Showing posts with label International. Show all posts
Showing posts with label International. Show all posts

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Republican Strategy?

It took me a long time to decide that Barack Obama would be the candidate I would support should he win the nomination for President. It's not that I agree with all of his policies. I don't. I have been a small government Republican for most of my adult life.

But you know what? The man has a vision and a healthy dose of realism. He knows achieving the goals he has set forth will take time and be difficult. He can lead the Congressional horse to water. Making them drink will take leadership of a different sort; one we haven't experienced in this country for far too long.

I skim headlines from several different sources on a daily basis to see what is happening outside the realm of election politics. Governing by fear still seems to be in vogue. Three from today read Bush orders clampdown on flights to U.S., 'Earth shattering' events worry Chertoff, Pentagon charges September 11 suspects.

We want the death penalty for men who we've admitted torturing. That should make al Qaeda back off!

I expect to see more and more of these types of headlines as we near, and actually get into, the general election campaign. More fear mongering to boost the militaristic candidacy of John McCain. And if McCain should win, it gives credence to the legacy Bush would like to have. Justification that his policies were correct.

It works. There is a nagging knot of fear constantly eating away at me. I try to ignore it, minimalize it, but it is there. It's more than a fear of terrorism. That is the least likely of them. It's how it permeates my life. The constant, uncomfortable edginess from not knowing what this adminstration is likely to do next. How many more personal liberties are we going to lose? When will writing a blog stating these thoughts come back to haunt me? Something so silly as seeing a hit from Washington D.C. with a .gov behind it sending a chill through me. It's there, and it's exhausting. I'm sick and tired of it.

That's why I harbour within what Obama is offering. Hope. Hope that he means what he says, hope that my judgement is sound, that he has the ability I believe he has, hope that he can deliver us from evil - without more war.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Terror Of A Different Sort

Imagine this scenario. A large agricultural based conglomerate hiring non-citizens to do the work U.S. citizens won't. Right. All those "illegal" pickers that swarm across the Mexican border and fan out across the country like mosquitos over a stagnant pond.

Wrong. Try the citizens of the Marshall Islands swarming to a small town in northwestern Arkansas to work for Tyson Foods. Why? Because it's a better life than they had.

It's not that they as a people aren't welcome. It's what they've brought with them. Leprosy. Yep. The town of Springdale, a bit over 60,000 strong, has an outbreak of leprosy, not to mention 100 cases of tuberculosis.

How do these people get in? Politics mostly. In a nutshell, if approved for entry they may live, study and work in the U.S. for an unlimited amount of time.

Their "traveling companions" get a free ride and as I see it, the way panic and misunderstanding begins. The imagery of leprosy conjurs up thoughts of leper colonies. I shuddered at the thought. Then did a little research.

It seems the disease is more disfiguring than fatal. This is an extreme, untreated case. Though it can be spread, it is not done so easily and it it can be treated effectively with antibiotics.  The progression can be stopped, the damage can not be undone.

It is a disease slow to develop and symptoms may not appear for up to seven years after infection, according to the Merck Manuel. So here you are. The Marshall Islands have the highest incidence of leprosy anywhere in the world. The Islanders are flocking to Springdale looking for the American dream.

All concerned are living a nightmare.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Lest We Forget There IS A War Going On And On And On...

Well, the Republicans are rallying around the one candidate who has made a career out of thumbing his nose at them. I find myself wondering if the American public wants another "maverick" in the White House. Or have the last seven years been quite enough, thank you.

McCain is an old war horse who got lucky on an immense political gamble. The surge. It's working, he insists. Is it? Politically it seems the Iraqis could care less. Militarily, McCain's area of "expertise", remains iffy. Consider the headlines in this morning's Spokesman Review. U.S. troop casualties on the rise in Iraq and Reserves, Guard called unready for threats in U.S.. Here we go again.

I was under the impression that the consensus of public opinion is that the war was ill conceived in the first place, and we want out. We're told it's a war we must win!

We've heard so may different explanations of what winning means from our current President my head spins. I'd like to hear McCain's definition. If it indeed includes the Iraqi government stepping up to the plate, which they have yet to do, how does he intend to make that happen? If his idea of victory is from a strictly military standpoint, we'll be there long beyond my remaining years.

Beyond the war, what is his vision for the country? Not meaning to diminish his service to his country and loyalty to his men under horrific circumstances in Vietnam, I don't necessarily consider those attributes reason enough to elect him to the Presidency.

When the flak jacket comes off and the armed escorts are no longer surrounding him, I'll believe progress is being made. McCain makes me nervous. I don't trust mavericks.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Players Not Ready For Prime Time

Two candidates have blamed misstatements on the fatigue of campaigning.

The first was Huckabee bemoaning the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. Part of his statement included this, "...have an immediate, very clear monitoring of our border, and particularly to make sure, if there's any unusual activity of Pakistanis coming into the country. We just need to be very very thorough in looking at every aspect of our own security internally."

The second from Bill Richardson in an interview with John Roberts discussing water boarding, "... standing against terrorists like Musharraf."

There are two issues in play here. One, if careless statements are brought about by being tired from campaigning, what is likely to come from these minds bent from the stress of the Presidency?

Two, like it or not, Pakistan is an ally in our fight against terrorism. For all the rhetoric, especially from Richardson, about the need for negotiation and diplomacy, calling Musharraf a terrorist doesn't help.

We'd do well to remember Ms. Bhutto, as well as her husband, had their own ethical problems while both in and out of power. Her rhetoric wasn't to be trusted any more than Musharref's. It just fit better with our goals!  Neither faction will win awards for political sainthood!

Look at the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. If we have any hope of crossing it in our pursuit of the Taliban, al Qada and bin Laden, we don't need a new leader with a mouth preceding the brain.

What we need is a President who will move away from the "our way or no way" mentality and realize that just because we think our way is right, those we're dealing with may not agree. And at times, they may even be correct.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Motivate Or Bloviate?

Just when you think things are cut and dried something happens on the world stage to upset the apple cart! Today it's the assassination of Benizar Bhutto. The far reaching consequences will be reflected in our own Presidential politics.

Two things I'll be watching very carefully over the next several news cycles. How the candidates try to spin it to their advantage and how much the media allows them to do so.

The argument up until now has hovered around experience versus judgement; new direction versus the same old thing. If experience is of the utmost importance, do any of the front runners qualify? Actually the second tier fares better. One would have to look seriously at Bill Richardson. He has actual "hands on" experience. How novel.

As far s identifying problem areas one would have to look at Joe Biden. He has been articulating the problems in Pakistan from day one but no one seems to be paying attention. Perhaps they will now!

Judgement? Obama has been given the edge in this area. To me the jury is still out. I'll be interested in what he has to say today; what his thoughts are and how well he presents them. Is there leadership there?

Experience? Hillary? It's time to get serious as to what the definition of experience is. Not the Clintonian version of residing in the White House. Rudy? The public relations campaign after 9/11 that has elevated him into being the only one who can be tough on terror? I don't think so.

The last person I want to see heading our government is a President who achieved office by exaggerating his or her credentials. I don't want a person behind whose back the real strong arm leaders will roll their eyes, smirk a bit then follow protocol, sigh "Ho Hum", pat him or her on the head then go about their business doing whatever they darn well please.

This is my worst nightmare.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Wolf - Crying Or Clothing?

Our President, who has cried wolf so often during his administration, for once has it right. I only hope it isn't too late. He misled us about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. He has misled us so many times about our mission my head still spins. But I doubt he is misleading us when he speaks of how dangerous Iran is to not only Mideastern peace but to world peace.

All of a sudden an intelligence report comes out debunking previously held theories about Iran's nuclear weapons aspirations. Every politician running for office is jumping on the "I told you so" band wagon as are many of our so called allies. I wouldn't be so quick to rush to judgement.

It is important to remember Iran's Ahmadinejad is a few fruits short of a cake. Plus he doesn't really run the country. He is merely the front man for the Imams. None are know for truthful disclosure.

What most of us find objectionable about our President is the way he handles those he considers adversaries. He won't talk with them. Diplomacy seems to be a word left out of his mind set. However, to think Iran doesn't have nuclear ambitions is shortsighted and naive.

He was not wrong when he stated Iraq had those same ambitions. What he didn't want to admit was they did not have the capability at the time and diplomatic oversight and sanctions were keeping those ambitions in check. If what sanctions and oversight is in place in Iran goes away they will have a much easier time moving ahead.

The sudden move by what seems like the whole world to return to business as usual on the basis of one questionable report is fool hardy. That our Presidential candidates seem to be joining this frenzy is about as frightening as it can get. I don't see that any of them have a clue as to how to effectively deal with the Mideast. That too is frightening because we're going to get one of them!

So much for crying wolf. As for the wolf in sheep's clothing one need look at the affable Mr. Huckabee. Here's a man who would be President espousing more theocratic views than secular ones. Buyer beware. These Mideastern countries are theocracies. Government and religion as a single entity.

Remember the separation of church and state? Careful now.

Monday, December 03, 2007

It's Time To Get A Grip!

Okay. Naming this little guy anything should not warrant 40 lashes nor death. I don't care what your culture or so called religion.

Isn't it time we take stock of these Islamic nations that seize upon any opportunity to scare the living daylights out of civilized nations? Isn't it time we get smarter in our dealings with them? They war with one another, they have a disturbing hatred of all things female unless its for pleasure or child bearing. For what? To carry on their view of how the world should be. Yet we enmesh ourselves with them. If we impose "democracy" upon them all will be well. It won't. When will we learn?

British school teacher Gillian Gibbons escaped Sudan with her life. Barely. Because she allowed her class to name a Teddy bear "Mohammed". Teddy Roosevelt must be rolling over in his grave.

For her sake, I'm glad cooler heads prevailed rather than the ones of the mad men swaggering around in front of the TV cameras, clamoring for her life.

On the other hand, she has to bear part of the blame. Any westerner, infidel, that goes into an Islamic country and even thinks the name "Mohammed", what's more utters it is putting themselves at risk. As a Brit she should be far more aware of this than, say an American. They've dealt with it in their own country far longer and more closely than we have.

It's time the people who go into those regions to do good works, go in informed. This goes for the agencies who send them, also. If they don't already know, they need training. Ignorance carries no weight.

We worry about our borders. It's getting more and more difficult for our own citizens to cross them going in or out. Various plans are being put forth to virtually close them down.

Maybe we have the wrong target. When I read stories like this one about a school teacher, or about a woman gang raped who is sentenced to 200 lashes while the men get no more than jail time I wonder if it would be less expensive and more effective to fence off their borders so they can't get out!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

With Friends Like These...

I have never quite understood our current President's insistence that spreading democracy throughout the middle east will be the best thing since white bread.

They don't want it. They are not ready for it. And we have chosen the strangest bed fellows as "allies" in order to make it happen.

In the photo you see President Bush holding hands with Saudi King Abdullah. This is a sign of "I'm important and recognize that you are too". At least that's a loose translation of a middle eastern custom. Odd symbolism to us. Cultural difference.

That I can accept. What I cannot is insisting on friendship with a culture, Islam, that treats it's women like dirt. The media, today, is full of the story of a nineteen year old gang rape victim. The court case has been dragging on for a year. The seven rapists were sentenced from ten months to five years in prison. The rape victim was sentenced to 90 lashes!

She had met with a man who was not a relative. Was raped 14 times by 7 men. And she gets 90 lashes.

Her attorney appealed the decision. The rapists sentances were lengthened - and so was hers! It was upped to 6 months in prison and 200 lashes.


Yes. It is Islamic law. I don't begin to understand it nor do I care to. What I would like to understand is why we stand behind these governments if the reason isn't really all about oil. Why don't we just admit it? We won't drill in our own pristine areas so we need them. Is it really worth the cost in dollars and of our men in women in the military who are being killed and maimed?

My thoughts go back to women as leaders. The lack of success of our current Secretary of State. Other than a lot of trips on a big plane, I haven't seen much come from her time in office. And Candidate Clinton. I am still very skeptical that she will be able to command the respect necessary to be an effective leader for our country.

Yes, she has met many of these leaders during her years as first lady. But we best not forget it was just that, as first lady. The wife of President William Jefferson Clinton. Big difference between wife and President.

It's a world gone mad. Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I find myself being thankful that a friend in the Army was hurt in a training accident that requires surgery thus delaying his redeployment to Iraq. Imagine being thankful for someone being injured! It's horrible! But that's the way it is.

And to think there is a movement in Australia to have department store Santas greet little ones with "Ha Ha Ha!" instead of "Ho ho ho" so as not to offend anyone's sensibilities.

Think about it.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

One Lucky Fellow

During my years of international travel with my husband, we were constantly reminded of the reason the term "Ugly American" came into the world's vocabulary. We were rude, crude and generally obnoxious. Then the sentiment moved on to arrogant Germans and pushy Japanese.

It would seem it has come full circle. Actor Richard Gere, another actor who I guess expects a pass for bad behavior, nearly got himself jail time and also put a popular young Bollywood actress at risk. "The Kiss", at a public AIDS awareness event in India, has been all over the news. His attitude, when asked about the episode on the Daily Show, was no big deal. No one ever goes to jail for these things.

You see, public displays of affection are frowned upon in Hindu society. Especially by the hard-liners. Especially ones as demonstrative as this. Gere, a well known follower of Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama, travels to India often and knows this. But then, he is Richard Gere.

He is also one lucky man. While some of the more moderate lawyers involved in the legal issues feel the arrest warrant for Gere and Miss Shetty had no legal merit and made the country look ridiculous, others within the country have not fared so well.

Today's news, according to Reuters, reports a 70 year old Indian physician and his 61 year old wife were burnt to death after being accused of practicing black magic. They were tied to a pyre, doused with kerosene and ignited. They died screaming for help. They in fact were farm laborers who also practiced traditional medicine.

The article went on to say dozens of women are murdered each year after being accused of practicing witchcraft. Last year a barber slit his 4 year old son's throat with a razor blade after he started seeing visions of a Hindu goddess demanding a sacrifice.

It is difficult enough traveling to corners of the world in which customs vary so differently from ours. When going to new countries my wise one would spend considerable time studying proper business and social protocol. He delighted in telling me it might save a bullet in the head with the charge coming to me. In hindsite it isn't so amusing.

Yet once again we have our celebrity element stepping forth above it all. No wonder foreigners want to come to the states to become stars. Look at the Geres, the Rosie O'Donnells, the Hiltons and the Baldwins! The very worst they get is community service - a few hours. If they're really in dutch it's off to rehab. Out of sight out of mind until things settle down.

Too bad the doctor and his wife and the four year old and all those women weren't American entertainers. Perhaps they'd be alive had they been.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Denial Denied

How fitting that "Bush's Poodle", Tony Blair, is leading a country where the schools are slinking away from reality like a dog with it's tail between its legs!

The Times of London, among other British papers, reports that schools are dropping controversial subjects from history lessons. Included are the Holocaust and the Crusades. Why? Because the teachers do not want to offend the Muslim community.

It is said that terror is not a war but a tactic. Be witness to it. The very people who commit the atrocities shown in the photograph on the left are dictating the denial of the atrocities shown in the upper photo. They have pronounced themselves "victims" and thereby no one can criticize them.

It has finally come to pass. The inmates are running the asylum. I can only shake my head in disbelief and disgust. No wonder the radical Muslims run us and our allies in circles. If we don't shed this political correctness at all costs attitude, the current move to apologize to everyone who suffered an affront in the past will morph into a society with no history at all. How do those who promote and implement these ludicrous positions get the power they have and why are they allowed to keep it?

It's pretty elementary. There is history. There have been atrocities. War is an atrocity. No amount of "Oh, you're picking on us" is going to change that. In the long run, history will not be denied. The Jewish people have not let it die. The families of the 3282 and counting war dead plus those of the thousands of wounded will not let it die.

The next time we need an ally on the world stage let's be sure it's not for an unnecessary war for fraudulent reasons. And let's look for a Bull Mastiff rather than a Poodle!