Sunday, March 20, 2022

Winning Regardless of Cost

What do Lia Thompson and Vladimir Putin have in common? No sense of fair play whatsoever. If Thompson would turn out to be the best swimmer in the history of the world there would be no respect coming from me. I can't even address Thompson as she, because to me she is a he. Period. And not an honorable one at that.

In doing a minimal amount of research for this post I've found that there are supposedly 7 genders. Minimum. Wrong.  There are two. DNA will prove this and DNA cannot be altered. The others are wishful thinking. Sort of like trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. It still started out as a sow's ear.

Understand, this post is coming from an elderly woman who grew up in the day when men were men and women were women.  Yes, there were those who thought themselves something other than what they were. It was an issue they would have to deal with, to be sure, but not foist it upon the rest of the world to the point we're expected to bow to it. Accept it, perhaps. Bow to it. No.

Lia Thompson
I am not unsympathetic to the plight of the LGBTQ+++ community. As the cliche goes, I have members of my family who are gay, and yes, trans. The situations have been handled very differently and I daresay the state of mind of each is very different from the other.  

I do know they had no one trying to give rise to the issue from kindergarten to 3rd grade or for several years beyond for that matter. Each lived what would be considered a loving, normal, and happy childhood. 

Back, for a moment, to Thompson. Some of what I read tells me that over time some characteristics might fade. Muscle mass, body hair, etc. I daresay Thompson is not yet to that point and that is why allowing competition with genetically authentic women is just plain wrong. And selfish.

There is a simple solution to the problem of trans athletes.  Let them have competition among themselves. Think of the boon to collegiate sports.  A whole new category of competition from which to raise revenue.  If anyone would watch.

Of course, that would level out the playing field they so want to tilt in their direction. It also would stir up a whole new set of issues, like could trans men compete against trans women? But wait! Isn't the fairness of competition what this whole issue is about in the first place?

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