Monday, June 28, 2021

We're Havin' A Heatwave!

It was over 100 in our backyard by 10 this morning.  I was watering our plants, hoping to keep them alive for the next week to ten days as temperatures are expected to soar into the 100s consistently. Whew!

Fortunately, even though not air conditioned, our office stays quite comfortable with a fan. What's lacking is a whole lot of motivation on my part. 

I think, though,  over the next several posts I'll meander on and tell you how I went from one book to three in very short order. 

I probably would have done a lot of things differently, hindsight being 20/20, if I had had more experience.  So how do you get experience?  I think pretty much the same way I do. Try it out.  If it doesn't work, try something else. 

All things considered, it's working out.  To take advantage of an overused term these days, I think I'm flattening the (learning) curve. Stick with me!

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