Sunday, June 07, 2015

It Isn't Just ISIS!

Remember the young Saudi who was sentenced to 1000 lashes and 10 years in prison for the sin of blogging?  He barely survived the first 50 lashes and it was to continue once a week until 1000 had been reached.

There was huge outcry from around the world and the sentence was postponed.  During that time it was appealed to the Saudi Supreme Court which has upheld the sentence. Forget the ins and outs of the "crime" which shouldn't even be debatable. Consider the mentality of those who impose this type of punishment and those who watch and cheer.

So now what?  Aren't we fighting, in our own inimitable way, ISIS for the same cruel behavior?  How can we aid the Saudis when they act in the same barbaric way?  Or any other of the Middle Eastern countries who dole out similar punishments and we well know it.

Now Obama can go back in history and claim that early Popes often ordered the same type of punishment.  Yes, they did, but civilized societies recognized the cruelty of it and ceased.

I've often said part of this country's problem is that we don't understand the Middle Eastern culture. When we become aware of their practices in this day and age we are shocked and appalled as well we should be.  So what do we do when the Saudis tell us and everyone else in the human rights community hat we have no right to interfere with their internal policies and practices.  In other words, shove it.

I'd like to see the world practice some payback rather than conceding everything workable, like severe sanctions, in the futile and naive effort to bring them into the world community.  We've seen from Iran they have no intention of changing their ways; nor is Syria or Iraq or any of the others.  They play nice at the negotiations, for anything, while they beat and maim their citizens.

I believe we need to play a more active part in defeating ISIS because they are the worst of the worst but as for the others, no more aid or weapons or training or anything else they want until they eliminate such practices.

True, they cannot and will not change over night, but they can immediately halt archaic methods of punishment. If they don't we need to do more than complain.  We can.  We won't.  A young blogger is likely to die because of it.  I hope the mirror's reflection is pleasing to those who can apply the pressure to make a change but won't.

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

My Prejudices Are Showing

Vanity Fair photo by Annie Leibowitz
Not much bothers me any more.  Photos in the news of ISIS atrocities, plane wrecks, refugees drowning and so on, but there is something about the Annie Leibowitz photo of Caitlin Jenner that really, really bothers me.  It actually makes my skin crawl.

I'm surprised at my reaction to the finished transformation of the former Bruce Jenner.  After all we've been privy to it since the outset and were offered pictures of progress throughout the transition.

Still.  Maybe it's because I'm old enough to remember Bruce as the former Olympic champion.  I watched him.  I cheered for him.  Then he disappeared from my radar for quite some time only to reappear years later as one of the Kardashian clan.  Ah, what fame can do for you.

I don't think I have a prejudice against transgenders.  I can't say I've ever met one.  Maybe that's the point.  If I have I don't know it and I just as soon it stay that way.  I guess I'm having trouble reconciling who he was with who he has become. Especially this particular pose.  It seems to be trying to be provocative.  After all Jenner is 65 years old.  Not that a 65 year old can't be provocative.  Look at Helen Mirren.  She's 69 and in my opinion still reeks femininity and sex appeal.  And I haven't even seen her is a strapless bathing suit! Point being she doesn't need it.

Somehow I'm thinking that without all the doctoring one can do to photos these days, Caitlan may not look quite like this in the flesh. I might find that even more disturbing.

Never-the-less, I hope Ms. Jenner is finding happiness in her new self and goes on to lead a wonderful life without the angst she has lived with previously.  She can fade out of the limelight now as far as I'm concerned.  Next time I see a photo of this 65 year old woman I hope she's dressed and posed age appropriately.  I'd find that easier to digest - the woman she really is.  Not some posed fantasy.

Friday, May 29, 2015

We NEED Our Police

As I was browsing clip art for this post I came across the banner to the left.  I think it's a great idea and if there is a police officer out there who would like some senior citizen support, let me know.  By that I mean support from those of us who grew up wanting to be a policeman because we admired them and respected them.

As we got older we came to realize being s policeman was more than an exciting job and a cool uniform.  It meant being tough when it was called for and putting oneself in danger when it was called for.  Still many wanted the career and thank heaven for that!

In scanning headlines this morning I see the murder rate in New York City is up 15%, Baltimore continues to get bloodier, shootings involving children are up 500% and a Washington D.C. reporter was shot dead after being used as a human shield.

Don't ask where are the police.  They aren't wanted. After all they're filled with bigotry and racism and just add to the problem.  I think not.  

There is so much discussion about why there is so much discontent and violence and what can be done to change it.  Strengthen the family unit.  Better education for the kids so they will have opportunities other than crime.  That's wonderful.

In the meantime we need our police.  Yes, they sometimes make bad calls and sometimes, as in any large population, there are some bad eggs but by and large that is not  the norm. Yes, they are hardened and sometimes seem to be less than sensitive.  Well, put yourself in their shoes and deal with what police in cities like New York and Baltimore and even Ferguson have to deal with day in and day out. See how warm and fuzzy you are after a week.

I think about the police officer here in Coeur d'Alene who lost his life in the middle of the night during a traffic stop.  Does it matter what the race of the shooter was?  No. What would have happened in that neighborhood at that time of night if the officer had not stopped the man or had not been there at all?  Some type of crime you can be sure.  No one prowls neighborhoods late at night just to admire the lawns and gardens.  More likely they're checking out easy access, lack of barking dogs and maybe a pile of uncollected newspapers. As it was the officer was there and was killed for his effort, for doing his job. It could have been anyone in that neighborhood who awakened to a noise and went to investigate.  

Let the police get back to work so little kids aren't afraid to walk to school.  The ones who should fear indictment are the corrupt or inept officials that put unreasonable constraints on them. Or the Justice Department who deems itself the ultimate poo bah in how cities should run their departments.  How many have ever served?  How many realize the risks and the anxiety that comes with the territory? How many know the hard edge of of fear when confronted, or the sense of futility when they are called out time and time again?  We not to understand where the police are coming from, not the perpetrators of mayhem who are the first to cry foul.

Adopt a cop.  I like it.  Not a bad movement to see started!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Fiorina Is Something!

I'm still recovering from eyelid surgery.  No, not for cosmetic purposes but because the droop was affecting my vision.

Anyway, not so much I haven't been watching the news.  Have you been watching Carly Florina?  You talk about a straight shooter.  I hope she gains traction because she would give Hillary a run for her money. And a lot of her Republican competition.

I think what I like best is she doesn't sound like a politician.  She sounds like a business woman.  I relate to that much more than I relate to politician-talk. Mostly because there is substance to it. I would hope it would resonate with other women too since so many are working women. Also, she earned her success without riding on a husband's coat tails.

The street corner news conference was brilliant.  She answered every question clearly and precisely.  What would she do about this or that?  She answered explicitly. She took her lumps too but you don't hear her complaining about it or blaming some sort of conspiracy.

Okay.  I just wanted to touch base.  Things around here are getting back to some semblance of normal. In other words, I'm back.  Posts may be a bit brief while yard work gets finished up, but hopefully on a more regular schedule. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Slinging Mud Of A Different Kind

I'm in a rush to get some basic yard chores done before eye surgery on Tuesday.  I'm so dirty I'll have to drop my cloths in the garage before going into the house. I'm taking a break to see which way a thunder storm is going to go.  I'm tired.  A good tired from physical exercise and fresh air.

I'm getting rather used to it these days after a trip to the southwest in search of rock art to photograph. As I said, it feels good.  It gives a new meaning to down and dirty.

Never-the-less the news does not escape me.  It too is dirty.  Our continued denial about ISIS and Iran saps the fresh air from the environment.  More mistruths from Hillary.  Is she really electable?  Could it be that even though people will tell the pollsters they like her they won't actually put the X in her box?  One can only hope.

The patriot act is on shakey ground.  What's in the trade agreement is being kept secret so once again Congress is voting for an unknown. The entire world is in turmoil with Russia ever flexing its muscle as well as China.  North Korea too.

Even locally things are crazy.  Our legislators are listening to a manic Muslim turned Christian who is warning of Shia law overtaking Idaho. We even had a police officer killed in the line of duty. The shooter was caught and is in jail.  Fortunately the community came out in massive support for the officer's family. Our community, with all it's faults, is very compassionate and giving. No demonstrations.  No violence nor destruction.  Only respect and mourning.  Too bad this behavior isn't universal.

It makes me glad I have my five acres to tend.  I'm learning all kinds of skills.  Mending drip lines.  Putting in garden irrigation and so forth. For a least a while I can enjoy my kind of mud and leave the politicians to wallow in their own.

Perhaps through racoon type eyes for awhile after surgery I'll see things in a different light. Nah, probably not. Mud is mud and the source is always the same.  Dirt.