Tuesday, July 01, 2014

The Supremes Join The Rest Of The Government In Baffling Me

There was a time when I thought the Supreme Court was to decide on the Constitutionality of an issue. It was always a mixed bag of opinions hammered out in private to reach a consensus.  They had nothing to fear because their appointments to the Court were for life.

Maybe it's the new think of younger generations that have me baffled.  For instance I don't see how they can reason that a corporation, no matter the size, equates with a person.  Corporations  are run by people to be sure, but as an entity have no life, no ability to think or reason, no feeling or any of the other senses, in a nutshell no life.  But I'm told they are the same.

It seems to me Obamacare has caused the problem on the pill issue but not for the reasons given.  When I was working, the company and indeed the insurance companies had a variety of policies from which I could choose.  There was actually a time when I didn't have to pay for child birth coverage after a hysterectomy or Viagra.  No more.  State insurance commissioners made such nonsense mandatory.  ACA regulators have carried on a bad practice.

The reporting on the Hobby Lobby issue is wrongly reported as being about contraception.  It's about abortion and the pills that cause it if in fact something actually happened! So it's really about abortion.  I understand the religion based feelings of the company owners but I see the need for definition and separation of personal beliefs and corporate necessity.

Having said that, what exactly does the SC decision mean?  Does it apply to only the abortion pills or contraceptives across the board should other 'closely' held corporations ask?  Maybe it was made clear but I haven't seen it.

As for the Illinois case on home care workers suddenly being considered a public sector dues paying employee when forced into caring for a family member who is aided by public funds shows the greediness of the public sector unions.  I'd rather they get rid of all unions.  But then I'm not a union fan on any level.  They are a perfect example of over reach.

Did the SC solve the problem of those who want to opt out of union membership in all cases or does it apply only to those specific home health workers?  Again, I'm confused.  I don't see a clear cut answer.  Perhaps if I dug deeper I'd find it but basing a blog on information readily available in the main stream media I find such information lacking.

The only thing that seems clear is when the President tries to do something on his own and suddenly everyone in Congress is calling foul. Where were they beforehand?  Worrying about re-election so they can do more of nothing and collect fat salaries to boot. I don't always agree with his decisions and feel his problems stem from his attitude but I understand where he's coming from.

No wonder the country is in such haphazard condition.  It follows the trickle down theory doesn't it?  It seeps down from the top until the entire country is saturated with confusion. Why is the country seemingly frozen in its tracks?  Could this be why?

Monday, June 30, 2014


Obama is on the verge of stealing the march on the Republicans on immigration.  The argument has been whether it should be one immense overhaul or done in increments.

We know the administration's track record on immense overhauls isn't very good.  We also know that the administration has quit enforcing laws already on the books which is partially responsible for the influx of children on our southern border. In other words a problem of Obama's own making.

You have to admit the President can be crafty.  In a fit of pique which is pretty normal for him, he's warned Congress he's going to make changes by executive order.  Take people posted inland and move them to the border to spiff up enforcement. Why he hasn't done this a long time ago begs to be questioned.

No matter.  He's saying he's going to do it now.  He might actually get away with it and emerge the hero if he doesn't overstep as he is wont to do.

So where are the Republicans?  They haven't passed one bill on immigration reform.  Boehner won't bring one to the floor.  Shades of Harry Reid in the Senate.  If he's worried about the Tea Party he can move on now.  The primaries are over.  But nary a word.  Of course between now and the election the House won't be in session long enough to do much of anything for which we can be grateful.

The don't have to do much though.  Pass one bill, say strengthening the southern border as Obama intends.  Send it to the Senate and see what happens.  Then they've at least done something.

Now that the primaries are over and the Tea Party threat has subsided to a degree, it would be nice to see the Republicans begin to form a cohesive unit.  The President is going to do what he wants  regardless, but they would do a lot to convince me they are worth fighting for if they gave me an option. On a whole slew of issues, not just immigration, but so far I have nothing but a blank slate.

As of now they're no more than empty suits earning substantial salaries with cushy benefits for doing little more than cowering behind empty rhetoric. They are nearly as impotent on domestic issues as Obama is on foreign ones.  That's no compliment for either side.

Friday, June 27, 2014

NOW We Want To Arm The Syrian Rebels!

The administration is now proposing we arm the Syrian rebels!  Wow.  What a novel idea.  I wonder why it wasn't suggested three years ago when the Syrian civil war began.  What?  It was?  I must have missed it, was it in the newspapers?

Of course it was as well as every other media outlet known to man. With this revelation, I think I've figured out how this administration thinks.  If we read papers at all, all we read are the headlines and never get to the nitty gritty.  Therefore we are easily fooled and take the governments actions as timely.

So it is with these current headlines. Forget we know it's too little too late.  The President wants $500,000,000 for this task.  There are a few obstacles.  One, he'll need Congress to appropriate the money.  Sure, there are stashes from which he can draw, still they have to have the funds within them.

That actually may be the least of his problems.  There is the issue of how to determine the good rebels from the bad.  To assume all the bad guys have crossed the border into Iraq is fool hardy.  These guys aren't dumb.  It would have been much easier when this little skirmish began rather than waiting until the bad guys filled the void and thoroughly muddied the lines between good and bad.

Let's say they can figure this out.  Then they have to be armed and trained.  By the administrations own estimate this could take nearly a year after everything else is in place.  Does any one really think the situation is going to be put on hold until we get our choice of players in place?  Don't hold your breath.

Meanwhile the bad guys continue their march toward their own Caliphate.  Syrian war planes have joined the fray as have the Iranian military.  Neither are our friends and neither are going to wait for us to get our ducks in order.

If by staying out of it the lines of Iraq are redrawn, is that so bad?  Let the Kurds have their long awaited freedom.  Let the al Maliki government fall but don't trust any new one to be any more western friendly than his has been. Either way, a portion of Iraq will be under Iranian dominance.  Don't forget, either, Syria has Russia as an ally.

Maybe we'd be better off putting our efforts toward protecting the few friends we have left.  Jordan and Israel and maybe Saudi.  Saudi is iffy.

The moral is read the story under the headlines and discover we're really not going to do anything that will stop the current carnage nor strengthen and save Iraq. I'm surprised al Maliki even asked for U.S. help since both his allies have air capabilities.

For once, stay out of it until they sort it out for themselves.  Then we can offer aid for considerations and be more likely to have some success.  Dealing with the semi-satisfied would be a whole lot easier than dealing with the maddened crowd.

Unfortunately, if past history is any indicator, the wrong decision will be made.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Beauty of Cochran's Win

Thad Cochran is old.  He looks old.  He's of the ilk of which I speak when I say it's time for them to retire.  Heck, he's four years older than me!  Time for new blood and fresh ideas.

The people of Mississippi don't agree.  Cochran brings home the pork.  But not all pork is bad.  Especially when it's slated for the down trodden, the poor and the under educated.  In Mississippi those people are mostly black and Democrat.

So what the the new kid, Chris McDanie's, have to offer? Absolutely nothing and Mississippi let him know. The beauty of which I speak is that Cochran won with votes from across party lines.  For his record of accomplishment.  That how it should be.

It's a lesson in gray.  Nothing is black nor white, especially in politics.  That McDaniel had no problem with Mississippi's open primary system wasn't of concern when he thought he might win.  But when a run off was necessary good political strategy on the part of his wily old opponent flat out out smarted him.  Now he's crying foul.  Sorry sir.  Too late. Change the law if you don't like it.

I'm not a fan of unending government hand outs but obviously there are situations where they are needed and desirable.  Mississippi is not a wealthy state and their senior Senator is doing what he can to compensate for it. Good show.

Liz Cheney may have learned the same lesson in Wyoming where she thought perhaps her name and relative youth might out upend the well established incumbant.  She didn't even make it to the primary.

I guess it goes to show when we generalists shout throw the bums out, all of them, we need a rethink.  Not all the bums are actually that.  Some of them look pretty darned good compared to those who would replace them.

But definitely not always. That's the trick.


Monday, June 23, 2014

What Can One Say?

I've really been negligent about posting of late.  It isn't that I don't have anything to say.  It's that I don't know what to say.  It's all become quite overwhelming.

For instance, why can't we get a U.S. Marine released from a Mexican jail?  Why can't we prevent thousands of of children from entering our country?  Why can't we approve the Keystone Pipeline?

Is there truth to the idea Hillary has more sever health problems than thought?  Check out Ed Klein's book.  Is it just another vast right wing conspiracy?

How can the IRS lose so may e-mails on such a select few computers?  Why does the press insist in saying the Tea Party elected Dave Brat in Virginia when indeed they didn't even support him?

How can we take Susan Rice seriously as National Security Advisor?  Why can't Secretary of State Kerry stay home?  The leaders in the middle east have more important issues to deal with than listening to his empty dictates. Did he ever wonder if climate change supposedly caused by man might have more to do with the pollution of war than of factories?  Think about it.

Perhaps most of all, why does the President appear to care more about his golf game than America? All of this has been tumbling through my head for weeks now.  So I haven't been writing.  I've been working in the yard and watching baby birds emerge from their nests; having a glass of wine on the front porch at the end of the day, enjoying the breeze and the serenity.

At times I think I'll never look at another paper nor watch another newscast.  But I also know that's wishful thinking.  As my Mom always used to say, "I know I can't do anything about it but I like to keep informed."  Ah, the wisdom of mothers.

As for me? Time is against me.  I've been away too long.  At any moment the mess in my head will demand venting and I'll oblige.  It's just the nature of the beast.