Showing posts with label Terror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terror. Show all posts

Friday, September 25, 2009

Where's the TSA?

I got to thinking after watching the chaos at the G20 just why those rabble rousers aren't on some kind of watch list while so many everyday citizens are. While we get man handled at airports they fly around with impunity. It's because they go through the same inconveniences we do knowing full well the odds are with them.

While skimming the Drudge report today, four headlines caught my attention:
Terror suspects accused of targeting Marine base...
FBI arrests Jordanian for Dallas bomb plot...
Illinois man charged in plot to bomb Federal offices...
Men vanish after taking pictures in Philly subway station...
There have been an increasing number of headlines like these that should give us pause. It's comforting to see the FBI is on the job. I wonder, however, if some of these people haven't flown around the country from time to time whether it be on "business" or not. And if so why have they not been caught?

Is it because they blend in with the travelling public so well that they are no more suspect than any of the rest of us? They are so practiced at what they do there is never a downward glance in the face of authority or a nervous twitch? If so what is the use of putting all of us through the humiliating scrutiny of the TSA?

Of course, in the Philadelphia case, the men in question had an easy time of it because the fancy "state of the art" security camera system has yet to be activated and they don't have a clue as to when it will be up and working.

We have a new Secretary of Homeland Security. It would be nice if she would review some of these practices to determine if they are worth the expenditure. Is the TSA catching anyone? If so they need to talk with their media relations people because the word isn't getting out.

Yes, we have the right to protest, we have the right of free speech but that does not include the right to destroy and intimidate. That should apply to both sides. Does the government have the right to destroy our rights and intimidate us into allowing it?

I'm beginning to wonder if they think they do. The FBI is doing it's job for a change. How about everyone else? Hmmm, I'm wondering if not buying health insurance and being fined for it would be considered intimidation?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

NATO Is A Toothless Tiger!

The more I pay attention to what's happening in the world the less I understand. Take the matter of Somalian piracy. Ever since the U.S. Navy Seals took out three pirates to rescue an American cargo ship captain, piracy has escalated.

What is it about the fact that piracy is a crime under international law and that every nation in the world has the legal authority to take action, that isn't being understood? It does not matter that the pirates are, in many cases, teenagers, nor that they're doing it for the ransom money, not an act of war. Does that mean we shouldn't arrest any criminal unless their actions are deemed an act of war? Well, shut down our jails and prisons. Every criminal out there has been given a pass.

On the other hand I don't believe for one minute that Somali teenagers are savvy enough, nor wealthy enough, even with their share of the ransoms, to engineer these raids along with the acquisition of arms and boats. Rocket launchers aren't exactly front and center in your local gun store. Even in Somalia I wouldn't think. In other words, there are some heavy weight adults involved in this.

I listen to the explanations of why cracking down is so difficult. They're covering a whole lot of ocean. Well, yeah. So why not follow the advice of those who suggest snugging up the shipping lanes, form convoys and provide armed escorts for those ships? Any ship choosing not to join a convey does so at it's own risk. Pirates who approach a convoy do so at their own risk. What's so difficult about that?

It's a solution Dogwalk would have come up with! Too simplistic no doubt.

Cost? Negligible compared to what it's costing in ransom, grounded ships and crews and lost revenue. There are enough private security agencies like Blackwater to provide the personnel.

The recent episode that was carried out by Canadian forces and NATO ended up in letting the pirates go. Why? The ships were part of NATO's anti-piracy mission.

The Canadians said the pirates cannot be prosecuted under Canadian law because they did not attack Canadian citizens nor were they in Canadian waters. The explanation went on to say when the detention of a person is involved it quits being a NATO issue and becomes a national one.

Is this thinking skewed or what? We're talking about International law here. NATO is an international organization. If it's members become hostage to national law in an an international issue, what's the point of NATO even existing?

Would it make sense for NATO to sit down with it's member nations and sort this out? The numbers, as I write this, include at least 18 ships and 310 crew being held. Who knows what's happening today. I haven't had been parked in front of the television.

I don't know. Why do we have to make everything so difficult? Haven't we yet learned that hand wringing accomplishes nothing?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Good Old Days; Well Maybe Not...

I still remember how often my Mom would extol the "good old days" in our conversations. I even find myself falling into the delusional trap as I age in this chaotic world of ours. Two articles in this morning's paper reminded me of how skewed memories can become.

I grimaced at bit at a photo of Obama with his hand on Venezuela's Hugo Chavez's shoulder at the Summit of the Americas. It made me think about how dangerous appeasement can be. This type of "touchy feely" diplomacy requires a delicate touch lest it be considered such. Right above the photo was headline Freed radical cleric seeks Islamic law for Pakistan.

Pakistani President Asif Aki Zardari, along with Parliament, released this man from prison. It's important to remember Pakistan is fast becoming a failed state under the leadership of a man who achieved the Presidency on the back of his assassinated wife, Benazir Bhutto. She was corrupt. He was known as Mr. 10%. The implications are obvious.

Just recently he allowed the reinstatement of Islamic law in the Swat Valley. Now, in one more concession, this man who is supposedly an ally, has released this cleric who had barely cleared the prison walls before beginning his drive to spread Islamic law nationwide. This is a chilling event for our efforts to curb the Taliban and eliminate safe havens for al Qada. How the Pakistanis can forget what Islamic law is all about is beyond me. I can think of nothing more oppressive. Especially for women.

It isn't just Pakistan either. The law recently passed in Afghanistan giving men renewed power over their wives has created a chaotic response. The most disturbing part of protests, however, is when some women actually sided with the men in pelting the opposition with stones. What sort of memories does this law evoke in those women? Was their life that good? Or have they effectively shut it out because it was anything but? I haven't a clue as to how they think. That's a large part of the problem.

The cheery morning paper brought it even closer to home and I have a hunch the good people of northern Idaho will not even consider appeasement. Another headline read Racist group leaves fliers on lawns. It would seem the Aryan Nations have once again raised their ugly heads. A local neighborhood has been targeted for recruitment.

Many of us who live in the area know the movement did not disappear with the death of one time leader Richard Butler. This was as recent as 2004! Heck, he even ran for mayor of Hayden shortly before he died and one of his henchmen ran for city council but couldn't vote. He was in jail. For assault on a Hispanic in a grocery store parking lot.

The organization split, part going to Pennsylvania and part to Alabama. Some remained. I know how the people here feel about them. They will never think of their heyday as the good old days. It will always be a source of embarrassment to the community.

What does one circumstance in Pakistan have to do with another in northern Idaho? Both are doing it under the guise of religion. How so? The fliers were signed "Aryan Nations Church of Jesus Christ Christian".


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Is Everyone Who Isn't A Card Carrying Democrat A Potential Right Wing Extremist?

There is an unclassified document from the Department of Homeland Security making the rounds that has certain segments of our society up in arms. I can't say that I blame them. The way it reads, from the title on, makes it seem like anyone who holds a view that is out of step with the current administration is suspect. That would include me. It is entitled Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.

Well, yes. This would not be rocket science. As evidenced by the spate of violence around the country. Be it the killing of a small child, stuffing her in a suitcase and dropping her in an irrigation pond or a mad man slaughtering police officers, when people are desparate enough, they can snap.

Many veterans groups are especially up in arms, not because
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano stands behind the report
but because of the negative light it shines on returning soldiers. It says, in part:
"Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to right-wing extremists. DHS/I&A is concerned that right-wing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize veterans in order to boost their violent capacities."
It goes on to suggest:
"The return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.
What bothers me about this is the fact that it shouldn't even be an issue. We ask so much of our military, under the most trying of conditions. If they come home alive, many are without limbs or full minds, many have mental problems that may not manifest for years. However, given the proper care and opportunities to return to a "normal" life would certainly help negate some of these suggestions before they become fact. The administration has made lots of promises in this area, but it's time for action, not just rhetoric. I'm also uncomfortable with the assumption that enough of our military return in such an unstable state that such occurrences are likely to happen in the numbers insinuated.

It gets worse. It suggests anyone from those opposed to abortion to animal rights activists may be ripe for recruitment. They've suggested to law enforcement agencies to watch for "suspicious" individuals who may have bumper stickers for third party candidates such as Ron Paul and Bob Barr. That would make a lot of folks here in northern Idaho suspect! There are still a good number of Ron Paul signs to be seen around the area.

The American Legion said that this report unfairly Stereotypes veterans.

John Boehner, House Minority Leader said, "To characterize men and women returning home after defending our country as a potential terrorist is offensive and unacceptable."

He's correct. Take it even further - to lump environmentalists, animal rights advocates, those who prefer local government control over federal, or dare to display the "wrong" bumper sticker - or maybe even having attended a "tea party" as potential extremists sends a harsh message.

Our government doesn't trust us. If the feeling is mutual we're all in trouble. Beware the rip tides.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Looking For Terror In All The Wrong Places

I searched for the most grisly picture I could find to illustrate this post. Not because I like blood and gore and severed heads, but because I fear for what's happening on our southern border. Really fear it.

If you listen to the news at all you're aware of the war between the Mexican drug cartels. You've read about the execution style killings and the slaughter of members of the police and army who haven't been corrupted and are trying to quell the violence. If you really listen you realize that these atrocities are happening in the border towns. Our border!

This is a long way from the horrors in Iraq and Afghanistan, it's here and like it or not, it has crossed the border into our country. The cartels are having great success recruiting American teens to be their assassins. Does this sound familiar? Bored or disenfranchised kids looking for a little excitement? Do they not make up the terror squads in the Middle East? Yet this is here. In our country! Our kids!

The money is good and easy. Sometimes $50,000 and two kilos of cocaine for a successful hit. A $500 a week retainer and a $70,000 Mercedes to get around in. Our border. Our kids!

What's most frightening of all are the drug pipelines that wend their way throughout the United States. There is a big one that comes right up through Idaho. Unless we get a handle on it now, it's only a matter of time before our law enforcement officials will be found with their hands bound sans heads.

Terror is a tactic. You bet it is. It has been determined you can't wage a war on a tactic. It's time to stop worrying about descriptive semantics and get a grip on what's happening. This need not be one of uniformed troops against terrorists in civilian clothing. The Mexicans have found, as we have in Iraq and Afghanistan, it just makes the good guys easier targets for the bad guys. No matter what you choose to call it, it's here, it's now and if isn't contained on the border we'll have far bigger problems than finding Osama bin Laden!