Wednesday, December 16, 2015

It's TimeTo Get Serious

Have any of you done something in your past about which you have since had a change of heart?  And actually said so?  If you have, by today's standards you cannot run for President.  You aren't allowed to change your mind.  Or state the reason for your original stand.  Unless of course you're a Democrat where the same thing is called "evolving".  Like in Gay marriage.

The point?  That's what I'm getting from the Republican slug fests they call debates.  I've probably watched the last one for this election cycle.  I can't take any more of the mugging Trump ego nor the lack of substance from any of the candidates.  I know.  Go to their web page and read their policy statements.  Only we geeks are likely to do that.  Most will vote on the impressions the candidates give on television both in live interviews, such as they are, and ads attacking their opponents.

No wonder the country is in such a mess.  At the moment there is not a Republican I can feel comfortable with.  I certainly cannot vote for Hillary. So what to do?  I DO want to vote.

Fortunately there is still time for it to sort itself out.  One thing that would help is for those who have no chance to drop out.  Hoping for a victory on down the line after South Carolina is unlikely and unrealistic.  Let those who like you for whatever reason move on to support a more viable candidate.

Will Trump persevere?  Personally I don't think so.  Nothing new here.  Like me,isn't there a block of voters beginning to say, "Yeah, we like the way he kicks butt, but get real.  He hasn't the temperament to be President."  Who should move up?  Who knows.  This silly season is more silly than anything I've ever seen.  It's worrisome because the world is in such chaos.  I just can't get my head around the idea that an egotistical, bellowing bully is the answer to our problems what's more the world's!

Now for my daily smack down of the media.  Give the other candidates some air time.  The Trump show is in re-runs and it's getting boring. Every network has reporters travelling with the candidates.  Let's hear from them. DO some work.  How many show up at town halls and rallies for, let's say Rick Santorum.  Why?  Does he have anything to say?  You'd never know it from the media.

The rest really remains with the voters doesn't it. We're the ones who have to sort through all the nonsense and try to make an intelligent decision. It hasn't been easy up to this point because of the inter-party squabbling.  There are times when I think when the candidates get together they are as dysfunctional as Congress.

Can we not do better?

Monday, December 14, 2015

Trump Card

Is the glow beginning to fade from Donald Trump?  He's beginning to  lose his edge in the polls - finally.

Hopefully those  polled are beginning to realize that even though he says what he thinks and it complies with what a lot of us think, his manner is not what we need.

I don't mind a squeaky wheel to get attention, but if the attention doesn't lubricate the squeak than something else is needed.  In this case another candidate who speaks to the issues without insulting everyone in the world around them.

But who?  My candidate has faded and I don't expect to see a re-emergence.  I still think Carly would be dynamite but I can lose gracefully.  So who else?  Ted Cruz hasn't shown the best judgement while in the Senate. Ben Carson is perhaps not playing to his strength in politics. I'm not convinced Rubio is ready for prime time. So far the rest are also rans.

I think it says a lot about both the media and the candidates that they can't quell Trump.  First the media.  They're liberal by nature and aren't going to get on the Republican band wagon.  Period.

As for the candidates, if they can't put Trump in his place how are they going to deal with belligerent world leaders? You'd think that out of so many running, at least one would be up to the challenge.  But no.  No one.

It's a sorry state in which we find ourselves.  Hillary or a yet to be named Republican. A Republican candidate who swears he is conservative but he's not?  Others who think kindness and joy will do the trick and others yet who really don't get us the way Trump does.

I think a new party is needed.  The Democrats can have the Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren left.  The Republicans can have the far right evangelicals. The Moderates can have the rest of us, the ones who look at both sides and try to figure out what is most likely to work for the benefit of our country.

Trump appeals because he hits the sore spots but he has nothing concrete in the way of solutions.  Only bellicosity and nastiness. I hope that characteristic which in many ways mirrors Hillary won't work for either of them.

We need a President we can be proud of and believe in.  Anyone?

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Islam Vs The Separation Of Church And State

For anyone wanting to dig more deeply into the Syrian refugee controversy and take it a step beyond the political hysteria, reading the following two articles by Ulysses Black is a must.   A deeper issue in the refugee debate: Separation of church and state and part two, Beware the freedom to kill the freedom of religion.

To  complete the exercise and be really well informed you might want to seek out both "The True Believer" and  "The Ordeal of Change" by Eric Hoffer. Though they may be difficult to find and reading them is a bit of a slog, upon reflection you will come to understand motivation and motivators, both good and evil.

With any or preferably all under your belt you will be very well informed as to what the conflict is all about and why it's vital we approach the problem with knowledge rather than emotion.

Friday, November 27, 2015

The True Meaning Of Christmas??

We wonder why the rest of the world has a rather skewed view of America.  We preach one thing and do another.  It isn't just the politicians either. It's what our culture has become.

I'm sure as Christmas nears my mood will lift, but as an example here are some of the headlines on today's Drudge.  Cheers!

Swarms raid discount TV display; Cop punched...
Man caught trying to snatch shopper's child at WALMART...
Top day for theft... 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Most Personal and Heartfelt Thanksgiving Message

Last year at this time I was anxiously awaiting Hub's recovery after having  had a baseball sized tumor removed from his colon. I didn't think Thanksgiving could be any worse.  But things have a way of proving me wrong.

Last night I had a phone message from my niece asking me to call asap.  She had terrible news.  Her Mom or Dad?  Both our age and it wouldn't surprise me.  One of their daughters?  Oh, please, no. But no.  The worst possible news one could ever get.  Her husband had committed suicide that morning.

I was beyond words.  I still am.  It came out of the blue.  No one expected anything. Yet he hanged himself in the woods near their home.  Why? For the love of God, why?  He leaves his wife and two daughters and a multitude of family and friends who loved him.

We are all in a state of shock.  It's surreal.  Answers no doubt will come once the shock wears off and the necessary business begins but it will forever alter Thanksgiving for his family.

I guess my point is you just never know when  tragedy will strike.  It pays no attention to things like holidays and family get togethers and what should be times of joy and celebration. It has a mind of its own.

I'm thankful Hub came home last Thanksgiving day and we've had a wonderful year since for which I am  greatly thankful.  It is, however, overshadowed by the grief, disbelief and even anger of a young widow who I happen to love very much.

So when you think of Thanksgiving, be thankful for all you have and mean it.  You never know when in an instant it can all be gone. In this case death took a holiday; it took a holiday away forever.  The finality of it is devastating and unnerving yet oh so real.

Life is  precious yet vulnerable to forces we don't necessarily comprehend. The end of that precious life is part of the cycle, expected in time and of course final.  It's difficult for those left behind. But to have a loved one driven to it prematurely is a tragedy beyond words.