Tuesday, January 03, 2017

They Get It, They Just Don't Want To

The new administration hasn't been sworn in yet.  Rosie O'Donnell tells us we have three weeks to stop Donald Trump.  Not that anyone should care what Rosie O'Donnell says or thinks.  The only reason she gets a mention is her "celebrity" such as it is these days.

But it isn't just Rosie.  It's from the President on down.  He's plotting with fellow Democrats on how to salvage his agenda.  The Democrats have made no secret they are going to fight Trump on everything.

For some reason they won't accept the fact that Trump won and they lost.  Trump's vision for this country is the one the people embraced, not theirs.  They've had eight years to show us how wonderful it is and they have failed miserably.

I'm getting tired of their whining and their obstructionist attitude.  Co-operation isn't in their vocabulary.  I'm getting tired of them telling us, even if tacitly, they know what's best for us and they are going to fight to the last standing man to shove their agenda down our throat even if they aren't in office.

It exhausts me that we've got four years of this arrogant attitude to endure.  Trump may be a huge failure.  Who knows.  But at least give the President elect a chance. I know, I'm preaching to the choir and that's a shame.

One thing I can live with, however, is the knowledge that his picks for his cabinet are not the monsters the left would have us believe.  They are men and women of accomplishment, not paybacks for favors with little experience in or knowledge of the areas they've been asked to oversee.

The more they whine and conspire the more I hope Trump is as successful as he boasts he will be. The Democrats deserve to have their noses rubbed in  that success from the opposition and actually we, who voted for it, deserve the spoils. May Trump triumph!

Friday, December 30, 2016

Obama ~ One Last Rant

I have never known of a more sore loser than Obama.  He never was a class act from the very beginning.  One hoped he would grow as he got into the job but he never did.

I don't quite understand how his favorables remain so high.  Maybe it's the man rather than the President but how can you really separate the two?  His behavior, as his time in office grows to a close, is not only a thumb in the eye of the President-elect but also the people who put Trump in office,

I don't think most of us who hover closest to centercenter would have chosen Trump but voters obviously didn't have any faith that the other candidates could or would change things. Trump will try, of that I'm sure.  If his manner will breed success I'm doubtful but that being said, people repudiated Obama's policies by electing Trump.

Forget Russia.  Russia did not get Trump elected.  Strategy in the right places along with a weak opponent did.

For Obama to be throwing his weight around now by issuing thousands of new regulations designed to derail the Trump administration before it even gets started is the height of turning a blind eye to the good of the country and the height of ego run amok.

The voters don't like nor want his policies continued.  Yet he hasn't the good grace to retire from office with even a modicum of  dignity.

It has always been about him first and foremost and I fear it always will be.  I, though, will never be able to look at him as a man or former President with anything but disdain for what he has done to this country.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

To Blog Or Not To Blog

I've been at this a good many years now.  I'm wondering if it's time to hang it up.

Dogwalk Musings began as just that.  I wrote about things I thought about while walking my dog.  It could have been about anything.  Like the surprise seeing people around here still hung their laundry outside to dry.  I could never figure it out because the wind is constant and so is the dust.

Some topics were semi-serious, some not.  Anything political was usually local and more than likely tongue in cheek because at the time I was acquainted with a lot of people.

I had my 15 minutes of fame when the local newspaper blog meister gave my name to a reporter who wanted to interview senior bloggers.  That story led to a flurry of activity that I thoroughly enjoyed.  I met people on line with whom I'm still "friends", mostly on Facebook now.  I had old friends recognize my name and got in touch.  It was great.

When Obama ran for President I became more political.  I had such high hopes for him I overlooked everything to which I should have paid attention. Then it turned toward the disappointments. Over eight years it wore me out.

Along the way my wonderful walking companion had lived out his life.  I kept the name of the blog the same in his honor.

Now we approach a new time, a new administration with new expectations with caveats. I'm not sure I have the energy to follow it with the intensity I had before.  Heck, even my clip art source has raised its price so much I can no longer justify the membership.

So what am I going to do?  I haven't the slightest idea.