Showing posts with label Greg Gutfeld. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greg Gutfeld. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Benjamin Hall vs. Greg Gutfeld

 Benjamin Hall lays in a hospital in Ukraine where he was wounded and his cameraman and producer were killed while covering the war.

Gutfeld sits safely in New York City putting together his late-night comedy show - or what he thinks passes for comedy.

Hall had become a fixture on FOX News reporting on the war in Ukraine from Ukraine. How could Gutfeld state that the media is manipulating the news in order to generate a profit?

His point is they are using clips over and over again, making things look worse than they are in order to evoke an emotional response. If you begin watching coverage when you first arise and watch until you retire some 14+/- hours later, yes, you are going to see redundancy in the footage. Getting what they do show is harrowing, and as Ben Hall will tell you, not without danger to life and limb.

Does that repetition diminish the horror that's taking place? Not to me. We're seeing, often in real-time, offices, apartments, hospitals, and schools being leveled. Dead citizens in the streets which are full of bullet-ridden, burned-out cars. Streams of people are flooding pathways, highways, and railroad stations in an effort to get out. Many are women with toddlers in tow.

Hall and his colleagues, from all the news outlets, are there as the warning sirens wail in the background, to keep us informed as to just what is happening. 

Perhaps Mr. Gutfeld would like to take Mr. Hall's place and report on the media excesses in real-time. Let him get a crew together and visit the action. Hopefully, he wouldn't suffer the same fate.  I'd not wish anyone to be injured. I would like to see him rethink his glib observations and ground his sophomoric humor long enough to apologize to Benjamin Hall.

You might get the idea I'm not a fan of Greg Gutfeld. You would be correct. I don't have much time for anyone who designates themselves an arbiter of truth when they've been nowhere near the source of their suppositions.