Showing posts with label Gingrich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gingrich. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

One Man's Delusional Love Fest

If there was ever a reason to not vote for Newt Gingrich it's because he's truly delusional!  Yes. He's still in the race, such as it is, for the Republican nomination.

He's been spending all his time of late in Delaware, according to Politico . Even with seventeen delegates at stake in the winner take all primary, taking place today, what good will it do?  Unfortunately it will boost his confidence that he can yet become the nominee even though he needs five more wins to even get on the ballot in Tampa.

If this isn't delusional than I am.  Which could be.  Remember, though,  Delaware gave us Christine O'Donnell!  That paragon of conservatism yet even she has endorsed Romney!

One thing that is worrisome in all states is the need to be wooed by candidates.  Even though logistically it isn't always possible a certain element of voter will hold out for that personal attention whether or not the candidate is actually worthy.  This is rumored to hold true in Delaware too, though I can hope not.

Why the Republicans weren't able to field a better selection of candidates puzzles me.  There isn't one of them I feel comfortable with but at least they've winnowed it down to perhaps the least offensive.  Heck, how can someone who can't articulate an idea be offensive?

Those remaining are just as puzzling.  Ron Paul, I suppose, just wants a platform for his ideals hoping at least some of them might catch on.  Recently departed Santorum wandered too far to the right and left the comfort zone of the average voter.  Then there's our Newt. The man is the poster child of self love from his opinion of his own intellect to the sound of his own voice.

Hopefully Delaware will have learned it's lesson with Ms. O'Donnell and will not give Newt the victory he craves.  Perhaps then our attention will no longer be divided with thoughts of 'what next?'

As imperfect as the choices are, at least we'll be down to two.  My apologies to Americans Elect. Of their top five declared candidates I've heard of one and he's one in which I have no interest.  One more time it looks like our choice will be for the least offensive of two who shouldn't be there in the first place.

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Newt Says "Nuts To The Country"

If there has ever been an action to illustrate how unsuitable a candidate is for President,  Newt Gingrich is showing us what it is.

He has proven what I've long thought - everything is about him and heaven help you if you cross him.  Forget the country.  Destroy the front runner because he didn't play nice.

You'd think anyone who has been in politics as long as Newt and carries his amount of baggage should have expected to be slammed at every juncture just as he was.  I thought his body language and facial expressions indicated he never expected it.  His ego is such.  He set the tone in the debates to go after Obama, not the other candidates.  Debates are one thing, an actual election or caucus is something else. He could be that naive but I doubt it.  It's ego.  Newt has spoken.  The others are expected to follow.

He could have taken the high road such as there is one in politics.  I guess that would be the equivalent of slinging mud at his opponents rather than dragging them through it.  Not much of a difference; still, a nuance.  But no.  He has lowered himself to the level he has accused Romney of holding.  He has vowed to destroy him by any means possible.  Ah, the sweet taste of revenge.

Will it work?  That remains to be seen.  If he does indeed pursue that goal he will certainly give both Santorum, his dear friend, and Perry a step up to being the Mitt alternative.  Vengeance may not sit as well with the electorate as it does with him.

Actually I think he is totally flummoxed.  He isn't thinking clearly.  He's still in the race.  Everyone is watching to see what he can do with his limited funds.  Ads, positive or negative, are expensive.  His staff is skeletal.   Is he still running for the nomination or not?  Is he just hell bent on revenge?

Romney is not the end all as a candidate.  His super PAC may have over stepped the bounds of propriety yet he's still the most likely of the Republican field to give Obama any sort of challenge.

Rick Santorum, like Newt is just another big government politician.  Look at his record.  He's also one more lawyer with no real world experience.  We've got one in office now.  If it comes down to the devil we know versus the devil we don't I'm willing to bet the electorate will vote for the one they know.  That means another term for Obama and the consequences thereof.

If that's the case, the blame will lay at Newt's feet.  If he spends the rest of his time as a candidate trying to ruin Romney, he's in essence saying nuts to the country.  His ego needs stroked more than the country needs to be rid of Obama.

If I were Santorum I'd keep the guy at arms length.  You never know what guilt by association might render. I don't think the country as a whole is looking for a Conservative, by his and Newt's definition, for President.  Even their own weren't interested in Michele Bachmann who is as conservative as they come.  They want more than that.  Things like a plan, experience and pragmatism - palpable substance.

If Newt wants to go after Romney, that's his prerogative.  If he does, I hope he takes it outside the campaign.  The party is divided enough as is. We don't need an egocentric wedge rendering it totally impotent.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Getting To Know Them, Getting To Know All About Them - Ugh!

I read one explanation as to why the voters in Iowa seem to still be in a state of flux even though caucus day looms.  The reason is there hasn't been enough retail politics this cycle.  Candidates have much smaller on site staffs than in previous elections and have spent much less time on the ground themselves.  For the most part.  Forget those like Rick Santorum this time and Chris Dodd last time who practically lived there.  We know how Dodd ended up.  Thank goodness.

Do you suppose one reason is the crunch of everyone striving to keep their place in the primary cycle no matter how ridiculous a January 3rd caucus date is.  Much has been made of the weather being a potential factor.  Yep.  I went to college in Iowa.  Winters aren't the most pleasant time in which to venture forth - especially at night if it's snowing and blowing.  Both distinct possibilities.

I read where one woman has decided to support the one candidate she had an opportunity to meet and actually travel around with for a time.  She was a party chair from somewhere in the state and her choice is Romney.  Her experience with him was from the last set of primaries in 2007!

I have a lot of reasons for not liking the emphasis put on the results from Iowa, but there is one thing I think they've gotten right.  Get to know the clowns before you put them into the big top.

Think about it.  People are luke warm about Romney because they do know him fairly well this time around and are uncomfortable with his religion and his purported flip flops though I think too much is being made of both.  Then there' s the likes of Herman Cain.  Likable, funny, but then oops.  A little short of substance when it comes to world wide issues.  I'll be nice and not add in his alleged infidelities since Newt is getting a pass.

Then there's Newt.  The more I see of him the less I like him.  The smile he's been wearing of late has all the warmth of this wife's hair do.  I cannot imagine what a children's book written by those two must be like.  Sorry.  I'm being catty.  Deliberately so.  Sometimes my patience runs thin.

Let's take the arrogance factor instead.  Newt has been whining ever since he failed to get the 10,000 legitimate signatures to qualify for the Virginia primary.  Anyone who can't get 10,000 plus a cushion to allow for illegitimate ones is obviously lacking organization - and appeal.  I mean, come on, Virginia is a pretty good sized state!

His tactic has been to criticize the state for having a failed system.  Hmmm, how about a failed campaign organization?  Then he claims the setback as being similar to the attack on Pearl Harbor.  I'm still trying to get my head around that one.  Being the history professor, I'm sure Newt can explain it to me.

Strange that none of the other candidates qualified either, except Romney and Paul.  I haven't heard a peep out of any of them.  That in itself seems strange, but I'd expect them to take themselves to task for sloppy preparation rather than being the victim of a sneak attack!

If anything positive comes out of this primary season perhaps it will be a crackdown by the national party organizations on setting the dates for primaries.  Another item for my wishful thinking list I'm sure.  In lieu of that, at least Iowa and New Hampshire do get a look at an actual body and can read the body language and see if any of them will look you directly in the eye or answer a tough question without dancing around it.  Most of us don't have that opportunity.

So Iowa and New Hampshire, until things change I've got to put my trust in your ability to sniff out substance, character and ability.  Brother.  Is this but another item for my wish list?

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Don't Let The Gingrinch Steal Christmas!

There are few politicians who worry me more than President Obama.  Newt Gingrich is one of them.

With time getting short, even members of his own party  like Senator Tom Coburn, R-OK, are admitting they have little regard for his leadership abilities. Maureen Dowd is just one of many columnists who has put pen to paper about his past history. His weaknesses would seem to outnumber his strengths yet he is the reigning flavor of the day.

Let's hope our taste buds improve before the Iowa caucuses and early state primaries.  Anyone who reads knows of his messy and hypocritical personal past.  Some are saying it doesn't matter because he has fessed up.  I don't buy it.  It goes to character far more deeply than what we see on the surface, a supposedly contrite Catholic convert.

His personal baggage aside, however, this is what I see in the man.  Arrogance, a monumental ego and all that goes with it.  Condescension toward all lesser beings. It's a bad mix for leadership, even worse for compromise.

We have a lot of this already in Obama.  He's the 'visionary'.  Gingrich sees himself the same way.  Both are short on details as to how to get things done.  Obama's tack has been to hand it over to his overlords in Congress while he campaigns or vacations. My guess is that Gingrich will micromanage.  While Obama is trying to duck his inexperience, Gingrich would be more inclined to have little use for anyone elses opinion because of his experience.

Having had a good strategy for the debates doesn't necessarily mean he has a good strategy for running the country.  In this regard I see him as his own worst enemy.  He has personality to be sure.  So does Herman Cain and Rick Perry.  They are colorful and entertaining but the flaws they don't admit to are what sunk them.  Will the same happen to Newt?

What's left on the tasting menu?  Romney, like vanilla ice cream, has gotten boring from a certain sameness. There is something to be said for that, however.  Ron Paul.  He reminds me of something like chocolate walnut.  You may love the chocolate but if you don't like nuts you won't like this one.

 Rick Santorum.  Sarah Palin likes him.  That could be either a blessing or a curse.  the problem with him is no knows whether he's Baked Alaska or Pennsylvania Dutch Apple pie!

  And of course Jon Huntsman whose daughters are better know then he is.  I'm anxiously awaiting the December 12 debate between Huntsman and Gingrich.  Hopefully it will reveal more of what Huntsman is about than I know now and it will give Gingrich an opponent of substance to stand against.

If all else fails Donald Trump is waiting behind the curtain to endorse the best for the job. That everyone is making the pilgrimage to the Trump Tower should make us wonder how we've ended up with him choosing the apprentice for the job!

Maybe some good will emerge from all of this yet.  I'm losing my taste for politics.  That's the most positive thing I've said in weeks!