Showing posts with label Health Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Care. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

She Actually Said It!

Nancy Pelosi gave a speech this morning. In it she touted all the wonderful things the administration is doing including the health care bill. After outlining all it's wonders, she actually said this, “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy." Does that say it all or what?

We already know that at the moment there are two bills, one passed by the House and one passed by the Senate. The house has a lot of problems with the Senate bill but are being taken into the woodshed and told they'll either vote for it or else. What are they being promised this time? As I've said before, what a way to govern.

Whatever passes, or doesn't, is good for one thing - the President's legacy. It's any one's guess what that will be just as the Iraq war and it's end result will determine Bush's legacy. Will we ever have a President who is more interested in nation building, ours, than legacy building?

I have no idea where the Republican party stands on much of anything. The front people are a failed candidate - Mitt Romney and a stand up comedienne, Sarah Palin. I don't see a bright future there but at least they are as one with their current dysfunction.

The Democrats are something else again! They seem to be imploding and are spending more time on damage control than doing the country's business. That may be a blessing.

Every once in awhile there is a blip of brightness. A few weeks ago it was the election of Scott Brown who was elected because he still hears the people. Today the "Thatagirl" award goes to Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick, D-AZ, who has introduced a bill that calls for a 5% Congressional pay cut. The last time such a drastic step was taken was 77 years ago during the Great Depression. Well, we've got one on our hands now and her feeling it is at least symbolic for those who no longer have pay to cut!

At the moment she is the least popular member of Congress. Not with the people, mind you, but her own! That gets a huge thumbs up from me. Even more so because she already writes a check to the government giving back that 5%.

That's a bill one doesn't have to pass to know what's in it.

One thing I wish I knew that could really give me hope is how she plans to vote on health care! Congresswoman?

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Up Yours!

What is the one exam people hate more than anything else? A colonoscopy, right?

President Obama has inadvertently shown exactly why we don't want a medicare type system for the country by virtue of his colonoscopy. You see, he had a virtual colonoscopy. If you're on Medicare, you can't. Dr. Mark E. Klein explained it quite well in Today's Wall Street Jounal . He explains that it takes about 15 minutes and requires no sedation. Though if polyps are found that have to be removed in a second procedure, only about 10% of people have them. It is also perfectly safe, eliminating the possibility of perforation and all that goes with that.

So why would this highly approved procedure be turned down in favor of the traditional one? Because it could "identify possible abnormalities outside the colon that might lead to further testing and additional costs". Hello? If they find something abnormal wouldn't you want to find out what it is and what to do about it? I would!

Then too, he goes on, there are the huge numbers of people who refuse to have the traditional procedure and that can lead to untimely death that's quite preventable!

I find it interesting that the President personally chose a procedure that those of us over 65 cannot have unless we're willing to pony up out of our own pockets. It wouldn't be because it's, in the long run, less expensive, more comfortable and, most importantly, safer.

How timely, as the health care war is heating up for the final battle. I fear we're not so much being governed as much as we're being ruled. There are privileges to being a part of the ruling class. Those of us who aren't part of it are close to having to live by their dictates while they enjoy the finest medical technology available.

And they wonder why we're angry.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Majority Rules? What Does Majority Mean?

The curtain has fallen on the umteenth act of "Health Care Reform - The Drama". It was interesting to watch even if somewhat tedious. The outcome was not unexpected.

There are a couple of points made by the President with which I take exception. "Baby steps" won't do the job regarding the Republicans desire to take things incrementally. With due respect, sir, neither does cramming the whole thing down our throats. As the pediatricians want hot dogs redesigned to eliminate the choking hazard, so should this bill be for the same reason.

It's not that the people don't want health care reform. They do. Just not this bill. Just take a look at the polls regarding the Democrats plan on Real Clear Politics.

"Most Americans think a majority vote makes sense." A simple majority or a coerced majority? When the Democrats are at such odds with one another over this bill, how can they continue to insist it's their way or the highway? I won't go into all the arm twisting and behind closed doors deal making. It existed and we all know it. It makes less than a clean piece of legislation under any circumstance. I'd be no where nearly as disgusted if a fair number of Republicans and Democrats were both for and against it. That would indicate to me there was more involved than partisanism.

Perhaps the old "throw the bums out" isn't the way to look at candidates any more. We elected Obama on the strength of his personality and empty rhetoric because we were war weary and wanted something uplifting. As a result able Congressmen and Senators lost their seats by others riding on those soaring coat tails. I do not favor coat tails.

This year brings the mid-terms. I no more want to see Democrats driven from office then I did Republicans last time around. We only have two parties. We're witnessing what happens when there is a tidal surge of discontent.

I don't know how the health care debate will turn out. I do know that during the upcoming campaigns I'll be looking a lot more closely at what the candidates bring to the table. Talking points and buzz words will no longer cut it. I'll be looking for candidates that actually have some core beliefs and the courage of their convictions. Regardless of party.

Never again will I be sucked in by personality over substance. Had I to do over again who would I have supported? Neither.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Watching And Waiting...

I spent some time this morning watching the health care summit. A few things struck me. Nancy Pelosi did not look happy. I think she was bored and wanting to get back to passing the massive legislation that awaits us.

President Obama interrupted John McCain who was trying to make a valid point and scolded him by telling him the campaign was over. How would Obama know? He hasn't stopped yet himself!

The Democrats have been busy telling the Republicans how many times they used reconciliation when they were in power. This is pay back time. Now isn't this a fine way to pass legislation that they don't have to abide by but we will?

Friends, we are being governed by a group of children more interested in furthering their personal ideology than sorting out a complex issue for the good of the country. Let's face it, the Democratic leadership wants a socialist America. The people do not. It's really pretty simple. They have the power. We do not. It's really pretty simple.

The Republicans suggestion of starting over and passing issues on which they can agree, or at least compromise, is not at all unreasonable. Yet the Democrats, including and especially the President, are the ones saying no.

I see the ball being squarely in the President's court. If he doesn't go back and amend his outline to include some of what the Republicans want we'll know there was no good faith in this meeting. It indeed will be nothing more then theater.

Actually, he has to do a bit more. He has to take Pelosi and Reid to the woodshed if necessary to get them to cooperate. I doubt that he will nor that they would.

If there is no move toward the Republicans I will have lost the final wisp of respect I have for the President and his party.

It's sad, really. I'm moving more and more toward the likelihood of no longer participating in national elections. No matter who wins, once the newly elected are settled in it's right back to business as usual.

We talk of how abhorrent dictatorships are. They essentially have one in both Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan. True ones exist in many African nations and of course North Korea. Well, you know, we're not so far from it here. The name? The Democratic congress for now. That, of course, is subject to change to the Republican congress in due time.

We need the old war horses of Congress, those who respect it's rules and procedures for how they were meant to work. We need them to hold those who will thwart the rules that made it one of the great institutions of the world accountable. We're not getting through from the outside; if they will perhaps they can.

One thing of which they might take note. The people will only be pushed so far. All they need do is look at Iran. They're already threatening us with fines and jail time for not buying their product. What's next? Troops in our own streets? Just what is America becoming?

Perhaps election time will let those in power know we do not consider it a game nor a toy for them to break beyond repair.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Republicans Beware

In learning that the President is summoning both sides of Congress to a televised discussion of his health care initiative, I suspect the Republicans are being set up.

One, the people have spoken. They don't want the reform that is now on the back burner. Yet the President will not start with a clean and more simple slate. Yesterday, when I wrote of the Palin appeal, this is an example of why she has it. She doesn't give the impression that she thinks she knows it all and that the rest of us are just too stupid to "get it". The President gives exactly that impression.

The Republicans do have some good suggestions as do some Democrats that their own party ignored. That's the worrisome part. Nancy Pelosi has her mind set and no amount of political theater is going to change it. Obama can prod and cajole to his heart's content but it's Pelosi who gloves the iron fist!

The Republicans need to lay out their ideas as clearly, concisely and thoroughly as possible. They also need to have the fortitude to point out the weaknesses in the current plan as they see them and doable alternatives - along with how they intend to pay for everything.

The Democrats are going to fight tort reform because they are in the pocket of the lawyers. They will fight pre-existing conditions and selling across state lines because of the insurance industry. There is a lot more that needs to happen, like addressing medicare reimbursements. When the Mayo Clinic says no more medicare patients we seniors all need to worry.

So. The only way for the Republicans to avoid being accused of having no ideas or being no more than obstructionists is to shift it to the Democrats on live television.

I'd like to think Pelosi and her pals would clean up their act on television but, frankly, I don't see that happening. It isn't that they haven't heard us. If their media enablers can make fun of Palin for having notes scribbled on her hand, you know nothing is missed. Not even the irony of Obama using teleprompters in front of a sixth grade class!

They just don't care.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bought And Paid For!

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the House, not a creature was stirring 'cause the Senate was the louse!
Well, one more giant step in the wrong direction for mankind. Heath care, monstrosity that it is, is probably going to pass.

You know what really angers me? The idea that so many, in this case Senators, can be bought! If they really agreed with all that's included in the bill, then all right, vote for it. But tweaking this for that, which probably won't hold in the long run anyway, just grinds me. How much did Nelson squeeze out of Reid behind that closed door? And Lieberman? We know Mary set the bar at $300,000,000. A lot of these bribes were about cutting the state's contributions to medicaid. Why should one state be exempted and another not? For a vote. We should be outraged.

Actually I think most of us are but those we sent to Washington aren't hearing us. It strikes me as strange because even with Nelson, over 60% of his constituents do not want this bill. Somehow he feels his contribution of more pork will win him re-election over and above the health care bill?


There is one more holdout I've heard nothing about. Roland Burris. Remember him? The Senator, who under the strangest of circumstances, took Obama's seat? No one seems to be talking about him and unless Snow or some other Republican is lurking out there as the 60th vote, it should be Burris.

He vowed not to vote for a bill that does not have the public option. Well?? Wouldn't it be something if he was the one to rise from the ashes of obscurity to cast the defeating vote. Could it happen? I'd love it. It would be monumental and he already has one to himself that would be quite fitting.

Look what it would save the government. It, too, is bought and paid for!