Showing posts with label Candidates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Candidates. Show all posts

Sunday, February 27, 2022

It's Time for You to Go!

 I was surfing around late yesterday to see what was happening in Ukraine when I came across Donald Trump holding forth at CPAC.

I wish I hadn't. One thing for sure, he hasn't changed except for being a bit more overweight and having a bit more scalp showing through his hair.  Other than that, he doesn't seem to have changed a bit.  Everything that's wonderful with the country is because of him and everything that isn't is due to the stupid people who oppose him.

Do you have any idea how old this has become? He's still on the kick the election was stolen.  He's still on the kick that he 'understands' and admires Putin. Whew.  What a time to be expounding on that theme!

To my way of thinking, the dumb in the room was him! I'd like to think it would so upset the Republicans, they'd take him aside and tell him the party is over - and over him! Yet, I doubt that will happen. For some reason, people still seem to fear him. Oh sure, he can be nasty and can belittle you, but whatever happened to the old defense mechanism from when I was a kid? "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." Ha. 

He did have some policies I agreed with.  He had many I did not agree with. His management style was chaotic. So where are the pluses in him running again? I can't find one.  Not a single one.

He's old. He's boorish and divisive. Perhaps the biggest minus of all is that he would be a lame-duck from the day he takes office because he's already served a term.

I'm sure there are some good Republicans testing the waters. Hopefully, there are also some Democrats who are willing to quit the lockstep routine with their leadership and step forward.

Only time will tell.  I can only be cautiously optimistic, but I for one would sure like to see a whole lot of new faces on the political scene.  Ones who reflect a love for our country and a determination to right the wrongs we've been made to endure because of personal or party agendas.

There was a time when the goal was what's best for the country and let's work out the best way to get there.  A little from one side, a little from the other, and a huge willingness to compromise. That was way back when we were truly the leaders of the free world. Does anyone besides me remember?

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

I'd Vote For Who???

A friend sent me one of those questionnaires that often circulate around the web.  It was  about which Presidential candidate matched most closely my way of thinking.  I take them for fun on occasion but half heartedly because there are always caveats to my answers.

Actually I don't know where I stand these days  but the questionnaire gave me pause. The candidate with whom I most closely mirror is Marco Rubio!

Well, at least it wasn't Trump or Sanders! I remember seeing Rubio with Trey Gowdy and Tim Scott and wondered if they are the faces of the future of Republican politics.  We could do worse.  I do like Gowdy and Scott a lot.

Having been away all day yesterday it was no comfort coming home to the news and seeing the nasties going at one another in clips, ad nauseam, off and on all evening.  One thing for sure, who ever gets the nomination won't be choosing cabinet members from the current crop of candidates.  This has gone far beyond typical election year antics. It's down and dirty and likely to get worse.

I keep telling myself to not let age be a factor in my judgement.  When you're my age anyone ten or more years younger look like kids.  I also try not to fall prey to the curse of one term senators or house members.   They aren't all dunces.  When Lindsey Graham endorsed Jeb rather than Cruz or Rubio he used the age factor by saying when he wasn't ready to take on the presidency when he was a mere forty four.  Well, truth be told, the voters didn't think he was at sixty either!

It's a far more complicated formula than age alone or time spent in national politics.  Now Rubio is a political animal for sure. He talks a good game but the question is can he deliver. The same can be said for Trump. He's pushing 70 as is Hillary and Bernie is over.  Maybe it is time to put the old war horses out to pasture and let the youngsters have a crack at it.

I think the most unfair thing I can do is look at how inexperienced Obama was when elected and judge all others by the same criteria.  What we did learn from Obama is that the Presidency is not the time nor place for on the job training. On the other hand the voting public seems to want outsider and that leaves Dr. Carson.  He's probably more intelligent than the rest of them put together but his soft spoken demeanor has been a drawback.  Oh how I wish that weren't the case. I just don't see things turning around for him.  Thank you Ted Cruz.

So much for my musing about the current choices before me.  The field will be whittled down to size soon enough.  One last shot at wishful thinking - that Trump grows up or just takes his ball and goes home.  I do understand why he's on this third wife. Who could put up with having to massage his enormous ego and insecurity 24/7?

Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Man Among Boys


Justice Scalia is gone.  May he rest in peace.  He sure wasn't going to get any in court!  There was a ton of air time given to him hallowing him as both man and Supreme Court Justice. What I take away from it is that he was a good, devout man and maybe more importantly a Constitutionalists, where  words matter more than personal philosophies.  We're not likely to see the likes of him again, whether or not you agree with his decisions.

Then there is the Republican presidential field.  I couldn't watch it. It was like a bunch of grade school kids having a squabble on the play ground. C'mon guys.  You're trying to convince us you can lead the country back to greatness?  Well, I've got a hot flash for you, trying to out shout and out besmirch your fellow candidates, you're in danger of losing your audience.

If I never saw Donald Trump smirk again I don't think my world will fall apart. If Cruz and Rubio don't cut it out I'll file them in my "Don't even bother" file.   

Sure I understand why they are behaving the way they are.  They want to oust their opposition.  But at what cost?  Will it get more civilized?  I doubt it. Will people really tune out?  They may continue to watch for the entertainment value if nothing else is on but to choose a candidate from the singed earth doesn't cut it.

I have some friends who are staunch Democrats who vow to vote for Hillary or whoever the nominee is.  I'm not so staunch in my beliefs.  I find myself moving more and more to the center, leaving most of these guys behind.  Maybe it is time for "None of the Above" on the ballot.  Or that ever elusive third party.

Both parties would do well to revamp their debate format.  I haven't yet seen one where the candidate defends his own policy rather than demonizing their opponents.  They are not debates in the true sense anyway so why give them a platform to have screaming matches?

Tomorrow is Presidents Day.  It makes me think of Mount Rushmore.  What giants of American politics have been immortalized in that stone. None of them perfect to be sure, but as a whole they're a heck of a lot better than the current batch of want-to-bes.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Incoming! Duck!

Where does political dysfunction begin? In the campaign.  At least this time around.

Candidates play a fantastic game of bait and switch and will do every thing in their power to succeed. It is said they have no say over what the PACs do on their behalf but I seriously doubt it's true. If it is true then they are doing the candidates they support no favor.

Yeah, I know, negative advertising works.  That doesn't make we voters look good does it?  But them, like our politicians, we believe what we want to believe no matter how far from truth the issue may be.

Even Sanders and Clinton are getting nasty.  Bernie has such a treasure trove of baggage claims on Hillary he could win the battle nasties on the Democrats side.

Then there are the Republicans.  Can any one honestly say they've heard more than generalities from any of them?  Perhaps they have their policies laid out on their web pages.  If that be so then do away with the debates.   We who vote can read.  At least enough to negotiate a ballot. More than that is any one's guess.

If there are those who have trouble with the written word and listen to the debates to become informed, they are getting cheated  by both the media and the and the cat fights which the debates have become.

As my husband said while listening to the "news" the other evening and upon finding out we were out of gin, "It's going to be a very long year."

He's right when it comes to our quest for knowledge.  Let's see.  What I remember so far is that Sanders is a socialist, Hillary is a felon,  everyone hates Cruz, Rubio is a robot, Carson has all but disappeared,  Kasich is who he is since having found the Lord, and Trump uses foul language, is  against eminent domain and is not a conservative.  Duh. Oh, yes, he has a very attractive wife and family.

And I'm supposed to choose a candidate from this?  C'mon boys and girls.  Grow up before I join the rotten tomato brigade!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Trump - The Face Of What??

According to Pat Buchanan in an interview with  Chris Cillizza in the Washington Post Trump could well be the future of the Republican party.

I don't know whether to quiver in fear or celebrate the thought. My problem is I've never seen Mr. Trump act the way I think a President should act.  I've covered this at length in previous posts.  That being said, there is much about him I rather like. One, he's not exactly a Republican, nor a Democrat but more of a (gasp) centrist.  Could that actually become fashionable again? I really see him as the face of an entirely new party yet to be determined.

I like the fact that he plays no favorites.  True, he is his own favorite. He isn't taking some one else ideas and pretending they're his.  I like that he has brought to the fore that from which the other candidates shy away. He has brought discomfort to the campaign.  Perhaps his New Yawk brashness has allowed this.  That plus his personality.  Everyone else looks like they're no more than new faces running for old positions and the power that comes with them.  No one has any passion. Not that they're given much of a chance to show it except where they are physically, town halls, rallies and the like.

They have been given the chance to shine in the debates but no one has yet discovered how to out Trump Trump.  Jeb Bush comes across as weak and whiny.  He should have listened to his Mother.

Carly, I think, is too low key and while I still have a great deal of respect for her she just isn't catching on.  So much for those who think it's time for a woman in the Presidency. Considering the other choice for that honor is Hillary, I can't help but wonder what her supporters are thinking.

Old news is stale news and so it goes for Huckabee and Santorum.  I think Chris Christie missed his chance last go 'round. Rand Paul had best secure his Senate seat. Rubio seems like a nice young man but he doesn't exude the chops he needs to over come looking so young and in many cases indecisive.

My guess it's only a matter of time until Dr. Carson bows out. Rand Paul's Libertarian bent has run into the need for a very strong military; something that goes against his grain. Kasich seems a bit condescending.  We've one of those in the White House now.

Ted Cruz. He may claim to be an outsider but I don't buy it.  He strikes me as being very expedient in choosing where to say what.  That worries me. He seems like a another new face being an old politician.

Boy, I'm not much of a potential voter am I?  I don't expect to like everything about any one candidate but for now I'm having a difficult time finding anything inspiring about any of them.

There is still time.  I've read Biden has regretted not jumping into the frey. Wouldn't it be something if the Democrats are the ones to have a brokered convention rather than the rumor about the Republicans?

Maybe both should consider that option and each put forward a candidate that can inspire Americans as a whole.  But Sanders and Trump? It would be different. I think I can handle one or the other but, please, not both!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

It's TimeTo Get Serious

Have any of you done something in your past about which you have since had a change of heart?  And actually said so?  If you have, by today's standards you cannot run for President.  You aren't allowed to change your mind.  Or state the reason for your original stand.  Unless of course you're a Democrat where the same thing is called "evolving".  Like in Gay marriage.

The point?  That's what I'm getting from the Republican slug fests they call debates.  I've probably watched the last one for this election cycle.  I can't take any more of the mugging Trump ego nor the lack of substance from any of the candidates.  I know.  Go to their web page and read their policy statements.  Only we geeks are likely to do that.  Most will vote on the impressions the candidates give on television both in live interviews, such as they are, and ads attacking their opponents.

No wonder the country is in such a mess.  At the moment there is not a Republican I can feel comfortable with.  I certainly cannot vote for Hillary. So what to do?  I DO want to vote.

Fortunately there is still time for it to sort itself out.  One thing that would help is for those who have no chance to drop out.  Hoping for a victory on down the line after South Carolina is unlikely and unrealistic.  Let those who like you for whatever reason move on to support a more viable candidate.

Will Trump persevere?  Personally I don't think so.  Nothing new here.  Like me,isn't there a block of voters beginning to say, "Yeah, we like the way he kicks butt, but get real.  He hasn't the temperament to be President."  Who should move up?  Who knows.  This silly season is more silly than anything I've ever seen.  It's worrisome because the world is in such chaos.  I just can't get my head around the idea that an egotistical, bellowing bully is the answer to our problems what's more the world's!

Now for my daily smack down of the media.  Give the other candidates some air time.  The Trump show is in re-runs and it's getting boring. Every network has reporters travelling with the candidates.  Let's hear from them. DO some work.  How many show up at town halls and rallies for, let's say Rick Santorum.  Why?  Does he have anything to say?  You'd never know it from the media.

The rest really remains with the voters doesn't it. We're the ones who have to sort through all the nonsense and try to make an intelligent decision. It hasn't been easy up to this point because of the inter-party squabbling.  There are times when I think when the candidates get together they are as dysfunctional as Congress.

Can we not do better?

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Here's To French Resolve

I'm taking French President Hollande at his word when he states the response to the terrorist attacks will be merciless.  I hope he takes it further than the Jordanians did after one of their young pilots was burned alive.  A few air strikes and gone.

Perhaps the difference will be the fact France is not a Muslim country.  Jordan is.

More importantly, someone needs to take the lead in the fight against Islamic radicalism and it sure isn't going to be us. Who better than the French since they've been on the receiving end of terror strikes twice within this calendar year!

What gives me great pause is wondering what would be happening if those attacks had happened here.  I think a lot of breast beating and woe is us for a few news cycles until the furor died down then as is usual with this administration - nothing.

Whatever we've become as a nation will be revealed in no uncertain terms come next November.  Have we really become a "selfie" nation that care more about our personal wants than the good of the nation as a whole?  Have we really come to believe a group of students on college campuses who are still wet behind the ears know better than adults who have lived life and seen the world?

Have we really come to believe that the government is the end all and that no matter how burdensome taxes may be we will get it all back in the form of entitlements?

Have we really come to believe that a Donald Trump will do us proud over a Ben Carson who is belittled because he's a gentleman and a gentle man?  Or that the conviction of a Ted Cruz or or Marco Rubio is offensive?  Why?  Because they seem, at least, to love their country and have ideas on how to put it back on track.

Are we so blase about the abilities of women we're willing to lionize a Hillary Clinton with all her baggage yet won't even offer Carly Fiorina a bowl of milk because she's a Republican?

I hope we have a year to sort it out.  But as France has found out, there are no guarantees no matter the effort.  Those running for office, I am sure, are listening to what former diplomats, military personnel and students of the history of those who oppose us have to say.  The Democrats are not but surely most of the Republicans are.  I hope so; not only listening but actually hearing.

What remains to be seen is if the candidates who would love to lead us not only state their convictions,  it's politically expedient, but also have the courage of them.

In the meantime we must look to France and the allies it can pull together to keep us safe. If anything is un-American it's cowering behind others.  It's time to admit there is no such thing as leading from behind and remedy it.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Comfort Of Sorts

We've been away again, avoiding all the political news as best we could.  TVs in breakfast rooms and USA Today headlines always seem to catch your eye however.

I really tuned out after hearing about Trump's rampage about Ben Carson.  No, Mr. Trump.  The people of Iowa aren't stupid and neither am I.  I'm sick and tired of you calling everyone who disagrees with you or thinks you have a temperament problem stupid.

This morning I read Trump's poll numbers have surged to 42%.  Unfortunately I understand why.  It's why he's been leading all along.  He says what he thinks no matter how outrageous and somehow his exuberance is infectious.

So it will be in his outrage over what has happened in Paris and what he would do about it.  You get the feeling he actually will carry out what ever his threats may be no matter if they are prudent or not.  Does it matter?  Pussy footing around these terrorists because someone may be offended has got to stop.  Our leaders seem inclined to expect everyone else to make it happen.  Everyone else expects the U.S. to grab the monster by the horns and lead the way.

Which of the candidates is most convincing in righteous outrage? Why of course, it's Trump.  Perception in this case outweighs prudence.  Maybe it's what is needed.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Enough Already!

I had just settled down to watch some before dinner TV last night when all programming on the cable channels turned to New Hampshire and Trump.  Please.  Is he the only one running for President?

I listened to his aggrandizing opening one more time then a bit longer when he announced he was going to something different - take questions.  Really!  He did.  But he never answers them.  Not one while I was listening and some were indeed quite specific.  Just the same old "I guarantee you when I'm President that won't happen..."

What he did do is savagely attack Carly Fiorina.  He must be worried about her burgeoning popularity.

Neither of them are perfect by any manner.  Both have had business successes and failures but I see the beginnings of the "Romneying" of Carly. She's to blame for everything that went wrong with HP and Lucent and now everyone who lost their job in shake ups is coming out of the woodwork. Oh, she ruined my life!  And how long  ago was was that?  Haven't you done anything since?  Stuff happens.  Hub lost more than one job due to corporate turmoil. We didn't like it but we didn't wallow in it.  We moved on.

Okay.  That's a prejudiced paragraph because I like Carly Fiorina. That being said, to date other than Ben Carson, she and Trump are getting all the press.  And Carson darn little at that other than poll results.

Frankly, I would like to hear about other candidate rallies and speeches.  From both parties.  I don't care about network ratings, I care about information and I'm not getting it. Where is Jim Webb?  Where is Martin O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffey and what issues are they campaigning on?  I haven't a clue.  Do you?

The same holds true for Rick Santorum and George Pataki.  They certainly aren't sitting at home twiddling their thumbs waiting for Trump to topple.

The media has an obligation to cover all the candidates, not be the determining factor of who has the right to move up and who doesn't. It's no wonder politicians have a love/hate relationship with the media.  They have the power to make you or break you depending on their own personal ideology.  That's wrong.  They're supposed to be objective but with the lines blurred between punditry, reporting and entertainment, we the public are being ill served.

I shouldn't have to watch FOX to hear about the Republicans nor MSNBC to hear about Democrats.  I should be able to listen to either and get the same perspective.  Objectivity.

We rightfully put a pox on both political parties; the media deserves the same.

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

The Pain Of Change

I was so glad to learn Carly Fiorina's people shamed CNN into changing the debate participant rules.  Why is it the Republicans are trying so hard to marginalize her while the Dems cling so desperately to Hillary? The two couldn't be more different in both experience and character!  It seems to me the clamor for a female candidate is focused on the wrong woman.  But then the Dems have long had the women's vote and the stuffy old Republicans just don't get it.  A bit chauvinistic are they?

Have you noticed that much of what Obama is  expostulating on now has only two alternatives? His way or total disaster.  His nuc agreement or war.  His climate change mandates or the world is going to disappear in a horrible, tortuous, painful expulsion from the universe.  Sheesh! What's going to be horrible, tortuous and painful are his last months in office.  That and watching Congress continue to malfunction.

The war on police. Wow.  We have a friend whose son is a beat cop in D.C. He tells his dad that all the cops get insulted, threatened and spit upon no matter their ethnicity.  Nothing like equal opportunity thugs. We need more men like Milwaukee police chief David Clark at the helm of departments across the land.  Men who see it as it is and aren't afraid to say so.  I worry about him though.  I'm sure he's a target.

I'm wondering if politics will get back to "normal" or if we're seeing the beginnings of a "new normal" that is positive for a change.  I don't think Trump will get the nomination but I'm willing to bet it won't be a old school politician, even a young one.  Fortunately people are beginning to have their voices heard and the astute have picked up on it. It just so happens the most flamboyant of them has taken the lead.  I'm still watching Florina, Carson, Cruz and Kasich to be the wild cards that become mainstream before it's all over.

Maybe Bush should let it go.  He strikes me as a man who doesn't have his heart in it but is doing so because he's been pushed and doesn't want to disappoint.  Well, he is disappointing and hardly inspirational.  Warm and cuddly and loving isn't necessarily inspirational. It is, however, a bit cloying.

So here we are.  Back to what this blog used to be all about.  Just musing.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

As The Establishment Squirms

One thing about traveling during the political silly season, you miss little if you miss a day or two of getting fresh news.  Nothing other than politics is covered and so far this season it has been pretty steady.

Hillary is dipping in the polls and Trump continues to dominate the Republicans. Upon catching up two things have caught my interest. Why in the love of country does anyone stick with Hillary? And why don't the Republicans and media get what Trump, Carson and Fiorina are all about?

I can't answer the first.  The second?  I think they are scared to death that one the three will actually get the nomination and politics will never again be the same.  Well, duh.  That's what the people want.  Someone who recognizes we exist and have needs that exceed their hunger for power and the benefits that come with it.

I would like to see a non-politician take on Congress.  If you thought Obama went wild with executive actions, can you imagine what a Trump would do?  And if it's with the consensus of the people rather than against it there will be such a ground swell of support Congress won't know which way to turn. Not that they do as is.

Politics as usual is on the brink and I couldn't be more happy. It's about time some people are stepping forward and saying damn the torpedoes - full speed ahead.  My ideal ticket is in flux but I like the way things are - and are not- progressing.

One question for the Dems and Hillary.  I heard it from a caller on Limbaugh while wiling away hours in the car - if she never sent nor received classified e-mails on her private server how did she get her briefings, intel, etc?  Was it only when she was in her office which was infrequent at best?

Ask it, main stream media.  Ask it.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Republican Nominee Will Be?

As much as Trump is striking a chord, I don't think he'll be the nominee.  Voters will come to their senses.  One can hope.

At the moment my guess is it will be the candidate who can take Trump's broad brush on the issues and paint in the details.  I think the candidate most likely to  do this is Ted Cruz.

He is almost evangelical in his delivery.  He is passionate and articulate.  He also hasn't insulted Trump.  If he can say, "Trump is correct and here's why..." I think it would carry him a long way.

At the moment I'm leaning toward a candidate who probably has no chance because the media is giving her short shrift.  Almost to the point of being chauvinist.  If only they felt the same about Hillary! What I like about her is her business background and understanding of how businesses are run.  Exactly what our government needs - to be run like a business.  As it is now it isn't being run at all.  It's Camp Run-a-Muck. And like a poorly run company, doomed.

Realistically, however, I figure a politician is going to win the nod and it will be a matter of personality.  Not a good reason to be sure but with 16 candidates running personality is going to be a large part of what helps a candidate break out.  I think Cruz has that zeal.

They all are saying pretty much the same thing regarding policy.  So far I haven't heard a one of them explain exactly how they are going to achieve what they all agree needs to be done.  Especially if they don't have a solid majority in both houses.  Actually they are a pretty boring bunch.

Personality could push some one past Hillary too.  Hers is grating and fraught with ums and ahs. That is if she even succeeds.  With the rumors about Biden thinking seriously about jumping in and Warren reconsidering, she could have some real competition.  Webb, so far, has been a disappointment.

Of course my ideas change on a nearly daily basis as the jockeying for position continues.  Trump, on the Republican side, does, like it or not, have a huge amount to do with how things shake out.

Even if Trump goes 3rd party I believe a strong Republican can prevail.  Mainly because to date Trump hasn't said anything of substance either.  I'm not sure there is any from which he can draw.  Take note, Republican candidates. Get some personality and passion!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Monumental Egos

Donald Trump and Barack Obama have one very disturbing trait in common.  They both are narcissists.  Every thing has to be about them.  Those who don't see it their way are totally insignificant.

The difference between that trait within each is how it manifests itself.  Obama is distant, aloof.  Trump can't keep from running off his mouth.

His disparagement of John McCain this past week end may have closed that mouth that roars.  Had he couched his statement by saying getting shot down doesn't make McCain a hero but what he did after capture certainly does, he might have gotten away with it. Alas, he didn't couch it at all.

One cannot continually back pedal and yet get ahead.  I don't think, but then I've been wrong before.  News cycles don't last all that long and soon Trump's error in judgement will be old news.  Think of all the fool hardy things said by others running for the presidency.  Can't think of any?  Point made.

As for egos in general, all politicians have them.  It's the nature of the beast.  Some just handle it better than others. Trump is likely to have hoisted himself on his own petard. But what about Hillary?  Look at the way she enters a stage.  The strut.  The smirk.  The air of entitlement. It's part of what makes her unattractive.  A little humility would be nice, but I don't believe it's in her genetic make up.  If anything she oozes the victim card with ridiculous regularity.

When I want to cry out,  "Where oh where is dull and boring," I can't help but remember how uninspiring those candidates are.  Where is the happy medium?  Strength and humility.  Enough ego to inspire confidence of leadership in others and wisdom to know one should also listen. There are a couple like that running but so far they aren't getting the press needed to move forward.

Sensationalism may sell, but for God's sake we're electing a President!  The media needs to get real too and give all the candidates coverage and let the voters decide, not themselves.

Again, it's not the nature of the beast.  It is one way to eliminate the less than worthy.  Cover the most egregious of faux pas and let them eliminate themselves.  It, of course, pays no attention to policy issues but then that's what the Internet is for isn't it?  You know the mantra.  "Go to our web site for more information."  Most people won't. So will we elect a president on the basis of which candidate has been able to avoid inflicting  or absorbing the most wounds to him or herself?

Well, it would figure.  We seem to be at war with everything but that which deserves it so mortal wounds to candidates might as well be part of the process.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Random Thoughts

I got sidetracked as I was beginning to prepare for this post.  I could not find a group photo of the expected Republican candidates that included Carly Fiorina! That irked me to a degree.

Wow, look at all those people. For the Democrats, there is of course only one no matter how tarnished.  Wishful thinkers, however, are hoping at least one or two of the others get in the race.  There is one I would actually consider voting for.  Strongly.  Jim Webb.  No one else thinks he would have much of a chance but I am never sure the pundits who make such pronouncements are really all that savvy.

The Republicans are getting the most attention at the moment if you discount the Clinton scandals.  The talk seems to be mostly about their coming out parties.  Bashes.  Lots of supporters and cheering in a filled hall of appropriate dimensions.  Except for the only woman, Ms. Florina, who plans a low key on line announcement much like Hillary's though she's made it perfectly clear she's in.

The major thing lacking in all of the hoopla is talk of positions and policy.  I'm uncomfortable with broad strokes of the brush.  Always a lot of words with little actually being said.

One thing Carly Fiorina has said is that she'd reinstitute the missile defense system in eastern Europe that Obama killed and that she would rebuild the 6th fleet. Both strong defensive moves meant to forewarn the likes of Putin that someone new and strong is in charge.

One of the criticisms about her is she's never held elective office.  My thought on that is the ones who have aren't doing such a great job themselves. She'll be interesting to watch.

True, it's early.  Very early. But since everyone is throwing their hat in early I'd like to see them defining their positions rather than their campaign strategies. We all know their all going to be dirty at some point in time anyway.

Well, Carly and Ben Carson are due in May 4th and the rest will straggle in as time and money raising potential proves appropriate.

In the meantime, if we get bored, we can pay attention to the nuclear talks with Iran or the nuclear meltdown of the Clinton empire.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Mitt Was There - Where Were We?

Where were we when we needed him?  Teeing off about his religion, his wealth, his perfect appearance.  Listening while Candy Crowley contradicted him and our President mocked him.  It has been our loss and we best learn a lesson from it.

I concede he was a poor campaigner.  He wanted to win so badly he took bad advice and was overly cautious when he should have just been himself and not felt apologizing for who he is was necessary.  That's all in the past now.  It's our loss.

I do believe he would have been a far better President than the one we have.  Heck, I would be a better President than the one we have but I don't mean to damn Romney with faint praise.  He didn't achieve all that he has by being no more than a community organizer with a big ego.  He earned it.  He is worldly, economically savvy and understands the world of which we are a part whether we want to be or not.  He would have served us well.  Now he has had the good graces to read polls accurately and has bowed to, hopefully, a younger generation.  If we've traded him for Jeb or Hillary than I think we've learned nothing.

Is there one of the remaining candidates, at this point, that have the combination to offer that Romney had?  I don't think so.  Except for Lindsey Graham, they are all weak in foreign policy.  The governors have experience managing diverse organizations but only a few have knowledge of Washington's ways.  Few if any have hands on business experience.  Few have actual military experience and I dare say first term senators are still feeling their way and at this point are getting attention with mostly flamboyant rhetoric rather than actual ideas.

It's sad, really, that we turned our backs on a man who truly loves our country. The irony of it is he was there when we sorely needed him.  But we couldn't be bothered when he needed us.

Lesson learned? I doubt it.  

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Retreads And Underqualified Newbies

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Sarah Palin is seriously interested in joining the 2016 campaign. All we need is one more retread.  An irritating one at that.

Unfortunately many of the better qualified haven't made the front pages yet.  Or maybe they're smart.  The others will be suffering from voter burn out by the time the campaign gets serious.

I'd like to see some of them go now for various reasons.  Mitt Romney.  He may have been a better President than Obama has been but there are many now running that would be better than him.  He's old news and a lousy campaigner and still carries the same baggage.

Jeb Bush.  Other than being another Bush...  Well, maybe that's enough.  Ben Carson.  No political experience, no business experience.  He'd be a great Health and Human Services Secretary.

Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio.  We tried a first term senator and look what we've got.  Maybe they have good ideas but not enough experience nor domestic and foreign policy acumen.

I won't go through the entire list nor state what are strictly personal opinions as to reasons, but I hope those younger governors will not be scared off by the big money needed.  Naively I hope ideas will win out and that they'll actually articulate them.

One last thought on the whole process is about the money involved.  These elections are now much like professional sports.  It's all about the money.  It's obscene that we're talking in billions when people's work weeks are being cut from 40 to 30 hours, they can't get full time employment and what wages they get are stagnant.  The economy is still sluggish and likely to remain weighed down by the world economy and a steadfastly obstinate President.

Remember growing up and you wanted something a bit pricey and were admonished by your parents who said, "Money doesn't grow on trees"?  That's true. The reason why is it's used like fertilizer by special interests and those who do their bidding.

I guess if you want a living wage and unlimited hours become a campaign worker. But please, pick a good candidate.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Red State Blues

Maybe Iowa and New Hampshire have the right idea.  I don't  believe either state should have the power in choosing our political nominees that they do because I don't think either is representative of the country as a whole.

That being said, what they do have is access to the candidates up close and personal.  What better way to assess a person than in person?

That's why I was so excited to see a headline in the local paper heralding the fact that Chris Christie was coming to northern Idaho!      Okay, he wasn't coming to campaign for himself but to help raise funds for our Governor.  I understand the need for fundraising, but it sure cuts out the little guy.  Especially in this economy.

Sure, the masses will be able to see him at a rally for a whole half hour for $50 a pop.  Oh well.  Out of my budget.  The big spenders will be able to attend a VIP reception for $1000 per couple.  Way out of the budget!

The problem is, this is likely to be the only time he comes close.  If he actually runs he may make a token visit to Boise, the capital, but that's it.  It's because we're such a solidly red state, the Republicans don't bother with us because we're a given.  The Democrats stay away too for the same yet opposite reason.  We're just here.  Taken for granted.  Do we have unaddressed concerns?  Does anyone really care?

It's back to voting by guess and by golly.  I can do no more to inform myself than to read as much as I can.  I didn't do enough of it with Obama and I've vowed not to make the same mistake twice. Listening to stump speeches tell me little and are so repetitious I get to the point of tuning them out.  Listening to the talking heads gives no more than slanted insight from those I feel sometimes are even less informed than I am.  It's perplexing.

I don't know if I'll still be interested in Christie when it gets closer to the presidential sweepstakes, but I'd have a better sense if I could actually see him.  Feel a handshake.  Is it strong?  Look him in the eye.  Do his eyes meet mine? Listen to him speak.  Is there a dynamic the television mics don't pick up? There is certainly the matter of context.

Back to business as usual. Reading, listening and trying to figure out the being within from afar.  No wonder we make so many bad decisions at the ballot box.  In most cases we haven't a clue for whom
we're voting!

Monday, October 08, 2012

Liar Liar Pants On FIre

The President and his minions have been very careful about calling candidate Romney a liar or a felon.  They've well  learned the art of parsing a word or phrase, probably from Bill Clinton.

As they are quick to point out, they've never directly called him either.  It's always, "if he did or said such and such he may be a liar, felon, whatever."  But the damage has been done.  The words sit there like a rock and I'm not referring to may.

The poor guy can't win.  Or maybe he can if voters are getting tired of character annihilating accusations.  Or insinuations.  First they blasted him because he never laid out his policies.  That wasn't quite true, they were just so complex they were difficult to articulate in an easily understood manner. Now that he's actually saying something he's lying.  Sheesh!

Politics aside, it's time for it to stop.  It won't of course because when challenged the administration has to run from having nothing concrete with which to counter.  They've tried quoting experts from outside the administration but when they parse what those experts have said, they're beginning to come forward and say, "Wait a minute.  I didn't say that!" Oops.

We're down to the final weeks of what has been an agonizingly long and dirty campaign.  Neither side can claim the high road. Some of Romney's fellow Republicans have been his worst enemies. But lets stop demeaning one another.  Whoever wins is going to be the President of the United States.  The supposed leader of the free world. What sort of image are we portraying to the world, especially our enemies of which it seems we have more of than friends, when we're calling our potential leader a liar at best and a possible felon at worst.  It's bad enough to be detached, disinterested, arrogant, naive and everything else that has been directed at Obama. It's insulting and only a certain number of voters will agree anyway. Still, it's no where near the level of being called an outright liar or likely felon.  That insinuates corruption at the highest level.

I don't think even Obama views being more equal with other nations in quite those terms.

I also wonder about the surrogates that sling that mud.  It's shameful and disgusting.  If those speaking for the candidates can't present a convincing argument for their own candidate without stooping to that kind of rhetoric I can't help wonder why they support him in the first place.

Or is this what we've become?  A community that makes decisions on inflammatory rhetoric, and yes, lies,  rather than substance and fact?  If this is the case it's no wonder the country is in such a mess.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Franken(stein)'s Monster - He Of His Own Making

Remember when Senator Al Franken (D - MN) was a comedian of some note?  I never thought him funny then nor do I think he is now, years later.  His humor, to me, was always crude and I don't find such humor laughable.

Now he's a Senator, though I wonder why.  He certainly didn't have the credentials when he ran and won under a cloud of suspicion.

That being said, however, it is interesting to note that the Democrats have someone as clueless as Republicans Akin and King on the campaign trail.  It's fitting, isn't it, that Al Franken is campaigning with another famous for quips of questionable taste, Joe Biden?

So what has my dander up about Mr. Franken?  The fact that back in his days as a writer on Saturday Night Live he made quips about raping Lesley Stahl, a reporter for CBS. Humor?  Funny?  You tell me.
"... and I give these pills to Lesley Stahl. Then when she passes out I take her to the closet and rape her."
"When she passes out I put her in various positions and take pictures of her."
How crude, insensitive and offensive can you get? 

Yes, it happened a long time ago.  So?  It's an issue now and improprieties have a way of never going away. Why make yourself vulnerable to it now that it is a huge issue?

What is it with these men? Are they really that insensitive as to what rape is all about? Do they not understand it? After all, they are the ones who commit it. Are we still living in an age when women are merely tolerated, being here solely for their pleasure or sport?  

Of course not. The men I know are not like this, but the last several days shows that still too many are.  The idea that they sit in seats of power is disgusting and certainly demeaning. To women and to men who don't and never have wallowed at such depths.

The issue of abortion is an issue about the 'when' of life.  It has it's legitimacy even though I don't believe the political arena is where the debate should be played out. Rape is an entirely different matter.  It's a crime.  For politicians to be so  uninformed as to exactly what rape entails is pathetic.  To joke about it is worse.

It makes me wonder if it's a battle women are winning or if we're just being paid lip service by those holding the most vile of attitudes that they try to veil with smiles and platitudes. Until the veil is accidently dropped and we see the truth of what's hidden.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I Give Up!

I give up. I really do.  The folly of Representative Todd Akin's views on rape and abortion is one reason.  He made the mistake of opening his mouth.  But was that the end of it? No.  Representative Steve King, in defending Akin,  extended the issue to include statutory rape and incest.  In his vast well of knowledge he said he didn't know anyone who had become pregnant from statutory rape or incest but he'd be open to learning more.  I  don't know anyone either but I have no doubt what-so-ever that it happens!

How can these people legislate on issues where they have such scant knowledge?  Aren't these the very people who are so sure exactly when life begins? How can they be so precise on one while being so ignorant of the other.

I understand this is where their stand on abortion comes from.  If life begins the moment sperm meets egg and killing said life is criminal than abortion for any reason would be criminal.  But it's not criminal.  It's still legal in all 50 states.

There's one big problem with this thinking.  Not everyone agrees.  While many hold this belief, it is not a scientific fact.  It is opinion.  Conception versus birth.

I do believe some things should not be legislated and this is one of them.  I've ranted about government intrusion in my life for a very long time.  I will also rant about religious intrusion in my life.  I may choose to surround myself by like minded people on social issues.  There is some comfort in that, confirmation that others believe as I do.  I will not try to force those who do not agree to do so. Nor condemn other opinions and beliefs as being wrong or criminal.  There are too many variables and complexities.

I find it disturbingly ironic that those who bemoan the government taking over more and more of our freedoms don't recognize the parallels among themselves when they try to do the same with their social/religious beliefs.

For me it boils down to very simple truths.  If I choose not to pass on the gene pool of a rapist it should be my right.  If I don't care to breast feed my baby it should be my right.  Should I want to drink a large sugar laden soda it should be my right.

It should not be the right of some ill informed politician to be making those decisions for me.

I cannot see in either party a platform I can come close to supporting.  Don't tell me the Republican platform doesn't reflect Romney's views, just the party's.  What's the point of having it if it isn't going to be adhered to by those elected?

In the same vein,  what's the point of having laws if the President is able to bypass them by executive order without the country having recourse?

I don't know what to think any more.  Nothing seems to make any sense.  Listening to the falsehoods and nastiness and ignorance is exhausting. There was a time I thought we could do better and I was heartened.  But I no longer do.  How many more out there are like me?  Ready to turn away in disappointment and disgust? Ready to just give up?