It is always gratifying to me, as a writer, to see readers from other countries post pictures of my books on social media showing where they have been discovered.
As much as I want success for my Saint Bernard hero, his pals and his human counterparts, I find myself wondering if at some point we might be "canceled". Probably not, since I am an unknown except to the owners of Saint Bernards I've been cultivating, but still...
The reason I wonder is because the basics of my stories, geared to the seven to twelve crowd, is a reflection of the values with which I grew up. Girls were girls, boys were boys. There were Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts and they didn't intermingle.
Kids were allowed to play freely because their parents trusted them. Parents also couldn't imagine being turned in to social services for having allowed their kids to do so. Heck, I don't even think there was anything known as "social services" in those days!
I'll keep this post short and to the point. Otherwise I could write a book about the differences between the ages. I just remember when my Mom was getting up in years she'd so often say, "I lived in the good old days." It wasn't meant to be a cliche. It was a statement of fact. Now I find myself saying the same thing.