Thursday, August 31, 2017

Land That I Love Revisited

Well, well, well. My beloved country does still exist.  I found it in Texas and Louisiana environs this past and ongoing week.

Having lived in Houston for some time, my heart was broken watching the damage accumulate. I'm sure our former home in Missouri City was flooded.  Fortunately friends still there are okay.

America.  Our flag is red, white and blue. I'm hoping that raises it above racial, sexual or religious criticism.  And it speaks freely for what it stands for.  No brown nor black nor white nor yellow.  Just the basics.  And the basic American is what is making the recovery effort in Texas work.  It doesn't matter what color you are, if you speak with an accent, live in an area less desirable than another, you're all one with America.

The politicians most visible are the ones whose responsibility is for blocks of people - town mayors, the governor, the police chief. All doing their jobs.

The President has made an appearance and is due for another.  Mike Pence, VP, is down there with sleeves rolled up helping out.  Cabinet members have made themselves available to local officials to help ease burdens. This is America at it's best.

What's missing?  I may be wrong in this but I've seen but one politician interview.  Ted Cruz making the appropriate platitudes in nice clean trousers and shirt without a smidge of mud.  C'mon guys.  Dig in!

On second thought, don't.  The people are doing just fine without you getting under foot. The media could ease up on some of their in your face reporting too but so far it has been satisfactory if not too ongoing for those of us who live elsewhere and are fighting our own demons.  Wildfires here.  Drought.  But we don't generate ratings this year.  It's the year of the flood!

That's okay.  Should we need the help of Texans at some point they will be here.  Bet on it. Too bad it has taken a natural disaster to remind us of who we are.  No.  I have that wrong.  We well know who we are.  It's Congress who needs reminded and I haven't heard a whimper other than rumblings they're going to fight disaster relief.

I dare them. If they actually do it will be time for a whole new cast.  We can applaud or we can boo.  I'd rather applaud but I'm keeping my voice in shape just in case.

God Bless America, Land That I Love.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The D.C. Bubble is Larger Than I Thought

For years, especially during political campaigns, the media laments the "Bubble" that is Washington.  What they don't do is include themselves as part of it.

It is, I suppose, because they are of the same ilk as the "left".  How that came about I'm not sure but I'm guessing it comes from the powers that employ them.  Toe the line or you're gone.  Just like the Robert Lee episode at ESPN.  My goodness, a man named Robert Lee, an Asian American (Chinese), was pulled from calling a University of Virginia game for fear of offending...who?  Please!

Even Mr. Lee was complicit by agreeing without protest because of the of ridicule on social media. Really?

Where did all this political correctness, as it's called, come from?  And fear to defy it?  Which generation spawned it? I'd like to think it was not mine.  I think perhaps it's the one following ours,  the Boomers. I have to ask if it has permeated all of society or just those with nothing better to do with their time? Regardless, it has gone way too far.

When a Catholic school in Anselmo, CA removes or covers it's statuary of Jesus, Mary and others to appear more inclusive it has gone nuts. "Appear" is the key word here.  In fact it won't change the stance of the Catholic church's beliefs one iota.

Today I read that some are criticizing the shoes Melania Trump is wearing in Texas. What's she supposed to wear, waders?  To show support for the rescue crews?  Come on.

I also read Congress is digging in it's heels on relief funding.  This has to be coming from the leadership since Congress as a whole is still on vacation.

Fortunately there are those who are paying little attention to all this non-sense unless they are directly affected.  Where I live we're dealing with a severe drought and fire season. My acquaintances who write blogs are concentrating a lot on their own issues - a lot about health of either themselves or loved ones.  They are surprisingly educational and inspiring and in no way convey self pity. I can't say the same for some of the younger generations.

As the days pass the news cycles remain stalled in mostly childish political drivel.  The pols are trying to position themselves for another run for office.  The media hoaxsters are busy trying to keep the waters roiled and doing a good job of it.  Our man/child President is proving himself the perfect oxymoron.

I'd like to think they are all hurting no one other those that keep company in that unbreakable bubble. I guess we'll find out when a new crop of challengers make themselves known.  We need them to be armed with pins to burst that bubble. Maybe enforce they could succeed.  Actually now would be a good time.  They could be washed away with the other devastation that will wash to sea with the Texas flood waters.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Land That I Love - What Happened To It?

Okay.  I'm old.  I'm also tired and angry.  And frustrated because I don't know what to do about it.

I cannot escape the news. Unless I plug my ears and wear blinders so I can't read.  But then what would I do while drinking my morning coffee if not read the paper?

I know all the problems just as you do.  The question is what can we do about them?  The "misbehavers" are getting all the press so if there is a voice of reason out there it's getting drowned out.  Our President is no help. He has his foot in his mouth more often than not.

How such a man was able to create the cabinet he has is beyond me.  It is one of the strogest in years.  Not perfect but strong. I'd like to think they are quietly doing their job even though they are understaffed because of another Presidential misguided notion about the size of gevernment.  Too big?  Yes. But these people do need qualified staff to work with and they're not getting it.

Those misguided notions are a large part of why things are continuing to run amok. No one is all knowing and especially this President.  As a result those who would disrupt, no matter how flawed their reasoning, feel free to do so at will.

I don't understand the hate.  Is it the fault of our universities as some say?  In part.  But before young people ever reach university age, what are they being taught and who is doing the teaching?  Are teachers at fault?  Are parents at fault? It would seem everyone owns a piece of the pie.

As we of a certain age know it has gotten out of control.  How does it get fixed?  Candlelight vigils don't fix things.  Violent demonstrations don't fix things.  We seniors writing about it doesn't.  Who listens to us?

Maybe it's time we seniors quit stewing and get politically active as a block and vet candidates who will do something other than preen for the cameras.  We have a few but no where near enough. Power in numbers and organization.  That's what all the squeaky wheels have.

I don't know.  Anyone game?  Anyone have any ideas?  Can we elders fix it? We at least know our history and respect it.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Farewell Huckleberries

Huckleberries Online blog is being put to bed. It has been the anchor of the local blogging community for the past 16 years or so.  Thursday it is closing up shop.  Dave Oliveria, the blog meister,  is going to take a well deserved rest and then who knows.  I  certainly don't see him fading away.

I haven't been involved in the day to day for some time now.  Time constraints being one reason and struggling for direction for my own blog another.  During Huckleberries heyday, however, I was in the thick of it! And what a trip it was.

Thanks to Dave my blog got some national exposure and I got my 15 minutes of fame.  A friend of his, a writer for the AP, was doing a story on seniors who blog.  She interviewed me and ultimately included me in her article.  Things soared from there.  On air  radio interviews with the likes of CNN and others.  Picked up from the AP wire articles began appearing across the country and people who are to this day cyber friends contacted me.  Even the AARP magazine did a story and some of my peers who knew me ages ago wrote to see if it was really me.

I was approached by publishers who had books written by seniors asking if I'd review them.  Of course I would and did. I was even asked to audition for a Centrum Silver commercial. I didn't get  it but even the audition was an unexpected experience.

In the early days we bloggers were a voice to be reckoned with locally.  We even socialized at an annual blog fest that has continued to this day.   Differences were put aside for the sake of community.  Lessons could be learned from that concept. The photo of Dave, the day I met him, was taken at the first one I attended where maybe a dozen people, if that, showed up. It grew from there to be sure!

It was heady stuff in those days.  People came and went.  There were bad apples as well as those who shined.  I made some great friends and even more acquaintances I'd never have met otherwise.

So here's my tip of the hat to you Dave.  Job well done.  The blog under your steady hand will be missed.

I'll feel some emptiness in my heart as those in this unique and intriguing community begin to go their separate ways. But that's okay. Good things do end.  And this one ends happily.  I'll end on a personal note.  Thanks Dave, for everything.

Friday, July 28, 2017

New York Must Be So Proud

Well, here they are.  Mr. Rude and Mr. Crude.  Actually they are interchangeable. My husband keeps asking me what I expect; they're New Yawkers.

Piffle.  We lived in New York and I never met a native that was as rude and crude as these two.  At least not in public.

We in the nation should be appalled at the behavior of both. Actually I would guess most of us are.  What an image they put out to the rest of the world.  At least the President has cleaned up his rhetoric to some extent.  Mr. Scaramucci needs to get with the program and do the same.  It isn't cute nor funny.  It's disgusting that a grown man would think such language is acceptable under any circumstance.  Besides, the President has enough problems with his Tweeting.  He doesn't need another bad boy to answer for. Can you imagine if these two would get into a war of words?  Talk about scorched earth!

No wonder Sean Spicer looked ten years younger on his way out the door.  I'm sure Reince Priebus will too in time.  While not unexpected I imagine for the moment he's smarting. But then no one held a gun to their heads and said they had to work for the President.  There is a hunger for power or proximity to it in all of them.

It's Friday.  Unless Bannon is given the axe over the weekend I expect things may be quiet. Health care reform is dead for the moment.  Everyone will be licking their wounds over that debacle.  Maybe the President will actually worry about what's going on in North Korea and maybe not.  Who knows.

If anything is just, however, Scaramucci's wife filed for divorce today.  I hope she takes him to the cleaners.  Maybe cleaning him out will clean him up.