Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The Whites and the Neighbors

Yesterday you met the Whites.  This is Sarah and George.

Today we'll move on the the neighbors. Aimee and Darius Brown are Deon's mom and dad.  Darius owns the local paper.  Aimee in in charge of the local library,

Darius bought the paper several years before when the previous owner was found to be in collusion with some very unsavory characters that had infiltrated the village.

Mrs. Brown took over the small library because no one else seemed to want the full time responsibility.

They were delighted to find their new next door neighbors had a son the same age as their own.  The two boys became best friends from the moment they met.

Not long after the Browns moved in on one side of the Whites, the Huangs, Lian, Liu and their daughter Lin, moved in on the other. 

Originally from Hong Kong, Liu was in the states to lecture at the university in Metroberg on Chinese art history.  Lian was an accomplished artist in her own right.

While exploring the countryside around Metroberg they discovered the Village of Serenity and immediately fell in love with it.  It was everything Hong Kong was not, so they decided to apply for and were granted residency.  They opened an art gallery and created within it studio space so Lian could continue her work.

Like Bud and Deon,  Lin and Sis also became best of friends. Lin was more quiet than Sis but the two of them made a formidable pair.

The four kids together were always up for adventure and if they couldn't find it, it would find them!

There are more characters to come so stay with me...

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