Showing posts with label Congress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Congress. Show all posts

Friday, March 18, 2022

What Manner of Men (and women)

 I keep hearing that Biden is leading from behind. It may have come before, but I first heard the phrase during the Obama administration.

It is murky at best.  To me, the phrase is an oxymoron.  To lead means to be out front.  To be behind is just that.  Being behind.

With this administration, it seems even worse. Leadership is an illusion. I have never in my life seen so many in leadership roles, of both parties, deny to the country that which has worked well because they so hate the man who held the presidency when put in place.

This is more than petulant, it is sick. How can all these elected officials march in lockstep?  Surely, there are a number of them, again on both sides, who know how wrong they are and what damage is being done to the country. Why do they not step forward and say, "Enough! This has to stop!" What manner of men and women are they?

This goes far beyond the decisions about Ukraine that are dithering in the netherworld of Washington. It goes to the elimination of the Keystone pipeline in favor of reinstituting the Iranian Nuclear Deal which will give Iran a free hand in their pursuits while we get nothing. Having Russians as mediators, to boot. 

This has to do with pushing the Green New Deal when the technology is nowhere near ready for prime time. 

This has to do with allowing an egomaniacal and corrupt Agency head to dictate policy that has destroyed lives, physical and mental well-being, and economic stability for over two years, and who would still be doing so had not the war in Ukraine taken front and center.

This goes to the open border policy in our own country with everything from drugs to children and sex traffickers, to gang and cartel members, and who knows who else, free entry. And I mean free for we, the taxpaying citizenry, are footing the bill for all of them.

 It's sad. It's disheartening. Whatever happened to the swinging pendulum? If it's still out there, the time is past due for it to start swinging back.  If it's going to get hung up, let it be in the center.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

What Makes Democrats Tick?

Why is it that the Democrats in Congress have such contempt for the very people they are supposed to represent?  Oh sure, they always parade before the microphone and tell us that everything the Republicans bring forth is to the detriment to the country.  We're supposed to swallow their dictums hook, line and sinker.

Well, I for one, am sick and tired of their silly games.  Their opposition is purely for the sake of opposition in the faint hope something they do will bring down the President.

I've got news for them.  He's more resilient than they are!  Unlike others before, he won't slink into hiding and avoid the controversy; he jumps into the middle of it.  It seems that at least his own party is beginning to come around and stand with him.

In fairness to the Dems, the Republicans are just as bad when the Dems are in power.  Isn't it time for it to stop and have intelligent and civil debate on the issues instead of all this pouting when they don't get their way? It makes me wonder what sort of sheep we've put in office and tend to keep.  Why do we do so?

Have you every looked at their faces when they line up behind their leadership?  They are all so dour, both parties, that it is obviously an unpleasant undertaking to serve us.  More of them should opt not to run again.

I listened to Alan Dershowitz the other evening where he was criticizing his own party and calling for more centrists. He's right.  I'd like to take him one step further however.  He voted for Hillary.  He's a staunch Democrat.  But knowing what we know about Hillary and the entire Clinton operation I wonder how he could vote for her.  That he really didn't want Trump?  I get that but is that enough to vote for Hillary?  I'd love to have him explain it.  Or is voting the party line what one does no matter what.

It's going to be an interesting political year. I don't trust what anyone says the  mid-terms are going to be because I don't believe they are really talking to we, the people. No one has asked me nor anyone I know exactly what it is we want and expect from our elected officials.

So what do I do?  I guess I'll just tell them here.  For instance what are we going to do about Turkey's Erdogan bombing the Syrian rebels who we support? Inquiring minds want to know.

Stay tuned.

Sunday, September 03, 2017

Media ~ A Chance To Get It Right

During this time of crisis the media almost got it right even if at times their fevered pitch showed a terrible grasp of fact.

That being said, I think their over all handling of Harvey was a B+ to A-.  The over kill on Melania's heels and the lack of compassion nonsense keeps it from reaching the top.

Now they have a new challenge.  The flood waters are receding, pets are being rescued, the death toll is stabilizing and the boats are heading back to more friendly waters.

What happens now?  The reporters go back to their headquarters to get new assignments.  Meanwhile the rebuilding of lives, homes and businesses is just beginning.  There have been promises of aid from the administration.  The hiccup will come if Congress decides to get political and the President doesn't crack his whip.

Let's look at Congress.  They've pretty much sat this out.  But just wait to hear the howls from Florida if Irma descends on them!  Never-the-less, action will be needed on an aid bill asap.  Will they try to attach a lot of unpopular or controversial legislation to it therefore delaying it?  Time will tell but the more of that kind of thing they try the more they will push people to Trump's side.

The next question is whether or not the media will cover it if it's in Trump's favor. Past history indicates they will try their best to blame negatives on Trump no matter who is to blame.  One thing that ought be remembered is that Trump is politician by default and follows his own thoughts rather than those of either party.  For both good and sometimes not so good but still true.

It's time for Congress to try to get a handle on how his head works for the sake of the country.  It would be good for them to let loose of some of their ideology anyway.  It is, as with Trump's, neither all bad nor good.

So lets see if the media will hold Congressional feet to the fire if they play obstructionist no matter the party.  It's a chance to grow from a fine job with Harvey.  It's also a chance for them to retreat to the partisan stronghold from which they came.  It's their choice.

Any bets?

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Land That I Love Revisited

Well, well, well. My beloved country does still exist.  I found it in Texas and Louisiana environs this past and ongoing week.

Having lived in Houston for some time, my heart was broken watching the damage accumulate. I'm sure our former home in Missouri City was flooded.  Fortunately friends still there are okay.

America.  Our flag is red, white and blue. I'm hoping that raises it above racial, sexual or religious criticism.  And it speaks freely for what it stands for.  No brown nor black nor white nor yellow.  Just the basics.  And the basic American is what is making the recovery effort in Texas work.  It doesn't matter what color you are, if you speak with an accent, live in an area less desirable than another, you're all one with America.

The politicians most visible are the ones whose responsibility is for blocks of people - town mayors, the governor, the police chief. All doing their jobs.

The President has made an appearance and is due for another.  Mike Pence, VP, is down there with sleeves rolled up helping out.  Cabinet members have made themselves available to local officials to help ease burdens. This is America at it's best.

What's missing?  I may be wrong in this but I've seen but one politician interview.  Ted Cruz making the appropriate platitudes in nice clean trousers and shirt without a smidge of mud.  C'mon guys.  Dig in!

On second thought, don't.  The people are doing just fine without you getting under foot. The media could ease up on some of their in your face reporting too but so far it has been satisfactory if not too ongoing for those of us who live elsewhere and are fighting our own demons.  Wildfires here.  Drought.  But we don't generate ratings this year.  It's the year of the flood!

That's okay.  Should we need the help of Texans at some point they will be here.  Bet on it. Too bad it has taken a natural disaster to remind us of who we are.  No.  I have that wrong.  We well know who we are.  It's Congress who needs reminded and I haven't heard a whimper other than rumblings they're going to fight disaster relief.

I dare them. If they actually do it will be time for a whole new cast.  We can applaud or we can boo.  I'd rather applaud but I'm keeping my voice in shape just in case.

God Bless America, Land That I Love.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The D.C. Bubble is Larger Than I Thought

For years, especially during political campaigns, the media laments the "Bubble" that is Washington.  What they don't do is include themselves as part of it.

It is, I suppose, because they are of the same ilk as the "left".  How that came about I'm not sure but I'm guessing it comes from the powers that employ them.  Toe the line or you're gone.  Just like the Robert Lee episode at ESPN.  My goodness, a man named Robert Lee, an Asian American (Chinese), was pulled from calling a University of Virginia game for fear of offending...who?  Please!

Even Mr. Lee was complicit by agreeing without protest because of the of ridicule on social media. Really?

Where did all this political correctness, as it's called, come from?  And fear to defy it?  Which generation spawned it? I'd like to think it was not mine.  I think perhaps it's the one following ours,  the Boomers. I have to ask if it has permeated all of society or just those with nothing better to do with their time? Regardless, it has gone way too far.

When a Catholic school in Anselmo, CA removes or covers it's statuary of Jesus, Mary and others to appear more inclusive it has gone nuts. "Appear" is the key word here.  In fact it won't change the stance of the Catholic church's beliefs one iota.

Today I read that some are criticizing the shoes Melania Trump is wearing in Texas. What's she supposed to wear, waders?  To show support for the rescue crews?  Come on.

I also read Congress is digging in it's heels on relief funding.  This has to be coming from the leadership since Congress as a whole is still on vacation.

Fortunately there are those who are paying little attention to all this non-sense unless they are directly affected.  Where I live we're dealing with a severe drought and fire season. My acquaintances who write blogs are concentrating a lot on their own issues - a lot about health of either themselves or loved ones.  They are surprisingly educational and inspiring and in no way convey self pity. I can't say the same for some of the younger generations.

As the days pass the news cycles remain stalled in mostly childish political drivel.  The pols are trying to position themselves for another run for office.  The media hoaxsters are busy trying to keep the waters roiled and doing a good job of it.  Our man/child President is proving himself the perfect oxymoron.

I'd like to think they are all hurting no one other those that keep company in that unbreakable bubble. I guess we'll find out when a new crop of challengers make themselves known.  We need them to be armed with pins to burst that bubble. Maybe enforce they could succeed.  Actually now would be a good time.  They could be washed away with the other devastation that will wash to sea with the Texas flood waters.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

More Than One Man/Child

Last evening I got to thinking that, despite media reports to the contrary, Congress actually is working.  Well, sort of.  They fall short at the last minute.

That Republicans finally have the courage to step up and refuse to vote for a bill they feel does not sufficiently address the needs of their states and constituents is great.  Hooray for them!  The other part of the equation, however, is compromise.

The word is in neither party's vocabulary.

That's where the man/child, or woman/child if you please, analogy comes in. Everyone seems intent on pouncing on every utterance out of the Trump Twitter account, and in most cases rightfully so.  But are these Congressional blowhards any different?  The Democrats refusing to involve themselves be the reasoning right, wrong or indifferent?  What's more childish than marching in lock step  for a bad idea?

Then there are the Republicans who cannot sit down together and work out a bill.  First they're addressing the wrong issue.  The issue is health insurance not health care.  There is a huge difference and I see far too many legislators seeming not to get it. But then they seem not to get a great deal.

If only their actions would only affect themselves but ironically and sadly they are the least affected.

Headlines this morning indicate John McCain's recent bazaar behavior may have been caused by the blood clot behind his eye.  Perhaps it's time for everyone in government from the President on down to have a brain scan to see what sort of intelligence hindering growth may be hiding within.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Media - Just Quit It!

Boy, do I have a headache!  No, nothing like a brain tumor though it might be less painful.  It's from watching too much news.  Old story, isn't it?

I have a cure in mind, however.  It will never happen but when I get these bright ideas I like to share them.  This is for both the main stream media and FOX News.  Quit!  Just quit covering government all together.  They aren't doing anything anyway.

Just look at the health care mess.  Tell us when something positive happens.  Otherwise ignore Congress.  Did it ever occur to you that the reason why Congress holds so many hearings is because it gives them an excuse to not legislate?  Why do they have to investigate every little tit and giggle as a potential crime when they know it isn't?  Because they then don't have to do anything else because they don't have the time.  Those vacations, you know.

Then there's the administration.   Stop already.  You are reporting fake news about this hapless bunch and you know it.  Collusion is not against the law, besides both parties are equally guilty of the practice so quit trying to make a story out of it.  Donald is going to continue being the man/child he has always been.  He loves the attention it gets him and you all in the media just feed into it by reporting every Tweet.  Give it up.  You're not winning anyone over to your side.  You just keep alienating.  Is that your intent?  If so, quit it!

I no longer have any idea what is true and what is not in the jumble of mixed messaging.  I never thought being in the "middle" meant trying to figure out where the truth lies.

Not that I've been missed, but this is why my posting has become nil.  Actually I miss it but that takes me back to subject matter.  I found trying to be positive about a failing organization might help but the organization is still failing and I'm no longer with them.

My time has been spent trying to do my share of keeping up our 5 acres.  At our age it's no easy task. We're in the yard by 7:30 or 8 and shot by eleven.  So much for stamina.  Of course we use heat as an excuse and there is some merit to that but I'm not sure how much.

Oh well, if I ponder long enough I may come up with something.  There is beauty in this world of ours.  The last two nights we could get a rare glimpse of the northern lights.  I didn't make it to mid-night but those who did had some spectacular photos.

I've never tired of photographing our yard birds.  Yesterday it was a pair of baby Robins trying to earn their wings in between stints of trying to decimate my raspberry crop.  At that they are succeeding.

My headache feels better now.  I've an errand to run before dinner.  By the time I get home the local news may be on and I can catch the weather.  By the time dinner is over the news will be too and FOX will not be on the agenda.

So.  What shall we talk about now?

Friday, March 24, 2017

Rocket Science? Not Hardly!

Of course the Obamacare repeal failed!  But for all the wrong reasons.  Let's face it.  The proposed legislation was lousy. I can't imagine what Tom Price was thinking when he agreed to a three part plan.  Not with the opposition as rampant as it is.

And Paul Ryan.  He's beginning to act like a little dictator.  Fortunately it backfired on him.  I won't even get into the Freedom Caucus.  They plain don't think things through.

Being a senior, health care is important to me but then I'm lucky.  I have Medicare and it works fairly well. But for the really poor who slip between the Medicaid cracks and those not quite Medicare eligible the prospects are dim.

It might have something to do with the fact those creating the legislation haven't a clue what the real needs are out among we commoners. Nor do they understand the insurance industry nor the steps medical providers have taken to protect their interests. Men shouldn't have to pay for pre-natal care, no one should be paying for hair transplants nor Viagra. Get real! We could use a lot of help with prescription costs.  These are things they could address but won't because they just don't get the nitty gritty plus it's an issue that doesn't and won't affect them.

Actually, and I never thought I'd say this, Obamacare can be tweaked and retweaked and become pretty decent legislation that will provide affordable health care for all.  So why don't the politicians get off their high horses, quit the partisan bickering and get down to business.

So they hate Trump.  Get over it.  Your legislation should have to do with the people, not Trump. And quit spouting your vow to repeal to Obamacare is the reason why you were sent to Congress.  I'd bet if you asked your constituents they'd advise you to have a plan to replace it first. It's just plain common sense.  Get some.

Sunday, March 05, 2017

What About The Country??

I literally want to pull my hair out listening to the selfish, self-serving antics of our government.  Both sides.

True.  Trump isn't the greatest. He's a man-child but we elected him.  That the Democrats and Obama are bent on destroying his Presidency is appalling.  I know he isn't helping matters with his incessant tweeting with loose words and an even looser handle on facts but he's going to continue doing it.  Those who are in his inner circle have to learn to work around it.  And to anticipate it.  They need a war room like Clinton had so as soon as he tweets something they're on top of it instead of the media.

The Democrats, in their way are just as bad.  I don't know who is holding what over who's head but for them all to march in lock step tells me there is no thought being given to anything other than destroy, destroy, destroy.  We don't need to manufacture robots.  We've a whole Congress full of them.

And Mitch McConnell, get some guts and get the remaining cabinet officials into their offices. You don't have to put up with the Democrats delaying actions.  Put a time line on it and move forward.  Sheesh!  Do note he got his wife confirmed a while ago.

I know, I know.  It has been awhile since I've written much of substance but what is there to write about other than the inanity of it all?  I keep seeing images of Rosie O'Donnell screaming, "Nyet! Nyet! Nyet!" at some rally or Barbra Streisand complaining that Trump is making her gain weight.  Man, the substance of all this just escapes me.

But that's what I hear. Health care?  Does any one really have a clue?  I think it's all posturing because there is no plan and it's no more than a stalling tactic.  Rather than reforming the TSA the pat downs are going to get more invasive?  Is that actually possible?  And have those pat downs actually caught anyone that was a potential threat to the flight they were going to board?

I can't stand it any more! I really can't.  There's a country out here waiting for all those promises to become reality.  Is it going to happen?  I have my doubts. You have no idea how much it hurts to have to say that.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017


It's not such a difficult concept, you know, but it seems lost on those who govern us.

Let's start with the latest flap.  Kellyanne Conway perched on a couch in the Oval Office, feet tucked under, shoes on, snapping pictures of a group of black college leaders meeting with the President.

Shabby to say the least.  Don't any of these people have any respect for anything any more?  Decorum?  What's that?  The ones who have it aren't the Trumpites!  They are part of the Pence faction.

I don't know if my opinion of this administration can sink any lower.  Why was Conway taking pictures anyway?  She's not the official White House photographer.  Did she go so far as to take selfies with them?  Nah, that would be too demeaning. Ha.

But let's consider the President himself.  Does he respect anyone?  It isn't a judge with a Hispanic name.  It certainly isn't the media.  Nor many in his own party.  Not the Democrats.  Not his predecessor in the office. Not Muslims nor Mexicans.  Maybe Putin still holds his favor. It must be lonely, not respecting anyone.  Does he wonder, ever, why he is so disliked?

Let's too look at the Democrats. They have no respect for us or they wouldn't be playing their petulant games with Trump's cabinet nominees.  Delaying confirmation is not doing the country any good and adds to the perplexity with which the rest of the world is looking at America. Republican infighting is of no help either.

I know how we got into this mess but those who are the cause of it seem content to shrug their shoulders and say, "Who?  Us?"

The culture in Washington needs changed but this President isn't the one to accomplish it.  He needs too much change himself and it isn't forthcoming.

We have elected a man-child.  I have great sympathy for those who have accepted positions often at great personal expense. I'd like to think they believe they can control Trump enough to move parts of his agenda ahead no matter how much he tries to sabotage himself.

I wish them well.  They, at least, have respect for the Office of the Presidency if not the President.  We should all remember it is due and in most circles, expected.

Friday, October 30, 2015

The War Over Washington

Our country in now in another civil war - and I'm loving it!  It's the establishment against the outsiders.

So who is who?  The establishment is comprised of all the business as usual types beholden to one another in a very intricate web.  Politicians, lobbyists, special interests and the liberal media.

The outsiders are like you and me.  Those of us who are willing to look at the whole country and those who control it with  perspective that only comes from outside the political ranks.  And those of us, yes us, who have stepped up to the plate to run for office - for President.

Both parties, I'm hoping, are beginning to realize their insular days are numbered.  The people now have people in places that will make our voices heard.  Take the debates as an example.  If it weren't for Trump and Carson, the ultimate outsiders, and a few mavericks they would continue to be the anemic productions of the past because of the  obvious bias of the moderators.

Carson and Trump said,"Enough.  No more."  Cruz flattened them.  It was deserved and far overdue.  Paul Ryan is now Speaker of the House.  A young man.  New blood.  A chance to start anew.

Yes, I know this is probably over optimistic, but there is a war going on.  Not just for the heart and soul of the Republican party but for the heart and soul of what is supposed to be America.

I'm not a fan of the Freedom caucus but I like Jim Jordan.  Maybe obstinacy is what's needed to be heard.  Hopefully he and his group will give Paul Ryan a fair chance and they can all learn the value of compromise.

The same goes for the Democrats.  Maybe they will come to see that Hillary Clinton does not deserve their lock step loyalty.  Again I'm probably whistling through the grave yard and it will probably be the independents who sway the election.

At least there is movement and while still contentious it's movement in the right direction.  I'll concede the Democratic nomination to Hillary grudgingly.  Those who I hoped to run didn't even limp.

On the Republican side it's still a huge chess game.  Many, starting with Pataki, Graham, Jindal and Santorum should bow out and save their supporters their money.  The first tier also has a few who should recognize the handwriting on the wall and follow Paul Walker's lead but then political egos are what they are and it will take some time.

Never-the-less, I'm feeling cautiously optimistic that the tone is beginning to change. And I thank the outsiders for being the much needed catalyst.  May they stay their course.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Republican Retards

The voters put the Republicans back in the drivers seat but it seems they've forgotten how to drive!  What does it take to make these politicians come to their senses?

I do not for the life of me understand their unwillingness to look at a situation and do what's right.  Like fund the Department of Homeland Security and save the President's fiat over reach for another day.

The Dems have been making the point all along.  With all the terror threats circulating around the world, would we not want Homeland Security up to snuff?  It makes no sense. Not only is it a dangerous gamble but for political purposes alone the optics are terrible.

You'd think they would recognize that part of what put them in the majority was the bad optics of the Democrats.  It goes to show that even though we voted Republicans back to leadership we didn't vote for the right ones.  Ones who understand when to grand stand and when to stop.  Now is the time to stop and get their act together and I mean together.

The argument that they're voting the way their constituents want them to doesn't wash.  It's insulting.  There are other ways of standing up to the President than putting the country at risk.  Don't for a minute think because those DHS employees are considered essential and have to show up for work with no more than a promise of delayed pay that they will do so with their hearts in their jobs.  That in of itself is dangerous.

What the party leaders need to do is sit down and come up with a strategy. On all issues. Why this wasn't done before they took over the reins is beyond me.  There was plenty of time.  Or as like the President, couldn't Mr. Boehner get off the golf course long enough to gather his leadership team and set some priorities?

Thus far I am extremely disappointed in how they are conducting the people's business. They seem to have heard nothing from the electorate other than what they falsely imagine in order to  advance their own personal agendas.  Otherwise business as usual.

As I watch the jockeying for position among the candidates I see some potential for solid leadership.  Should the Republicans be able to prevail over Hillary in the Presidential sweepstakes, what good will it be if the Democrats take back Congress?

Whose hands is it in?  The Republicans.  Mostly in the House. A good share in the Senate.  For the love of country, people, get your blasted act together!

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Is Bipartisanship Already Over?

Let's see, it's January 6, 2015.  It looks like it's going to be a long year.

The President has finally made clear what he has been hinting at for years.  He will veto the Keystone Pipeline.  He will veto the medical device tax.  He will veto a return to the 40 hour work week.  And so forth and so on.

I've never seen anyone like this President in all my 70+ years.  I cannot begin to understand his thought process.  All I know is he keeps telling us his way is the 21st century way.  I guess he thinks he can single handedly bring the rest of the world up to his standard no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary.

The question now is will the Congress revert to maybe the 20th century way when both sides of the aisle would work together to come up with viable compromise.  Where both sides of the aisle would work together to over turn a veto when they knew in their heart of hearts the veto was wrong.

We have a lot of new blood in this Congress. I'm wondering what type it may be. Hopefully there is plenty of type A.  A for America.  The country, it seems, no longer has much tolerance for O.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Some People Never Learn

So the Omnibus Bill has finally passed.  I suppose I should take some pleasure in the fact that people from both sides of the aisle tried to stop it but I don't.

The way I see it, it's how government is supposed to work.  Neither side got everything they wanted but both got something.  It's called compromise.

It also means they might actually get some work done next year without the threat of  having to pass continuing resolutions or shutting down the government.

Ted Cruz and his ilk have yet to learn the art of compromise.  They are the obstructionists because, like the President, their modus operandi  is their way or no way.  They think that's what the American people want.  Or so they keep telling us.  This American person doesn't.  I want them to put their heads together and draft legislation that will move the country forward.  Not their personal agendas.

That's what the last election was about.  I am going to be a very unhappy camper with the Tea Party Republicans if they continue obstructing forward movement. I'm already fed up with the "conservatives" on the air who have done nothing but bash McConnell and Boehner since the election.  Give them a chance when they have the power.  Until January they don't and even after, the President still has the final word so expect compromise unless the demands are egregious.
We're going to have to know when  members of Congress are working toward their own ends for 2016 versus working for us. Especially those wanting to bid for the presidency.  Their ideological base may help them in the primaries but they best remember they're supposed to govern for all of us, not just those who share their point of view.

We've had six years of one who has not learned that lesson. I'll be holding those vying for his job to a much higher standard.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Leadership Tempered?

So both houses of Congress have retained their leadership.  Wow.  I'm not surprised about the Republicans but I am with the Democrats.

It is good to know Harry Reid wasn't re-elected unanimously. Some actually wanted some fresher, younger faces.  As a paean they promoted Elizabeth Warren to a minor leadership role.  Ms. Warren is 65.  Some youth movement. Actually, it has nothing to do with youth but rather her current popularity, especially with the far left who feel shortchanged by Obama.

Actually I don't think age is the problem.  It's attitude and we all know what both Pelosi and Reid have been when they were the majority leaders. For the most part nasty. And in Ms. Pelosi's case sometimes appearing to be from a different reality.

On the Republican side Mr. Boehner has often seemed ineffectual but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that there was good reason.  After all, he had the Tea Party group to hold in line.  As for McConnell, who knows.  Perhaps he was so  low key because he knew that as long as the Democrats had the upper hand there was no use being belligerent and in turn appear to be whining.  Nor would he go along with the shutting down of the government a la Ted Cruz.  It gained nothing but anger, angst and ridicule.

So now we go forward. Same leadership, reversed roles. I'm going to be cautiously optimistic that both houses will function better. At least until we get about three months into 2015 when a new assessment of that function will be more appropriate.

What worries me most is the President. I fear he will continue to run amok and make good Congressional intentions, if there are any, more difficult to achieve.  The problem is you never know what he's going to do or when.  So many things are hanging fire it's disturbing.

On the foreign policy side we're looking at decisions that could prove disastrous.  Consider Russia's emboldened pursuit of Ukraine and it's increased harassment of the west with it's air power.  Consider the now combined efforts of the Nursa Front and IS against the Kurds and the suggestion of the not dead Baghdadi to extend efforts into Saudi.  Consider climate control that will effect us immediately and the Chinese probably never.

Domestically there is still the Keystone pipeline which Obama desperately does not want. The immigration amnesty issue.  Ferguson. Tweaks to Obamacare and the largest worry to those not touched by the others, the economy.

Did I say I was cautiously optimistic?  Don't ask me why!

Friday, November 07, 2014

Women Should Fight Their Own War

I was listening to Condi Rice comment on the liberal use of the race card and was taken by her statement, "I've been black all my life. I don't need anyone to tell me how to be black."

Might the same apply to women, the "victims" of the war on women?  I've been a woman all my life.  I don't need anyone to tell me how to be a woman.  Or what my wants and needs are.  Especially a male zealot.

Okay, I've taken it a bit beyond.  It's time, though, for women to fight their own battles rather than having men do it.  The same goes for abortion.  Why is it the spokespeople ranting about it are usually men? At least the ones who reap the most media attention. Where are the women?  If a single mother, she's the one who has to bear the child, feed it, raise it, educate and clothe it. Let's hear more female voices in the fight.

We don't have the voice?  Nonsense.  If that's true it's because we haven't worked hard enough to get it.  But we're gaining.  According to the Center for American Women in Politics there are 99 women currently serving in Congress.  That number will be increasing next year. Of those 99 women 11 are in leadership roles serving both sides of the aisle.  They also hold 10 committee chairmanships. Four hold state governorships. They need not stay so silent.

So it's not because women aren't electable.  It's because they don't run. I suggest we encourage those with the ambition to take on women's issues head on to run for office. Of course they can't be one issue candidates to succeed but they have to be willing to listen to all sides of an issue and decide the best course of action.  Something that has been missing in male dominated politics.

Does this mean I'm softening my stance on Hillary?  Not one bit. In looking at female Presidential prospects I'd much rather keep my eye on those more like Nikki Haley of South Caroling, Susana Martinez of New Mexico or newcomer Joni Ernst of Iowa. A woman will become President with the right woman at the right time.  There's no need to hurry and end up with less than the best.  We did that with race and it hasn't turned out so well.

I'm hoping we're beyond electing 'personalities'.  We need substance and dedication to the country.  Actually, the right woman would be ideal.  No one can better listen, negotiate and make a decision than a mother. Some would call it nourishing.  It is an inbred trait in women - mother or not.

You ladies who are still young enough, all I can say is go for it! Don't cry uncle and especially don't let a man make that decision for you!

Thursday, October 02, 2014

We Doze, People Die

I realize there is a lot going on in Washington these days and little of it good.  The incompetence of cabinet level people is enough to take your breath away. Maybe we should have cleaned our own house before engaging in another war no matter how justified.  But we have.

We also know that our own house won't be cleaned until after the November elections if then.  Some things can't wait.  Or can they?  I haven't seen the President call Congress back to get his war vote nor have I seen them volunteer to do so.  Heanven forbid their vote may come back to haunt them in future elections.  Who cares what's right?

I hear great bragging about this marvelous coalition we've pulled together - mostly with our own enemies.  They aren't in the fight because of the inhumanity of the IS but because of their own governmental and territorial interests.

Yes.  They'll fly with us but will only hit targets of their choice, not ours.  Like us they won't put boots on the ground.  I can't help but wonder about the commitment.  Well, you say, many of them have said they would send modern arms and armor to the Kurds, the only ones willing to fight.  On the ground.  They're still waiting.  Why?  Don't give me a big song and dance about delivery logistics.  It's not that.  It's politics.  Anything that can slow involvement is being done.  After all, elections loom.

In the meantime what about the Kurds?  They're still fighting with weapons from the Soviet era.  Give them an A+ for keeping what should be in a junk pile functional.  Such as it is against the modern weaponry of IS.

The IS is annoyed with the air strikes you can be sure but they're flicking them off like an irritating fly.  They've taken cover among civilians just as Hamas did against Israel.  Of course they're basically the same.

They continue with the ethnic and religious cleansing attacking villages, hospitals and schools.  Recruiting mere children.  Beheading women they don't sell into slavery. Sending more and more refugees into Turkey who like other neighboring countries will soon find themselves on overload.

Yet our politicians continue the opposition bashing campaigns while ignoring the state of the world.  No one is pressuring the coalition to step it up, the action is in "negotiations" with Iran.

The entire world could use some leadership.  It won't happen here with this administration.  Do we really have two years to wait for someone to emerge?  The Kurds, the only ones really willing to fight, don't.

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Get While The Getting's Good!

"Throw them all out," has been a refrain from voters for some time.  Especially as the Congress becomes more and more dysfunctional.  Apparently some have heard the call and have chosen to depart before taking one more chance with the voters.

In some respects it cheers my heart.  In others I'm sad.  Some really good people are leaving. I guess it's like throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Currently 48 members of the House and Senate have made known their intentions to leave their seats before the November elections.  The number includes 26 Republicans and 22 Democrats. The rest that should move on are in the hands of the voters.

As I look over the names I see some who have more than served their time, like 30 terms in the House.  That's 60 years.  I wonder when that Congressman last had a fresh idea.  Others have had 2 or 3 terms and hope to move on to the Senate.  Some even are leaving to try for a governorship.  Good move.  They'll learn how to actually govern.

I suspect the rest are leaving for one of two reason.  They know they're on shakey ground and don't want to face the humiliation of losing.  Or, as are we, they're just plain tired of how business is done in Washington and have had enough.

Ideally we'll have a workable mix after the elections.  A combination of experienced members who truly want to change the way business is conducted and put country first.  A group of newcomers who feel the same about the country.  Country before party.  Maybe even there could be challenges to the leadership in both the House and Senate.

Maybe Speaker John Boehner is a better leader than I think he is.  It just seems to me he hasn't provided a very strong voice for the Republicans.  The same goes for Mitch McConnell in the Senate.  Neither have been the squeaky wheel on issue differences. Boehner has been in the House for 20 years, McConnell in the Senate for 30.

As for the Democrats, what can I say?  She won't, but I think Nancy Pelosi should consider retiring.  Some of what she says is so wacky that I wonder if she's getting senile.  Again, the same holds true for Harry Reid.  Unfortunately that siren, power, maintains a strong grip on both of them. Reid has been in the Senate for 51 years, Pelosi in the House for 25.

Time for some fresh faces, ideas and new blood? You bet!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Immigration Reform - How Can They Even Think It?

When the President gets into an untenable situation he likes to do an abrupt about face in order to hide the mayhem.  That is exactly what is happening with his sudden refocus on immigration reform.

It is indicative of a floundering administration.  The ACA web site isn't close to being fixed.  In fact the ACA isn't even the bill that was passed and then declared constitutional by the Supreme Court.  I question whether all the turmoil is worth it because I wonder if what passes for that bill is itself constitutional  but then there are all those "the Secretary shall" rights.

You'd think the unintended consequences would be a teaching moment but it apparently hasn't been. Too much power has been given to said Secretary to dictate what she and she alone thinks our insurance coverage should be.  That she was once insurance commissioner of Kansas is distressing but then such commissioners rarely have experience in the field nor know all the ins and outs of the products they are charged with overseeing.

In other words a rank amateur has designed a government program which affects every single one of us and our Congress passed it without even reading it.  Now it's collapsing as well it should.

To divert our attention the President has retreated to another favorite boondoggle.  Comprehensive immigration reform. Don't go there.  Please.  The last thing we need is another government monstrosity that's doomed to fail before it even gets off the ground.

Those who call for incremental steps should listened to. It's much easier to fix a small dust up than one the size of Obamacare.

The Republicans have nearly destroyed their own party by coming to that realization.  The move from defunding Obamacare to delaying it is a huge difference and they're still not there.  By their own hand I might add.  Had they asked for delay first, forgotten about the shutdown and defunding they still might not be there but it's looking more and more like it will get there in spite of all that has come before.  With some some critical thinking and leadership all the damage could have been avoided.

Now on to immigration.  Leave it alone until this mess is cleaned up or we'll be going through the same agonies again.  Then take it piece by piece.  Those here illegally rate no special consideration unless it's to actually enforce the laws already on the books and treat them for what they are.  Illegal. Congress can only hold so many hearings.  Consider the IRS mess and Benghazi among others have yet to be resolved. The government has trouble functioning in the best of times, it doesn't function at all with an overload it now bears.

Then get smart.  Democrats - get rid of Reid and Pelosi as your leadership in favor of those who would work for the country.  Republicans - find a voice.  You all do a lot of talking but apparently at, not to, each other, and not at all to us.

And to the voters.  Forget about the cults of personality.  We've been there and done that too often and it hasn't worked out too well.  It's time to get back to basics - if we even remember what they are. Please tell me it's not a generational phenomenon.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Education Does Not Equate With Smart Or Savvy

I have friends with nothing more than a high school education, if that, who I would much rather see in Washington than those who are there now.

It's because they have something too many of our politicians do not.  Common sense.  Maybe it's because they haven't been pampered throughout their lives, have worked hard to live their lives and know how to think.

Let's look at the Ted Cruz situation one more time.  I'll give him an "A" for tenacity and an "F" for common sense and thinking things through.  It's why I doubt I could support him or those who followed him in lock step for higher office.

You often hear Obama supporters praise his intelligence and insight. Here's one from his top advisor who has unprecedented privileges.  Is it because of statements like this feeding an insatiable ego?
From Valerie Jarrett,  she of questionable ethics herself,  in an article by John Fund, "I think Barack knew that he had God-given talents that were extraordinary.  He knows how smart he is...He knows how perceptive he is.  He knows what a good reader of people he is.  And he knows that he has the ability - the extraordinary, uncanny ability - to take a thousand different perspectives, digest them and make sense of them, and I think that he has never really been challenged intellectually...So what I sensed in him was not just a restless spirit but somebody with such extraordinary talents that had to be really taxed in order for him to be happy...He's been bored to death his whole life.  He's just too talented to do what ordinary people do." 
Wow.  Give him a cape, a crown and a scepter and he's good to go sit at the helm of all we mere mortals. Well, we did indeed put him there, twice.  You have no idea how close I was to losing my breakfast when I read this.  But I understand he thrives on this illusion.  What would he be without it?

His attitude, while perhaps not in as lofty terms, is held by many of his underlings in government.  They alone know.

So.  A lot of people have extraordinary talent, are smart and perceptive.  Many try to put it to good use. If he reads people well he obviously has no respect for what they think. His digestion of thousands of perspectives paralyzes him as shown by his actions toward Syria and now Iran to name two.

If he's never been challenged intellectually it's because he hasn't wanted to be, not because there was no opportunity. He's bored?  I would be too if all I did was play on someone elses money instead of doing some productive work to benefit those who put him in the position to  do so many things other than what he's doing. Is it because he's chosen to isolate himself from reality and doesn't know what to do when faced with it?

If he's too talented  and bored to do what ordinary people do, perhaps he shouldn't be President.  All that God-given ability, if he's so smart, shouldn't be wasted.  We should have peace, prosperity, secure borders, a strong private sector and fuel independence.  Surely all that talent, properly directed could have achieved this.

The Democrats say the ACA debacle is by design by our extremely clever and talented leader because the goal all along has been for single payer health care.  Why would someone so able accept a watered down version when he had the votes to push through anything he wanted? And why does that bill have 1,563 "The Secretary shall determine" in it leaving Sebelius to rewrite the bill as she so chose making much of what the President touted a lie after the fact?  How perceptive is that? Just bored perhaps. Dare we share some of his unhappiness at this point?

No.  He and so many like him are not as smart nor nearly as clever as they think.  They may have more book learnin' than the average citizen but they're no where nearly as smart. I hope.  Time will tell if we're savvy enough to not only sense what's wrong but to do something about it.