Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wrestling With The TSA

Finally someone with stature has had enough of the "highly trained" screeners  of the TSA. Former professional wrestler and Governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura has filed suit against the TSA for invasive pat-downs. I've often wondered why someone of note hasn't stepped up before.

When Janet Napolitano recently visited Israel and witnessed their security procedures she told us they wouldn't work here because we have too many people passing through our airports. It wouldn't, of course, have anything to do with the fact our screeners are anything but highly trained and we won't profile.

I'm thinking we could probably get those figures closer together if the TSA would accept documentation verifying metal implants that the fancy dan machines don't seem to recognize,  exclude the infirm and elderly and young children, including babies in arms. They might also worry a bit less about the obese they were complaining about. Why is it they prefer fondling genitals rather than a roll of fat?

Let's face it. Our homeland security just doesn't do the job. No reports are released about the number of actual terrorists that have actually been caught with these methods. My guess is none. I also wonder if they are funding all this nonsense with the goods they confiscate or do the agents get to take home the good stuff. Throwing it out seems a terrible waste, but then that's because it belonged to we the people, not the government.

I hesitate to mention it, but one can still cross the border into Canada and return home without having to go through a body scanner or suffer through a pat down. I would think any "terrorist" with a wit of sense would find this the preferable way to enter the country!

Airport searches really don't work. Fences and walls along our southern border do not work. Cameras do not work. Drones won't be any better unless there are feet on the ground with authority to arrest illegals. The government seems not to want to supply them.

Oh, yeah. Posturing doesn't work either. I've heard profiling done by "highly trained" professionals works in some countries. Do the numbers passing through really matter?

It's still my "right" to think it might not. I wish Mr. Ventura success. Maybe he should make it a class action suit.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Palin ~ Like Bees To Honey

I remember not too long ago Donald Trump said he'd consider a run at the Presidency if Sarah Palin runs. So far both are on hold. Today we learn Rudy Giuliani is considering tossing his hat in the ring once again ~ for the same reason!  Is this a case of opposites attract or likes repel?

It's getting close to time to announce.  Fund raising is already in full swing.  Obama has thrown down the gauntlet as far as expected money is concerned.  One billion dollars! An obscene amount for a election during this time of need for fiscal restraint. An obscene amount for an election anytime!

No matter.  All three of them can afford it. You see, they work in the private sector and have made their own success.  Pity the poor politician like Tim Pawlenty who's ambition is hampered by that alone plus having somewhat of a low key personality. He'll pale by comparison in a debate!

There are a hoard of other wannabes on the Republican side.  Familiar faces like Mitt Romney and  Ron Paul. Yawn.  Newt Gingrich can probably out talk all of them but he's too expedient.  Michelle Bachmann?  I wonder how Sarah would feel about that!

As a friend commented over lunch a few days ago, admitting we're likely to have Obama for a second term, "Who else is there?  Really."

A good question to which I have no answer.  Rather than agonizing over what to me, at least for the moment, is obvious,  it's time to turn my attention to keeping a balance to the Presidency in the House and Senate.

Meanwhile I'm going to sit back and watch what I imagine will be spectacular political theater.  Theater of the absurd.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Why Bother Concealing Weapons?

There was a tidbit I came across this morning about North Carolina Representative (R) Renee Ellmers planning to carry a gun to public events. Her colleague, Representative (D) Heath Shuler has, according to his staff, been doing so for some time.

I'm not sure this solves anything. I got to wondering what circumstances would cause me to unholster a weapon. I drew a blank.

Had Gabby Giffords been carrying, it would have done her no good. When someone walks up to you, puts a gun to your head and fires you don't even know what's happening, what's more have enough of your wits to draw and fire faster. Nope. It wouldn't have helped.

As for Shuler and Ellmers, and others who probably follow suit, I wonder what their fear level may be. A heckler? Someone walking towards them? Without a weapon in sight shooting them would be inexcusable. A person in the crowd? The chances of seeing them first - slim. Even if so, could those standing around said person be missed in a take down effort? Maybe if one is a sharpshooter. I doubt either are that good.

If we're going to act like it's the old west where everyone wore guns on their hip, perhaps that's what we should do. Wear your gun fully visible. Seeing it, no one would know your level of proficiency, but they would know you are armed. That should serve as a deterrent of sorts.

There is another alternative. If you're so afraid of your constituency, either don't run for office or be sure you have a trained security contingent working the crowd. Even that would not have helped Gabby.

Unfortunately bad things happen to good people. Arming ourselves will not prevent it. Ever.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

When Does Protest Become Intimidation?

Does putting a happy face on a call to protest make it okay? I'm wondering.

It is no secret that Walmart is not the most popular retail outlet around. Personally I don't think it's presence does as much damage to local businesses as it's detractors would like us to believe. That, however, is not to be argued today.

What is, concerns the tactics  of those who  oppose them. The current flap is one in Washington, D.C.  I found it interesting that the web site for this opposition has a rap song decrying Walmart. Perhaps that's appropriate for Washington D.C.   I just don't particularly like the connotation.

More than that, it's asking protesters to congregate at the home of the developer. This is where I fear a perfectly legal protest and expression of free speech may cross the line to intimidation. One's home is usually considered sacrosanct. At least it should be.

To have hoards of angry people invade your neighborhood to protest strikes me as intimidation. Not only for the developer in this case, but also, maybe even more so, his neighbors. There can always be unexpected consequences of large, uncontrolled, angry people gathering.

That the organizers have some awareness of this would seem obvious with the placement of the smiley face in their flier's target. A recognition of last week's events in Tucson. Yet it remains on the web inviting anyone who would like to copy and distribute it.

Behavior does not change over night, but I wish ours would get a move on. We've become so confrontational, aggressive and self righteous, it's no wonder the rest of the world sees us as a severely wounded nation. It has become so invasive one wonders where we'll find the leadership capable of extracting us from what we've done to ourselves. Or have allowed to be done.

I hope the police are aware of this protest. I hope they'll be a silent presence to make sure the letter of the law is obeyed. If it is not I hope there are real consequences.

That's what's happening to us you know. Consequences of a too permissive society. Perhaps a collective trip to the woodshed is what we need, because we're still not getting it.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

This Is Worse Than Cross Hairs!

Okay. Which is worse? Inciting violence by using everyday expressions, albeit in not always the nicest of tones, or comparing groups of people with the most vile that ever existed?

ABC News Jonathon Karl reports on an outburst by a House Democrat comparing Republicans to the Nazis and Joseph Goebbels in particular. For those of you who weren't taught history, he was their chief propagandist.

Representative Steven Cohen, D TN, is Jewish. He is passionate about health care. Obviously he does not want the bill tampered with, what's more repealed. However, to accuse the Republicans of being Nazi like and repeating "lies" in hope the public will en masse begin to believe them is going beyond the pale.

While it is not enough to incite violence, the name calling is assassination of another sort. Character assassination. It has no place in civil discourse. Certainly less than being the "target" of it!

We can't say Squaw, Spic, Raghead, Burrhead, Beaner, Kike, Wop or Nigger without someone getting up in arms. Okay, we get it. I understand. I really do. I remember sitting in a restaurant one evening listening to the most vile of Polish jokes being told at the next table. I finally asked Hub to have the maitre d ask them to tone it down. I found it extremely offensive. Polish blood does run through my veins. It was hurtful. So I do understand.

Those were but jokes of an offensive nature. To hurl such insults at people who don't agree with you is antagonistic and immature. Unfortunately immaturity seems to be running rampant these days.

Why is it we bloggers are sitting out here in cyber space discussing it in a most civil manner and no one is hearing? Is it because we are neither seen nor heard? Don't bet on it.