Showing posts with label National Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Politics. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Huckabee - What A Stretch!

Wow. The ink isn't even dry on the stimulus compromise and the religious right is already up in arms!

Mike Huckabee has declared it "anti-religious". What?? It must have really hurt to have to take both the Democrats and Republicans to task for this offense. After all, it is a 'bi-partisan' bill. Well. Hardly. Three Republicans signing on hardly makes it 'bi-partisan'!

What, however, was so egregious it warranted this response? Both the House and the Senate version banned higher education funds from going to either a school or department of divinity. What's his rationale?

Actually the Congress got this right. It's what separation of church and state is all about. If included, how would you explain it to the tax payers? How would you explain to one religious persuasion that their tax dollars were being spent to support a religious persuasion to which they might be strongly opposed?

I'm not sure higher education funds fit the parameters of "stimulus, but if they do, the Huckabee wing of the Republican party needs to do better than this. It will, for sure, "stimulate"! It will "stimulate" strong opposition from those of us who actually understand and support the premise of separation of church and state!

Monday, February 09, 2009

With $3.3 Billion in U.S. Aid Is This The Best Iraq Can Do?

I've spent several of my recent posts lambasting our government and those who run it. It has been an outlet for pent up (or maybe not so pent up) frustration. Then a story comes along that makes me repent, knowing full well this is the best country in the world. Especially for women.

The AP tells us that Iraq's state minister for women's affairs has resigned. Nawal al-Samarraie's task was to improve the lives of women left poor or abandoned by the war. Calling it a "full army of widows", al-Samarraie estimates the number at around three million. This does not include children for whom they are responsible.

Lasting only six months on the job, this gynecologist and mother of five, came into it full of ideas like setting up regional offices and vocational training. But her office and staff of 18 was not a full ministry and had little authority and fewer financial resources. Soon she found herself dipping into her own pocket to try and help.

Making up 65% of the population, many of the most desperate have been successfully recruited as suicide bombers. They have nothing more to lose.

If this doesn't drive home the point that many cultures consider women as nothing more than chattel I don't know what will. Iraq. Into which we are pouring billions of dollars of aid!

We have given Iraq $3.3 billion in aid. Al-Samarraie's budget was cut from $7,500 to $1,500 per month! To care for three million plus citizens of the newly democratic Iraq!

I had concerns about a female President being effective in such a climate. I also have the same concerns about a female Secretary of State. Protocol officers will make sure everything is according to Hoyle for the photo ops, but where it goes from there is any one's guess.

At this point in time, I wish everyone success. Our new President. Our new Secretary of State and those who would help their own like Dr. al-Samarraie. This is one reason why I get so frustrated with our own politicians who seem to have lost sight of country for special interests.

We don't have three plus million war widows - yet. We should not ignore the fact that there are other countries with which we are involved who do. When we are the ones who in large measure created the climate in which this can happen we need be aware there is no gender gap when it comes to bitterness and the corresponding desperate measures. When one has nothing more to lose.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Quit Campaigning And Start Governing!

The Republicans warned us. The other Democratic candidates warned us. Obama has never run anything!

I chose to overlook the lack of experience, preferring to focus on the message. I was heartened when he surrounded himself with people of experience. Of course I made the same error in judgement with the Bush administration. Cheney. Rumsfeld. Men with vast experience in more than one administration. Look what that got us!

I never would have anticipated the problems Obama's choices have had in paying their taxes. All I had to do was look back at the Clinton administration where several of his nominees ran into the same road blocks. In my version of hope, I'd have thought the nominees would have learned! Oh well. I also remember that Clinton's entire eight years was a constant campaign for one thing or another.

I hope that isn't the model Obama intends to follow. Let's face it, the stimulus bill is a bad one. I'm disgusted that the Democrats and Republicans can't sit down together and work out what it's supposed to be. But then I'm giving them credit which is not due. We're asking politicians to make tough economic decisions. It's like asking Bacchus to analyze what's wrong with him and tell us how to fix it. It's that ludicrous.

I also fault Obama for not laying out guidelines in the first place rather than turning it over to Congress and saying "bring me a bill." That is not leadership. I also fault him for not going through it himself and striking the non-stimulus measures.

So tomorrow he's going to take his big plane and head out to see the people. I wish him well because support for this monstrosity is eroding and all the slick rhetoric in the world can't break it down into convincingly understandable parts. Because there are none. And Congress won't step up to the plate and do what's needed to be done. No matter what the Senate sends back to the house Nancy Pelosi will have her way with it.

As an aside, I worry when I learn former Marine General Anthony Zinni was offered the Ambassadorship to Iraq by both National Security Advisor James Jones and confirmed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, only to learn in an article in the Washington Post the position was given to an outgoing Assistant Secretary of State for Asia! What a way to find out you've been shafted! Just what's the story here??

This is not only a rocky start, but a near disastrous one. Will the ship of state right itself? Does it have a Captain? Maybe we should find Jack Sparrow. At least he has a compass!

Friday, February 06, 2009

Congress Fiddles!

Nero fiddles while Rome burns. Congress fiddles while the country burns! And so do I!

I've spent some time over the past couple of days watching Robert Gibbs give the White House press briefing. Time and time again he is asked if Obama has lost control and time and time again he claims the administration did not expect to change the way Congress does business in three short weeks.

It's a good thing because they haven't changed one iota. I am thoroughly disgusted with both the Democrats and the Republicans. Nancy Pelosi allowing all the pork to be added to the stimulus bill in the House saying that since they won they get to write the legislation. The Republicans digging in their heels for the sake of digging in their heels. It makes me want to pick both sides up by the scruff of their necks and shake them! Grow up! Get over it!

Ms. Pelosi. You did not win. Obama won with the promise of change. Many like me voted for him because we believed in the man; not necessarily the entirety of his message. You, fellow Democrats, aren't giving him a chance.

There are fourteen centrist members of the Senate trying to compromise on the stimulus package. No where near enough! Cut all the non-stimulus measures and come back to them another time. Give the Republicans something they want and get on with it! You know. Compromise!

Huge demands are being made of the companies and executives who have already and will receive bailout money. How about some demands on Congress to get something done instead of all the partisan posturing! This isn't about philosophical differences. This is about power pure and simple.

Yeah, I know. I'm on a really short fuse. My dog is dying, I'm emotionally exhausted and I'm not suffering fools kindly. Funny, though, I'd be on just as short a fuse without all the emotional baggage. Following politics will do that to you!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Governing By "Photo Op"

Hub, being a Republican at heart, is not enthralled with the daily Obama photo op nor the media's obsession with him. Like myself, he recognizes the flaws in sound bites. The current one that has us both concerned is the capping of executive salaries at $500,000 if their company receives bailout money. If one understands the way the business community works, a cap this severe may make we ordinary folks feel good but does little else that's constructive.

I'll agree that multi million dollar bonuses should be curbed along with retirement packages that are worth more than most of us will see in a lifetime. However, we should also consider what will be lost.

The President's salary is $400,000 per year. Everything else, with the exception of clothing and tooth paste is paid for by the taxpayers. For instance, using Air Force One costs somewhere in the vicinity of $27,000 per hour. That alone would kick his salary in to the million dollar range in very short order.

I agree with the premise that executives should not be rewarded for failing. I also feel actors are over paid at $15,000,000 per film and athletes making millions of dollars for playing their games. We should perhaps be looking at their tax returns too!

As for executives of companies receiving bailout money, they might not be guilty of failing as much as being the result of others failing. Should they be so penalized?

Then too, back to the question of what else will be lost. Assuming there are good guys caught up in this and they pay their taxes, they are used to living on multi million dollar salaries. With that comes the probability of multiple households and all the help and upkeep that is needed to maintain them. Nannies, cooks, housekeepers, grounds keepers, etc. Those are people being employed by those millions of dollars. Do we want them added to the already burdened unemployment rolls?

Consider the homes themselves. Do we want the keys to them thrown back at the banks who already have more than they can handle?

There's a lot of trickle down here and a whole lot of big brotherism that needs to be fleshed out to make sense. Consider that former Treasury Secretary Paulson forced banks that did not want bailout money to take it anyway. There is a flurry of activity afoot for companies to find funding partners so they can give the bailout money back. Those partners will no doubt be foreign entities.

It isn't as cut and dried as the rhetoric makes it sound. The administration has already backed off the "buy American" mantra due to threatened repercussions from other countries.

Soaring rhetoric and indignation sounds wonderful but it needs substance behind it. So far the substance, let alone how to enforce the pronouncements, has been lacking.

As with his cabinet appointees, Obama might be wise and cut out the photo op of the day and give himself time to think things through. The constant reminder that "I won" won't get him far if we the people continue to lose.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Bailout - Dogwalk Style

I listened to the White House press briefing this morning and of course the majority of the questions surrounded the withdrawal of Tom Daschle and Nancy Kellifer, the Performance Officer nominee. Interesting point about Ms. Kellifer is that she once actually worked for the IRS!

Some of the questions revolved around the vetting process. The answer was always, "The President believes in the process." Then came praise for how these tax evaders have served their country so ably.

That being the case, I've got the solution. Greed has been discussed as part of the housing crisis. Lenders lending to those who couldn't afford the payback. Buyers buying above their means. Now think about this. Maybe it hasn't been your experience but any time Hub and I applied for a new mortgage or to re-finance one, we've had to submit our tax returns as proof of income. Of course in Daschle's case he'd have had to actually report the income on which he neglected to pay taxes.

The vetters should take a page from the mortgage application book and demand tax returns for all potential administration hires and appointees. This could deter future embarrassment assuming, unlike Daschle, actual income was reported.

Over and above that have each and every appointed official and elected member of Congress undergo an IRS audit. My guess is that would make raising taxes to help restock the treasury unnecessary. Just collect them!

I can remember when my Mom was audited after my dad died because of a discrepency. She had inherited some stock from her father back in the '50s but could not provide the cost basis to provide the value of the gains. We searched everywhere knowing my Dad was a meticulous record keeper but they were no where to be found. That exercise cost her somewhere around $8,000 she could ill afford. This was a 79 year old widow.

The point of the story is the Tax Man can dig, if so motivated, until it hurts. No documentation, pay up plus penalty. Maybe the Tax Men should remember they too pay taxes and in turn are contributing to all these bailouts brought about by greed. Not oversight. Greed.

What I'd now like to hear from our new President, one who I strongly supported, is that he withdrew the nominations. Not that he regrets them. What he should regret is not knowing in the first place, if he actually did not. I hope he gets it right before I start regretting my support.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

How to Avoid Paying Taxes And Get A Pass

Get appointed to a high level Obama administration post! Okay. I'm now thoroughly disgusted. The media has lionized Obama. He promised us hope and change. What I hoped for was change! Instead it looks like the good old boy network of that private club called the U.S. Senate is alive and well. And boy, am I disappointed in Obama.

Last week on Chris Matthews, as I mentioned in a previous post, Bob Woodward let it be know that the tax issues concerning Obama appointees wasn't over. The week wasn't out before the next name came to the surface. Tom Daschle. Not only is he a former Senator, but was the majority leader and had served in the Senate for eons!

I'm sorry, but owing back taxes amounting to $128,000 is inexcusable. Geitner, as our new Treasury Secretary, was bad enough. Now Daschle. The Senate has given them both a gentleman's pass. Rather like the passing grades Bush got at Yale and Harvard! And don't tell me it was an "honest" mistake! Especially Daschle - he helped make the very laws he has chosen to scoff! Plus the fact, no matter how many "people" he has, he has to sign the return. Just like the rest of us.

I'm even more disappointed with the idea that Obama has allowed these passes to be given. Poor Bill Richardson must be scratching his head in wonder.

If Geitner and Daschle are the only men capable of handling the jobs to which they've been appointed, this country is in a far bigger mess than we realize. It also makes me wonder how many winks were exchanged in Hillary's confirmation regarding Bill's financial dealings for his Library and Foundation.

I'll give on one point - transparency. To a degree. It has been made public. No one on down the road can say "we had no idea". But in so knowing, that they they are still allowed to serve tells me "politics as usual" is flourishing in the Obama administration and I am extremely disappointed.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Have We Lost Our Moral Compass?

From the executives at Citigroup who will get 60% of their obscene bonuses even after the bailout to the local vet who refused to euthanize a dog because the owner couldn't afford it, I'm wondering if all the hype over hope and change has failed to penetrate our thick skulls!

On the "tell me something I don't know" segment of the Chris Matthews show, Bob Woodward said the issues of unpaid taxes were not over for Obama appointees. He didn't name names but assured Matthews there were names yet to come. A vote is due on an admitted tax cheat for Treasury Secretary. The headlines this morning tell me Lobbyists skirt Obama's earmark ban.

There are efforts being made to include adding sand to a beach in New Jersey and building a water park in Miami as part of the stimulus package! We're told the mall in D.C. needs re-sodded. How many hundreds of those promised jobs is that going to create? Please!

Another headline tells that a lack of grants and other funding will end a transportation service in Spokane to get seniors and disabled to doctors appointments. Well, thats certainly a method of population control!

The mayor of Portland refuses to step down after admitting he had lied about an improper relationship with a minor. He had this to say, "Tomorrow I go back to work as your mayor. I know I have let you down and made mistakes. I ask your forgiveness. I believe I have a lot to offer the city I love during this time of important challenges."

Please forgive him! Please forgive Bill Richardson and Rod Blogojevich and Timothy Geitner. How about throwing in all those banking execs who have gotten billions but won't account for them Forgive them. Don't forget former Treasury Secretary Paulson for giving it to them carte blanche. Forgive him.

My understanding and forgiveness quotient is tapped out. We have a new President who is trying to bring forward ideas to get us out of the mess we've gotten ourselves into. That won't happen unless we get beyond our own selfish interests and work with him. I'm not seeing that. I'm seeing no remorse for anything other than getting caught.

It's a sorry day when the letter "O" no longer brings to mind Obama, but rather a collective "Oops"!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Poke At A Pig

We have a new President and a new Congress but some of the absurdities from the previous will haunt us for some time to come. I'm wondering how Lisa Jackson, new head of the EPA is going to handle things like the following.

The National Pork Producers Council has filed suit against the EPA. Not the kind of pork Senators add to bills so those like Robert Byrd can have every structure in the state named after them, but pork as in pig.

It seems there is a rule now in effect that requires livestock producers to call state and local emergency response authorities with estimates of livestock emissions then verify the estimates in writing!

Now, I'm not a farmer, but I am assuming there is a way to make these estimates. Ms. Jackson has degrees in chemical engineering from Tulane and Princeton (not exactly farm country) so she may know how these things are done. I'd really like to know how you estimate emissions from your pigs and cows! And why do emergency response authorities need to know? Are they afraid pig farmers are going do declare gas warfare on the citizenry?

Failure to comply can cost up to $25,000 a day! I suppose it's a way to generate funds to start refilling the coffers after the bailout drainage, but really.

It would seem the rush to green up the country is enough to make livestock producers blue!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Beginnings

It was a picture perfect winter morning as Bacchus and I started out on our walk. The sun was just coming out, highlighting the edges of the fog hovering over Hayden Lake. The breeze was just enough to stir the neighbor's flag and we knew the sky was going to be a brilliant winter blue.

It got me to thinking about how much we humans and Mother Nature reflect one another. We are both capable of creating breathtaking beauty. We are both capable of wrecking horrendous, ugly havoc. Today is on the side of beauty. As is the upcoming week.

A President will be leaving office, resolute in his beliefs that he did his best. He will begin a new life outside the microscopic scrutiny of the media and the public. I wish him well. What else can you wish a person most of us believe is delusional at best.

A new President is taking office. My nature would be to belly ache about some of his appointments and the cost to taxpayers of all the inauguration hoopla including yesterday's train ride. But not today. Not this week.

It's a time that should belong to the Obama's. And the country. Not the Democrats; the country. Putting aside his race, Barack Obama is an extraordinary young man. He has achieved the American dream and then some yet he is still a very human man. A husband. A father. This photo, to me, says it all.

It's a new beginning for the country. We have matured to where we've elected a man for his qualities without qualification. How wonderful is that? At times I wonder if we elected him more for the man he would seem to be than for his policies. Quite probably.

Next week the hype will begin to subside. The pundits will ratchet back up and start picking apart everything Obama. The realities happening around the world will again make the headlines. For now, though, it's a time for the celebration of new beginnings.

No matter what may lie ahead, I'm going to take the week and rejoice in the fact that this infant of a nation, which has been crawling for years, has taken a huge first step.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Food For Thought Might Do Well As Pub Grub

We have much in common with our friends across the Pond. One is enjoying the camaraderie to be found in an English Pub or, in our case, a local bar. Like "Cheers", often every one knows your name and if you're a stranger when you enter you are not when you leave.

Hub and I have a favorite or two we visit whenever we're in the neighborhood. One is gone. The gentrification of Whitechapel, Jack the Ripper territory, has caused many to close including our favorite, The Alma.

Another is for the same reason many of our local establishments are thinking of applying for bailout money. The smoking ban. The health police are telling us it's for our own good and cite the hazards of inhaling second hand smoke. I don't know. I don't smoke. Haven't for years and as an adult, if it worries me that much I don't have to enter. Somehow a bar without a smoky haze just isn't a bar. It's a generational thing I suppose.

Europeans seem to smoke a lot more than we do and the ban has been devastating to the pub business and its workers! According to a letter in the Financial Times the smoking bans can kill pub workers! While true many workers may have been spared the "possibility" of getting lung cancer 40 years down the road, research is showing that the stress from job loss is causing severe consequences now!

It is pointed out that with 50 pub closures a week, each employing about ten, results in a five year loss of 100,000 or so jobs. A study several years ago found for each 1% difference in income resulted in 21 deaths per 100,000 per year. It went on to point out that if those 100,000 had their incomes cut by 50% for the five year period, that would result in over 1,000 extra deaths per year.

The statistical claims rationalizing the smoking ban was 100 lives possible saved 40 years down the road.

Statistical fluctuations no doubt apply, but the thrust of the letter is that the smoking ban in England and Ireland is killing the very people it was meant to save. To add to an already grim story, it is suggested that the politicians who voted the ban in were well aware of the studies and what they showed.

It would seem politicians abroad are as inept as our own when it comes to looking at the full picture before passing legislation. It's a continuation of the mind set revealed in my post from yesterday about recalling all the toys not certified lead free. It is no comfort to share that commonality!

It makes me wonder if our lawmakers were aware of these studies in their rush to ban smoking. If you excuse them for not knowing because the studies were not American studies, think again. The gentleman who wrote the letter is Michael J. McFadden, Philadelphia, PA, US - author of Dissecting Antismokers' Brains.

I wish he'd write one entitled, Dissecting Politicians' Brains!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"Toy Story" Congressional Style

I've become increasingly aware of two truths in politics. No matter how charismatic the President elect may be, how sincere, how well meaning, how able, he'll always have Congress to muck things up.

This time around it's a double whammy because his own party is in power. I have a reader who was at odds with my support for Obama, fearing what might be down the road with one party in control. I didn't disagree with his premise. But the more I watch these men and women we've elected, it seems to me it matters which party holds the power. They're all nuts!

Take for example a column in this morning's Wall Street Journal, Pelosi's Toy Story. It informs us of a law to go into effect in February that will require all unsold children's books and toys and clothing that have not been tested for lead and so certified to be scrapped. Do these people ever, ever think of the ramifications of their actions?

This action is so ludicrous I'm having trouble comprehending it. One more over reaction. Plus the question of how did any of us survive our lives to this point before Big Brother Government became paramount?

How many toy makers have the ability to get their products tested? You know, like the grandfatherly guy down the street that makes toys and sells them at fairs? Books? Is there really lead in paper and ink? Clothes?

Yes, toy safety has been an issue. Especially those made in China. An across the board destroying of those not "tested" however seems a tad extreme. Plus, what about the toys, etc. from those very same shelves that have already been sold or will be prior to the February date? Are those poor children doomed to death by lead poisoning? I rather doubt it.

When Congress passed this legislation in August Nancy Pelosi chortled, "With this legislation, we will not only be recalling, we will be removing those products from the shelves." Well, add the toy stores, especially the little independents, to the bailout list!

What was she thinking? Rather than passing just plain stupid legislation in attempt to woo us into believing they are actually doing something why don't they put in the hours necessary to think these things through?

I know the reason. It would take away from their campaigning which begins the day after they are elected.

I was so enthralled with the Obama candidacy and election, I totally forgot who caused all the problems he campaigned against in the first place. Mostly Congress by their actions or lack thereof.

Funny. When I was a kid the paint in my room had lead in it. I never ate it. I had toys with button eyes and fuzzy fur. I never ate any of that either.

I guess I just never had the taste for it.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

To Those Who Would Serve - Pony Up!

Have you noticed that Obama's dream team is turning out to be less than perfect? Supposedly his selections for the Cabinet are thoroughly vetted before being offered a position. The process needs some fine tuning!

First there was Bill Richardson falling by the wayside by being under a Federal investigation. There are questions regarding Attorney General select Eric Holder for his part in pardons during the Clinton administration and the question of National Security Director designate Admiral Dennis Blair's role in backing the Indonesian occupation of East Timor back in the '90s.

Today, according to an AP report, we have yet another. Treasury Secretary nominee Timothy Geithner is having to explain why he failed to pay personal taxes and check the immigration status of a housekeeper! At least with Hillary, I think, the questions are more about Bill's relationships and activities rather her own.

The vetting process aside, I'm wondering what it says about these men who have been chosen to serve! Richardson knew he was under investigation, Blair knew what his activities were in East Timor and certainly a potential Treasury Secretary, Geithner, would remember he had failed to pay his taxes! If he doesn't remember, being a money man, I don't want him managing mine!

Is the urge to be part of the power base so strong it precludes honesty? And if it does do we want these men serving? I understand the mandatory questionnaire one must fill out to even be considered to be considered for a post in the Obama administration is so stringent it's practically a "boxers or briefs" probe!

I can't help wondering who will be next, what little tidbit will be revealed and how it will be explained away. All these men are well aware of the promises Obama has made to the people about "change". At the moment it looks more like business as usual.

Any real change will begin as a crawl before it can walk. I know that. I'd like to think, however, those who are to be part of the process are as pure of heart and clean of scandal as those who actually do crawl.

It's time for the euphoria of the moment to subside and allow reality to surface. A new administration is nothing more than that, no matter that the first African American President is at the helm. We sorely need some smooth sailing even if the crew is imperfect. The American people have put their trust in all of them. Is integrity too much to ask for in return?

Friday, January 02, 2009

Should Roland Burris Be Seated?

Of the two states with Senators to be appointed, I wonder which will be best served when all is decided.

As for qualifications, Burris from Illinois and Kennedy from New York, both pass muster. Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution sets three qualifications for senators: 1) each senator must be at least 30 years old, 2) must have been a citizen of the United States for at least the past nine years, and 3) must be (at the time of the election) an inhabitant of the state they seek to represent.

Now that cooler heads are beginning to prevail, it would appear the Senate may have no choice but to seat Burris. It makes the righteous indignation of Harry Reid over his appointment by a tainted governor look a bit foolish. We know what can happen when a government official shoots from the lip. "Bring 'em on!"

The appointment process has gotten somewhat muddied. Caroline Kennedy is getting her baptism by fire as to what elective politics will be like should she be appointed to the New York seat and eventually run for a full term. Governor Paterson could end it now by naming her - or someone else, but I think he's enjoying the theater. If it will help or hurt him remains to be seen when his re-election comes due.

As for Mr. Burris, his appointment is totally legal. He claims he will not run again. This is without doubt an ego trip for him, the defining moment of what has been a mediocre career. Attaining a position to which he would never be elected. From what I've read about him, he appears to be clean if less than effective. Will the fact the governor appears to be otherwise be the determining factor?

If the Democrats want the issue to go away, seat the guy. He won't be the best but he will be a Democrat. Burris aside, the Blagojevich mess is likely to be still going on when the two year term is up! So could the question as to whether or not Burris should be seated and if not why not.

With all the issues facing the new administration, the Senate should be at full strength. It doesn't need this as a side show. As for the supposition that the man is a mediocre egotist, who will notice? He'll find himself in good company!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Job Description For First Lady? And Pay??

There seem to be more and more talk regarding the role of first lady. Whether there should be a job description and whether or not she should receive a salary. The latest was a column in the Spokesman Review by Lauren Stiller Rikleen . Ms. Rikleen is a partner in a law firm and executive director of the Bowdich Institute for Women's Success. I was pretty sure I knew where it was going before I read it!

This is one of those times I find myself smack in the middle of the generational divide! I don't think there should be either.

How can a job description be written for a job that has no boundaries? The most obvious responsibility is the one of official hostess. To aid in that undertaking there is a complete staff including an officer of protocol. Beyond that the position is whatever the first lady would like it to be.

I find it interesting that universities are now compensating the wives of their presidents for the time and talent brought to the position. Here's where I most likely differ with the younger generation. That there is a marriage is by choice. A partnership. One feels obligated, I'm sure, to carry out the social responsibilities, but I'm not sure I would want my child's tuition money going to the social niceties rather than qualified instructors and crucial course work. Especially when considering the financial stress universities are now suffering.

On the Presidential level, our money pays for all of it. Everything from the first lady's social secretary to the White House staff.
All of her expenses are paid for with tax dollars. Transportation. Lodging. All of it.

I guess I'm looking at this from a less than privileged point of view. Even at our level, I as spouse, had social obligations because of my husband's job. No one would have dreamed of suggesting I should be paid for my time dining with clients neither of us much cared for, or entertaining a spouse while the men conducted their business, nor compensate me for the time taken away from my own responsibilities for just the comings and goings. If he travelled abroad and I accompanied him my expenses came out of our own pocket. And I surely did not have a staff to educate me as to how to behave in China!

Times are changing. The role of first lady is also changing. But no two are the same. That they choose to do good works and make an impact that would otherwise be much more difficult is laudable. But to put a price tag on it just doesn't seem right. It's part of being the spouse of the President.

It's bad enough the Congress has legislated themselves automatic pay raises. It's our money. It seems to me we should have a say as to whether or not they deserve one. To put a dollar figure on the first lady's role, to me, seems to diminish the honor of being in that position.

Since, again, it would be our tax dollars, just what criteria should be used - and would we have a say? Or would it be a form of pork on the Presidential level!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

What Qualifies One For The Senate?

According to WCBS TV , a reporter following Caroline Kennedy on her upstate "listening tour" had this to ask, "But you've never held public office so what experience [do you have]?"

Maybe it's time to take a look at what qualifies an individual to serve in the U.S. Senate! Especially when you consider the bunch that's in there now and those aspiring to be. Consider the stellar character represented by Ted Stevens and Larry Craig for example. Hillary Clinton had never held public office before being elected to the Senate. Were they not all considered adequately "qualified" when elected?

The Senate is a pretty exclusive "club". There are only 100 Senators. Two from every state; not like the gazillion of Representatives from gerrymandered districts! To find two people from each state that have their state's interest, as well as the nation's, at heart should not be that difficult. Is there any reason to assume Caroline Kennedy does not?

Being educated, having character and ability seem far more important to me than whether or not one has previously held elective office. I know. That may actually mean Al Franken, better known as a comedian than a politician, is superbly qualified. After all he is a Harvard man. And that is the crux of the argument. I based my support for Obama on much the same criteria. Intellect, character and education. Caroline is also a Harvard grad plus a J.D. from Columbia Law. The worst thing I can say is, "Not another lawyer!"

Actually, the fact that she is not a career politician is a plus in my book. Yes. She has far different life experiences than many of us, but what we have in common is equally important. A view of the world and life from outside the beltway.

Who would ever have thought the Kennedy name would be a negative? Is that a reason for David Patterson to not appoint her? I should hope not.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Politics of Powell

This country could use a lot more politicians like Colin Powell. Though I doubt he considers himself such after a less than successful stint as Secretary of State in the Bush administration.

Considering that less then stellar tenure, why do I think so? Because the cause of his failure is the mark of the man. Integrity. He staked his career and reputation on bad information. Though knowing he was being left out of large parts of the loop, his integrity and belief in others made it impossible for him to believe the administration would take us to war on manufactured "truth".

He is far more cautious now, but is unafraid to tell the truth as he believes it. He was very forthright in saying Sarah Palin was not ready to step into the Vice Presidency. He had the courage to cross party lines and endorse Obama because he believed he was the better candidate.

Now he is taking on his own party, the Republican Party. In an interview that will air Sunday on CNN he speaks of many "truths" which will leave segments of the party seething.

He talks of how the party will have to reach out to minorities for within two decades the majority of the population will be made up of minorities. He talks of how the use of polarization didn't work for the Republicans and is unlikely to in the future. I'd add I hope that is a "truth" both parties will recognize.

Along that vein, he asks if the party can continue to listen to Rush Limbaugh, "Is this really the kind of party we want to be when these kinds of spokespersons seem to appeal to our lesser rather than our better instincts?"

Powell is being politic. I would be less so. The answer goes far beyond whether the party should listen to Limbaugh and the other right wing hate mongers that fill the air waves. It's whether anyone should.

Mr. Limbaugh claims he has answers for all our problems but isn't interested in running for office because he doesn't want the pay cut. Now there's conviction!

If Mr. Obama is successful in his desire to create a new type of governance, the Limbaughs of the country will become the dinosaurs of the air waves and hopefully suffer the same fate. Disappear.

I think there is a pretty good chance Obama will succeed. Or at least gain a good foothold in the time allowed. He showed he is capable of it during the campaign. He appealed to our better instincts and because of it was rewarded with a win.

Negative campaigning got it's long overdue comeuppance. Hate mongering didn't take. The third strike against these self appointed spokespersons is their penchant for loose facts and lack of knowledge.

Now if the politicians will follow Powell's lead and be honest when questioned, regardless of party, a lot of contentious behavior will fade and with it the meat on which the likes of Limbaugh feed.

Talk about a "Brave New World"!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Silence Is Not Always Golden!

Okay, the Blagojevich mess in Illinois isn't what Obama and his transition team need at the moment. What puzzles me is why Obama doesn't speed things up by clarifying who has talked with the governor and why. How long does an internal investigation of his inner circle take? It isn't that large! If someone lied to Obama, even if it's his designated chief of staff, he ought to be out of there immediately if not sooner!

I would expect, if it wasn't Obama himself, the filling of his Senate seat would have been talked about in some sense without it having any degree of impropriety. After all, the Governor is the only one with the power to fill it. This parsing of words on Obama's part and the stone walling by Rahm Emanuel makes it look like business as usual rather than the "change" Obama has been espousing!

The stories are full of conflict. It is reported that Obama and Blagojevich didn't like each other. It's a different story with Rahm Emanuel. One story has it that he may have been the one who tipped authorities. Others place him in a far more compromising position.

When he skips a news conference and refuses reporter's questions because he's being a "father" attending a concert in which his daughters were performing, it smacks.

If he was the informant I should think he would be applauded. If he merely had a conversation about who the candidates might be, what harm is there in that? If he tried to influence the decision and was held up for it, that's a whole different ball game. That isn't just Chicago nor Illinois politics. That's politics as usual.

If there is indeed an attempt to cover up someones involvement, mark my words it will come out. If Obama is trying to sweep this under the rug it won't work. As it stands now, if it isn't fully resolved by January 20 he will take the oath of office under a cloud that may never lift.

Politics as usual. What a sacrifice of promise that would be. Especially since it can all be saved with a moment of truth.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Politicians - The Gift that Keeps On Giving!

I was doing a stretch that needs to be held for several minutes when I heard Hub come into the house. He's usually very good about leaving me to myself while I'm going through my routine so I was somewhat surprised. He stood in the doorway and said, "You Democrats!" Knowing I'm not a Democrat, I knew he had something pithy to say. Well, that ended the serene stretch as I burst out in a belly laugh.

"The Governor of Illinois arrested for trying to "sell" Obama's Senate seat? The Governor?? "

As soon as I could I came out to the office and began reading. Where to begin? It's all over everything! A couple of things caught my attention right off the bat. Chicago based (don't you love it?) Patrick Fitzgerald, the U.S. Attorney that handled the Valerie Plame/Scooter Libby mess was in charge of the investigation that led to the arrest of Rod Blagojevich and his chief of staff (sound familiar?). I mean, how dumb can you be Rod? This Fitzgerald guy is good! It's like deja vu all over again!

The second thing that caught my eye was his mop of hair. What is the correlation between male politicians with "big" hair and the sleaze factor? Read John Edwards. Maybe none. Eliot Spitzer had barely any hair!

The allegations against Blagojevich are more far ranging than merely trying to make a few bucks from selling a senate seat. The U.S. attorney's office released a 78 page criminal complaint to coincide with the arrest! Wow!

Just Sunday I wrote a post making light of some Australian politicians being threatened with breathalyzer tests before entering Parliament due to some indiscreet behavior at parties following meetings. I commented at the time, rather proudly, I was glad our politicians didn't really need anything more than an IQ test. It is not required, obviously.

Heck, Alaska's Ted Stevens, a Republican, was just defeated in his re-election bid after being found guilty of corruption charges. The same holds true for Louisiana's William Jefferson, Democrat, who was under indictment for similar charges. Don't these guys ever learn?

The comics have been mourning the loss of the Bush administration because it has been such a treasure trove of material. I don't think they need worry! Especially if Al Franken, the Democratic challenger for Norm Coleman's Minnesota senate seat keeps "finding" votes that had eluded election officials all this time.

My solution for the Australians was to nix the breathalyzer test in lieu of fewer post meeting parities. My solution for our politicians is to make the IQ test mandatory!

But then, what would the comedians do?

Sunday, December 07, 2008

How Do You Like Your Elk? Poached?

A rule that has stood for twenty five years apparently has no sound basis. It seems, in it's infinite wisdom, the Interior Department is going to ease the ban on guns in our National Parks and wildlife refuges.

I posted a protest back in April when this was proposed and I feel as strongly about it now. At the time a commenter, who happened to be a law enforcement officer, felt he should be permitted to carry his weapon. I could find no fault with that. However, I do have a problem with John Q. Citizen.

Our National Parks are basically sanctuaries for the wildlife that call them home. They are also a sanctuary for the millions of people who visit them. The biggest danger one should face is from ones own stupidity for hassling the animals. Tired, unruly children can cause tempers to run thin. Knowing someone who has had enough might be carrying a concealed weapon and feel called upon to use it does not give me comfort.

The system for detection now is flawed. True. But why not mend it rather than making it easier?

Of more importance, I think it will increase the odds for poaching some of those magnificent animals. Maybe that, too, goes on now. I don't know, but why make it easier?

We may not be able to keep guns out of schools. We may not be able to keep the police from wanting to have guns in schools. But I'd like to think I could take kids to our National Parks and not have to worry about - guns!

Frankly, I prefer my elk as pictured above. Peacefully grazing on a warm summer day. Without worrying about - guns.