Showing posts with label Impeachment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Impeachment. Show all posts

Friday, May 12, 2017

Has The Impeachment Countdown Begun?

It is so ironic that the man who promised to make America great again is the one standing in the way of having it happen.

I've said, as have many others, that Obama was narcissistic to a fault. He is.  It's always about him - even now that he's no longer in office.  And that's enough about Mr. Obama.

I never thought we could get two narcissists is a row though I think Hillary is also one.  Never-the-less we have a beaut in Trump.  The problem isn't so much his being a pompous indecisive bully, it's that   he does so many things that are just plain stupid and he doesn't even see it.

It's said he is quite smart and a shrewd businessman.  I knew of him but not all that much when I lived on the east coast.  All I really remember is that he took over the reconstruction of the Central Park ice rink and brought it in under budget and that his name was plastered on a lot of things.  As far as business acumen is concerned though, I wonder if it was his underlings who got things done and he merely took credit because he was the boss - and the bully.

In Washington the Democrats are having none of it to a fault.  They too are being stupid in their vindictive obstruction.   The Republicans are split to be sure.  Paul Ryan has his own agenda. As Speaker he is to lead but not dictate.  The Freedom caucus is wearing blinders when they talk about what they were elected to do.  No one votes on a single issue.  At least not enough people to get any of them elected.  The Senate is for the most part useless.

With all these weaknesses in two of the governing bodies you'd think Trump could muster a series of successes but what does he do?  He sabotages himself because he doesn't think things through.  He reacts. Impulsively. Period.

I have no doubt this lack of self-discipline will lead to his downfall. He has no sense of timing.  No finesse.  Certainly no charm nor wit to counteract his behavior.

The Democrats and probably more than a few Republicans are just waiting for that one indiscretion that will bring his house of cards tumbling down like a wrecking ball hitting Trump tower.

He'll have no one to blame other than himself but you know he'll blame everyone except himself.  The sorrow of it will be those good people who held their noses, took deep breaths and chose to serve under him will bear the brunt of the collapse.

I truly believe they did so for country.  Too bad Trump is serving only for Trump.  If that isn't true than does it not prove he is not fit to serve as our President?

Just wondering...