Monday, December 10, 2007

Short Respite!

Well. I found an ad for a Mac expert that would come to your home and scope out problems. Two hours and nearly ...well, never mind the cost...later we determined I might as well get a new computer.

I don't think so. So, for as long as the old boy lasts I'll keep plunking away. Actually it works fine except it won't go to sleep. It just shuts off - or hasn't when you think it has - and that's when the problems begin.

We have a few other things to try but for the time being it will be business as usual - sort of. With Christmas rapidly approaching, I still won't have the time to devote to blogging. That is good!

But I will be in and out and will at least get to read my mail.


Anonymous said...

Well, we all know that I'm a techno-wuss. I still refer to my notes to cut and paste. So, at the risk of being a "blonde joke", if not going to sleep causes the problem...why not just unplug it???

Mari Meehan said...

Cause that doesn't fix it!

Anonymous said...

Well, if you are going to be technical, that makes sense. But it would stop blowing out the electricity. I'll stay with quantum physics that I understand....