Showing posts with label Politicians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politicians. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The Horror of Children Killing Children

Illustration by Golden Cosmos

 The least heard words regarding the unspeakable tragedy in Uvalde, Texas were "this is not the time for politics". It took about 32 seconds before the mass shooting turned political. First by the President, then again today by political wannabe, Beto O'Rourke.

The next words were finally mentioned but will be ignored. "There is a mental health crisis in our country."

To be sure. I have another question though. What turns an 18-year-old youngster into a mass murderer.  Yes, of course, they have mental problems, but why?

You see, I don't consider an 18-year-old an adult.  I know all the arguments as to why they are. I just don't happen to agree with most of them.  Obviously, some of them are far too impressionable to be able to make wise decisions. So who is failing them?

First and foremost, I have to look at the parents. How can they be so self-absorbed they cannot see the problems their children are having? Or are they just so ill-prepared they shouldn't have had kids in the first place?  I mean, what kind of a horrific argument could anyone have with their grandmother that would lead to shooting her in the face?

Then on to school officials? Interviews at crime scenes with kids to find out what a schoolmate was like should be coming from faculty who should be on the lookout for odd behaviors.  Our teachers did that way back in the dark ages when I was in school! We didn't have mass shootings back then either.

There are so many places to point fingers I can't even count them.  The least of which is more gun laws. Let's look at actually enforcing the ones we have. 

I'm not a big gun person. I have friends who have concealed carry permits and I must admit they make me uncomfortable.  I see the other side of it too and instances where those carrying have saved lives. We have open carry here.  That really makes me feel uncomfortable because I see it as more of an in-your-face action than one of safety. Funny, those laws are strictly enforced.

Back to the state of mind though.  It saddens and scares me that ballpark eighteen-year-olds are capable of such actions.  That they are so deranged at such a young age. And that they, in cold blood,  can take the lives of those so young they've barely gotten their foot in the door of life.

Let's stop the blame game for political ends.  Please. Please. The political season is upon us for the next several months. Let's not waste it with the vitriolic pettiness than is engulfing us. There must be some adults that are willing to come into the room.  Some younger than me, and smarter, but just as concerned and caring. Please. Please.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

What Day Is It?

 Not much has changed since last I wrote a post.  The smoke still hangs in the air irritating throats, eyes and humor.  The heat still soars into the high 90s to low 100s on a daily basis. Tempers are short.

This seems to be  the perfect storm of things gone wrong. Days run together to the point I have to ask myself what day it is or sneak a peak if I happen to be reading the paper. 

I have lived through a lot during my many years on this earth but I cannot, ever, remember when people have been so self serving, identities so run amok and common sense a relic of the dark ages. What has happened to us as a race?

I can't judge what is happening in other countries because my information is scant and most likely skewed, but I can judge what's going on in this country. It makes me sad and angry at the same time.  People who are in my age group are some of the worst offenders and those are the ones I'm most angry with.  They know better, but somewhere along the way the power they lust for, and in too many cases, have, just isn't enough.  Why is that?  Like me, many are in what will probably be the last, or nearly the last, decade of their lives.  They have every material thing they could possibly want and they have their power. Do they not realize they are going to be reviled after they are gone just as much as they are today? Do they not realize memories of them are going to fade and at some point in time they will be known as another dead white or black or brown person who were a flash in the pan in the grand scheme of things? Will history judge them well?  I doubt it.

I don't understand egos like that. I don't understand how the here and now and their power to mold it doesn't bring out the best in them instead of the worst.

An aside here about why I began writing children's books in my late 70s. I wanted to chronicle what life was like when I grew up.  A time when parents and teachers were on the same wave length, when kids understood the value of authority and the meaning of respect.  When boys were boys and girls were girls. When kids were allowed to run free because their parents trusted them.  I purposely used a big, lovable St. Bernard as my protagonist because I didn't want to preach to them.  I wanted them to see life as a wild and wonderful romp, an adventure to be explored and celebrated.

Now too many parents are cowed by those who speak louder.  Shame on them. What ever happened to moral courage.  Why do we allow ourselves to be dictated to by people who can't get their eyes off their phones or computer screens? Why are we so afraid of being criticized by name callers who often don't even have the courage to use their own! How can those of you who succumb  look at your own reflection in a mirror without feeling some degree of revulsion?

What day is it? I do know it's not the day in which I grew up. It pains me to think this may be the new normal for the children of today and tomorrow. We should all be ashamed for we all share in the blame.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

When Did Not Growing Up Become Acceptable?

Never in my ever shortening life have I seen so many supposed adults acting like self-indulgent children.  It isn't just Donald Trump though he certainly seems to be leading the parade.

It's truly frightening to see how many people close to my own age are indulging themselves in this new pattern of behavior.  Look at some that surround Trump.  Rudy Giuliani for instance.  He just cannot bring himself to keep his mouth shut.  Of course I guess it's difficult when one's foot is usually in it.

It amazes me that these people don't see themselves in those they excoriate. The Democratic leadership for example.  The word positive is no longer in their vocabulary.  From Schumer to Pelosi, every word uttered spells doom and gloom. It gets worse with members of the Black Caucus.  How can people be so filled with hate?
Let's not forget Hillary who has yet to admit that she might be at least minutely responsible for her own loss.

Then the media.  The histrionics displayed daily on MSNBC and CNN in particular make me wonder why these people aren't given downers before being allowed on air.  The FOX personalities are no better.  Dobbs gets apoplectic on a nightly basis as do Hannity and Ingraham.  Man, it's exhausting trying to watch them - never mind that its the same stories ad nauseum day in and day out.

Let's not forget the FBI and Mueller and the invisible Department of Justice.  They are so intent in getting a free ride to the tune of millions of tax payer money they've forgotten what justice is supposed to be about.

All of them, every last one of them is acting like an over indulged child who knows there will be no consequences.  That is because we have no recourse since they have exempted themselves from consequences that would put the rest of us in jail.

At one time I thought I'd see my generation coming to the fore and bringing back a standard of honesty and decency but my generation's front men are among the most egregious offenders!

I don't blog so much any more because it's painful. I barely read or watch the news for the same reason. I have never seen our nation in such a precarious state.  The athletes kneeling during the national anthem don't get it's the wrong protest for what should be a legitimate cause.  Our politicians can no longer bring themselves to be pragmatic.  The media either no longer knows how or just doesn't care to be objective any more.

So I wait and hope the pendulum on the old clock isn't totally beyond repair and will soon begin to swing back toward the center. Perhaps the mid-terms will be an indication but I fear this ship of state is going to take some time to right itself.  I'd like to be here to see it.  I probably won't.

And you know what?  The child within needs to stay there.  Within.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Land That I Love Revisited

Well, well, well. My beloved country does still exist.  I found it in Texas and Louisiana environs this past and ongoing week.

Having lived in Houston for some time, my heart was broken watching the damage accumulate. I'm sure our former home in Missouri City was flooded.  Fortunately friends still there are okay.

America.  Our flag is red, white and blue. I'm hoping that raises it above racial, sexual or religious criticism.  And it speaks freely for what it stands for.  No brown nor black nor white nor yellow.  Just the basics.  And the basic American is what is making the recovery effort in Texas work.  It doesn't matter what color you are, if you speak with an accent, live in an area less desirable than another, you're all one with America.

The politicians most visible are the ones whose responsibility is for blocks of people - town mayors, the governor, the police chief. All doing their jobs.

The President has made an appearance and is due for another.  Mike Pence, VP, is down there with sleeves rolled up helping out.  Cabinet members have made themselves available to local officials to help ease burdens. This is America at it's best.

What's missing?  I may be wrong in this but I've seen but one politician interview.  Ted Cruz making the appropriate platitudes in nice clean trousers and shirt without a smidge of mud.  C'mon guys.  Dig in!

On second thought, don't.  The people are doing just fine without you getting under foot. The media could ease up on some of their in your face reporting too but so far it has been satisfactory if not too ongoing for those of us who live elsewhere and are fighting our own demons.  Wildfires here.  Drought.  But we don't generate ratings this year.  It's the year of the flood!

That's okay.  Should we need the help of Texans at some point they will be here.  Bet on it. Too bad it has taken a natural disaster to remind us of who we are.  No.  I have that wrong.  We well know who we are.  It's Congress who needs reminded and I haven't heard a whimper other than rumblings they're going to fight disaster relief.

I dare them. If they actually do it will be time for a whole new cast.  We can applaud or we can boo.  I'd rather applaud but I'm keeping my voice in shape just in case.

God Bless America, Land That I Love.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Here's To French Resolve

I'm taking French President Hollande at his word when he states the response to the terrorist attacks will be merciless.  I hope he takes it further than the Jordanians did after one of their young pilots was burned alive.  A few air strikes and gone.

Perhaps the difference will be the fact France is not a Muslim country.  Jordan is.

More importantly, someone needs to take the lead in the fight against Islamic radicalism and it sure isn't going to be us. Who better than the French since they've been on the receiving end of terror strikes twice within this calendar year!

What gives me great pause is wondering what would be happening if those attacks had happened here.  I think a lot of breast beating and woe is us for a few news cycles until the furor died down then as is usual with this administration - nothing.

Whatever we've become as a nation will be revealed in no uncertain terms come next November.  Have we really become a "selfie" nation that care more about our personal wants than the good of the nation as a whole?  Have we really come to believe a group of students on college campuses who are still wet behind the ears know better than adults who have lived life and seen the world?

Have we really come to believe that the government is the end all and that no matter how burdensome taxes may be we will get it all back in the form of entitlements?

Have we really come to believe that a Donald Trump will do us proud over a Ben Carson who is belittled because he's a gentleman and a gentle man?  Or that the conviction of a Ted Cruz or or Marco Rubio is offensive?  Why?  Because they seem, at least, to love their country and have ideas on how to put it back on track.

Are we so blase about the abilities of women we're willing to lionize a Hillary Clinton with all her baggage yet won't even offer Carly Fiorina a bowl of milk because she's a Republican?

I hope we have a year to sort it out.  But as France has found out, there are no guarantees no matter the effort.  Those running for office, I am sure, are listening to what former diplomats, military personnel and students of the history of those who oppose us have to say.  The Democrats are not but surely most of the Republicans are.  I hope so; not only listening but actually hearing.

What remains to be seen is if the candidates who would love to lead us not only state their convictions,  it's politically expedient, but also have the courage of them.

In the meantime we must look to France and the allies it can pull together to keep us safe. If anything is un-American it's cowering behind others.  It's time to admit there is no such thing as leading from behind and remedy it.

Monday, December 02, 2013

Following Blindly Has Its Pitfalls

Two items caught my attention while reading online headlines.  One, a lot of Democrats are still running from the President.  Two, Chris Christie's "bazaar behavior" may hurt his presidential aspirations.

It strikes me as a no win situation.  One that shouldn't be, no matter your politics.

Both sides are like lemmings following their leadership over the cliff into the sea.  Oh sure, both sides have their rebellious types,  the Tea Party Republicans and the Progressive Democrats.  They are the spoilers and proud of it.  That nothing moves forward means nothing as long as it works out to harm the opposition. Any opposition, even if within their own party.  That's forward thinking!

On the Democratic side, they'd not have to be running from the President if they hadn't blindly voted for Obamacare.  If they had voted the truth of the legislation it probably would not have passed, there was so much not addressed and so much flawed it was just plain bad legislation.   But politics being what they are today, they caved to either bribery or threats from their leadership.  Work with the each other?   Not on your life.

On the other hand, the die hard Republican absolutists will not forgive Chris Christie for the liberal leanings he sometimes has taken to be able to govern his state.

Maybe that's what needs to be scrutinized. How do we get back to the methods that get the most good done?  Certainly not following blindly because you are a member of a particular party.  Those who do are putting party,  ideology and career before country. The result has been a President who ignores the Constitution and cherry picks what will and will not be enforced and gets a pass and Secretaries with far too much "shall" power.

Christie, he probably isn't alone though he gets the press, knows that flexibility gets things done.  Would he be as flexible if he were in a Red state?  I can't say for sure, but I would hope so.  As is, however, he is forced to look at both sides to get things done and he has done just that. If I can assume, which is dangerous, this is his philosophy on effective governance.

I hope sometime between now and the 2014 mid-terms both the politicians and the voters see the light.  How much more of this agony and ecstasy emotional see saw can the country take?

If I want to see glee I'll watch the TV show.  I'm tired of watching it in Congress when one side or the other stumbles.  The problem is there is no one around to pick any one up.  They're too busy cheering the fall and we're too busy trying to patch up the mess. 

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

McCain And Graham - Past Their Prime

What happens when politicians have outlasted their usefulness?  They meddle.

Jimmy Carter is the champion of meddling even today but two Republicans are running a close second.  How can two be second?  Because you never seem to see one without the other.

Lindsey Graham, the oh so pious yet vague Senator from South Carolina, will at least have to face some challengers in 2014.  Failed presidential candidate and self anointed maverick McCain will be around for awhile yet.  I'm thinking if Graham goes, though, maybe McCain won't be able to find another willing partner.  I've always wondered that if these two are as right about things as they tell us they are, why more of their ilk haven't jumped on their bandwagon.

The administration has them pegged.  They can be used, rolled, whatever you want to call it as long as the reward is face time on camera.  Sometimes it works for them, sometimes not.

I'd say McCain and Graham's recent trip to Egypt to let them know what they must do to retain our favor might not sit well with the Egyptians and might do the administration more harm than good.  They went with the administration's 'blessing' but not at it's request.

Imagine the chutzpah involved in suggesting the release of Morsi and some of their political prisoners might be negotiated in return for concessions from the interim government.  They aren't even part of the administration, thank you very much.  We have a Secretary of State to handle such matters.  And making a joke about what is or isn't a coup.  Talk about abusing political correctness on a grand scale in another country! Let it go, John.  It's right up there with 'bomb, bomb Iran' on your top ten bad joke list.

So the Egyptians have now officially been warned by our twin mavericks that their aid money might be in jeopardy if they don't admit to our terminology then apologize for it and do the bidding of these two. Wow. Never mind what the Egyptian people want. Why are they there again?

I don't think the Egyptians are concerned.  The Saudis have offered them far more in aid than we have.  They have successfully made the administration look weak for having these two appear to be roving ambassadors even though it's another self appointed title.

It's bad enough when the administration makes blunders.  They don't need the help of two from the Republican side making it worse.  So what's the end result of this exercise in narcissism?  I can't believe I've extended the term beyond  the presidential persona, but I have.  In spades.  So, we have a failed trip at tax payer expense and the contempt of the Egyptian people and their interim government for having interfered where it wasn't needed or wanted.

And you wonder why the world looks at us as inept, weak and inconsequential.

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Rancor Within The Ranks

In a way I'm happy to see the power struggle within the ranks of the Republican Party.  Leadership is weak and consensus non-existent.  They need both.

Who can get excited about Mitch McConnell or John Boehner?  Both persona's shout BOR-ING.

The same can be said about Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid too.  And they're having some of the same problems as the Republicans.  The young bucks don't toe the line. New leadership is needed on both sides of the aisle and the young bucks need some schooling that current leadership seems unable to provide.

The Republicans seem to have a problem with defining terms.  Like what exactly is a conservative these days?  Is it the belief in small government and fiscal responsibility or is it that plus all the 'conservative' social issues which have no place in governance?  It needs to be cleared up.

To make matters worse they seem to have a problem deciphering the difference between compromise and capitulation.  They have a tendency to cave to what the liberals want while getting nothing in return.  On the other hand they can be incredibly, stupidly stubborn like thinking they can defund Obamacare with the threat of shutting down the government.  Obama is never going to go along with it so why waste the effort?  There is no positive outcome should they insist on trying.

Their time could be better spent.  Instead of fighting like they do with the Democrats among themselves, they ought to sit down privately and talk through their differences.  When the continuing resolution vote comes around in September it would be wise to come forward with a unified face.

Or are they beyond having the ability to do so?  Are they so caught up in animosity with anyone who disagrees they are blind to what they're doing to their own party, never mind the country.

There won't be a viable third party before 2016 but there might as well be - a third, a fourth, maybe even a fifth because the voters will follow where their personal interests lie without regard for the country as a whole.  The social conservatives will follow a Rick Santorum. Centrists may follow a Chris Christy.  Those with a Libertarian/isolationist bent will look to a Rand Paul.  All under the guise of Republicanism. Yet none of them actually are because they don't follow a main stream.  Thus a divided party adding to an already divided country.

Until the end of September.  That's all the time they realistically have because campaigning for 2014 will be heating up.  If the Democrats take the House and hold the Senate it's all over for the duration. By 2016 the country will be beyond recognition from what it had been to generations past and quite likely beyond redemption for generations to come.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Franken(stein)'s Monster - He Of His Own Making

Remember when Senator Al Franken (D - MN) was a comedian of some note?  I never thought him funny then nor do I think he is now, years later.  His humor, to me, was always crude and I don't find such humor laughable.

Now he's a Senator, though I wonder why.  He certainly didn't have the credentials when he ran and won under a cloud of suspicion.

That being said, however, it is interesting to note that the Democrats have someone as clueless as Republicans Akin and King on the campaign trail.  It's fitting, isn't it, that Al Franken is campaigning with another famous for quips of questionable taste, Joe Biden?

So what has my dander up about Mr. Franken?  The fact that back in his days as a writer on Saturday Night Live he made quips about raping Lesley Stahl, a reporter for CBS. Humor?  Funny?  You tell me.
"... and I give these pills to Lesley Stahl. Then when she passes out I take her to the closet and rape her."
"When she passes out I put her in various positions and take pictures of her."
How crude, insensitive and offensive can you get? 

Yes, it happened a long time ago.  So?  It's an issue now and improprieties have a way of never going away. Why make yourself vulnerable to it now that it is a huge issue?

What is it with these men? Are they really that insensitive as to what rape is all about? Do they not understand it? After all, they are the ones who commit it. Are we still living in an age when women are merely tolerated, being here solely for their pleasure or sport?  

Of course not. The men I know are not like this, but the last several days shows that still too many are.  The idea that they sit in seats of power is disgusting and certainly demeaning. To women and to men who don't and never have wallowed at such depths.

The issue of abortion is an issue about the 'when' of life.  It has it's legitimacy even though I don't believe the political arena is where the debate should be played out. Rape is an entirely different matter.  It's a crime.  For politicians to be so  uninformed as to exactly what rape entails is pathetic.  To joke about it is worse.

It makes me wonder if it's a battle women are winning or if we're just being paid lip service by those holding the most vile of attitudes that they try to veil with smiles and platitudes. Until the veil is accidently dropped and we see the truth of what's hidden.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I Give Up!

I give up. I really do.  The folly of Representative Todd Akin's views on rape and abortion is one reason.  He made the mistake of opening his mouth.  But was that the end of it? No.  Representative Steve King, in defending Akin,  extended the issue to include statutory rape and incest.  In his vast well of knowledge he said he didn't know anyone who had become pregnant from statutory rape or incest but he'd be open to learning more.  I  don't know anyone either but I have no doubt what-so-ever that it happens!

How can these people legislate on issues where they have such scant knowledge?  Aren't these the very people who are so sure exactly when life begins? How can they be so precise on one while being so ignorant of the other.

I understand this is where their stand on abortion comes from.  If life begins the moment sperm meets egg and killing said life is criminal than abortion for any reason would be criminal.  But it's not criminal.  It's still legal in all 50 states.

There's one big problem with this thinking.  Not everyone agrees.  While many hold this belief, it is not a scientific fact.  It is opinion.  Conception versus birth.

I do believe some things should not be legislated and this is one of them.  I've ranted about government intrusion in my life for a very long time.  I will also rant about religious intrusion in my life.  I may choose to surround myself by like minded people on social issues.  There is some comfort in that, confirmation that others believe as I do.  I will not try to force those who do not agree to do so. Nor condemn other opinions and beliefs as being wrong or criminal.  There are too many variables and complexities.

I find it disturbingly ironic that those who bemoan the government taking over more and more of our freedoms don't recognize the parallels among themselves when they try to do the same with their social/religious beliefs.

For me it boils down to very simple truths.  If I choose not to pass on the gene pool of a rapist it should be my right.  If I don't care to breast feed my baby it should be my right.  Should I want to drink a large sugar laden soda it should be my right.

It should not be the right of some ill informed politician to be making those decisions for me.

I cannot see in either party a platform I can come close to supporting.  Don't tell me the Republican platform doesn't reflect Romney's views, just the party's.  What's the point of having it if it isn't going to be adhered to by those elected?

In the same vein,  what's the point of having laws if the President is able to bypass them by executive order without the country having recourse?

I don't know what to think any more.  Nothing seems to make any sense.  Listening to the falsehoods and nastiness and ignorance is exhausting. There was a time I thought we could do better and I was heartened.  But I no longer do.  How many more out there are like me?  Ready to turn away in disappointment and disgust? Ready to just give up?

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Tag Team Mudslinging!

The Republicans now have their team.  As has been said by some,  this presidential election is really about one thing.  Not jobs, not the economy though each has an important role.  It's about the type of country we want going forward.

Do we want one where government intrudes in everything?  Obama has made it clear this is his thinking.  The problem with it is we, who will be paying for his 'investments', don't get to give a thumbs up or a thumbs down on them.  So far government's track record has been dismal.

The Republicans say they are for less government and fiscal responsibility.  We'll see.  Paul Ryan is a plus if it's true but he, as well as his potential boss, has to do a better job of explaining how his ideas will work so as not to scare us to death like the Democrats are doing.

This election poses contrast like never before.  Don't forget the peripherals either.  Little things like foreign policy.  Our soldiers are still being killed in Afghanistan.  Syria is a disaster as the Secretary of State boogies in Africa. Iran and Israel get closer to war.

It's a disgrace and an embarrassment to me that this country allows it's politicians and their surrogates (super PACs) to stoop to such demeaning levels in their campaigns for the highest office in the land.  Some would say in the world.

Both sides are guilty.  Look what Romney did to his opponents in the primaries.  He didn't think it foul then, he has no right to now.  But when Lanny Davis, one of the most dyed in the wool Democrats around, says it's time to discuss policy issues rather than trying to destroy the opposition's reputations as human beings, you know it has gotten more than dirty. Try unscrupulous and unprincipled.

Can the bar be raised?  I doubt it.  So one more time we'll be stuck with the team left standing after all the mud is slung.  Lucky us.  Lucky world.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Beware The Tea Party Darlings

The Republican Party has lost it's identity to the Tea Party and hasn't a clue what to do.

More and more so called Republicans are turning away from the moderates in their own party in an on going and effective effort to reshape the GOP into one of far right conservatism.  Whatever conservatism is these days.

If that isn't reason for a viable third party I don't know what is.

It has happened again in Texas where a darling of the Tea Party beat a more moderate opponent in a runoff for Kay Bailey Hutchisons's Senate seat. I question the stance of any candidate that has the active support of Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul, Glenn Beck and Jim DeMint. Why is that?  Because they are all far right and by some considered to be on the fringe.  In some respects they want to intrude into your life just as much as the Democrats only with religious dictates rather than governmental.  Family values.  On their terms.  Not yours.

We've seen from the 2010 elections what happens when people with an ideology and an inability or unwillingness to think about what's best for the country and act accordingly are voted into office. Analyze and compromise are not in their vocabularies.

We hear a great deal about true conservatives without a firm definition.  We hear a great deal about wanting to take back our country but is electing the inflexible really the way to do it?

Granted many Republicans who have been turned out of office have been there too long.  However, these new nominees and electees are not the one man wonders they are made out to be.  They begin their terms with no seniority which minimizes their clout from the get go.  They alone, as one person, will not bring new leadership for years to come, nor shrink government, nor give it back to the people,  especially by refusing to compromise.

Stuart Rothenberg, editor of the nonpartisan Rothenberg Report, had this to say about the candidate I'm referring to, Ted Cruz. "...Cruz is not willing to compromise even if it means being irrelevant to the legislative process."

Read that again.  What's the point of electing a man like that to...well, legislate?

Isn't it time to cut the Tea Partiers loose?  They serve no purpose other than obstruction.  Like spoiled children, if things aren't the way they want them they throw the equivalent of a tantrum.  It's no way to run a country.  Actually, they aren't running the country at all except maybe into the ground. Is there anyone in office who is actually for the country in either party?

Monday, April 30, 2012

It's The Pits

I've gone and done it.  I've totally lost my sense of humor.  I define more and more of what I hear as tasteless.  Jokes included.  Take for instance Obama's crack at the White House Correspondents Dinner regarding Sarah Palin. Was it about Sarah? Or something else?

"What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull?  A pit bull  is delicious."

I guess there are some things of which I find hard to let go.  One is the horror story of football's Michael Vick and his dog fighting ring of pit bulls. I'm still reading progress reports on those rescued by Best Friend's Animal Society.  I've crossed paths with a lot of pit bulls during my years and have yet to meet one that deserves the reputation they have as a breed.  Oh sure.  They can turn and do but it's not a trait exclusive to them.  Even my beloved Saints can be nasty and believe me a nasty Saint is no Saint!  I guess that's why the President's joke left me cold.

I usually weigh how men treat their wives in public when forming an opinion.  Maybe I should pay more attention as to how they joke, or even just talk, about their dogs!  Neither Mitt Romney nor Obama rate very high on the Arf Scale!

Sure, Obama was referring to his previous comment about having eaten dog as a youth.  I know it's considered a perfectly legitimate food in some societies.  But not ours.  It's the connotation in the form of a joke.  Animal lovers in this country fight so hard to give our voiceless companions the best lives possible.  They fight the idea that an animal is no more then a possession and can be treated anyway you please.  They aren't inanimate objects.  They are living, breathing, feeling creatures. Does how you treat your possessions carry over to how you treat your animals?  Does it carry over to family too?  Some would say yes.  I'm not sure.  I've never experienced the circumstance.  Our dogs have always been treated  like the most revered of people.

It just hit my hot button.  I've been saturated with mean spirited and truth challenged commentary over the months since political season began in earnest.  It's going to get worse before it gets better, I know.  Go ahead,  tear one another apart.  Lie about one another.  Leave it to the bewildered brain power of the voters to sort it out.  But leave our dogs out of it.  Don't joke about eating them while legalizing the trapping of wolves.  Keep your attacks aimed at those on equal footing who are equipped to fight back - other politicians.

As words and phrases are being banned on what seems nearly a daily basis, maybe we should do away with "It's a dog eat dog world."  More appropriately it should be " It's a politician eats politician world." After all they are the ones cannibalizing our way of life.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Pinocchio Syndrome

I have a solution for all our political woes. An implant that would cause a politician's nose to grow every time a lie escapes his lips. Man, you wouldn't be able to maneuver through the halls of Congress!

It would also be a blessing when it comes to deciphering which candidates are playing loose with the truth. Take Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal and his war record. Blumenthal is running for the Senate seat being vacated by Chris Dodd, no stranger to mis-truths himself. He called a press conference today to dance away a New York Times story which revealed he mislead voters about his war record. Only on a few occasions, mind you, and it shouldn't denigrate the fact that he did serve in the Marine reserves which he claimed to have joined by looking them up in the yellow pages and calling.

Someone, and I think it's Blumenthal, is missing the point. No one is denigrating what he did, but rather what he said he did and did not. Serve in Vietnam. I am no authority on how the draft worked back in those days, but getting five deferments doesn't sound to me like he was anxious to risk life and limb. Ending up in the reserves is suspect unto itself, but as I said, I'm no authority.

Had he let slip once that he served in Vietnam, it could be construed as misspeaking but records should he made the same statement time and time again. He has it backwards when he accuses the Times of an "outrageous distortion".

I haven't yet decided how I feel about the men from the VFW who stood behind him in support. Did they really believe it was a collection of statements of no consequence? Were they blinded by the man and his position? I can't imagine actual Vietnam vets wanting someone who did not serve claiming to have done so for political gain.

We the people got lucky this time. Someone blew the whistle prior to an election and the press did a good job in substantiating it.

One Democratic operative compared Blumenthal's statements to those of candidate Hillary speaking of her experience under fire in Bosnia when tape showed a gathering of small children singing and bearing flowers. "It wasn't the end of Hillary Clinton." Wasn't it? So too should it be the end of Mr. Blumenthal. How can voters know now what is and what is not truth? From a state Attorney General no less!

I wonder if anyone has ever done a study, there are so many, on the length of politicians' noses as a ratio to their accidental misstatements.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Watching And Waiting...

I spent some time this morning watching the health care summit. A few things struck me. Nancy Pelosi did not look happy. I think she was bored and wanting to get back to passing the massive legislation that awaits us.

President Obama interrupted John McCain who was trying to make a valid point and scolded him by telling him the campaign was over. How would Obama know? He hasn't stopped yet himself!

The Democrats have been busy telling the Republicans how many times they used reconciliation when they were in power. This is pay back time. Now isn't this a fine way to pass legislation that they don't have to abide by but we will?

Friends, we are being governed by a group of children more interested in furthering their personal ideology than sorting out a complex issue for the good of the country. Let's face it, the Democratic leadership wants a socialist America. The people do not. It's really pretty simple. They have the power. We do not. It's really pretty simple.

The Republicans suggestion of starting over and passing issues on which they can agree, or at least compromise, is not at all unreasonable. Yet the Democrats, including and especially the President, are the ones saying no.

I see the ball being squarely in the President's court. If he doesn't go back and amend his outline to include some of what the Republicans want we'll know there was no good faith in this meeting. It indeed will be nothing more then theater.

Actually, he has to do a bit more. He has to take Pelosi and Reid to the woodshed if necessary to get them to cooperate. I doubt that he will nor that they would.

If there is no move toward the Republicans I will have lost the final wisp of respect I have for the President and his party.

It's sad, really. I'm moving more and more toward the likelihood of no longer participating in national elections. No matter who wins, once the newly elected are settled in it's right back to business as usual.

We talk of how abhorrent dictatorships are. They essentially have one in both Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan. True ones exist in many African nations and of course North Korea. Well, you know, we're not so far from it here. The name? The Democratic congress for now. That, of course, is subject to change to the Republican congress in due time.

We need the old war horses of Congress, those who respect it's rules and procedures for how they were meant to work. We need them to hold those who will thwart the rules that made it one of the great institutions of the world accountable. We're not getting through from the outside; if they will perhaps they can.

One thing of which they might take note. The people will only be pushed so far. All they need do is look at Iran. They're already threatening us with fines and jail time for not buying their product. What's next? Troops in our own streets? Just what is America becoming?

Perhaps election time will let those in power know we do not consider it a game nor a toy for them to break beyond repair.

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Mad Hatters Of The Tea Party Movement

Tim Burton has done it again! This time it's the casting of his pal Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter in his cracked looking glass version of Alice in Wonderland!

It got me to thinking about what a wonderful symbol he would be for our very own Tea Party movement, especially those who need something to differentiate themselves from the Republican right.

As I've listened to the speeches being given at CPAC I sense the Republican right is trying to shape the movement into their image. If they are successful it will be the demise of the Tea Partiers. Their strength is their support for candidates that embrace their core values , regardless of party.
• Fiscal Responsibility
• Constitutionally Limited Government
• Free Markets
If they get sucked into the ideology of the Far Left or the Far Right, they will lose their impact and become spoilers rather than agents of change.

Perhaps there needs to be a movement within the movement. One that makes sure they stay their course. I think the Mad Hatters would be fitting name for this group!. Depp's Mad Hatter is described as a human mood ring, his clothes changing color with his moods. Granted, our clothes can't change color according to the way we think but if they did the most effective Tea Partiers would be wearing purple rather than red or blue. They would be choosing the best ideas and candidates from each party.

Here's to the Mad Hatters! Oh yes. The idea is mad. Quite mad. Considering the political climate today, what could be more fitting?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Bye Bayh!

There he stood at the podium, his wife with a tear in her eye and his two sons at his side. He was not there to heap embarrassment upon them, but rather heap embarrassment on the United States Congress. I wonder if he succeeded. I doubt it. They are beyond embarrassment.

When a man of Evan Bayh's caliber and experience ops not to run again because he does not love Congress, it is a sad day for the country! Why does this popular two term Senator no longer love it? "There is much too much partisanship and not enough progress. Too much narrow ideology and not enough practical problem solving."

There you have it. Out of the mouth of one of their own! What more will it take for Mr. Reid and Ms. Pelosi to take note? Oops. Wrong. They know. The problem is just what to do about it. They are the ones I'd like to see leave. Not Evan Bayh.

Every time a Senator or Congressman who is known to be willing to work with those across the aisle quits, it weakens the body. The numbers are interesting to me. While the lowest percentage of his career, he has voted with the Democratic caucus 71% of the time. That seems pretty indicative that he is a Democrat, yet he is known as the Senate Democrat least likely to vote with his party this Congress. Is there something wrong with this picture?

We so badly need more willing to work across party lines yet they are being driven out by the leadership's refusal to budge. It would seem the President is more in sync with the leadership than those willing to try the bipartisan route or he wouldn't have dug his heels in on Pelosi's health care reform.

It's going to be an interesting several months leading up to the 2010 mid-terms. I anticipate little more than contentious bickering.

I also anticipate the tea party movement throwing a monkey wrench into the elections by putting up their own ideological candidates thereby weakening Republican chances to make significant gains. If the Democrats prevail they will consider it a mandate. They will be wrong.

Is the voting public wise enough to not let that happen?

How I wish there were more like Evan Bayh. If there were perhaps they could have worked together to move both parties rather then feeling compelled to leave.

One more time, we lose.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

The Evolution Of Sarah Palin

Having watched Sarah Palin's speech to the Tea Party gathering in Nashville and some of the follow up interviews, I thought I'd stick my neck out and report my take on it. It will be interesting, if only to myself, to see how often I change my tune over the months preceding the 2012 election cycle!

I'm beginning to understand Palin's immense popularity. I see a woman who is just enough politician to be canny. I see a woman who has taken her lumps and has come to realize she isn't quite where she needs to be to have the credibility to run for the highest of offices. She certainly is smart enough to be in the House or Senate when compared to many already there. I see a woman enjoying her fame and new found stature. I see a woman still determining where she wants it to take her.

Back to her popularity. She speaks in sharp, witty sound bites. She stumbles over her notes. She speaks the language, by golly, of everyman. I do believe that's why the average man and woman on the street love her. There was a lot she said with which I disagree and just as much that I agreed with whole heartedly. For instance, why preach non-partisanism if you really don't intend to practice it!

I don't quite agree with her idea of what the Tea Party movement is all about. I think she thinks it will be folded into the Republicanism of old. If she means that which became before the Christian right movement took over, she could be right. If she means a return to the narrow vision of anti-gay, anti-abortion litmus test I think she's wrong. The Republicans should know that they cannot win on those issues but I've yet to see evidence that they do.

This is where I see the Tea Party movement differently. It may lean heavily Republican but I think it's more inclusive than that. I think it embraces a good many centrist Democrats and lot of Independents that aren't quite ready to join the Republican fold. It's ability to be a force depends on those Independents.

Ms. Palin has plenty of time to study the tea leaves and see what they tell her. I expect to see her testing the waters in many ways. She'll endorse candidates to determine if her endorsements are effective or detrimental. I expect to see her on air performances become more polished and substantive.

At this point in time I don't expect her to announce a candidacy for President. I would expect her name to placed in nomination with or without her blessing and I wouldn't be at all surprised to see an attempt to draft her.

In the meantime she is probably the most intriguing political personality of the times. She needs to grow. She has the time. For now, she provides a rallying point for every disillusioned, frustrated voter out there because of her ability to connect with them.

She has a "gift" much as Obama had. He rallied the people with his eloquence, well rehearsed and in front of him on teleprompters. Palin's gift is her very ordinariness. Agree with her or not, she speaks from the heart. That resonates!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Through A Looking Glass, Darkly

I have often lamented that one reason we don't get better people running for public office is because of the invasive scrutiny to which candidates and their families are subject. Granted, more who hold high office are not tainted by scandal than those who are (I think), but those who are tend to be doozies!

A headline on Drudge pointed to the efforts by John Edwards former(?) mistress's attempts to quash the release of a 'personal video', ie:, sex tape. It goes to show all that intense scrutiny isn't enough or is it we usually don't pay enough attention?

When compared to sex scandals among the privileged and ruling classes of other countries, our randy politicians look like pikers. Liaisons with ladies of the night or 'soul mates' in Argentina or educating interns. Eh. It's happened so many times before. It will happen again. We have such a huge capacity for forgiveness.

Then there is John Edwards. The gift that keeps on giving. Hub and I have been contemplating whether he was driven to his indiscretion by a domineering wife using her illness as a foil. That's how cynics think. Not that we are in any way giving him a pass!

Yet here is a man who could have been President! He was a Vice Presidential nominee then a candidate with a wife knowing of his dalliances. We know that with political egos these are not uncommon happenings but had he been elected what kind of leader would he have been? What would his mistress have decided to do and what would his wife have done? I'd say there are some character issues with the lot of them. Sure, the same goes for Bill and Hillary and so many others on the state level it's enough to boggle your prurient sensitivities!

Yet I look at President Obama. Right now he is being pilloried for not keeping campaign promises as if he had committed the most egregious of mortal sins. Okay. He's hasn't proven to have the leadership capabilities I had hoped for or expected. To date, however, he is still a decent man who is a good father and husband. I think. With his ethereal 'big picture' persona he might be better off in a think tank than as President, but job capabilities aside, he is still a decent man. As was his predecessor.

Now I may be dead wrong about all of this. Just because headlines haven't been made doesn't mean there isn't smoke soldering somewhere. Let's say there isn't for the sake of the point. I'd rather live with his protocol faux pas than suffer seeing Presidential indiscriminate behavior all over the tabloids one more time.

Sex tape? Please! While running for President? We dodged the 'good judgement' bullet with this guy. Maybe instead of toning down that scrutiny we ought to ratchet it up and include the enablers! The spouses who know. The lovers. And those loyalists who turn a blind eye.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

One Last Desparate Grasp For Glory

Back when I was supporting Obama for President I felt strongly it was time for new and younger blood to assume responsibility. I also believed that he was among the best and the brightest. Partially because he was black and had to work harder for all that he had achieved. I admit now my vision was skewed. He really hadn't achieved much of anything beyond his education and without knowing what sort of academic record he had I don't know whether he was truly one of our brightest or one more beneficiary of affirmative action.

That being said, let's look at the other choice. John McCain. I saw in Obama everything McCain was not. Young, energetic, technologically savvy. I don't have a clue where to look next. Maybe comfortable middle age!

I've been watching the descent of Harry Reid toward oblivion. I cannot think of one majority leader of either party that has inspired me less than Mr. Reid. If it weren't for the importance of his work taking precedence, I'd find him totally ignorable. What makes these old war horses hang on so long? Reid is so out of touch that during the campaign he referred to Obama as having no "Negro" dialect. I understand the verbage but how long has it been since it has been used?

And now, in one last valiant effort to be elected one more time he has been reduced to bribing for votes for a piece of bad and maybe even unconstitutional legislation. It will probably be for naught for he is led by all of his opponents of which there are three. Dead last.

What price glory? One has to suppose John McCain chose Sarah Palin to be his running mate for two reasons. One, even though they were supposedly friends, to stick it to Hillary Clinton and two, to bring the essence of youth to a campaign of grumpy old men. When Palin's foreign policy tutors were told by aide Steve Schmidt, "You guys have a lot of work to do. She doesn't know anything," I can no longer give McCain a pass on not knowing what he was getting.

Well, McCain lost, and say what you will, Palin's lack of knowledge was a large part of it.

Reid will probably lose too. Those opposing him are young, energetic and technologically savvy. All the pork in the world cannot negate that fact. One wonders if all the other aging Senators, like Nebraska's Ben Nelson, also floundering in the polls, will find out the same.

In the sense of what's good in the way of legislation for the country, I hope so. On the other hand, I can only "hope" the challengers have a leg up on substance.