Monday, July 12, 2021

That Lucky Old Sun Has Nothin' To Do Except Make the Rest of Us Miserable!

Whew and whew again! We're going on three weeks now where out temperatures have soared into the 100s every single day.

I don't know what we did to make the ole sun unhappy, but he's doing a pretty good job of making us miserable for it.  I live in the Inland Northwest where averages this time of year are in the very temperate 80s.  Not so this year.

All my good intentions of reviving this blog are on hiatus until things settle down.  My office is in our shop which is not air conditioned so I depend on what cool a fan can generate. I can tell you, it's not enough to stimulate creativity nor good humor nor staying power.

I try to spend a bit of time tending to business regardless of the heat but it's usually very short lived.  On top of that, this is summer in the west which means the entire region is on fire.  The wind is hot, the air acrid with smoke from the wildfires and my eyes itch like crazy. Not a good combination.  The only saving grace is I don't have to wear a mask!  That would be the last straw. 

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