Tuesday, October 14, 2008

How Observant Are You?

While roaming the streets of Zurich, probably ten or so years ago, I came across this drinking fountain. I had to have the picture. I didn't realize what a gem it was until I had it developed. Click on it to enlarge it and take a good look. You'll see it.

It made me laugh then; it makes me laugh now. On that note, and in lieu of another iffy effort at videoing Bacchus, I'll leave you with this. Be back in a week or so. Hope you all will be too!

1 comment:

TropiGal said...

I am not sure what I am supposed to see. I see the little sprout of water coming up on the fountain. I see The Body Shop behind, a bit of an irony there, as the fountain needs half of its body. Indeed, the head in the poster is almost disconnected from the bottom. But I have feeling that I haven't gotten it. Do tell when you get back. Happy trip.