Saturday, April 16, 2011

Where In The World Am I?

We're off on what would usually be our fall trip.  It's still too cold and wet for spring yard work and with gas spirling upward we decided to go now while we can still afford it.

Instead of leaving a stale post front and center, I'll continue on with something I did awhile ago that was kind of fun.  Photos from past travels.  Where were we??  Some may be obvious.  Others not so.  

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Patting Down A 6 Year Old Is Beyond Reprehensible

We really need to get over our paranoia about terrorists and flying. According to the TSA the procedure used on a six year old in New Orleans is exactly according to procedure. Fine. Change the procedures. For all of us.

They supposedly are working on it. According to John Pistole, Administrator of the TSA, they're trying to work out procedures for the less risky - like children and the elderly. Yet they have to be careful because if they slack off the terrorists may take advantage of the situation.

Right. They're going to take a white, probably Anglo-Saxon, six year old, or any child, and plant an explosive device on him/her to fool the authorities. The same with Grannie in her wheel chair ~ or me. I definitely, by definition, am elderly.  Reading this stuff makes me feel just plain old!

I struggle with just how they are going to do this unless they kidnap and drug me. Even at that I might might be suspicious if I suddenly turned up at the airport with strange things strapped to my body. I'm not senile yet!

It interests me that this child did not want to under go the search. They even tested her for traces of explosives! It was pointed out in the report that parents spend years teaching their children what is inappropriate touching yet here it's done by law! Watch minute 1:04 on the tape.

I'd also like to know how many "terrorists", young, old and in between have been apprehended by these procedures. especially, though the very young like this girl and the infirm elderly and the handicapped who might be hiding explosives in braces or prosthetics!

I also wonder if that child had been of dark complexion and wearing traditional middle eastern clothing, being a girl, if she too would have been so searched.

I rather doubt it. It would have been called racist or profiling.

I'm tired of the lament "Well, if it's keepin' us safe." It's not.

It is, however, a fine example of the old axiom, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Oh, yes. Why are pilots exempt?

Saturday, April 09, 2011


Now that our Congress has quit playing politics, keeping the country on the edge of its seat in a game of one upsmanship, and have passed a budget to finish out this year, we rest assured our troops will be paid.

Yes. Meanwhile, in the War in Afghanistan, in this morning's Wall Street Journal, tells what a day is like for a Marine regiment there. It reminds us how much we're not wanted. A Taliban flag flying over a house, known to be a symbol of "up yours". Hateful stares from the elders as our troops tip toe their way through mine fields. In a good day no one gets killed or maimed. On a bad day a man like Sgt. Matthew Abate gets killed. He was revered for leaving cover to apply aid and carry badly wounded men to safety, only to be killed himself a few weeks later.

The men lament that everyone knows of Lindsey Lohan's latest shenanigans and follow with baited breath the escapades of Charlie Sheen, but no one knows Sgt. Abate's name.

The president of the country continually defies what the U.S. expects of him, dismissing pro American cabinet officials, inducing the people to riot over the burning of the Koran. Yet we take it. The marines cannot shoot what they call a "dicker", one who crawls forward to better see what the troops are doing. Even if he's using a hand held radio and such actions usually lead to an attack.

Many of my readers often cry in unison we need to just get out.

Peggy Noonan suggested we return to the idea of Beaconism". I think she has it right. That it be our role to be the beacon of freedom to the rest of the world. Yet not the 'bringer'. She pointed out how the billions of dollars we've poured into Afghanistan alone, forget Iraq, Egypt and the rest of them, could have been better spent in this country improving the lives of our people.

Paul Ryan has put forth some brave new ideas for getting our financial woes in hand.  Perhaps along with that someone can come forth with some brave new ideas about getting our foreign policy woes in hand.

Others don't like us.  We know that.  Our ways aren't always the best for them anyway.  Our ways do seem to suit us though, just fine.  If we take care of ourselves, put America first and ridding ourselves of our petty bickering, we will keep that beacon burning bright.  If others care not to notice it, or don't like it, well, that's their problem.

Friday, April 08, 2011

On The Record ~ Demos And Repubs Don't Play Nicely Together

There is little more to be said about the looming government shutdown except to question when will it reopen and how many more billions of debt will this action incur.  It will cost us money.  Shutting down.  Restarting.

All over a social issue that has no business being in this particular budget negotiation in the first place.  Shame on the Republicans.  I lay this one on them.  I read this morning that they are holding out because they fear more Tea Party challenges in the next election.  Hello?  What about we Independents?  You'd best not forget about us.  We're thoroughly disgusted with the whole lot of you, but then it doesn't seem to matter.

What can be said about the maturity of our legislators when Harry Reid accuses the Republicans of wanting to deny women cancer screenings.  Defunding Planned Parenthood is a far cry from that.  And other than Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham, who really thinks the counseling services provided by Planned Parenthood is bad?  Besides, abortion, if that's really the issue, is the law of the land, and it's also law that Federal funds cannot be used for abortions.  So the argument to me is murky at best.

Then there are the two Democratic activists trying to organize a Facebook event to have people dump their trash on Speaker Boehner's property. They have even threatened to go ahead with it even if the shutdown is avoided.

Why do I bother blogging? Why does any sane person even follow politics?  Perhaps they don't and that's why they're sane.  I used to think it was over paid, over indulged actors and athletes who represented the worst of our society. That list must also include politicians. It's hard to believe we actually elect these people. It's even worse we have to live under the laws they pass while they exempt themselves. We have problems in this country far worse than an unbalanced budget. It's an unhinged Congress!