Monday, January 31, 2011

Is It Time To Reassess Our Foreign Aid Policies?

Senator Rand Paul thinks he has a solution for cutting federal spending. End all foreign aid, including that which goes to Israel. For such a bold idea he is being soundly criticized by both houses of Congress, the press and the Jewish community.

Let's Look at it though. First Israel. It is the most wealthy country in the region and is more than capable of standing on it's own. Sure they like the extra moola to buck up their military. But maybe it should be predicated on getting into some serious negotiations with the Palestinians.

We pour money into Pakistan and they thwart every effort we make to root out al Qaeda and the Taliban who are known to be camping out on the Pakistani side of the border.

Karzai, in Afghanistan, is squirreling away as much of our money as possible. Pallet loads of U.S. dollars are known to have been flown out of the the country.

Haiti is right up there with the others. What  happened to all the aid money that has flowed there since the earthquake? If it isn't in Switzerland I've a few other places to suggest looking.

What we spend on foreign aid isn't going to make a dent in our debt. I think that's the wrong way to be looking at it. If we really are for the spread of democracy and decent lives for millions of people living under oppressive rulers, let's look at the U.S. aid we seem to use to bribe them to conform to our demands. And don't. Including Egypt. At the very least make them earn it!

While considering that aspect, also consider setting up some accounting procedures to verify where the money is being spent. Our tax dollars shouldn't be like a kid's allowance, given to spend as they like.

If they're not willing to do that, if they demand to spend it as they see fit, than, sorry, no can do. If they're going to act like self-indulgent brats then apply some tough love. Shape up or no money.

And mean it.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Egypt - Power To The People!

In watching the events unfold in Egypt, I wonder if our politicians are realizing how lucky they are. Especially those who have held their seats of power nearly as long as Mubarak has. We unseat politicians we're unhappy with by vote, not violence. Funny, that's what the people of Egypt want.  And China.  And Iraq. And Iran.

A couple of things have occurred to me watching this. Obama, from the very beginning of his term, has made it clear he wants us to be the equal of the rest of the world, not the leader. Well, in this he has succeeded. The result seems to find us behind the curve in world opinion as well as being dismissed as  insignificant.  That's why Hu wore a business suit to the State dinner in his honor rather than a tux.  Subtle, but a slap in the face none-the-less.

All the talk shows are asking what it is we want. No one cares. Especially the people of Egypt. It's what they want that matters.

Our fear of Mubarak being deposed points out one more time what happens when you support a side against the people. Honduras. Iran. Iraq. Afghanistan. It's not a sterling track record.

We also seem to cling to false fears. Everyone that has been interviewed who has actual experience in Egypt will tell you the Muslim Brotherhood is not a threat, no matter what happens next.

Opposition leader ElBaradei, in an interview with Christiane Amanpour, said they deserve a place in a new government just like everyone else. He compared them to our Evangelicals who are a part of our society and as so should have their voice heard. Are we hearing that?

Frankly, the Egyptians could care less what we want or think. This is their issue for them to solve.

If we would side with the people more often perhaps we'd have fewer disputes of this nature. After all, they aren't any different than us. They want jobs, education and a decent standard of living. So do all the others waiting in the wings. The people are what made this country great. It is the people who will return others to greatness.

I just hope our leaders, who are trying to thrust more and more government control over us, get the message. Do I need to tweet this?

Friday, January 28, 2011

Make A Pact With The Devil And You're Going To Get Burned!

We were on the wrong side in Honduras. We never uttered a peep in Iran. We didn't see Tunisia coming. Jordan is nervous. Algeria and Yemen have joined the fray.

Tranquility in mid eastern and northern African countries is falling like dominoes. The people are unhappy with their state in life and have finally reached the breaking point. You see, they don't like dictators. They don't like the fact they have few rights and are likely to be severely punished if they ask for them. They don't like the economic climate in which they live. It's called unrest.

And one more time we are sitting on our hands, not knowing what to do. You see, we've made deals with many of these countries fully knowing and turning our head from their lack of human rights. Don't forget Saudi Arabia and China in the equation. Actually the number of countries is rather staggering.  We make pacts with numerous devils.

The full extent of this head turning was made apparent when Joe Biden told Jim Lehrer Egypt's Mubarak shouldn't be referred to as a dictator. Oh, Joe. Please.

So what are we to do? I'm not an isolationist, the world has become too small for that. Yet I wonder if we need to be as immersed in the politics of other countries as we are. Should we be borrowing as much as we do from China? No. As for the others, should the amount of aid they receive be predicated on their rights records? Yes.

The old argument that we need their oil may be true. If we'd produce more our own and allow the refining capacity needed, it could certainly alter the involvement.

Can we really impact the mid-east peace process before even more countries fall into chaos? I doubt it. But you know what? The people are beginning to do a pretty good job for themselves.

What the U.S. chooses to do remains to be seen. They have to do something. Watching this unfold should be a warning to our own government as our economy continues to limp along, unemployment remains stagnant and security measures are becoming draconian. The people will only take so much. We've seen hints of unrest here.  The red flag should be flying high because the causes match those of the people now dominating the news cycle.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

"Cowed" By Regulations

Have you ever wondered what big oil and dairy farms might have in common? Neither have I.

When it comes to regulatory practices, it seems they have quite a lot! According to The Wall Street Journal , the EPA is demanding dairy producers conform to something called the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure program. The name alone sounds expensive, doesn't it? Actually it more aptly applies to oil and natural gas operations close to bodies of water. This I can understand.

What does it have to do with dairies? Well, it seems the EPA has discovered milk contains animal fat, a non-petroleum oil. Therefore they must prepare and implement an emergency management plan which is to include the training of first responders, probably farm hands, in clean up protocol plus build containment facilities.

I expect we're going to have a lot of dairy farmers crying over spilled milk! It adds insult to injury considering the requirements they already face to mitigate their cow's methane production!

Does it make you wonder how much milk must be spilled to become an environmental threat?

Mr. Obama made light of redundant regulations coming from a multitude of agencies concerning the salmon industry during his State of the Union speech. He didn't mention just what those regulations might be. If he doesn't know, he should. The EPA is also one of his.

At least when you see the price of a gallon of milk matching the price of a gallon of gas, you'll know why. Government regulation.

Not to mention the poor cows. How is the farmer to afford to feed them? Beef is bad for you. Milk is an environmental hazard. The lowly cow may be the first species ever to become extinct due to government regulation.

Watch out sheep. There is oil in your wool! And pigs! Talk about oily fat! Ham, bacon...don't you dare send drippings from your cooking to the land fill! It could leach into ground water.

Funny, we actually pay people to come up with this stuff. Stick a fancy word on a dumb idea, like "regulation", and suddenly it's sacrosanct!

As the article says, you can't make this stuff up. Yet...someone, in our government, did!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Giffords ~ It's Time To Move On

I am deeply sorry for the tradgedy that befell Gabrielle Giffords.  I couldn't be more pleased that her recovery thus far seems remarkable.  Other than that I'm getting tired of hearing about it as if she were some sort of fallen diety. She is not.  She's a Congresswoman from Arizona who, before the shooting, few, outside Congress and her state, were even aware of who she was.  It's time to move on.

One of her fellow Democrats, Loretta Sanchez, D CA, even went so far as to suggest she should be removed from the Armed Services Committee until (and if) she recovers from her injuries.

It seems some were outraged at the suggestion, saying it was bad for morale while she was recovering. Why?

It is expected it will take months, if not years, for her to recover. The full extent of her injuries aren't even known at this point. Especially those relating to her thought processes.

One arguement was to hold the seat open because  Republicans have the majority and one vote more or less would be meaningless. What kind of logic is that?

What it does do is deprive her constituents of representation. Do they deserve better? I think so.

I am aware that members of both houses stick around way past what is considered prudent. How many times did you see Strom Thurmond or Robert Byrd wheeled in for a vote? Considering their physical condition you had to wonder what their mental condition was. Did they fully comprehend what they were voting on or were they reacting to well placed instruction?

I ask first if that is how Gabby's collegues would want to see her should she recover only partially, and second, what would she herself want. Would she want her constituents to go without representation?

It would be the mark of her as a politician. The trouble is she is not yet able to say. And no one knows when she will be.