Monday, April 04, 2022

Biden's and the World's Bloody Hands

Moral indignation, my foot! How can anyone, even a politician, claim to have moral indignation yet turn a blind eye to the atrocities happening in Ukraine by the Russians?  And how in the world, can we be using Russia to negotiate a nuclear deal with Iran?  This whole administration needs a sanity check.

Actually, Biden isn't alone.  For some reason, this mentally feeble old man seems to have the entire free world cowed when it comes to giving the necessary weapons to Ukraine.  Why is that?  There but for the grace of God is all of them! They will be there if Ukraine loses. In the name of God, give the Ukrainians the MIGs! 

Oh, how I wish at least one of the six or so people who read this blog had the ear of someone with a degree of sanity along with some power in this administration. Could he possibly, really want Putin to win?

When Biden stated Putin should be removed, well, so should he.  Unfortunately, the two in immediate succession are as bad as he is.  Have you ever heard Kamala Harris utter a comprehensible sentence?  Have you heard a coherent utterance from Nancy Pelosi of late? It's downright frightening and depressing that these are the leaders of our country.  Elected by us, no less.

In case you think my argument about age-related acuity is blowing smoke, let me suggest this. Seek out someone 80 years of age plus or minus a year or so. Sit down and have a chat with them.  Look for how many times they have to stop and search for a word or a name.  It will happen. Watch to see if while you're speaking or looking at something on your phone or computer together, they nod off.  It will happen. If you ask them about it, they'll deny it. Guaranteed. Watch what time of day their energy begins to fade and what time they retire.  It's part of the aging process.

People like this have no business trying to run a country.  They forget things if they even comprehended them in the first place.  Don't be fooled by the likes of Trump.  He may look like the Energizer Bunny next to Biden, but I guarantee you he will be suffering from the same lapses. Pair that with his ego, his bent for revenge and his being a lame duck from the get-go if re-elected, what would we be getting? No improvement, that's for sure.

It's time for the rest of the world, someone somewhere, to step forward and take control of the armament of Ukraine. Bear in mind that no weapon is a weapon of aggression when your homeland has been invaded. Remember, too, if you want to look at it this way, Ukraine is the only landmass that stands between eastern Europe and the Russians. If it falls, guess who will have tanks on their border waiting for the signal.

Don't forget the innocent civilians - the women who have been raped in front of their children and the children who have been slain, the men found dead with their hands taped behind them, dogs wantonly shot - for target practice? Civilians.

Putin has nothing to lose. He's finished in the eyes of the world. The rest of the 'free' world, including us, could be finished too if they/we don't stand up to him now. Or let the Ukranians do the job, they are at least willing, but for God's sake - give them the MIGs!

Friday, April 01, 2022

I "Woke" Up to a Disney Nightmare


Maybe we should have seen it coming. It hurts anyway.  You see, I loved everything Disney during my childhood and beyond.  I even made a few bucks as a kid painting the dogs from Lady and the Tramp for our annual church bazaar. For a time I dreamed of becoming an illustrator for Disney and might have had I gone on to study art.

As I was reflecting on those wonderful years it occurred to me that this shift to the woke culture at Disney may have been in the offing and we just didn't see it coming.

Did you know that there have been at least fifteen women of note who played Peter Pan?  Never mind that the smaller female stature made it easier to portray a boy.  

Here are some of the more recent ones whose names you might recognize: Jean Arthur, Veronica Lake,
Haley Mills, Mia Farrow, Sandy Duncan, Cathy Rigby, and Allison Williams, daughter of Brian Williams, late of MSNBC's anchor desk.

Just think, for hours and days at a time, these women all identified as a boy! Wowser.  Who knew? So be it.

To me, be it Orlando or any other Disney facility, they will not see one dime of my money until there are again ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.  Period. 

Why is it that less than 10 percent of our total population feel they have the right to try and make the rest of us bow to their outlandish and ridiculous demands?  And why do corporations do so?  Even collectively, they don't have the buying power to put a company like Disney out of business. Every day, ordinary families do, however.  Maybe they should all boycott Disneyland and Disney World until this inanity stops.

Considering a one-day ticket for 10 years old and up costs $109, how can a young family afford it anyway? Figure airfare, car rental, lodging, and meals, it's a bank breaker! Maybe you should break their bank, not yours! Just saying...

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The Wicked and the Weak

 Don't trust either of these two men. Ever. 

One, Putin, is pure evil. I feel bad for the Russian people even though they have allowed him to hold power so long he's nearly impossible to remove.  Besides, as the saying goes, be careful what you wish for.  Whoever takes his place may be even worse though it's hard to imagine.

The second, of course, is our current President. A man so ensconced in corruption for the past 50 years it's hard to imagine why the people of Delaware kept returning him to the Senate. Now he is President. Another big why. His mental faculties are diminished at best, but as his Vice President recently said, we got what we voted for.

Wake up, people! For now, however, we are stuck. We're stuck with his utterances.  I do understand he could have been genuinely outraged by what Putin is doing to Ukraine. Somehow, though, due to his previous performances, I'm inclined to think it was off the cuff theater. Putting a voice to it could and should have been more politic, but with diminished capacity that's a lot to expect.

So we suffered through a lot of weak explanations and walk backs and the war rages on.  It was suggested today that this administration really doesn't want Russia to lose.  If true, why not? Is it a conspiracy theory that Putin has so much on Biden, Biden dares not push too hard? I think that is within the realm of possibility.

Otherwise, why are we still dithering over military aid to the Ukrainians and why don't we give them the planes they so desperately need? We're still urging Ukraine to make a settlement just as things have shifted slightly in their favor. Such actions do exactly instill confidence that the U.S. has their back. We don't and never have.

I'm wondering who would have our back if we needed it.  It will take years to rebuild the trust that has been squandered - if ever.  We've become so driven by hatred of the opposing party that every action of the presiding administration is to destroy everything the preceding one did whether or not it was good for the country.

This has to stop. The politicians aren't going to be the ones to do it.  We the people will have to step up to the plate and get it done. The politicians who hedge their bets, in both parties, lest they antagonize their campaign contributors, need to be removed from office.  Bye, bye. Retire.  Smell the roses.

The Democrats are mean-spirited and power-hungry and totally absurd.  The Republicans go along to get along and are afraid of their own shadow. It's losing those campaign funds that do trickle in even though they do little to deserve them.

Neither side has done much to help our country.  Biden has one of the most amateurish and incapable Cabinets I've ever seen. Trump had some outstanding people in this Cabinet but they tired of his mercurial moods and methods and left.

Both Biden and Trump have indicated they would like to run. Both would be lame-duck presidents.  Get some new, younger blood in there!

And Putin? If he wins this one, he'll still be lurking around the edges waiting for an opening.  He'll be licking his wounds, but they'll heal and he'll be ready to resume his initial and only goal - to re-create Mother Russia.

If that happens the carnage will not stop. For the love of decency and humanity, give Ukraine the planes and the weapons they need. They aren't asking anyone else to do the fighting for them, they're just asking for what is needed to get it done. Defeat Putin.

Friday, March 25, 2022

What Am I Missing Here?

This is a woman - just ask her

This is a woman yet she cannot define herself

 That certain men feel they are, at heart, women is one thing. That they go to the extent of having body parts added and removed to reinforce their feelings, well okay.  They're the ones who have to live with it. Hopefully, they are happy with their choice.

I covered the subject of them competing in sports with genetically true women in a previous post so I won't go there again.

Today, I'm concerned with those among us who are women not being able to define just what


that means. Have we become so enslaved to wokeism we can no longer speak the truth?

Actually, it is the everyday woman who is saying, that's not a woman, that's a man! Period. Discussion ended. I so admire them for their courage, but then I don't think they give a hoot about being canceled.  They're much too busy trying to live their lives and raise their families.


 It is disturbing that a woman, who is a woman, a supreme court nominee no less, cannot bring herself to describe just what a woman is. It seems to be if you can't make a decisive description of what you yourself are, in actuality, you have no business sitting on the Supreme Court. How are you going to make a decision on anything?

Funny, when I was a little girl, I was what was called a Tomboy. Mostly, I think, because most of the neighborhood kids were boys and that's with whom I played. I loved sports far more than baby dolls. I preferred blue jeans to frilly dresses. Yet somehow, I never thought of myself as a boy.  I know, I know. I just haven't been there.

What I do remember, though, is when I discovered boys as being something other than an irritant or a playmate. I also remember times when I deeply idolized older girls. There was no label for any of that at that age.  It was called discovering who I was and what life was all about. Confusion wasn't a consideration.  It was just me becoming myself. I didn't need to talk to teachers about it nor did they suggest I do something without telling my parents.  It would have been unheard of.

So I grew up from adolescence into a teen and onto adulthood. I am a woman. I am married to a man. We don't describe ourselves with pronouns any more than we do by race or religion. Neither do we fear being canceled. We are who we are and aren't afraid of offending anyone. I'd like that from the people we look to place in power.

Maybe it's time to revisit the old Helen Reddy hit from the '70s - I Am Woman - I am woman, hear me roar...

Don't remember it? Google it.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

What Exactly is a War Crime?

 Ever since Russia invaded Ukraine there has been a lot of terminologies tossed about, much of which has little meaning.

Now that Biden is in Brussels for some face-to-face encounters, I'm wondering if there will be any meat to the rhetoric that will emerge.

I doubt it. I'm convinced that Russia, China, and Ukraine all have something on Joe he does not want to be revealed.  To find out what I guess you'd have to ask Hunter.  Or actually investigate what is on his laptop.

That's the reason I've come up with to explain Biden's reluctance to give more help to the Ukranians. One of the terms bandied about quite a bit is that "it may lead to world war three" or another favorite, "It might be considered escalatory".  This is why we've been slow to provide the aid needed and have stopped members of NATO from picking up the slack. I do wonder why Biden has veto power over the other member nations, or are they just hiding behind his reluctance so they don't have to act? Who knows. War makes strange bedfellows.

I see all of the finger-wagging and foot-dragging as war crimes too. Think about it.  The Ukrainian people did nothing to invite the demolition of their country.  Is not sitting by and letting it happen not a war crime?

The most recent term is that Putin has committed war crimes by targeting civilians, civilian structures, and aid routes.  What do you think? Of course, he has.  But, wasn't the invasion of a sovereign nation also a war crime?

Words and finger-wagging while innocent people are being annihilated is a war crime. Period.  Full stop. The only innocents in this atrocity are the Ukrainian people.