Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Board Meeting #2

Some boards are like pieces of wood but not mine!  We had a full crew today and got so much accomplished.  Just like it's supposed to be.

We discussed projects, delegated responsibility and set deadlines. I know one thing for certain, this group wants to make this organization work.  So do I.  Mind you, all of us are volunteers.

We have two major projects in the works.  One will be putting together a potential curriculum on film making for a local tech school.  The other a possible film to teach kids about the arts. It's exciting for me to be working with such energized and creative people.

After the meeting one of the members nabbed me for a chat.  Mind you I'm just getting to know these folks.  We must have spent a half hour or more while this screen writer told me about his former career in law enforcement and how it ties in with his pre-production efforts for a big budget film based on these experiences.  To be filmed in this area. Cool.

The talent we have in this little town of ours is astounding.  To be continued...

1 comment:

Word Tosser said...

wish there was a 'like" button.. lol. glad it is going well