Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Republican Woe

Tomorrow the House Republicans will choose their new leader.  It seems likely to be Kevin McCarthy who has shown little sign of having the ability to make wise decisions.

I listened to House members being interviewed yesterday and not one said he/she would NOT vote for McCarthy even though he does have some competition. Gutless wonders that they are.

If McCarthy had any trait other than blind ambition I might feel better, but after his Benghazi gaffe and the ammunition it gave Democrats he should have taken himself out of the race for Speaker.  People with blind ambition, however, don't make such gestures.

What really worries me is that every step up they give the Democrats the more likely it is we'll have another troika.  House, Senate and Administration all Democrat.  That's fine if you want an even further left leaning country than we have now.  I, obviously, don't.  I think we need, all of us, to admit that the progressive agenda hasn't worked all that well over the past 7 plus years.  To continue on with hope it will get better seems to me to be fool hardy.  But then both the Democrats and Republicans will have to understand compromise is how our government is supposed to function.  I don't see that on the horizon either.

Also worrisome is the lack of a credible front runner on the Republican side. While Trump may make us feel good and says what a lot of us say within the confines of our own homes, I doubt he has the temperament to be an effective President.

I like Ben Carson as a man.  He's incredible.  But he's beginning to make statements I question.  I still like Carly, warts and all but the opposition will grow those warts. As for the politicians running, that none have been able to break through the Trump glitter is troubling.  Obviously their messages aren't  resonating for one and two, the people don't want to hear them anyway.  They're politicians.

We have to get a bit smarter here. We have to take the blinders off and look at the entire world when it comes to choosing our next leader.  It's a mess in large part due to the past two administrations' policies.  In order to fix it and regain our stature we must choose wisely.

Tomorrow will tell us how many Republicans understand this even if it's not the Presidency, merely the Speaker of the House.  But remember he will be second behind the Vice President to serve if needed.

Many of the candidates worry me. Kevin McCarthy shouldn't even be fielded.

Monday, October 05, 2015

The "Full Measure" Of Women

I have a tough time finding news sources I  trust whats more respect.  It's probably because I don't read much on line but prefer actual newspapers or broadcasts which certainly have limitations.

That being said, I bit the bullet yesterday and watched the e-cast of "Full Measure" anchored by Sharyl Attkisson. What a good decision.

I was transported back to the time when a news broadcast actually did a story rather than merely a series of soundbites. I hope this isn't a kiss of death for the endeavor.  I'm sure my demographic isn't the one they seek but then we elders really shouldn't be discounted because we do tend to pay attention. And learn. And vote. The advertisers can figure it out.

Aside from the substance of her reporting, I must say I really admire Sharyl Attkisson.  For much the same reason I really like Carly Fiorina.  Though it may be merely superficial, it's their appearance and demeanor.  Both are the personification of professionalism.  No emphasis on cleavage, legs or impossibly high heels.

I often look at the women who scream the loudest about women rights and wonder if they ever look in the mirror. This is, of course, a generational thing instilled in mine at an early age.  We were taught by ladies to be ladies.  Somewhere along the line it seems to have gone out of style or just plain gotten lost.

Then again, many things are cyclical and I can hope the standards of professionalism are coming full circle.  I see it in Ms. Fiorina.  I see it in Ms. Attkisson.  Somehow when it shows that they care for how they appear in public and how they speak, it gives the impression they care about what they're doing and want us to care too.

That one of the better news programs I've seen of late and one of the more impressive presidential candidates is such a woman gives me confidence that the "glass ceiling" will be broken, the shards swept up, thrown away never again to see the light of day.

Both have had their struggles professionally.  Neither has succumbed to pressures exerted against them. They continue with grace and dignity; their success determined by  both ability and perseverance. I admire both.

I welcome the return of professionalism, class, a darn good investigative reporter and a candidate I can't yet count out.  Both women. Their roar is their substance and ability, not merely the sound of their voice nor their sense of entitlement.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Biting The Hand That Feeds You

I was  listening to Lou Dobbs last evening during which time he was castigating Trump for his name calling and vagaries.  Today I see Trump isn't going to appear on FOX programs- at least for awhile. They aren't treating him nicely.

Wow.  FOX made this man! I fear the Trump and pony show is getting old.  Really old.  Yes, he has been a great cheer leader but he still hasn't come out with specifics on how he plans to fulfill his promises.

Can you imagine him going after world leaders in the same vein? Putin is really stupid.  Really Stupid.  Angela Merkel.  Look at that face.  Who would listen to her? Netanyahu. He isn't very nice to me so I won't talk to him. Sheesh!

Scott Walker had the good grace to bow out of the race when it became readily apparent he couldn't win. Good grace isn't Trump's long suit but maybe if enough people aren't nice to him or about him he'll have one final snit and bow out.

He could still be of great service.  He could get behind the actual candidate and tell everyone how great he/she is and all the wonderful things he/she will do.  Continue being cheerleader-in-chief on making the country great again.  Of course that means who ever the candidate is will have to have said nothing negative about The Donald.  Unfortunately that eliminates most of them!

There could be a consolation prize waiting in the wings for Trump, however, if he plays his cards right.  He could go back to doing what he does best - building things.  Give him a contract and have him build the wall.  He can tell us how great it will be, how easy it will be and give him all the face time he could possible want.

Building the greatest wall the world has ever seen and bowing out of the race are possibly the two greatest contributions to the country the man could make!  Maybe a lot of people, including FOX, would be nice to him again to boot!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Time To Dump The Sacred Cow

No, I don't mean Donald Trump.  Though I must say he's taking care of it all by himself.  I think it's time to divorce ourselves from the notion the President has to come from the ranks of the previously elected.  Why not a solid business executive?


Most have no managerial experience what-so-ever.  What about governors?  It's all within the realm of politics thus stifling the creativity and innovation needed in the private sector to succeed.

Let's face it, corporate leaders are far more likely to know world leaders or their representatives than the average member of Congress or most governors. They know how to delegate, negotiate, make decisions and reason in a non-partisan manner.  Their obligation is to their stock holders, not themselves.

While I like Ben Carson; he is a good and brilliant man but I've yet to see he can manage.  Trump?  What does he do well other than bully, deprecate his opponents and speak in generalities touting how great he would be?  But nothing yet about how.

Carly. Look beyond HP. What happened to her there is not uncommon and we need to understand that. What we also need to consider is she is bright, quick, assured, informed and unafraid. She is woman, hear her roar.  She has substance based on experience, homework and tenacity.

Can she handle Congress?  I'd rather ask if they really think they can roll her.  I doubt it. World leaders?  She's no shrinking violet.  Manage?  Heads and tails above anyone who shared that debate stage including Trump.

She may not win.  We may listen too much to the negativity that is beginning to ramp up but she deserves our consideration.  If you're willing to consider Hillary you should be willing to consider Carly. It's no longer about petty party politics but rather the very substance of our nation.  Who we are and what we want to be.  Are we content with the things as they are?  Trump's rise would indicate we are not.

Let's get serious about who can best serve the country as a whole; who has the skill, the temperament and the background.

If there were other top tier business executives in the race I'd be giving the same pep talk about any of them. What we don't need is another untried, manipulated and beholden politician.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Enough Already!

I had just settled down to watch some before dinner TV last night when all programming on the cable channels turned to New Hampshire and Trump.  Please.  Is he the only one running for President?

I listened to his aggrandizing opening one more time then a bit longer when he announced he was going to something different - take questions.  Really!  He did.  But he never answers them.  Not one while I was listening and some were indeed quite specific.  Just the same old "I guarantee you when I'm President that won't happen..."

What he did do is savagely attack Carly Fiorina.  He must be worried about her burgeoning popularity.

Neither of them are perfect by any manner.  Both have had business successes and failures but I see the beginnings of the "Romneying" of Carly. She's to blame for everything that went wrong with HP and Lucent and now everyone who lost their job in shake ups is coming out of the woodwork. Oh, she ruined my life!  And how long  ago was was that?  Haven't you done anything since?  Stuff happens.  Hub lost more than one job due to corporate turmoil. We didn't like it but we didn't wallow in it.  We moved on.

Okay.  That's a prejudiced paragraph because I like Carly Fiorina. That being said, to date other than Ben Carson, she and Trump are getting all the press.  And Carson darn little at that other than poll results.

Frankly, I would like to hear about other candidate rallies and speeches.  From both parties.  I don't care about network ratings, I care about information and I'm not getting it. Where is Jim Webb?  Where is Martin O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffey and what issues are they campaigning on?  I haven't a clue.  Do you?

The same holds true for Rick Santorum and George Pataki.  They certainly aren't sitting at home twiddling their thumbs waiting for Trump to topple.

The media has an obligation to cover all the candidates, not be the determining factor of who has the right to move up and who doesn't. It's no wonder politicians have a love/hate relationship with the media.  They have the power to make you or break you depending on their own personal ideology.  That's wrong.  They're supposed to be objective but with the lines blurred between punditry, reporting and entertainment, we the public are being ill served.

I shouldn't have to watch FOX to hear about the Republicans nor MSNBC to hear about Democrats.  I should be able to listen to either and get the same perspective.  Objectivity.

We rightfully put a pox on both political parties; the media deserves the same.