Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Picking the Pictures

 I thought I had done enough illustrations - better than thirty, but by the time we  placed them it was decided we needed about eight more. I spent the next several days working on them.

The one to the left is one of my early favorites. My two heroes studying a snail drinking beer.  What is that all about?  Read the book! Slobbers and Slime.  All the books, by the way, are available on Amazon and most bookstores that have an online presence.  I'll be repeating this often, just in case...

I had studied a lot of illustrated children's books and have to this day never seen one illustrated in my style. I thought so many of them were very static and while  cute, they didn't show action. By design I kept mine loose and sketchy. After all the book is for kids and I wanted them to be able to feel a sense of action and intrigue. 

My project manager told be I should investigate putting myself out there as an illustrator but I didn't, and still don't, know enough about the publishing requirements nor all the technical aspects of the drawing program. I decided to stick with my own projects which were challenging enough. She had a point though, when she told me illustrators command around $150 per picture.  My immediate thought was, wow, I could never have afforded to have a professional illustrate my book to the extent I did.

Once the illustrations were completed everything was made available to the layout people.  This is another area where there are a lot of guidelines online for those wanting to tackle it themselves, but again, I knew nothing about it so opted to have the professionals handle it. Layout and cover design.  We're getting close to actually having a book!

Sunday, June 06, 2021

The Publishing Choice Is Made - Move Forward

 I'd written the story.  I'd become one with Slobbers.  We named the book "Slobbers and Slime". Kids would love it I was told. Good.  Great title. Now we had to get it published.  I agonized for a couple of days about which way to go and finally decided on the small group in Missoula. I felt I could talk to them.  I really wanted to learn about this process.

As I mentioned before, there are a lot of ways to go, piecemeal or the whole package.  I opted for the whole package with one exception.  A friend, who was an editor, volunteered to edit the story.  She was my first real supporter, the one who encouraged me to write the story and gave me direction through out the process. I had great confidence in her. I knew she liked it and I needed the morale boost that gave me.

I was totally paranoid about the story.  Several friends had read it along with a few people I did not know personally.  I was told by all it was good.  Some read it to their kids.  The kids liked it.  That was a huge plus since it's a kids book. Yet I still wasn't sure. I don't know if other writers are like this but I was terrified of letting it out of my hands. Maybe it was because I was so new to what I was trying to do.

Never the less I moved forward.  I loved the suggestions that were made.  They all made sense and  I readily incorporated them into the story. I discovered my weaknesses and was learning a lot. 

While all this was going on, I was told approximately how many illustrations would be needed so I faced another challenge. How to do it.  I had been using an online program and was just learning the ins and outs of it. There was and still is so much to learn but I dug in and got started. 

Finally the time came to choose the illustrations. My project manager  and I got together with our computers over a wonderful lunch overlooking a golf course in Missoula.  You don't get that from the big guys.

Next post - putting it all together.

Saturday, June 05, 2021

So How Do You Self-Publish

Slobbers, the Saint Bernard and the hero of my story, and I had by this time become joined at the hip.  This was our project together.  It made me think of kids who have invisible friends.  I now had an invisible dog.  I still do, though he seems very real to me. So off we went together to sort this all out.

 Boy, there are a LOT of companies who offer self-publishing services.  You can get a package deal where they literally do everything except actually write your book, or you can pick and choose the services you want.

That was all fine and dandy so I read about a bunch of them. Looking up ratings for all of them was a big help.  Disgruntled clients are more likely to comment than those pleased with a service, or so it seemed.  There were more objective comparisons too.  Looking at things like the quality they were known for, responsiveness to their clients questions, distribution and so on.  On that basis I was able to eliminate a lot of them.

I was still uneasy.  I like to know the people I'm doing business with; I like to be able to look them in the eye.

During all this my husband jumped on the band wagon and did some of his own research and in so doing found a small outfit in Missoula, MT which is just a hop, skip and jump from where I live.  The web site said, as did they all, the initial conference was free.  That made sense.  They want to lure you in. So I called them and asked if I could meet with them in person. Absolutely, I was told.

So off to Missoula I went and met for about an hour with the gal who would be my project manager. I liked her.  She seemed to like the premise of my book and the couple of illustrations I had in the manuscript.  I tried to weigh personality and enthusiasm as being real versus wanting a client. We parted company with my telling her I'd be in touch.

Once back in my office I reviewed all the research I had done on the  various companies. The choice boiled down to the 800 pound gorilla in the business or the small group in Missoula.

Next post - the decision and why.

Friday, June 04, 2021

Now It's Written - What Next?

 I had a manuscript.  I had thrown in a few illustrations just to break it up a bit.  The illustration at the left was the first one I drew. I had already fallen in love with that puppy!

People I had asked to read the manuscript - those who would be honest, but kind, loved the illustrations and said I should do them myself. More on this as we go along.

I had two options to move forward.  One was to begin researching and submitting to appropriate publishing houses, or self-publish.

Of course ego suggested going for a publishing house until a friend told me that I'd probably have to wait a couple of years before they'd get around to reading it and there was no guarantee it would be accepted. At my age I didn't feel that was viable choice.

One of my readers was with a small local house begun by a group of writers who had problems getting their own books published.  They were interested, but then they weren't, then they were again.  As with many small businesses they were having their own share of financial problems so I decided that too was not a viable choice.

The next step was finding out the pros and cons of self-publishing and how did one go about it. One thing I did know was that I was going to need all the help I could get.

Next - who helps and what exactly do they do?

Tuesday, June 01, 2021

A Slight Detour from the Narrative - Without Apologies

Have you ever had an 'Oh, no!  Not (name)..." moment?  I had one of those Friday evening when the daughter of a dear and long time friend contacted me to let me know her mother had died. I was shocked, for to the best of my knowledge she had no imminent illness.   Yes, she had been plagued with rheumatoid arthritis for years but other than that, no more than the aches and pains that come with aging.

Her son alluded that the isolation brought on by Covid bothered her, for she lived alone. There's a lesson here, for she was found after neighbors had noticed she hadn't picked up her mail for several days. Was Covid partially to blame?  The isolation and depression that isolation can cause?  I expect so.

My heart ached. To die so alone.  I hope when the medical examiner sorts it out it is determined she didn't suffer.

We had been friends for nearly 60 years.  We laughed together, cried together, had incredible adventures when we were young and invincible. We were there for one another when we lost our parents - and she, her husband.  It was one of those relationships where you may go for months without talking and when you do it seems like yesterday.

My first reaction to reading her daughter's message was, "Oh no!  Not....!"

Why am I writing all this?  Because I find it curious how it has related to my dogs. I can't think of a single time I wasn't on a first name basis with our vets. My dogs were so spoiled and so sweet everyone loved them. But one particular time sticks out in memory - with Louie,  one of our Bastille Day adoptees.

The head of the vet practice came to our home.  It was not a policy of theirs but he came anyway. One of the associate vets, learning of it after the fact reportedly cried, "Oh no!  Not Louie!" And broke down in tears.

That's pretty much how I've been over this long week end.  It has been a Memorial Day of a different sort. 
Weeping for and remembering what was and will never be again.

I'll get back to business in my next post.  Thanks for listening...