle. Where not so very long ago you'd get ticketed for stepping off the curb while waiting for the light to change yet down the ally behind you a drug deal was visibly going down.

Ahhh, the Spokane police. Whatcha you gonna do when they come for you?


Betty said...

When they come for me? I think I'll probably resist arrest. But, I would like to have one of those taser thingys.

Anonymous said...

A woman in Fort Worth is suing the Police Dept. because she called them on her bipolar son in Dec. who was threatening suicide with a steak knife. They tried to taser him and the taser didn't work. He came at them and they shot him twice in the chest killing him.

Be careful what you wish for Betty........