Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Are Democrats With The Country?

We as a nation have been witness to the most witless meltdown of our political system that one can imagine.  It would seem there is little doubt that the Democrats have set themselves up as the final authority on everything.  They are always right and the rest of us are dreadfully wrong.

I'm getting tired of the show.  Every day now it's the Democrats defying everything the new administration wants to do.  Granted, the sloppiness of many of the administration's actions deserve defiance, but not everything.

It's time for the Democrats to quit beating their breasts in agony and get the cabinet members approved and in place.  The President, after all, was elected by the people.  And bear in mind, the people who gave Hillary the popular vote came from two relatively small areas considering the breadth of the entire nation.  The "popular" vote issue doesn't wash.

I expect there is going to be a lot of pronouncements from Trump that are going to have to be walked back.  That's what happens when you have someone who reacts impulsively and Trump is definitely that.  He's also showing that he can be reasoned with, to an extent, thus the walk backs.  He would be well served with a more experienced press secretary.

That the Democrats are adding to the chaos is by design is no secret.  They seem very proud of themselves and are quite vocal about it.  But it doesn't serve any one well.  They are just making the Trump voters and those watching from outside any political realm disgusted and angry.  Nothing is getting done and that hurts the country.

It may be difficult getting this new President on track but it would be helpful if the Democrats would get off their high horse and join the political process as it was meant to be. Keeping the divide doesn't help the country and they may soon find it doesn't help them as a party either.

It's a mess. Everyone. Grow up.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Mr. President, The World Is Not Happy With You And Neither Am I

It would seem the entire world is unhappy with our new President.  Not to mention a good portion of the citizens of this country.  And they are not just irate Democrats.

Those of us who try to be pragmatic are also worried.  I cringe when I watch this man approach a microphone and what he might say that is totally insane.  He seems to do that a lot then his minions race to mics of their own trying to clarify what he has said.  They are falling short.

This executive action on immigration is a perfect example.  I think I understand what he was trying to accomplish but his order was so vague it created chaos.  Was he in too much of a hurry to think it through?  Did he even talk with his advisers?  Did he choose not to listen to them?  Whatever happened, the end result is worrisome.

I was interested in having a person with actual experience in the business world run for President.  I remember when Lee Iacocca was considering a run, or people were at least encouraging him to do so.  He was a highly successful CEO of both Ford then Chrysler.  He also had the personality to be successful.  He wasn't full of himself or flamboyant.  Just a good solid businessman. That's the type of businessman we need.

Instead we get this guy who thinks he knows everything and as we're seeing, he most certainly does not.  I don't know how he thinks, himself, how he's going to succeed when he's literally butting heads with the entire world.  Does he think he can bully his way through?  That won't last four years. Does he have a clue that things need to be thought through?  Does he have a clue how foolish his Tweeting makes him look?  He says it's his way to communicate with the people.  Well, his actions communicate to us too and they have been reckless.

It can be depressing that we've got this man at the helm.  Many hoped he would grow into the position but I don't think he sees the need.  He's Donald Trump.

If we all  have our say aimed back at him maybe, when there are enough voices to penetrate, he'll adjust his manner. Likely?  No.  But I'll know I've had my say.  It's better than keeping quiet and stewing. Maybe.  

Friday, January 20, 2017

Mr. President

Well, it's over and yet it's just beginning. Donald J. Trump is now the 45th President of the United States.  His wife is still drop dead gorgeous and his youngest son is still sullen.  And the world has not come to an end.

The only thing certain about things to come is that the President will continue to be Donald Trump the tweeter that shoots from the hip more than Bush did.  The cause is certain, the effect not so much.

All that being said, he is my President because this is my country and I'm proud of it. I would like to see the snow flakes stop taking a buzz word or phrase out of context and trying to make it into a major story.  I'm tired of it; it's no longer entertaining.  It's irritating and to them should be embarrassing.  Just as the Democrat members of Congress who opted not to attend should be embarrassed.  Didn't they get the message that most of us are tired of the divisiveness?  Don't they understand that the "we" Donald Trump preached was what we wanted to hear and did?

Their post election behavior has been so disgusting and diminishing to those behaving badly I can't help but hope our new President is so successful that the shame of the opposition will know no bounds. I can hope.

Now the scrutiny begins.  I'm sure I'll disagree with methodology along the way, maybe even some policy but however I feel I hope it comes from a depth of knowledge, not disparagement for the sake of disparagement.  No matter what I will be civil.

You've seen fences mended today, bruises are healing and respect overcame pettiness - at least at a certain level. The rest of Congress should take note of how it should be but they won't.  It will take strong leadership to over come it.  That is why Mr. Trump was elected. The people saw in him a strong leader. One who can handle those in Congress who are even more childish than he. Yes, he can bully but he can also cajole and he will have his hands full of the need.

It's time though.  A new day is upon us.  Godspeed Mr. President.

Thursday, January 05, 2017

News - Fair And Balanced?

So says FOX News.  Hardly balanced since FOX leans as far right as all the others lean left.

You have to wonder, though, with anchors moving on.  While the positions being vacated on FOX are being filled with current employees, I wonder what NBC has in mind with the hiring of Megan Kelly and now Greta Van Susteren is going to MSNBC!  If anything, MSNBC is the furthest left of them all.

My question is whether the NBC family is trying to become more balanced or if the long time FOX anchors have no personal political convictions and are at best opportunists.  Especially Ms. Kelly who is no where near worth what they will be paying her.

I don't know any details about Ms. Van Susteren but I doubt either will have any FOX viewers following them.  I really don't.

It would be wonderful if each would bring some balance to their respective channels but I doubt they will.  Those who are faithful followers, just as those of FOX, will watch for a time and if the newcomers don't preach to the choir their ratings will tank and that will be that.

I have two questions.  Does anyone ever return to FOX after having left?  And, unrelated, can CNN really continue to keep Don Lemon after his latest blunder stating he didn't think the beating and torture of a mentally challenged man by a bunch of Chicago thugs was "evil" but pardoned the behavior because of "bad home training".


Tuesday, January 03, 2017

They Get It, They Just Don't Want To

The new administration hasn't been sworn in yet.  Rosie O'Donnell tells us we have three weeks to stop Donald Trump.  Not that anyone should care what Rosie O'Donnell says or thinks.  The only reason she gets a mention is her "celebrity" such as it is these days.

But it isn't just Rosie.  It's from the President on down.  He's plotting with fellow Democrats on how to salvage his agenda.  The Democrats have made no secret they are going to fight Trump on everything.

For some reason they won't accept the fact that Trump won and they lost.  Trump's vision for this country is the one the people embraced, not theirs.  They've had eight years to show us how wonderful it is and they have failed miserably.

I'm getting tired of their whining and their obstructionist attitude.  Co-operation isn't in their vocabulary.  I'm getting tired of them telling us, even if tacitly, they know what's best for us and they are going to fight to the last standing man to shove their agenda down our throat even if they aren't in office.

It exhausts me that we've got four years of this arrogant attitude to endure.  Trump may be a huge failure.  Who knows.  But at least give the President elect a chance. I know, I'm preaching to the choir and that's a shame.

One thing I can live with, however, is the knowledge that his picks for his cabinet are not the monsters the left would have us believe.  They are men and women of accomplishment, not paybacks for favors with little experience in or knowledge of the areas they've been asked to oversee.

The more they whine and conspire the more I hope Trump is as successful as he boasts he will be. The Democrats deserve to have their noses rubbed in  that success from the opposition and actually we, who voted for it, deserve the spoils. May Trump triumph!