Sunday, July 19, 2015

Hillary Has Spoken

For some time now we've been waiting not only for Hillary to speak but to also say something.  Now she has.

There had been a question as to where she would fall when it comes to Obama's policies.  She approves.  She has promised to double down and add on.

I so often remember Obama saying, for instance about our embargo on Cuba, it hasn't worked so it's time to try something new.  I wish Hillary would recognize the same about our economic woes but she proposes more taxes and more regulations and then it will work. Never mind that we'll all have been taxed into the poor house. And, by the way, those policies still won't work.

That creates another problem she has yet to address.  What happens when the people are in fact taxed into the poor house?  How are all those policies and regulations going to be paid for?  I hear Iran is about to come into some really big money.  Maybe, since China's economy is also faltering, we can get the Iranians to fund us. Or maybe not since they have vowed to destroy us.  Oh well, maybe they'll change their minds.  Why destroy what they will own?

So that's where Hillary is.  The Elizabeth Warren/Bernie Sanders left.  And it is said this is the real Hillary.  Is there a counter balance?  I had hoped it would be Jim Webb but he has turned out to be less than inspiring.

The Republicans?  Have any of them said anything yet other than Trump?  Not that he has made any comprehensive policy statements but at least is is saying what a lot of us think and won't say because it's politically incorrect.

If they don't quit pussy footing around in order not to offend we're sure to have a Hillary presidency.  All her baggage will be forgiven.  Heck it already has been.  As has Bill's.  When you think about it, about the only one who at this point can out talk her is a Donald Trump. Lordy.  What has this country come to?

Remember though, a few years back Minnesota elected a one time professional wrestler for governor.  Jesse Ventura.  Remember him? Stranger things could happen than having Trump as the Republican nominee.  He could win.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


I really have to rethink my blog and where to take it, if anywhere.

I'm at a low point in looking at our government and the media, both of which control our lives.

Obama has his deal with Iran.  It is delusional at best and doesn't bode well for anyone in the region.  Sure he talks a good tale but he capitulated on so much of the basic premise of the agreement it has become a joke and not a very funny one.

He has never learned from the past nor done a realistic assessment of the present.  He should remember, even though he is so bright and his theories so right, the rest of we peons, including the rest of the world, aren't up to speed with him.  There are many, however, who are far more clever.

As for the media I'm going to call out FOX and their debate plans.  Only the top 10 in a national poll will  be included. They will not include those with less name recognition, and at this point that's all it is, but far more ability.  What are they thinking? They aren't. I still think if they are going to limit the field they need to hold a second debate that will include the remaining candidates.  I'm willing to wager if they would do that they'll see a titanic shift in poll numbers on their vaunted national scale.

Am I going to continue watching this unfold?  Probably.  Will I continue to write my opinions?  I honestly don't know.  I'm so disgusted with the entire government all I do is spout venom.  Why bother?

The Supreme Court rules on their assumption of intent, not actuality. Therefore they're useless. Congressional leadership is beholden to campaign contributors, not the people, and the President lives in another universe altogether.

It's exhausting trying to stay upbeat and hopeful. So we'll see.  We'll see.

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Seeing Things Clearly Through The Smoke

Summer is here and along with it fire season.  Living in the West you soon get used to it as an annual occurrence.  A devastating one at that.

Not only does it destroy millions of acres of forest and grass lands,  it displaces wildlife and destroys homes.  Peoples entire lives can go up in smoke in a matter of minutes.

This summer we've one right up the road.  Maybe 10 miles from where we live.  It's roaring up a steep mountainside just north of the tiny community of Bayview on  the east side of Lake Pend Oreille.

The air is thick with smoke.  Even here my eyes sting and my throat is scratchy.  Nothing, I'm sure, compared to what exists closer in.

What strikes me, as it always does, is the spirit of the people who are directly involved.  I wrote just a few days ago about how this area has heart.  Well, it sure does now.  And not just here but all across the region where wild fires are raging.

Neighbors help neighbors over and above what shelters provide.  They help clear homes, take care of live stock and pets, offer helping hands where ever needed.  The news is filled with people shaking their heads over the generosity of others.  It's that sense of community.  Communities with heart.

So what happens when the fire is over and people are left to put their lives back together?  Much the same.  People helping people.  It doesn't stop because the fire is out.  They rebuild and make things better.

It's something lost on our political class.  I'd like to see every last one of them don the yellow shirts of the fire fighters and join the lines.  Find out first hand what hard work really is.  What hard work really is when it's being done for someone other than themselves. Experience first hand that sense of community and even bask in the glow of appreciation that comes from those communities even if nearly everything is lost.  They've appreciated the effort.  And that's why you were on the line.  To work.  For them. Not yourself.

Maybe lighting a fire under the politicians is the wrong tactic.  Maybe we should just make them fight a real one where their life is at stake - all for others.  Then maybe they'd begin to understand what this country is about.

I won't, however, hold my breath.  Right now it's difficult enough to breathe.  It would be a breath of fresh air though, wouldn't it?

Saturday, July 04, 2015

Let Trump Be!

Donald Trump.  The man who looks as if he is perpetually sucking on a lemon leaves just as sour a taste in many mouths.  But for heavens sake, leave the guy alone.

Gracefully said or not he speaks to the truth when saying those crossing the Mexican border illegally are not Mexico's best.  The fact they're coming here illegally should be enough to give him a pass.  Instead saying that many are rapists is what is picked up on and many are according to statistics.  Many may be perfectly fine people too, which he also said, though again, they are coming illegally.

Does his inartfullness really call for NBC and Univision cancelling contracts?  NBC known for it's truthfulness over the decades but maybe it's okay because Brian Williams is more polished and Al Sharpton is a White House crony? Macy's dropping his line of clothing?  Did you even know he had one?

Why is it we always want to bring the big guys down.  Is it their success?  The fact he doesn't have to get up close and personal with people he's never met and beg for money? Doesn't he really talk the way most of us do?  Murdering the King's English?  I'd think we could better identify with him more than the silver tongued politicians who are falling all over themselves trying to discredit him.

Do you think he even has a prayer of getting the nomination?  The pols will tell you not a chance.  Then why are they so upset? I'd worry more about Iran getting the bomb which is pretty much a sure thing at this point and who will deliver that news other than the ever so slick John Kerry?  Or maybe it will be Obama who will skew the details into a perfectly acceptable lie like has has done on so many occasions before.

Trump? Maybe they're worried because they fear he really does have a chance. He says things the way he sees them and from the attention he's getting the people are at least listening.

Let's face it.  You can't ruin the guy.  He could buy NBC and Macys if he wanted. He could arm our middle eastern allies if he wanted. Yep.  He's rich.  Mega rich. He's running for President because he doesn't like the way the country is going.  Do any of us?

Are we as sure of the motivation of 99% of the other candidates? So leave him be.  Let him have his say no matter how it comes out and in so doing hold the feet of the others to the fire. Some one needs to do it.  I can't.  You can't.  But he can because he can afford to.

So here's to The Donald.  Have at it Mr. Trump!

Thursday, July 02, 2015

Finally, A Race!

I was beginning to wonder if it would happen.  A real contender would join the Democrat field for the presidential nomination.  And so it has.

Jim Webb is a good man and I think he'll give Hillary a real run for her money.  She's been inching left to keep Elizabeth Warren out of the race but I don't think Ms. Warren ever intended to run.  I think she sees herself being more effective as a power in the Senate.  If so I agree.

Webb will now pull Hillary back toward the center or he will own it.  It will be interesting to see how she handles it and what her minions have planned for Mr. Webb.  I doubt it will be fair nor truthful.

For the moment anyway, I'm elated.  Not only does Hillary have some real competition, Jim Webb is a man I could vote for.  I hope that doesn't jinx him!