Saturday, November 19, 2011

Socialized Medicine - A Global Nightmare

At my age one spends a lot of time with health concerns.  Everything is wearing out and you no sooner get a handle on one issue when another one pops up.  I've come to grips with the idea this is my new normal.  I don't like it, but I manage.

One thing that bothers me is that I've had to go to a doctor who does not accept insurance of any kind, including medicare and I cannot bill medicare for his services because he is not part of the network.  This has been my choice because he's the best doctor I've found.  There is a market for his services.  By not having the expense of billing clerks, etc., he is able to keep his rates reasonably low.

It is of concern as to what will happen to doctors like him if Obamacare goes into full effect.  It is, essentially, socialized medicine to be run by bureaucrats rather than medical professionals.  What's the worst that can happen?  My care could be 'rationed'? I could die before my time?  Who knows, but I want to share with you a story from a friend.

We met years ago when she and a friend were travelling in the states and found themselves stranded.  They were Romanian, spoke passable English but found themselves in a strange country with strange customs and at a loss as to how to get out of their predicament.  Hub and I helped as best we could.  They arrived home safe and sound and we've been friends ever since.

I've been privy to her health problems.  After what seems to have been a stroke, she had difficulty finding adequate care.  Living in Bucharest, you'd think the best the country had to offer would be available.  Well, maybe it was.  It just wasn't good enough.  After years of persistence my friend now has a Swiss doctor who communicates with her long distance.  Hardly an ideal situation.

She now has a new problem.  Her mother needs surgery but has a heart problem and they are worried about anesthesia.  The economy of their country is in a slump like the rest of the world.  And like much of the rest of the world, they have their version of socialized medicine.  Because of the slump many of the good doctors left the country for better salaries elsewhere.

She wrote to me that many of the hospitals were closed because the health  ministry  has no money to keep them open.  One sentence struck me deeply.
In this situation it was very difficult to find a good doctor and a clean hospital for my mother.
Could it happen here?  You bet.  Just think about our economy and the world's economies and how everything controlled by governments are intertwined. It's a chilling reminder of what reality is in the real world.  Just something to think about.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Giving Thanks For Thanksgiving

The obvious reasons not withstanding, I have another reason for looking forward to next week.  I know what the flavor will be.  Turkey with all the trimmings.  At least for many of us.  There are so many directions I could go with this, but not having written a post for a week, I'll stick with my old staple - politics.

Republican politics to be exact.  I cannot recall ever seeing candidates come and go from favor so quickly or for such a strange mix of reasons.

To date I have to agree with some of my readers who have yet to find a candidate to back.  I have real doubts about their intentions.  I guess that's because I got snookered last time around.

A quick review.  Romney is viewed as the most likely nominee.  I do not fear his being Mormon and he really wants the job yet for some reason he just doesn't grab me.  That doesn't mean I wouldn't vote for him, yet...

Current flavor - Newt.  If he would just leave Reagan out of the equation I'd feel better.  Reagan was of a time long gone.  We need to be looking ahead.  His grey hair and grandfatherly manner belies an ambition not clearly defined.  Beware the silver tongue.

Most recently displaced - Cain. His knowledge of foreign policy has always been suspect.  After this past week so is his knowledge of current events like Obama's stand on Libya.  Not yet ready for the Presidency.

Perry.  I've got to admit I love his idea of cutting congressional salaries and making them part time.  Also starting his foreign aid budgets at zero.  The problem is how is he going to accomplish this?  The era of non-stop executive orders is treading on thin ice.

Paul.  The campaign's Libertarian.  Leaning toward the libertarian philosophy myself, less government, I applaud his tenacity.  His foreign policy ideas, though, don't wash.  It's always that foreign policy!

Santorum.  Considering he spent a ton of time in Iowa and has made family values his bellwether issue, he hasn't caught on.  I know what I'm not seeing, I wonder what the Iowans aren't seeing.

Bachmann was so hot out of the chute.  Her strength would seem to be her congressional battles even though she doesn't win them.  Her conversations with God through just about everyone may not sit well with others as well as myself.

Huntsman.  Here's a candidate who has yet to really run except in New Hampshire.  I have to wonder about the unfairness of our campaign funding laws that prevents one who could be in the top tier from being there because of a lack of start up money.  He's banking on New Hampshire yet I haven't heard that he's expected to be among the top three.  I'd not necessarily agree but I'd like to know the reason.

I don't take the flavor of the week seriously.  It's showing me a very fickle electorate.  What is it they want?  Humor like Cain?  Right wing conservatism?  I hope not. Hindsight and what I did when...?  More of the same only under a different banner?  What?

It won't be long before those decisions have to be made and I get the feeling the electorate isn't at all ready.  I know I'm not.  That worries me.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Movement Without Leadership Is A Mob

The 'Occupy Wall Street' movement has had its say and has run it's course.  It's time to pack up and go home before your intent is totally diminished.

From the headlines we learn of a dead man found in Salt Lake, TB in Atlanta, 'Zucotti' (park) lung in New York, suicide in Oakland and murder in Vermont.  Property is being destroyed.

Just what message are you trying to send?  The people hear only what is reported and this is it.  Protests are your right.  Breaking the law is not.  Yet city after city has given the movement a pass.

You've bragged about your lack of leadership.  Rethink that one.  It's time to get some leadership if you want to continue.  Your message has been lost and your movement hijacked by hooligans.  Those Democrats who applaud you and the unions who support you are wearing thin with those trying to run businesses or just plain live within your proximity.  Filth and mayhem is no way to make your point so clean up your act or go away.

Why isn't this being done?  Is it because you have no leadership to point you in a cohesive direction?  Is it because you have no leadership to tell the hooligan element they're not welcome?  Is it because you have no leadership to help authorities maintain order?  Is it because you have no leadership people are dying?  As individuals, are you proud of this?  Without leadership your future is no more than a footnote to the chaos that was 2011.

With leadership you might have done as was suggested.  Converge on Washington D.C. where all the ills you complain about have their origins.  They write the regulations, they accept the lobby money, they turn a blind eye when expedient then are shocked, shocked when one of the favored takes things too far.

With winter here it's time to pack up the tents and head for home.  If you really want to be heard register to vote and do so.  Flaunting the law and antagonizing the citizenry isn't the way to do it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Is Romney Changing His Image?

Ah, the debates.  I watched a bit of the one last night.  They're getting to be a bit redundant at this point but they do give people a chance to see the candidates up close even if scripted.

I think Cain handled his situation well but he still won't get my vote on substance.  Too many areas where his knowledge is shakey. All the hoo ha over Perry's gaffe seems to me to be over blown.  Anyone who has to keep the pace the candidates do deserve a brain freeze now and then.  My generation calls them senior moments. It shouldn't be a campaign ender.  Newt as usual dazzles with his background knowledge on nearly everything.  No surprises from any of the rest of them - except Romney!

I wondered if anyone else had noticed the wisps of hair hanging down on his forehead!  Jerry Doyle did.  He was talking about it on his show this afternoon wondering if the people in make up thought Mitt should loosen up is image a bit. It wouldn't hurt.

The other thing I noticed is he actually showed some passion now and then.  I thought it was great!  It seems likely he'll get the nomination though at the moment he's not my first choice.  He is one I could live with.  From a purely entertainment stand point, I'd like to see Newt for the singular reason of watching the debates between him and Obama.  Probably wishful thinking, but wow.

I also watched the body language with interest.  All the men would look at the person speaking.  Michele Bachmann stared straight ahead.  She reminded me of a mannequin.  It was surprising since she is usually quite animated!  Maybe she's just tired from leading all those fights in Congress.

In thinking about Mitt, though, one thing he has been is consistent.  His poll numbers have remained consistent.  His message has been consistent.  He's had enough practice, that's for sure.  But I rather like it.  After all the 'personalities'  to whom we've been subjected perhaps someone who is methodical and steady, isn't easily flustered, and actually has opinions and a willingness to defend them isn't all bad.

That he flip flops does not set him apart from any other candidate.  They all do what they think at the moment is expeditious.  It's a fact of life.  I'm beginning to agree with those who say there is no perfect candidate.  They all have their flaws.  What those flaws are matter more.

I want in our next President a man who both other world leaders and our own Congress will respect.  Most of all one who isn't going to try change the country into his own personal image of what it should be.  Will it be Romney?  I don't know.  I just hope showing some passion and appearing with mussed hair doesn't mean he's getting over confident and sloppy!

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Ah, These Golden Years

I'm beginning to think I've enough material on hand to do a Jeff Foxworthy type routine, 'You know you're getting old when...'.

So far my visits to various medical types has come in spurts.  I'm hoping it's my imagination that the spurts are coming more often.  For instance I just had a visit with a hypnotherapist. Today I spent a couple of hours with a plastic surgeon having a basel cell carcinoma removed. Tomorrow I have acupuncture.  Next Monday I have a follow up with the plastic surgeon then I have to make another appointment with the hypnotherapist.

 In between I'm supposed to maintain some sort of life.  At least the yard work is done.  Until the snow falls and the shovelling begins. Then the holidays are just around the corner.  I'm cooking Thanksgiving dinner this year.  Christmas decorating begins right after.  At least I keep moving which is the name of the game.  I do feel, though, that the gold in golden is lining other pockets more and more!

Actually I enjoyed today's visit.  The doctor is a very pleasant young man.  With just enough gray in his hair to give him credibility with me.  Had it not been there I'd have thought he was about eighteen.

He, his nurse and I chatted about a lot of things.  A little bit of politics but I quickly decided that probably wasn't the best topic in these heated times with someone digging into my face with a scalpel!  We hit common ground with our interest and taste in fine wines, how he loved martinis but they didn't love him and how much my capacity has dwindled.

Then the conversation turned to age related problems.  He had early on apologized for having to answer his cell and said how he wished he could get away from all the electronic gadgets that overwhelm his daily routine.  He said he understood why his mother was becoming more and more reclusive, enjoying her own space her own way.  I agreed and mentioned how the next step would be morphing into her.

Then the kicker.  "My Mom," he said, "was born in forty one."  As if that were the explanation for her more and more bazaar behavior.  "Ha!" sez I.  "So was I!" He actually looked at my chart.  "Well, she has six months on you!"

His nurse chimed in saying, "You don't look seventy.  You look pretty good!"

If I hadn't been worrying about a slip of that oh so steady hand I would have fallen on the floor laughing.  Talk about a back handed compliment!  I look pretty good.  I'll accept that.  After all, I had on absolutely no make up nor had I done anything with my hair other than wash it.  I was looking far from pretty good in my eyes.

I guess because he got all the tumor on his first try, I looked pretty good and we both thought a martini would hit the spot at that point, the day was as about as golden as they get these days.  I'll take it.