Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Rudy ~ Viable Or Past His Prime?

I was surprised to see Rudy Giuliani's name crop up as a potential presidential candidate when I was researching  a recent post.  But then I figured, why not?  It seems all sorts of have beens and never going to be's are emerging from the depths of obscurity.

Is he viable?  Last time around he was so sure of his chances that he barely entered the fray until the Florida primary,  finished third and was finished before he ever got started.

Now I read, in U.S. News and World Report , that he's plotting how to "knock off" Romney in the New Hampshire primary.  I wonder if he really has a chance.  Not to knock off Romney, but to gain any sort of traction.  His time of being the best mayor in American is long past and in many instances his poor choices in his personal life over shadow his questionable skill as a politician.

He strikes me as a man who doesn't like to lose.  That is certainly a common trait among politicians, but it isn't reason enough to run, whats more be elected.

He has apparently polled third in a poll run by Suffolk University.  I have to wonder if it is name recognition, fond memories of an image ten years old or desperation for a candidate by those polled.

He would not be on my list to be considered.  Since being in office, his shortcomings, once overlooked, have come to light.  There is again, his personal baggage. Baggage seems to be the norm rather than the exception any more, but never-the-less, it does matter to many.  Look at Newt.  Other than being too cute by half,  it's his personal life that is dogging him.

I also wonder how a potential candidate can poll well when nothing is known about his thoughts on today's issues.  I've not seen nor heard a thing.  He certainly won't appeal to the far right with his past stands on abortion and gay marriage though he would resonate with moderates.  Do those stands remain?  Who knows?

It's an interesting exercise at this point.  I see no loss in those who have chosen not to run and I see little to excite me in those who have.  The puzzlement is who else is out there?  I have thoughts on a few names being bandied about but I'll reserve comment until they make up their minds.  Even at that, the field is weak.  Though I'll admit John McCain did better in 2008 than I anticipated and he came from a weak field.  It certainly goes to show a lot of folks disagreed with my thoughts about him as well as my thoughts about Obama!

For the time being I'll stew over the state of the Republican party, worry about another four years under the current administration and wonder why a third party representing moderates doesn't seem to be able to take hold without a fringe group kidnapping them.

Ah, politics.  It is the bane of my existence!  If only I could come to grips with it I'd stop blogging!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

We March To A Different Drummer

Whenever I get mad at the President for trying to mediocreize the country I'm encouraged when I see signs he's failing.

Take the instance of Dominique Strass-Kahn, the randy former head of the  International Monetary Fund. He was well known as a womanizer in France and was always given a pass, no doubt with a snicker hidden behind a hand.

When it comes to such behavior in this country by people of note the criticism is fast and furious even if prurient in nature.  Some men have been able to bluff it out, others are forced to resign.  In all cases that come to mind, the wife is the victim.  The other woman is not and we wonder what in the world the men were thinking.

Not so in France and other parts of Europe it would seem.  While we are aghast by DSK pursuing  a young maid in all his alleged splendid nakedness, the French are shouting set up!  I have to ask at this point, what in the world are the French thinking!

Realistically, I know.  Small matters like fidelity and common decency don't seem to matter, especially if the person is rich and powerful.  Think of how many men in this country might still be in positions of power without a smattering of disgrace for the way they've conducted their very public private lives if we thought like the French!

It seems to me if we can't understand the way the French think in a matter like DSK and a poor maid, how can we possibly understand the thinking militant terrorists who get satisfaction from stoning women to death and decapitating enemies?

I don't think we can.  That's why I think the TSA is on the wrong track.  We just don't have that mind set!  That's why I don't think the President can succeed in neutralizing this country as a leader.  We do have a high moral standard.  And we do actually exercise it.

It should be a point of pride for the country.  Morality does count.  No apologies necessary.  If you don't get it, well, in our eyes it's your loss, not ours.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Now It's Understood Why The Debt Ceiling Must Be Raised!

Have you ever had someone in your crowd who tried to buy popularity by being the big spender?  That's who  I'm reminded of by President Obama.

For months now the "Arab Spring" has been unfolding, the fight by the people for their rights and freedoms.  Have we played a major role?  No.  What we've mostly done is scold and threaten with no follow through.  At least not one that's timely enough to be of help.

Now the President has decided it's time to reach out once again.  What's the catch?   Aid.  Billions of dollars in aid.  Especially to Egypt and Tunisia, hoping  the other countries will follow suit and become "positive models of change".

So just what is this aid to do?  Read carefully.  It's to finance infrastructure, create private sector jobs and give young adults more opportunity! Oh, yes, and to boost America's reputation.  To what?

Does the whole scheme sound vaguely familiar?  Isn't that what's supposed to be happening here?  Isn't that what the stimulus package was all about?  You know, the one that didn't work.

Okay.  What kind of money are we talking here.  Billions.  One billion in debt cancellation! That of course means we don't get a penny back.  One billion in loan guarantees.  That means if they default we pick up the tab.  Plus billions more, yes billions, from institutions like the World Bank who is busy trying to keep what seems like the entire world financially afloat!
We can barely keep our government running.  We are in danger of default, even though it's against the Constitution to do so.  No one seems to mention that small point. No matter.  We're broke.

So!  That' why we have to raise the debt ceiling!  We can't deliver this largess without doing so.  The catch is just that, however, raising the debt ceiling! Meaning we'll have to borrow it to give it away.  And who do we borrow it from?  A large chuck will no doubt come from the Chinese.

With the Chinese taking a serious interest in the plight of many middle eastern countries, maybe they'd be better off going straight to the source and let what we borrow go to our needs.  That would be novel wouldn't it?

I know many of you continue to think all our troubles are because of the previous administration.  The "Arab Spring" has no connection what-so-ever.  Neither do the decisions the President is making about our involvement.  To me he seems detached until he has to get involved to save face. Throw money at them.  Money talks.

It's what it says and to whom that troubles me.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Checking The Tab

When you get  your tab in a restaurant do you check it to make sure the charges are right?  It's the prudent thing to do.  If it's wrong either you lose or the wait staff does depending on who the error favors.

Why shouldn't the same hold true with our foreign aid?  Well, I'm happy to report that it is happening ~ at least in Pakistan.  And who is more deserving of our scrutiny?

According to The Wall Street Journal the U.S. has rejected $40 million dollars worth of claims the Pakistanis submitted for their part of the fight against terror. Sheesh.  We have enough problems with our own government contractors over billing us.  The last thing we need is to have our "allies" doing so!  But I'm willing to wager each and every recipient of our foreign aid misdirects much of the money.

If it weren't so serious I'd be getting a kick out of the Pakistani bluster that has escalated since the bin Laden incident.  "We didn't know he was here.  Honest!"  Yeah, right.

Still they continue the bluster.  There will be severe penalties if it happens again.  Stop the drone attacks or else.   Or else what?

One of many examples of their shenanigans involved locating and refurbishing four badly needed helicopters to allow Pakistan to transport troops into battle against the Taliban and other militants.  Instead they diverted three of them to the Sudan for peace keeping missions for which they were compensated by the UN.

They then huff that once the helicopters are part of the Pakistani fleet we have no right to dictate how they are used.  Wrong.  Not when the agreement was they be used for a specific purpose in return for the cost of refurbishment!

Senator Kerry has stated, on his recent trip, he was there to hit the reset button.  Wrong again.  Pakistan should be the one hitting it.  When they accuse of us thinking Pakistan is full of cheats, they are correct.  When they tell us our actions are "detrimental to bilateral trust" it's a coffee spitter.

So they don't like having to pony up receipts for every dime they get.  Tough.  Let's just equate it with any businessman's expense account in this country.  Only government workers get away for spending their per diem on gifts and such.  Maybe that's why the Pakistanis think they can bluster their way through it.

Let's face it.  There is no trust.  They are going to have to re-earn it.  If they can.  Meanwhile, three cheers to those in our government who are checking those expenditures.  Now, let's expand it to every other aid receiving country.  After all, it's our tax payer money.  If the President wants "investment", let's make sure, at least on the foreign aid front, it's a good one!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Why Are The Republicans Self-Destructing?

It's a cold, rainy, miserable day.  Coffee didn't even get me started this morning so I spent most of it watching news instead of doing housework.  The big news on the political front is that The Donald has given up his Presidential ambitions. Ho hum.

Mike Huckabee, the most likable of the lot, has also wisely chosen to bow out as has Haley Barbour.

It's hard to believe, with Obama as weak as he is in the polls, the Republicans can do no better than their present field.  This is an old photo of most of them including a few surprises.  Here's my assessment.

First we'll eliminate John Thune, Rudy and Sarah.  I don't believe they are going to run.  Rudy?? How did he even get in there?  John Thune?  He's about as obscure as his state.  South Dakota. I hadn't heard he was even considering a run. Sarah's poll numbers have tanked but expect her to try to be a power player.

The question marks.   Michele Bachmann has had too many geographical bloopers and is too tea party oriented to get the support needed.  Mitch Daniels is still waiting for his wife's approval.  Does that bode well? Jon Huntsman has the same problem as Mitt; he's Mormon.

So, who's left.  Herman Cain, a non-politician.  He's interesting, but again, I doubt he can muster enough support.  Newt might as well be a Democrat with the stands he's taking.  I don't see him bringing anything fresh to the table, but he'll show it in a very articulate manner.  Ron Paul is Ron Paul.  Tim Pawlenty hasn't shown the fire to get people enthused.  Mitt is still Mormon and still hasn't caught on.  He'll just spend more of his kid's inheritance.  He'd be better as an advisor to a more viable candidate.  Whoops.  There isn't one!  Rick Santorum is leaning too heavily on social issues which will turn off a lot of voters.

None of them have learned how to hit the ignition! Those who have aren't running.  Jeb Bush, Bobby Jindal, Chris Christie to name a few.

Here we have a President who is having trouble getting his poll numbers out of the 40s.  His foreign policy is a mess as well as the economic station of this country.  Beating him should be a slam dunk yet this is the best the Republicans can pull together?

I realize that in running for office your personal life becomes an open book along with all your family and friends.  Many don't wish it upon themselves or their loved ones and it's understandable.  Yet someone must lead.  Someone must have the fervor of patriotism burning within them enough to go for it.  Fervor.  We need fervor.  For the sake of the country.

Or have we, the people who vote them into office, made it so demeaning that they prefer to stay in the private sector.  We've made politicians pop stars and celebrities via C-Span.  They hog the camera given the chance and pontificate pointlessly at hearings. They've become more interested in running for office than serving in office.

We've created the monster that now governs us, we're the ones that are going to have to slay it.  But how can we when the people running don't act like they really want to and those few who do we don't want.

It could be considered entertaining but is it tragedy or comedy?  Neither is a good choice.