Monday, February 28, 2011

Comic Relief Or Is It?

As Charlie Sheen and his sodden ego speed toward who knows what, nothing good, and the people of the mid-east are dying in their attempts to overthrow their dictatorial governments while the west dithers, it's nice to know that things of real importance are also being covered in the news.

Naturally it would have to do with sports, right?  After all entertainment had it's night last night.

I read yesterday and passed over the news that there is controversy over the logos chosen for the Russian Olympics.  They've been called everything from plagiarism to just plain  bad taste.

The mascots that actually make sense that have been passed over are a depiction of Father Christmas and a snow flake.  Prime Minister Putin's favorite,  a snow boarding snow leopard, became the favorite as soon as it was known. I wonder if he's partial to Mac. Snow Leopard is its current operating system.  Nah.  It's probably because he sees the snow leopard as very macho.  No one asked me, but I think all of them are cute and not being the illustrator, I could care less who created them because after the Olympics are over they'll soon be forgotten.

AP Photo
Not wanting to be left out, since all the action has been elsewhere lately, the Iranians decided to pick on the logo for the London Olympics.

They claim the logo is racist because it spells out Zion, therefore referring to the city of Jerusalem.  It's no secret how the President of Iran feels about anything Israeli! Actually the design designates "2012" which is clearly apparent with a second look.  You have to reach a bit to see "Zion", but then the Iranians do know how to reach when it comes to reality.

I'm sure the snow leopard is going to prevail in Russia and "2012" in London.  I'm certainly glad both have been settled upon without bloodshed.

Still, even dicey letters and cute animals can't escape the wrath of those who feel wronged.  I wonder if anything will ever satisfy anyone!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Too Little Too Late

I can't get the "Nero fiddles while Rome burns" image out of my mind as the Obama's party hearty with the Motown crowd at the White House. I know they like to entertain and do so often and lavishly but somehow as the middle east is crumbling before our eyes, I find the image troubling.

Today much is being made of the sanctions we're going to impose on Libya. Just what Libya are they going to impose them upon? Forget that sanctions don't work. Look at Iran. They may feel a bit of a crimp but it certainly isn't making them come around to our way of thinking.  There are other countries that fill in many of the gaps.

Libya is even worse. With the major cities falling to the protesters, all that will soon be left is Tripoli and a mad man, Gaddafi, if he doesn't take himself out or someone does it for him.

Ever since the people of the middle east have started taking on their repressive governments, we seem to have been behind the curve on responding and when we've finally gotten around to it there seems to be no passion to it. Of course it may have something to do with our having made pacts with all these devils and, yes, for those of you who think I'm picking on Obama, I know most recent administrations share the guilt.

No matter. We have to live with what's past. Hopefully as new governments form we won't make the same mistakes. Still, I'd like to see some outrage, some emotion regarding the despicable acts that are taking place.

With all that's going on in the world, the image of Joe Cool doesn't portray leadership. It portrays detachment. Either not understanding the gravity of the history unfolding or not caring or not knowing what to do about it.

I fear for us if it's the last.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Children And The Cultural Divide

I was pleased to see a blow against Sharia law in this morning's paper. An Iraqi man living in Phoenix was convicted of second degree murder for having run over and killed his daughter in an "honor killing." She refused an arranged marriage, had the audacity to go to college and had a boy friend. She was 20 years old. Her life should have been ahead of her.  Her father thought she had "dishonored" her family.  Now she is dead.

Did you ever disappoint your parents when you were young?  Embarrass them?  Anger them?  I surely did. I was not the best kid on the block. My biggest problem was I questioned everything, including authority. And often challenged it. Had it been against the inbred tenants of my father's religion I'd have long ago been dead under Sharia law. Catholicism was bad enough. I'm sure I'm doomed to at least purgatory for near eternity for my life's choices.   If it exists.  Which I doubt.  See?  I haven't changed much.

Take religion out of the equation, we, as what we consider as civilized people, tend to love our children. Through thick and thin. I read a column written by a local psycho therapist, telling of a "boot camp" for parents he'd be conducting for those at their wit's end with problematic children. No, I never drove my folks to quite that extreme. But kids do. And parents don't kill them. They try to do everything they can to help them. Raising them to be happy, educated, productive citizens is a religion of it's own to most parents. Forget the headline grabbing horror stories we are witness to. I'm talking about the millions of others who never make the headlines because they're too busy trying to do right by their children.

Of all the things that make us different from those who follow Islam,  I think the ability to kill  your own child explains it all.  Children are supposed to be created out of love.  You bear them, they are born.  You cherish the experience and the wonder of a new born.  You nurture them, feed them, support them and guide them.  They are your flesh and blood.  You do not encourage them to put on a suicide belt and go out and blow themselves up in the name of your religion or the hatred of another.

And you don't run over them with an SUV because they didn't choose to be what you wanted them to be.  In our culture we tell children they can be anything they want.  Hard work and focus help.  And we try to help them get there.

That is the cultural divide.  It is one to which there will be no compromise.  At least not from our side of the divide.  I'd not have it any other way!  Unfortunately, it seems, neither will they.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Jolly Roger Isn't So Jolly When He's Somali

I always feel bad when someone following their passion in life loses it in the pursuit. Such it is with the four Americans killed today by Somali pirates.

That being said, I can't help but wonder what ever possessed them to leave the relative safety of a flotilla in waters known to be swarming with pirates. It's not like these incidents never occurred.

What makes it even worse is the fact that U.S. Navy forces were trailing the captured yacht. Isn't it time to get more aggressive with the pirates? They've gotten smug in their attitudes because most often they get the ransoms they demand. Fortunately, few hostages are murdered. It was not to be the case this time and I wonder if it will embolden them further. After all, it takes a chunk of change to keep the hostages alive and well during negotiations which cuts into profits!

I also wonder if because the sailors were maritime missionaries they felt they would not be harmed. What a naive way to think when dealing with the unscrupulous, and certainly non-God fearing, pirates.  Or maybe they felt safe because the waters are heavily patrolled.  Considering it's vastness, still naive.

Of one thing we can be sure.  The Somali government is not going to fall to the demands of it's people.  There is no government.  That being the case perhaps it's time for the international community to re-examine the manner with which these thugs are handled.

All the sailing skill and bibles on board in the world are not going to save you from the determined and equally skilled pirates when the good guys, four warships and an aircraft carrier, can do no  more then follow as a deterrence.

Nineteen pirates were involved in this hijacking.  Thirteen were "detained".  I wonder what, if anything, will happen to them.  The one pirate we've managed to charge, convict and sentence to 33 years in prison must be smiling.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Ethics? What's That?

ethics |ˈeθiks|
plural noun[usu. treated as pl. moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior Judeo-Christian ethics.• the moral correctness of specified conduct the ethics of euthanasia.[usu. treated as sing. the branch of knowledge that deals with moralprinciples.
I was actually surprised to find this word in my online dictionary.  Any dictionary for that matter.  It seems to be all but forgotten in the mess unfolding in Wisconsin.

The situation there has gone far beyond whether or not you are pro-union.  It's dealing with ethical behavior on all counts.  First the legislators for running out on their obligation - tending to the business of the people.  Think what a mess the entire country would be in if every time one party or the other skipped town because they didn't have the votes to get their way.  It's bad enough as is.

Then there are the teachers who are breaking the law by calling in sick so they can attend the protests rather than teaching.  I've already had my say about what their actions are teaching the children under their charge. 

Now there is a new wrinkle.  Doctors have arrived on the scene to write notes for the protesters verifying they are indeed ill.  By most counts that constitutes fraud but when questioned some of the more smug have ready answers and challenges for the reporters.  One being the consultations are between doctor and patient and therefore privileged.  Never mind neither have seen the other before nor are likely to again! 

The other being that the protesters are obviously under stress which could be considered a medical condition.  I'd be under stress too if I were blatantly breaking the law and worried about who might see me.

Every once in awhile happenings occur which make me feel every bit of my age and very much out of step with today's world.  This is such a case.  The doctors' actions are the final straw.  I cannot find any reasonable explanation that makes any of the above behaviors acceptable.

It makes me wonder where this country is headed.  Law makers who hide rather than stand up for what they feel is right, win or lose.  Teachers who lie.  Teachers who walk away from their students.  Doctors who are willing to commit fraud openly and publicly.  No wonder there is so much in medicare!

Ethics.  With so many new words becoming common place in our vocabulary, wouldn't it be nice if there was still a place for some old classics?  Twitter.  Tweet.  Social networking.  Somehow, to me, they lack the good solid feel of a word like "ethics".  Say it.  See what you think.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Greed Is NOT Good!

I will say, right off the bat, I am not pro union. The situation in Wisconsin, and spreading, makes me mad. Mad that the public sector, including teachers, are so greedy they refuse to recognize they are part of our fiscal problems.  They are not being asked to make a huge sacrifice.  Only to pay a share of their pension costs and benefits.  Both of which are extremely rich when compared to the norm.  How else do you describe it other than greed?

Even more then with their monetary demands is the fact that the teachers are taking to the picket line.

Oh, the fuss they make when a snow day has to be taken. We have to have the children in the class room so many days of the year. It's the law. The hypocrisy!

It's against the law for teachers to strike. Yet there they are. Not only breaking the law by striking, but lying about it to boot by calling in sick! These are teachers. We pay them to teach our children. And what are the kids learning? That it's okay to break the law when it hits the pocket book? That it's okay to lie when it hits the pocket book? Every last one of the should be fired. The parents should demand it and the school districts should enforce it.

Then there is the political side of the issue.  The governor ran on bringing the unions into line.  And he has the votes in the legislature to do it.  So what do the Democrats do rather than their job?  Run out of state and hide hoping to force a concession from the governor.  Stay in session and vote!  It's your job.  The state should dock your pay every day you're absent!

The final degradation is the President taking sides in a state issue by having his  pro union organizers get involved.  He is way out of bounds.

I have no problem with an organization that works for the best interests of its members, but when they over reach in tactics and the results are harmful to others, then it needs to be addressed.  Such is the way it is with unions today.  Are those richer benefits really worth the millions they add to deficits?  Are the tactics used to obtain them really the way your business should be conducted.  Can you really be proud of either?

This is really a case where the "haves" are thumbing their nose at the needs of  the "have nots."  It's not pretty.  Unfortunately, it does seem to be American.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chris Christie Interests Me

He's one of the new breed of politician we've all been waiting for. One not afraid of taking on the old school pols or the unions. Both need doing. How successful he'll be remains to be seen, but I'm seeing more newly elected governors following his lead. We all ought to be watching them evolve.

I don't know much about him yet. The biggest negative is his switch from pro-choice to pro-life.  Not the stand particularly, but whether or not it's purely for political expedience from a man who seems not to care.

He's being touted as a Presidential candidate for 2012. He has said no again and again. We've heard it all before from so many we tend to question the sincerity. After all, he is a politician.

What interests me about his denial is how he said it,
There are people who will run just because they see the opportunity. And I'm not stupid. I see the opportunity. That's not a reason to run for President.

You have to believe in your heart and your soul that you're ready to be President. And I don't believe that about myself right now."
Thinking of all the potential candidates readying themselves, including our current President, I wonder if any of them ever looked at running quite that way. Here is a first term governor, a mover, both liked and disliked depending on what is basically your level of greed. He is fighting for the financial survival of his state. He is tenacious and tough. Just what we need in the Presidency. Yet he sees himself as not ready. How refreshingly honest.

My tendency these days is to be suspect yet I don't want to be. I want to believe in that honesty and the strength behind it. Yes, Chris Christie interests me. I'm going to keep an eye on him.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Mid-East As A Golden Opportunity

The continued uprisings against middle eastern depots is a tremendous opportunity for the U.S. and it's democratic allies.  The question is if we'll take it or lay an egg!

I'm not sure we even recognize the possibilities.  That's because I see no leadership coming from the U.S. that can be interpreted as support for the people.  It's more like lip service.

Warning the leaders to get ahead of the actions of their people is fruitless. They're not afraid of us because we never spell out consequences and even if we did we'd probably not carry through.

Just look at the countries in play! We've been actively engaged with some for years yet they remain the same.  It worries me that a government as weak as the one ruling Pakistan can still manipulate us.  Consider our state department employee currently under arrest.  Getting him released should have been a slam dunk yet he still remains in custody.

Afghanistan speaks for itself.  A weak, corrupt government is running roughshod over us.

When was the last time you heard of any U.S. involvement with Mauritania or Libya? Yet all are undergoing a degree of political upheaval.

We, nor our allies, can or will send in troops to protect the people.  What we can do, however, is ramp up the sanctions so they really hurt.   We've seen what a few days of protesting did to Egypt's productivity.  It ground to a halt.  If it ground to a halt in all the countries and sanctions prevented the corrupt officials from doing an end around, it would soon begin to show an effect.

Of course it would be hard on the protesters.  But then life already is.  That's why they are protesting.  Somehow I expect we could rally them to help squeeze the life from their leadership.

We found a way to back Iraq in the Iraq/Iran war.  In this day and age can we not find a way to aid civilians against their military and governments?  I don't know.  There was a time I think we could and would have.  Now I'm not so sure we have the will and talk is cheap.  It comes from a weakened CIA and lack of feet on the ground.  NBC has more for heavens sake!

We're not trusted by those very civilians because we've supported the governments for so long.  Yet, if we want to regain their respect, and future cooperation, we've got to do something meaningful.  We can't fight their wars for them, but we can we not supply them and help them organize as we're supposedly doing in Afghanistan?

Perhaps I'm over simplifying.  There is always a price to be paid.  If I were writing the equation it would be simple.  People minus corrupt governments equal peace plus stability.

It's too bad America is weak in math.  Or maybe it's me.

Monday, February 14, 2011

CPAC - The Republicans' Comedy Central

If the just finished CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) conference in Washington D.C. is any indicator of what's ahead for Republicans in 2012, they've got problems! The winner of the straw poll, indicating favorites, was Ron Paul, the 75 year old doctor/politician from the great state of Texas. He's not going to win the nomination.

Mitt and Newt, along with a slew of other wannabes were  there. Even "the Donald" was there telling everyone what he would do if he decides to run. He won't make the decision until the current TV season and his show The Apprentice wraps. One wouldn't want politics to "trump" profit.

Perhaps the most frightening thing to emerge  was speculation on running mates for Sarah Palin.  She didn't even attend!  One was Representative Paul.  He'd balance her youth and exuberance they speculate.  She'd not have to worry about him waiting in the wings.  He'd be 80 by the time her first term was over.  If she stuck around that long!

Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) is another one.  He's as mouthy as she is.  I'd see between them having everyone angry all the time.

The other two to be suggested for the potential kiss of political death are Representative Eric Cantor (R VA), the current house majority leader and one of the bright young hopes for the party.  I can't see him wanting to take the number two spot with a candidate that would be weaker than him.

The same for number four, Senator Marco Rubio (R FL).  He's another party comer but a newcomer lacking experience.

I don't see anyone, frankly, wanting to be Sarah Palin's running mate.  There are those, of course, who think not only will she get the nomination, but will win.  I'm not one of them.  Even though she now has a better speech writer and political guru somewhere behind the scenes coaching her,  she's anything but a proven entity! We're dealing with one of those now. I don't want another.

It's said she has more experience going in than Obama had.  His lack has been apparent but he hasn't left a tough job to follow the big bucks nor do I expect it of him.  With Palin, I'd never be sure.

I haven't a clue where my sentiments are going to be as 2012 draws near.  I don't like Obama's degree of liberalism nor his grasp, or lack thereof, of foreign policy.  The problem is I don't see anyone on the Republican side with whome I'm comfortable.  The ideal candidate should have a grasp of our internal problems, of which there are many, but not to the exclusion of the tenor of the world.

I fell for the hope and change mantra hook, line and sinker.  Mostly because I really wanted to  vote for someone at least once in my life.  Well, I did, along with enough others to elect Obama.  Right now it looks like I'll be returning to voting for the lesser of two evils.

If there is a bright side to any of it, it's that, as an American, at least I'll be able to vote.  And I will.  Even if it's for "none of the above".

Saturday, February 12, 2011

OMG, They're Everywhere!

I've been in my loft working. Hub has the radio on in the shop just for noise. Monica Crowley is on.

According to her and Hannity and Glenn Beck, among others, the Muslim Brotherhood is everywhere. Here in this country. Behind every corner and under every rock. Just waiting to pounce. Man, I'd better get that carry permit and the weapon to go with it!

Why is it this group is just becoming known to us if they are here and such a threat? Where has Homeland Security been? They sure haven't been taking care of our southern border!

Here I thought Secretary Napolitano's switch from "our border has never been safer" to "we've never been at more risk" was because hearings to fund her department are underway and she has to justify it.

I don't know. I'm beginning to look at things in a more abstract mode these days. If these intenders of evil are already here, lurking, why are we still mugging grandmothers and babies in airports? They obviously aren't the enemy and such tactics didn't work anyway!

It makes about as much sense to me as the suggestion planted this morning that the Democrats run Gabrielle Giffords for retiring Senator John Kyl's (R-AZ) seat in 2012! Please!

I live here in my little corner of the world where the only thing that crawls out from under the rocks with any regularity are the skinheads and the militias. I guarantee there isn't a Muslim among them. I also don't see them joining forces with the communists and socialists, of which there are also many they'd have us believe.

Since we haven't a clue how events in the mid-east are going to take shape, it seems to me these diatribes by the right wing media are nothing more than fear mongering. If that's what they consider substance, well, that's their choice. And their right.

If such a conspiracy does exist, they should know one thing. If anyone loves their freedom more than the Egyptians, it's Americans. Those who dare to challenge it will find out that we are a land of laws and elections.

We also know how to fight. The challengers should know that. We've been doing enough of it in their home countries!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Inflation And Dueling Headlines

I had to laugh this morning when one headline read Bernanke downplays risk of higher inflation and right next to it was one that read Expect food prices to increase this year!

There is no appreciable inflation.  I know it to be true because the government told us so and because of it we seniors have received no cost of living increases in our social security checks for the second year in a row.

It's because they don't count food or energy.  Is it my imagination that the cost of food and energy are sky rocketing?  No, the Consumer Price Index bears me out. Both food and energy have increased.

We seniors aren't a real needy bunch except for a few necessities.  One is a roof over our heads.  The second is heat to keep what's under that roof warm.  Third is fuel, whether it be for our own cars or public transportation, to get us back and forth to our doctor appointments - and food to sustain us between visits.  These are the items rising the most!

That leads me to wonder why we continue to subsidise corn producers so their crops can go to basically useless ethanol.  Ask anyone who knows cars and you'll find that it depletes gas mileage and does harm to the inner workings of engines.  Yet we not only continue to produce it, we want to raise the amount mixed into the gas.  Corn farmers are the only ones getting rich. And maybe those Obamamotor dealers who will be selling them their Caddies.

Forget about corn as a food for us.  I've been told humans don't digest it, but it sure tastes good.  Other critters do digest it, however, and the lack for them will raise our cost of consumption even more.  Think beef, chicken and pork.

Other food stuffs are also in short supply thanks to Mother Nature unleashing  everything known to man around the world.  Prices are indeed soaring.

It strikes me as mildly amusing when the Fed chairman says he's confident the Fed has the "political will" to stop inflationary forces before they take hold.

I doubt ole Ma Nature gives a fig about political will.  If I'm wrong and she does, then I know what will happen.  More years will pass without our seeing that increase to keep ourselves in essentials.  That being the case, the fact that seniors won't have doctors to treat them after Obamacare is in place, won't matter.

We'll just fade away to mere nothings.  Some might call it starving.  Never-the-less, out of sight, out of mind!

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

High Speed Rail Won't Fix The Infrastructure!

I love trains. Really. As a youngster I rode them with my family from Pittsburgh to Chicago and on to Fort Madison, Iowa to visit family. Often. My love for the rails has never waned. I've sat for hours on the back deck of the General Palmer in Durango watching the trains come and go to Silverton. On occasion I'd head for the tracks to get pictures, dodging fiery coals and belching steam. There is no better way to travel in Europe. At least there wasn't when we did so.

The fixation on high speed rail by this administration is a whole different scenario. The $53 billion they want to allocate sure could be spent better elsewhere. Like on our disintegrating highways and bridges. Infrastructure that is already in place and in sad need of attention.

As for the trains, look at the proposed routes. You'll note they are all in places of high congestion and short hops. The cross country routes, where one might like to speed up the process, are left untouched.

The process of condemning property, then clearing it for dedicated tracks will be time consuming and costly. There will be resistance.

Some of the routes make no sense either. Take the stretch between Orlando and Tampa. By road it is approximately 85 miles. A train that travels between 125 and 250 mph wouldn't get out of idle! Besides, by the time you got to the station, parked your car, checked your luggage if any and passed through security, you know they'll have it, you might as well have driven. Not unlike flying. You'd have your car at your destination and be there before the train even left the station!

The same goes for the Los Angeles/Las Vegas hook up. I notice it's not on this map. Hmmm.  Have they nixed the one that almost makes sense?  Anyway, depending on where you live in the greater LA area, it might take you longer to get to the station than Vegas itself. That one would no doubt have riders, but whether or not enough to make it pay is questionable.

All the talk about jobs and economic recovery makes no sense to me. The jobs are needed now. The economy needs to recover now. Not decades down the road.

One of the biggest problems I have with this administration is their grand pie in the sky notions that are questionable undertakings in the first place and not doable in this time of immediate needs.

The argument that it will be the best alternative to flying and driving because it won't be as costly doesn't mesh with the fact they're touting electric powered locomotives. Last I heard, electricity is power and unless we go nuclear, it isn't going to be cheap.

Look at your electric bill.  Does it give you a clue?

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

It's NOT About Us!

What the people of Egypt are demanding bears about as much resemblance to what we're being told as Elizabeth Taylor resembled the real Cleopatra. There is a lot to sift through.

I'm not even going to get into the Muslim Brotherhood again. Egypt is a secular country. It is likely they do not plan on taking a step backwards to a potentially violent theocracy. They have enough violence to contend with right now.

The above sentiment means I cannot consider anything coming from the FOX news channel. Every time I go there the first words I hear seem to be the Muslim Brotherhood. It's almost as if they want to see that scenario play out.

Our government, on any given day, seems to have mixed feelings as to whether or not Mubarak should actually go and when. The old school, Biden, Cheney, still consider Mubarak a good friend to the U.S. Therefore easing him out seems to be the humane thing to do. He doesn't deserve it. Nor do those who serve under him.

What the Egyptian people realize and we don't want to recognize, is the new Vice President, Omar Suleiman, is cut from the same cloth and as head of Intelligence is responsible for the brutality still being shown by the secret police.  They hold any compromise or placation offered nothing more than a ploy to buy time.  It isn't working.  They don't trust him any more than they trust Mubarak. And rightfully so.  Consider the mid eastern despots who are encouraging Mubarak to hang on! There but for the grace of Allah go they.

Anderson Cooper was correct in suspecting that when the coverage stops, Mubarak wins.  He's bargaining on time and fickle news cycles.  That's why the people are still there.  Because, too, if they leave Mubarak wins and they will be hunted down like animals to face fates we don't even want to think about.

What goes on behind the scenes is any one's guess.  I would guess that our government doesn't know everything themselves, having been caught flat footed.  Their path is a tightrope and they're not known for having good balance.  Perhaps it's best to just stay grounded and quiet.

Strength to the people and those who would lead them.  Not an El Baradei who is no more than a carpet bagger.  But men and women of the opposition who  are the true patriots.  I have to believe they are there and the people know who they are.

If we are to continue to insinuate ourselves and our interests into the drama, I hope for once we side with the people.  It may not be exactly as we would have it, but it is also not our decision to make.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Do YOU Hate The President?

It was a tough question to be asked of the President by Bill O'Reilly. "Does it disturb you that so many people hate you?"

The image we so often see of him, reading from his teleprompters, chin raised and seemingly looking down on us flashed through my mind. Arrogant? Maybe. Maybe not.

Having never used a teleprompter, I don't begin to understand the body language. That he does at times display a degree of arrogance, I agree. That he has a sizable ego, I agree. On both counts, what politician doesn't?

To suggest that people hate him may be a disservice. It is to me. I disagree with so many of his policies I can't begin to count them. But do I hate him? No. I don't even dislike him.

I see him with his kids and I can't. He flashes that grin and I can't. I get mad at him for being inflexible, for leaning too far left, for that arrogance but it's like getting mad at Hub.

Oh, I do. But we've this commitment you see, and we work things out. Obama is our President. We'll work things out. We always have and I suspect, on a scale far different than that of Hub and myself, we always will.

I should hope that no one in this country hates him. Like me, fiercely disagree, but hate is too strong an emotion. Too dangerous an emotion. Too exhausting an emotion. Better to be spent working toward what's right and agreeable.

Our enemies harbor enough hatred for lifetimes. Let us not be our own worst ones.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Big Sis Strikes Again!

Boy, how to take the "super" out of the Super Bowl! Yes, people attending the big game have had to endure screenings for years now, but pat downs? Is there even a hint of a threat to warrent  this?  Or is it paranoia run amok?

Consider it's going to be pushing 50 in Dallas. Having lived for a lot of years in Texas, 50 is freezing! People are going to be wearing coats over sweaters over shirts over undies. How the heck?? And how many security personnel will this exercise take? You'll have to arrive before dawn or you're likely to still be in line after the final whistle!

Also banned, among other things, are banners, noisemakers, horns...and...are you ready? Beach balls! Beach balls! Has anyone ever even thought about taking a beach ball to a football game? Not even one filled with contraband booze I would wager.

One of these days maybe we'll feel toward this insanity as the Egyptians have shown they feel toward the insanities of their government and have a protest that gets the point across. Just stop!

To make matters worse the TSA is going to be allowed to unionize. Maybe, as was suggested on one web site I was reading, we, the people should!

Enjoy the game.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

The Catch All Called Foreign Aid

As events continue to unfold in Egypt and across the Middle East, I've been thinking about the return we've gotten for our billions in foreign aid and whether or not it has been worth it.

Consider Egypt, the people are fortunate for the fact they have had an opportunity for education. No jobs, but education. Our aid, however, had nothing to do with it. It went to strengthening their military. The same is true in Israel. And Iraq. It's going to bride tribal leaders in Afghanistan or into the out of country bank accounts of government officials. Pakistan? Who knows. So much is lost to pure corruption.

Then there are the poorest of the poor countries. Many in Africa. One at our own front door. Haiti. It suffered such a severe blow from the earthquake last year, I wonder if it will ever recover. People are still living in tent cities. The country is racked with an epidemic of cholera. Millions, if not billions of dollars in "aid" have flowed into the country. But where is it? There is nothing to be shown for it and their politics are in turmoil. They also have a largely undereducated population unable to mount a protest for change like the Iranians, who failed, or the Egyptians who at least have not given up.

Now Haiti is finally facing the finality of their botched election via a run off. In Egypt, if you can get past all Fox News fear mongering about the Muslim Brotherhood taking over to realize there are actually some credible potential leaders, there is hope. In Haiti I'm not so sure.

The run off has boiled down to two candidates, a 70 year old former first lady and a carnival singer. There is the problem of the current President's status and how he will handle it. An all too familiar theme. Then there is former dictator, Baby Doc Duvalier, already in the country and  Jean-Bertrand Aristide waiting in the wings for his credentials. Neither could possibly be up to anything good.

Aid to Egypt is likely to continue for a multitude of reasons regardless of the outcome short of a radical Muslim takeover. Aid to Haiti is threatened unless the current government toes the line the Organization of American States has set.

I have no answers. Everything is so complex. I look at the people and wonder who has the greatest need and who might be better able to fend for themselves. Forget the military and bribes.

What I see is a very uneven playing field.  For the people of those countries. And for the people of our country.  It's our money.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

First They Starved Them, Then They Shot Them

One hundred sled dogs in Whistler, British Columbia, owned by Outdoor Adventures.
All because their bookings were down since the 2010 Olympics. You have no idea how angry I am. You have no idea how angry Hub is. He wrote every person we know in B.C., which are plenty, telling them we would no longer patronize their galleries nor any other B.C. business unless the killer, his company and the SPCA were thrown in jail and the key thrown away.

Considering the movie Sled Dogs is one of my favorites, because I love those crazy dogs, I'm left dumbstruck. I don't know who to be the most angry with. The killer who is on "stress leave" after killing the dogs last April, the owner who ordered the slaughter or the SPCA who ignored numerous complaints regarding the conditions under which the dogs were living. Made, actually, by the man who did the shooting. He could and should have done more.

The SPCA called, but did not visit the site citing insufficient staff. A call to the owner informed them the dogs were in good condition. Well, duh! They dismissed the complaint by the employee, choosing not to substantiate it.

Other than basic good care, like water, food and warm shelter, sled dogs are a difficult bunch to look after. They have special needs. They need to run. Finding homes for them isn't like having you or me take one in, but it is not an impossible task, especially in regions like the northwest where dog sledding is popular. Ads in dog magazines and the papers would have done the trick.

I found it interesting that the story, in discussing who might be charged, the ages of both the owner and the killer were given. Like that makes a difference? I think not! Both are adult men. The only question I have is about the IQ of the shooter. Smart enough to file a complaint but too weak to defy the grisly order. Not much of a shot either, according to reports of dogs needing to be chased down and finished off. Are you getting queasy yet?

The dogs were buried in a mass grave and a plea has gone out asking the public to stay away so the site isn't contaminated and the RCMP and SPCA can do their job. I hope the "job" the RCMP does is better than the one the SPCA did. In fact I'd have the SPCA stay the hell out of the way.

The owner should be hung and quartered. The shooter? He could have said no. He wasn't going to have a job long anyway, if business was so poor! And yes, he has received a death threat.

Listen to all those words. Hung and quartered.  Death threat. Here I could probably be arrested for using inciteful language. There is, however, nothing they could do to me that would be worse than what was allowed to happen to those dogs.

One friend has already replied and assured us the anger is just as rampant there as it is with us. Of that I am glad. Maybe some changes will be made. What use is there of having organizations begging us for money to help poor, helpless animals if they don't do the job.

Just where does that money go anyway?

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Speaking of Rights ~ Our Animals Deserve Better

We have a lot of animal hoarding cases in this area. Maybe it's because much of it is remote and are easily overlooked. They often end up as cases of animal cruelty. What really angers me is when there are repeat offenders.

Just this past weekend animal welfare personnel responded to a complaint and found over 120 animals in dire need of attention. The number is staggering. Twenty seven goats, 15 cats, 9 guinea pigs, 6 rabbits, ducks, chickens, sheep...

A sheep had to be euthanized at the site. The cats were suffering from respiratory infections and pneumonia and had been exposed to distemper.  Many, I would suppose, will not make it.

To make matters worse, if you can imagine, 76 dead animals were found.  The owner of these poor creatures was on site when the raid occurred.  What kind of a person is she?  How could you live with 15 cats with respiratory problems and ignore it?  Because you can't afford to do anything?  Or you just don't care?

And 76 dead animals. That is just beyond my comprehension.  How they must have suffered. It's winter here.  And cold.  And wet.  Horrible.  Just horrible.

This woman.  Unbelievably she had been convicted of 13 misdemeanor charges in 2004 including five counts of animal cruelty for keeping animals in an "unsafe manner".  That time around dogs and turtle were part of the mix. There was also an illegal kennel.  So what happened to her?   Two years probation.  Probation!

Perhaps animal hoarders should have a mandatory mental evaluation before they are turned loose to do it again.  They are definitely suffering a disconnect.  It's strange, they hoard to fill some inner need, yet they abuse.  Is that the need? I'm not so sure it is, but it is too often the result.

The mother who shot her two children, currently in the news, will probably go to prison for the rest of her life at most, or be incarcerated in a mental facility at the least.  It depends on how good her attorney is.

This hoarder is  saying she will get an attorney so she can get her animals back.  She was not arrested and no citations have been issued.  She walks free.

It's criminal.  I know many people, too many, feel animals are just animals and should have lesser considerations than people.  I don't. Animals live, breath, eat, feel love when given and pain.  What they don't have is the ability to fend for themselves when we, the superior beings, choose to abuse them.

If we're not going to punish them or keep an eye on them, at least get them help.  Whether they want it or not.

It won't happen.  There isn't any money in anyone's budget for treatment.  There isn't any money in anyone's budget to keep an eye on them.

What's the answer?  Forget probation.  Go directly to jail.  The animals deserve at least that much.