Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Intertwining of Adoption And Abortion

When the pro life forces ramp it up two things always seem to stand out.  One, there seems to be a disproportionate number of male protesters and two, nothing is ever said about who and how children will be raised when the birth mother is unable to assume the duties.

I am somewhere between pro life and pro choice in my thinking.  I don't believe that any woman who finds herself pregnant due to personal ignorance or carelessness should be able to have an abortion to rid herself of  her error in judgement.

That being said, what is to become of the child should she be forced to have it with no means to support it?  Is putting them both on the welfare roles really a good answer?  It solves nothing other than providing a minimal pittance for survival.  Not much of a life for either.

The alternative is putting the child up for adoption. For those wanting to adopt, there are somewhere around 130,000 children available.  If a different ethnicity is wanted, it's there.  If a special needs child is wanted, it's there. So I have to ask, why do so many choose to go overseas to adopt?

And why has Michele Bachmann, R-MI, penned a resolution encouraging Putin to lift his ban on the American ban of Russian children?  They all deserve a home she says and Russians won't adopt the ones with special needs.

Frankly, though well meaning, I think Ms. Bachmann is on the wrong track.  First of all, I don't think it's an area where a Congress person should be involved, but if she wants to involve herself in benefiting children in need of homes, why not our own?

If our laws are so convoluted that adopting a child in this country is an effort would be parents don't want to make I wonder what type of parent they would be.  Raising a child is an effort, a great effort and one is ideally committed to it for a life time.

Too, if they make it so difficult, wouldn't Ms. Bachmann's efforts be better used in correcting those shortcomings rather than beating her head against a brick wall like Putin?

After all, with the restrictions being put on abortions more babies are going to be born, more will need homes and it would be nice if they went to American homes. Real homes.  Not foster homes.

I don't have first hand knowledge of the process from the prospective parents point of view, but I have a legitimate one from the adoptees point of view.  I am one.  I was adopted by wonderful people who gave me the best they had to give.  I cannot help but rejoice they chose an American child to be one with them.

I feel so strongly about this.  As in most everything, should we not be looking after our own first and foremost?  It's often argued we can't police the entire world.  Well, we can't solve all their social issues either.  Not when we have so many of our own.  And our unwanted children is a big one.


Betty said...

I don't understand why so many Americans wan to adopt children from other countries when there are children here at home who need good families. I suspect some of the parents just don't meet the qualifications of the adoption agencies here.

marlu said...

I am "one" too. Eighty-two years ago it was so simple to adopt. Birth mother agrees; judge agrees; lawyer and judge agrees. Done.

I was so fortunate. My mom was a nurse and I had a slight birth defect - it was a perfect match.
And the problem never was an issue.

I believe in adoption but agree that middle aged men should not be the ones who decide what happens to women.