Monday, November 14, 2016

We DO Have Choices

I've been politiced out for some time as you may have noted from my lack of posts.  I took a total break a week before the election, voted my absentee ballot and headed for the New Mexican mountains to search for petroglyphs. All good things, however, come to an end.

I was not keen on Trump nor Hillary but of course one would win.  A rich buffoon or a grifter. We got the rich buffoon. I must admit he has been behaving himself since his win but I'm not holding my breath to see if it lasts.  He's already back on Twitter.

What's of more concern to me now is the senseless violence and protests going on because he won.  This puts a terrible face on the Democrats - they who have as much dissent in their party at this point as the Republicans have had since Obama first took office.

Why are we not hearing it soundly condemned by Democratic leadership?  Instead they are leading by example by doubling down on their vow to destroy the Trump presidency before he even gets started.  Why else would Pelosi et al be in conference with George Soros, the funding source for much of the chaos?

It seems to me the country is in even worse shape than I realized.  This behavior - protests that are really riots, states threatening to secede, sanctuary cities defying the law already digging in - this isn't the America I knew even a few short years ago.  This is a country on the brink of disaster.

I wasn't happy when Obama won his second term but neither I nor anyone who felt the same openly defied his re-election.  In some respects that re-election was even worse than Trump being an unknown entity.  We knew what Obama was, what he would do or more what he would not do.  Still no one took to the streets.

Frankly I'm sick and tired of universities providing "safe" areas for offended students and forbidding the use of certain words because they are offensive even to the point of forbidding certain Halloween costumes for the same reasons.  Enough!  I'm sick of students rioting in the streets.  Funded by who?  Their Parents?  Or the likes of Soros.  It doesn't matter.  I'm willing to wager they don't even understand why they're doing what they are.  I'm betting many of them don't even know who Trump is other than a name they were told to protest.

Since Trump will be our President I'm wishing him the best.  It isn't going to be easy guiding a country in the state ours is in.  We as Americans owe him support over those who would promote anarchy.  It's time to put away the pacifier and diapers and grow up.

To do anything else, frankly, would be "deplorable".

Monday, October 31, 2016

Which Is More Scary?

This election cycle is beyond belief.  We have probably the two worst candidates we have ever chosen seemingly intent to self-destruct yet expect us to happily support them in the voting booth.

So really, which is more scary?




Wow.  What a question.  When the mask is removed you find nothing has been hidden!  A week from tomorrow one of these people is going to be our President-elect.  The mind trembles. 

I've long thought Hillary Clinton does not deserve to be President of this country.  Her behavior, her attitudes, her demeanor when off camera show her to be as rude and crude as, indeed, Mr. Trump.  She does surpass him in endangering the nation and getting away with breaking laws for which  many have been jailed for less egregious heights.

Then there is Mr. Trump.  If you listen to him you realize everything he says that makes sense is someone else's words.  His grasp of reality is about like mine. Strong on generalities but weak on details.  At least he hasn't yet been so cavalier with top secret data so as to endanger us.  I worry though given enough time...  Who knows.  

As the last week before election day I'll be anxiously awaiting each Wiki Leaks drop and hints from the FBI as to what they've found in the 165,000 e-mails on Anthony Wiener's computer.

This is all surreal.  Who could possible have written 165, 000 e-mails?

Whatever shakes out, we're in for a rockin' and rollin' four years.  Neither candidate will have a strong Congress behind them.  The two parties will be broken, maybe beyond repair.  I doubt either will be as we of a certain age remember them as we grew up. 

We've interesting times ahead.  We've huge problems to address.  I can't help but wonder if either candidate is up to the task even if it were the best of times for them. 

I do know we can't take another four years like the previous eight where the President has done little more than blithely pass the time. War will intervene.  Terrorism will intervene.  Medical expenses will continue to skyrocket for fewer and fewer services and so on.  It doesn't make for an optimistic outlook.

I wonder if a sugar high from all of tonight's candy will make it easier to bear. Nah.  Not a ghost of a chance.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Trump or Hillary - Grim

"It's no longer what sort of man is Trump but what sort of people are we?"  I read words to that effect on a blog recently. It's a question worth asking but I'd include Hillary in the equation.

To feel the same you probably need to be following the Wikileaks and the tawdry exhortations with equal zeal.

Both candidates are equally repulsive to me though for different reasons. It isn't the tape of Trump's vulgarities alone that make me cringe; it's his constant belittling of any and all who oppose him.  He promises to hit back harder and does. Nasty, mean spirited and vulgar. Can we afford a President who cannot take criticism without insulting he or she who uttered it?

 Can we afford a President who listens to no one because he won the nomination by battering the other candidates on his way to the top and now thinks he knows it all? And I mean battered with comments especially hurtful about McCain and Fiorina and, to lesser degrees, Bush, Carson and eventually all the rest.

Then there's Hillary.  The Wikileaks release of e-mails that circulated among her campaign staff are chilling in their  contempt for the people of this country regardless of their status. To her its all about power and money.  How much money do she and Bill need?  They'll never live long enough to spend it all unless they buy themselves a country.  Maybe that's exactly what they want to do.  The problem is it's OUR country for which they lust.

Never-the-less, one of my greatest fears will come to be.  One of them will be elected.  At the moment I'd be putting my money on Hillary but that can change in a nano second.

I fear too if Hillary has both House and Senate behind her; it will make achieving her goals easy.  Even though divided it's possible the Republicans can thwart at least a few of her grand ideas. If Trump should win I see him running roughshod over everybody.

That brings about another fear.  The rampant use of executive orders by either side.  Obama has set a bad precedent.  Don't expect Hillary or Trump to not take advantage of the door opened for them.

Every evening I sigh "I don't know..." so often Hub is calling me on it.  But I don't know. We'll have one of them.  What kind of people does that make us indeed!

Sunday, October 09, 2016

Republicans ~ Pure As The Driven Snow

Oh, such breast beating and nashing of teeth!  My goodness, you'd think Trump actually did shoot someone in the middle of the street.

Never have I seen such shock and indignation over a ten year old tape of lewdness. Yes, he is a Presidential candidate but I'm reflecting on the members of Congress who have done far more than talk dirty.

But not this bunch.  I'm sure they never utter a curse word, call a woman a bitch or wish they could be with her in a far from gentlemanly manner. Or that they would ever say same to a male friend.

The withdrawals of support for Trump by well known Republicans strikes me as being almost as childish as Trump's words.  They've just been waiting for an excuse and they jumped on this so fast it makes my head spin. Oh, those wonderful innocents who have had their sensibilities so offended. Ask John McCain about his first wife and how that marriage broke up.  Then tell me they're all as pure as the driven snow. You're right.  I'm disgusted with the lot of them.

Trump is no angel and he disgusts me too but is he any worse than Anthony Weiner texting pictures of his privates to women? Or those who voted to impeach Bill Clinton while having affairs of their own?  Like former Congressman Gary Condit, who who had an affair with his 23 year old intern who then disappeared, only to be found dead a year later or David Vitter  whose name was found in the address book of the D.C. Madam or Mel Reynolds who engaged in an affair with a 16 year old campaign volunteer? This isn't even the tip of the iceberg. Check it out.  These people have done far more than utter vulgarities about women.  They've walked the walk by engaging sexually with others than their spouses.  Wonderful lot they are.

At this time in world history it would be a shame if the presidency is won by the person who out smears the other.  With merely a month to go I have no hope of tactics changing what's more the character of either candidate but we can at least pay more attention to their policies than their indiscretions. We've certainly turned a blind eye to enough others.

Saturday, October 08, 2016

Has Old Rude And Crude Finally Done It?

Rude and crude hardly explains Donald Trump.  The latest reveal of this fact should come as no surprise considering what we've seen leading up to this point.  The only difference is this particular revelation is a bit more crude than the ones he's made in public.

We have only ourselves to blame.  We knew from the outset of his candidacy he would be an embarrassment. Yet we voted for him.  At least those who voted which was far less than those who could have.

 Those who hoped, as he moved ever closer to the nomination, that he would change soon found he not only was not going to but even so stated. That the Clinton campaign should find a video so damning should be no surprise.

Is his crudeness worse than the scandals of Hillary Clinton? Time will tell. Should our prurient interest in him overshadow the likely damage Clinton's actions have done to our security or the fact that she is congenital liar?

Talk about being between a rock and a hard place.  Neither of these two candidates deserves to be president of our country.  Whether or not we voted in the primaries doesn't negate the fact we deserve better.

My gut should tell me Trump is finished but I'm not so sure.  Up to this point he has skated by no matter what he's said.  It could also be true this time.  Sure, women may be mad and insulted but will men?  Forget what they say in public.  Do they in their private thoughts think what's the big deal?

We know he has to be the top dog even it means being the most outrageous with his "locker room banter". We know he loves himself above all else.  We know those who have begun to seriously disavow him will bear the wrath of his anger.

I wish he would do as some have suggested.  Drop out and let Mike Pence be the nominee.  Time is pretty short for that to work even with his good showing in the VP debate.  But never mind.  Trump won't bow out.

If he loses every last one of us will be the reason why rather than the truth; that he defeated himself with his behavior and shunning of good counsel.

If he wins it will be because his supporters didn't think his locker room banter was nearly as important as the media would like us to believe.

Which will it be?  I have absolutely no idea.