Showing posts with label Opinion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Opinion. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Catch A Falling Star

My take on Obama's speech at West Point isn't very different from what the press is reporting today. Blame Bush, generalities, blame Bush, campaign mode. What took around forty minutes could have wrapped up in ten.

Several things caught Hub's and my attention. The obviousness of the secret service. One would think they might be a little less apparent at the U.S. Military Academy. Forget about party crashers.

The number of cadets dozing off during the speech. We begged the cameramen to quit panning the audience fearing the cadets would get in trouble. But then officers present were also having trouble keeping their eyes open. As did Hillary. We were so riveted, we both noticed the gray showing in the brushed back locks over her ears.

What really lacked was fire. There was none. There was a sense of detachment in his delivery and certainly a lack of specifics. Of course it's hard to be specific when there is little of substance.

So where are we? General McCrystal gets far fewer than the number of troops he deemed necessary. The likelihood of NATO countries ponying up the shortfall is slim to none. The talk of training the Afghans to stand on their own sounds vaguely familiar. After disbanding the Iraqi army we tried the same there and they still aren't up to snuff. We're starting with far less in Afghanistan.

So. We're supposed to crush the Taliban, dismantle al Qaeda, cure Karzai's corruption, rebuild the Afghan army plus the country and withdraw all in 18 months! This is the stuff of Obama campaign rhetoric. While still a campaign, it is of a different sort. This is the real world. The world of war.

The Republicans don't like the time line. The Democrats don't like war period. Neither do our allies who we'll be looking to for support. There is no money. What if the Chinese decide they don't want to lend us any more? There is health care, talk of another stimulus, jobs and, of course, war. It may be a war within if this keeps up!

I leave the most important observation until the end. How others in the world viewed the speech. From Spiegel Online's Gabor Steingart. He in essence has said, none to kindly, the Obama magic no longer works.

Remember how people around the world gathered to see him in tremendous throngs during his campaign? They were curious as to who this bright rising star from America was. No more. They've figured it out. The problem is the longer it takes for us to follow on, the worse off we'll be.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This Guy Isn't A Young Santa!

Forget the beard. Gifts you get from this guy would be better left unopened!

Okay. I'm over my vacation thoughts and am back in my "what can they possibly be thinking" mode. Like the pussy footing around the Fort Hood Massacre in attempt to make it something other than what it was. An Islamic act of terror.

My worry today, however, is the inanity of trying the September 11 terrorists and the mastermind behind it in our civilian courts, in New York City yet! Whoever made this decision is mad. Quite mad. Everyone involved in making it. All of them.

Look at the lead time they have given jihadis and jihadi wannabes already within the country to plan! I do not for one minute believe we can out think these people on how they might breech security.

I envision the entire city grinding to a halt. I envision several possible scenarios. Either the feds will close down the entire city for the duration of an open ended trial or everyone entering the city will have to pass through check points. Can you imagine the nightmare of that alone? Have you ever traveled to New York City? You have airports, bridges and tunnels. Can they all be adequately protected? At what expense?

Then there is the already faltering economy of the city. It would die. Who in their right mind would want to vacation there during that period? There goes tourism. Broadway. Restaurants. Shopping. Attractions. Not to mention services denied people who live there.

What New Yorker in their right mind wants this going on in their backyard?

Then there is the trial itself. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed wants to be his own attorney. That means he has the right to see every bit of classified information we have! That's just dandy. Especially if he happens to be acquitted or sprung by "friends". He could also be assassinated by those same friends to martyr him as a recruiting tool. Or they could cause mischief in other parts of the city, or country for that matter, while all eyes and security are focused on the trial.

Come on. You know how the media is going to act. It's going to be a circus. Like Michael Jackson's trial a few years back, or O.J.'s. And guess what? They both got off! It will only take one juror to deny the death penalty, no matter how strong the evidence. Then, if convicted at all, we'll get to support them for the rest of their lives.

It's time for Obama's apology tour to stop. We are at war. We have no obligation to bear our souls or anything else to anyone! They tell us this is to showcase our justice system to the rest of the world. To show them we're good people and fair. Who thought that up as a necessity? I'll buy into it when the countries these men came from do the same.

Let's change the meaning of "politically correct" to mean we do something that makes sense for this country rather than placating those who hate us!

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Other Consideration - The Afghan People

There are three people who I listen to knowing they tell it like it is because they are in the midst of everything going on and have been since the outset. They are CNN's Michael Ware, NBC's Richard Engel and CNN's Peter Bergen.

Mr. Bergen had some interesting observations today on .

We already know the American people have little taste for the war in Afghanistan. For that to change the President is going to have to leave the golf course and step up to the plate and make a decision on our mission there. Not only to satisfy the American people but, as is Mr. Bergan's second point, to provide the Afghanistan people a degree of security.

He points out that the last time they had any was under the oppressive rule of the Taliban. Otherwise they are subject to the whims of roaming gangs of ethnic and tribal factions engaged in their own civil wars.

The problem is, no matter who wins the run-off election, there are no Afghan forces anywhere near ready to provide that security. Thus it falls into our lap. Since al Qaeda has a friend in the Taliban, we're really fighting to hold back both factions from regaining ground in Afghanistan.

If this is the mission selected it's going to be a long, difficult slog, but at least the mission would be clear. To the American people, to the troops and to the Afghan people. If the commitment is made and the necessary troops deployed, the Afghan people may be more inclined to side with us for there will be tangible hope.

Perhaps it's time to suck it up and do what is necessary to stop the Taliban and al Qaeda aggression in it's tracks. It will be a long, difficult haul but at least an end will have been defined; a mission explained. Pussy footing around the issue has gotten us little but frustration and lack of morale. Not only from us and our troops, but the people of Afghanistan. It's time for the Americans' to be all that we can be, if the Army will permit me to use their phrase, and do it right. If it means more troops, then let's do it. What's the popular adage? Lead, follow or get out of the way. That's the American way. Or at least it used to be.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Jihad - Home Grown And Otherwise

When I'm looking for material to substantiate a post I come across many things of interest. Sometimes they don't manifest themselves into something meaningful until there is a catalyst. Last night, while killing time between programs, I came across just such.

What initially caught my attention was an article on Breitbart about Obama offering millions to a Muslim nation technology fund. It was a "What the...?" moment. The thought that occurred to me was why fund the advancement of people who hate us? Would those funds, which are supposedly going to be used to foster development of new computer technologies, media, education and clean technology among others, be better used promoting the same technologies in our own country?

The catalyst that has me wondering if we've totally lost our senses was the airing of The Third Jihad which is a chilling reminder of just what radical Islam is all about and how close they are to overcoming the western world. This particular segment tells us of how they are moving away from violent jihad to cultural jihad.

When you think about the recent arrest of Najibullah Zazi in New York, it is a reminder that jihad is at work on our own soil right under our noses. We cannot wish it away.

There was a snippet in the morning's paper and much more online regarding a female Saudi journalist who has been sentenced to 60 lashes for the crime of being a part time employee of a network that aired a story revealing the sexual confessions of a man. She wasn't even involved in the story. It makes the administration's bad mouthing of FOX News look like child's play!

One thing The Third Jihad makes perfectly clear, Muslims are Muslim first and citizens of whatever country in which they reside, second, if at all. It also makes perfectly clear the Europeans are now having to deal with the reality of the situation they, like us, once tried to wish away.

There have been enough arrests in this country and incidents abroad to make me take notice. I question the wisdom of helping Muslims achieve anything. Saudis are supposedly friends yet they still punish by lashing.

Yes, there are Muslim nations that are more secular than others. They too are targets. It's a reason why Israel is so nervous. The legal Arab (Muslim) citizens' population is rapidly approaching their own.

Is it time for our government to put less effort into placating the Islamic world? Placating they view as one more tiny victory?

It is a cultural divide that has existed for centuries. It is their mission to overtake the world, eliminate the infidels and live under Sharia law. It is diametrically opposed to Western law. It is about time we recognize the truth of the situation; that we cannot change their beliefs. We need to put the effort into protecting ours.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Thank Heaven For Bloggers!

I've been watching the Obamatization of the media with trepidation. Especially now that the administration is trying to marginalize, if not out right eliminate, FOX as a credible source for news.

You see, this is dangerous. We do not want our government controlling what comes out of Washington. It will lead to worse. It is an attempt to control what we think. We see it here in our small town paper where the news, other than the feel good stuff, is controlled by the power brokers. We, too, have blogs. They present all sides of issues with varying degrees of accuracy, but at least they exist. It's left to the reader to sort through them and decide for themselves what is and is not accurate. Those who don't are not well informed.

It has been interesting to watch MSNBC move left to the point one wants to shout "Tilt"! NBC no longer delivers the news. They either promote their own programming or do feel good pieces. How long has it been since any in depth reporting has been done on anything from other parts of the world?

I don't watch ABC nor CBS except on weekends when they have anchors I can tolerate, though the substance is no better. Most news reporting these days is a collection of sound bites. Period. Or Anderson Cooper wondering why they devote so much time to trash news. Well, why do they? Ratings!

Making matters worse is the diminishing newspaper industry. Reporters no longer dig deep for truths. The papers can't afford to pay them for the time it would require. With shrinking staff, they do well to cover what they do. Then there is the number of papers that are just no longer publishing. Advertising revenue which keeps them afloat is down because it's not affordable. Add to that the number of businesses that are closing their doors because they can't advertise! Do you see a direction here? Like a downward spiral?

So here we are. 60,000,000,000 bloggers around the world hammering away at their keyboards citing opinion on everything from gardening to climate control. If you can't find something that interests you, you don't use a computer!

When it comes to news, though, you have to work to find both sides of issues. That's okay. It improves both reading and comprehension skills! There are blogs covering every aspect of the political spectrum from far left, which we're dealing with now, to the far right which is waiting in the wings. Fortunately, there are enough centrists asking questions of both sides to actually give you something to think about.

It's mostly bloggers. In a way it's frightening that it has come to this. I, however, will take a positive view. Rather than dwelling on how news coverage has devolved, I'll look at how blogging is evolving.

It's almost to the point we have an obligation to our fellow citizens to sort through all that is happening. The "official" media isn't doing such a good job any more and the government isn't doing it at all!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I Have To Agree With Cheney!

I watched Obama sign into law a sweeping reform of our veterans' health care programs. I applaud that along with all the work that went in to making it possible.

On the flip side, if we'd stop wars we could get control of the need and therefore the cost. Oh well, it was a thought. It doesn't seem to be in the human gene pool. Humans solve their differences with war. Period.

So. If we're going to wage war, let's commit the troops necessary to win it. That means developing a strategy and sticking with it. One can make adjustments within a strategy I should think.

That's why I agree with former Vice President Cheney's rather terse admonition of the President. We have troops in Afghanistan waiting for help and clarification of their mission. Reports of injuries and casualties come out on a daily basis. Adding to the costs for the Veterans Administration! The war isn't put on hold just because Washington isn't sure which direction to go. It would be nice. Okay, everyone go home for the Holidays while we decide what to do and we'll send the appropriate number back.

The excuse that we don't know how the new election will play out doesn't seem to me to be a valid excuse. Karzai is likely to win and we already know what we're dealing with, with him. He's corrupt up to the tip of his Karakul hat! Re-election will only validate it in his mind. Should Abdullah Abdullah pull an upset we may find a more accommodating leader, but the war will continue.

Is our mission not different than theirs? We want to secure Afghanistan from again becoming the training headquarters for al Qaeda. That means picking them off as they try to exit Pakistan. One way or another. It really has nothing to do with who runs Afghanistan because they have nothing to give to our fight.

Then there is the problem if al Qaeda decides to stay put in Pakistan. What then? The Pakistan army is busy fighting the Taliban. Oops. Time for a new strategy. Put the war on hold while we decide what to do. Don't worry about those left holding the fort who still get picked off on a daily basis. We'll figure it out in time.

It is said "War is Hell". How true. And you know who makes it so? The leaders who wage it. Not the men and women asked to fight it. There seems to be something terribly wrong with this picture.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

They Just Don't Get It Do They!

It has become known today that we seniors will not get an increase in Social Security this year but instead will get a bonus of $250. Whoopee. That won't cover a month's prescriptions for many of us! Where do these guys get their economic bona fides? Or better yet, how do we become one of their pet projects? Then we'd get all the funding we need!

Let's look at the war - again. The President hasn't yet decided if, or how many, troops he's going to send to Afghanistan yet the Senate has striped the funding of fuel, ammunition and training and diverted it to 778 pet projects of their own!

Earmarks, they're called. I thought Obama was going to eliminate at best, or cut down on them at worst. Oh well.

How much are the troops being short changed here? According to The Washington Times $2.6 Billion. With a capital B !

Where is it going? Well, $25 million to a World War II Museum. Fitting isn't it? A museum dedicated to war long past with funds diverted from the one we are currently fighting.

Then there is $20 million for an "educational institute" to be named after Ted Kennedy in recognition for the years he spent on the Armed Services Committee where he fought to see that our troops received top notch equipment such as body armor and Humvees. How much body armor would that $20 million buy for our troops right now?

One Senator had 35 earmarks totalling more than $206 million while yet another had 48 worth $216 million. And we get $250.

Is there something wrong with this picture? What is the matter with these people? They huff and puff and try to justify these expenditures, which the military did not ask for nor want. Meanwhile combat pilots training to deploy are getting half the flying hours they got during the Vietnam war and tank crews get less training than during the Clinton administration when we were not at war!

If you honestly think these people are capable of reforming health care, overseeing climate change and reviving our economy, we'll never be on the same page.

Instead of hoping, week in and week out to no avail, that we might win the lottery, maybe I could just worm my way into a Senator's brain and chant 'fund medicare', 'fund the troops' or 'take a pay cut' until it becomes a pet project. Then we'd all be in fine shape.

In my dreams.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Stop The Bashing Before Someone Gets Hurt!

Whew! It's getting nasty out there. First we're inundated with images of Obama with Hitler's mustache and symbols of hate turning up on a golf course.

Then we move on to the latest in Limbaugh bashing because he wanted to become part owner of a football team. The liberal media did a hatchet job on him that was unprecedented. It is supposedly about a pattern of comments made over years about blacks. How many of them were taken out of context?

Don't get me wrong. I'm no fan of Limbaugh. He's loose with his facts but so are those doing the bashing. They all twist the facts to suit their point of view.

What worries me are the type of comments such as the one from Chris Mathews suggesting that in some point in time someone would step up to the plate and kill Limbaugh.

That's extreme even for Matthews. He did recant the next day. The clip is part of the embed above. The question is, was the damage already done? They succeeded in eliminating him from becoming part owner of the rams. Wasn't that enough?

Criticizing policy is one thing. Questioning ones suitability for ownership in a rich man's club is certainly permissible. Hate mongering is not.

It's time to tone down the rhetoric from those in the administration on down. Let's quit equating people with Hitler and the Nazis be it the President or those who disagree with him. Let's quit taking sound bites out of context and smearing a man because you don't like his politics. As irritating as Limbaugh can be, what point is to be made by lowering oneself to his level?

The liberal media lambastes any and everyone who finds fault with the President and to a lesser degree, his policies and his administration. Yet when one of their own suggests one who they dislike intensely might actually be terminated because of his views, nothing is said.

They best be careful. There are times when what goes around, comes around. Everything is cyclical. The opposition will regain power at some point, and like the elephants they claim as their symbol, they won't forget.

Then it will start all over again. Sigh.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

There's Nothing Noble About The Nobel...

...if you've done nothing to earn it! It was a travesty when Al Gore won it in 2007 for espousing faulty science and a bad movie. Never mind it had nothing to do with "peace" except in the most abstract of terms.

Now Obama has won it on the come. Nominations closed February 2. He took his oath of office January 20. He got the award based on campaign rhetoric. The award has been diminished to the point of being meaningless no matter how hard the committee tries to justify it.

In response to the curiosity expressed by a friend in New Zealand, here's one American's take on the whole situation. I see Obama as a man with few convictions beyond raw ambition, a vision of the country that frightens most of us, a timetable meant to overwhelm opponents into paralysis, and a man unable or unwilling to make tough decisions.

I'm going to ignore everything the pundits are saying as to how this award will help or hinder his presidency. This is what I observe. If he's not out campaigning, he's dithering. He campaigns for a concept in health care reform that has the country up in arms and his own party at odds with themselves. He campaigns for a bill that has yet to be finalized, making promises that cannot be kept.

He has abrogated responsibility to Congress. This is not leadership. Pork abounds. Threats of veto's are non-existent.

He has Czars roaming the country dictating pay for executives while ignoring contract law. This isn't leadership, this is abrogating responsibility to unelected individuals who consider their dictates to be above the law.

He sits at the head of the table while his security advisers haggle over strategy for Afghanistan. Again, there is discord within his own party. Say what you will about Bush, he was able to make a decision. Obama agonizes while troops continue to die for a cause yet undefined. This is not leadership.

If he spent as much time with health care and insurance experts defining and redefining our health care needs as he is with his national security team, I might feel better. I fear though, the reason why he hasn't is because his expertise is in selling rather than formulation.

I listened to a pundit complain about his Sunday's spent on the golf course. What difference does it make? He's not governing. I wonder how long it takes him to play a round. There are decisions to be made. How long does it take for him to decide which club to use? Or is his caddy named Rahm? He'll call the shot.

There once was a time the Nobel Peace Prize was a coveted award based on extraordinary accomplishment. Those days appear to be gone forever. Like so much else this country used to hold dear.

Never again will I be swayed by rhetoric alone. Friends who questioned my passionate defense of Obama warned me. But like the country, we saw what we wanted to see rather than what really was.

I've learned and I fear the country has too. It's going to hurt.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

What A Way To Fight A War!

I would think after eight years in Afghanistan, we'd know what our objectives are. First it was al Qaeda, then the Taliban, then al Qaeda again. Let's not forget al Qaeda is holed up in Pakistan for the moment.

Whatever, the troops in country aren't enough to achieve much of anything other than getting maimed or killed. So the General asks for enough troops to accomplish whatever goal the President sets forth. When that decision is going to come is anyone's guess. No rush. We have several months yet. While the soldiers continue fighting a losing battle.

Even though Senate Majority Leader Reid says he and House Speaker Pelosi will be behind whatever the President decides, Mrs. Pelosi bristles at the assumption. Too many House Democrats are against sending in more troops.

Then there is the infighting among the National Security team with the Vice President pushing hard for reduced troops, more targeted attacks and the increased use of drones.

That will get Karzai all upset again when civilians are accidentally killed. Of course, he's stolen the election and is as corrupt as the day is long which makes one wonder why we even listen to him in the first place.

It seems like we aren't even sure why we're there at all. To prevent al Qaeda from returning to use it as a training ground? Well, as I said, for now they are in Pakistan. If they're pushed out of there they can move on to Somalia where they also have bases and followers. Are we going to keep invading country after country while they play hide and seek with us?

The President sure doesn't know. Every one he asks for advice is at odds with one another. Meanwhile the troops are staying the course as best they can. The upshot is their morale is rock bottom. They won't tell you but the Chaplin's will! You know what the biggest demoralising issue is? Not knowing what the mission is. What they are fighting for or trying to accomplish.

We sit here watching the debate over a massive health care overhaul. An effort to reduce costs, we're told. Think of the cost that's going to be incurred with the continual flow of the mentally and physically injured as a result of a war with out a cause! Stop the war. Watch health care costs plummet. I know I'd feel a whole lot better!

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

What's Wrong With An Educational Read?

There are times I'm glad I have no children needing an education in the Coeur d'Alene schools. They wouldn't be getting a well rounded one.

Once again the controversy of allowable books for class room study has reared it's ugly head. Leading the way are a group of parents who feel educators don't have the insight into which books have a learnable point as they do. Why the school board caves into their wishes is beyond me.

The last time around I actually went to the library and checked out Maya Angelou's I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings. I would want my high schooler to read it. I would want every every young man and woman who lives in lily white northern Idaho to read it. They would get a glimpse what it was like growing up black in the South in the 40s. They weren't the days that gave us Barack and Michelle Obama to be sure. Though literature depicting their time should also be read. Why? Because the times that spawned Ms. Angelou gave us Ms. Angelou.

Another is "Snow Falling On Cedars". It reflects the anti-Japanese sentiment and prejudices following World War II. You wouldn't want your kids to know about that, now would you!

That parents want to instill values in their children is admirable. Shielding them from unpleasant truths is not. Sexual situations, violence and profanity that appears in books is a reflection of real life. Kids know it. Kids are involved in all of it! Especially kids of the age that would be reading these books in school. If the parents don't recognize this, they are more at fault than the educators choosing the books.

One concerned parent had this to say, "My concern is that an ad hoc committee, and a small group of vocal citizens were essentially able to remove four of those recommended novels from the the list." Kudos to you, sir!

Another parent, on the other side of the argument, had this to say, "I'm glad about this recommendation, but...I just want to be sure the other books are not being used for educational purposes..."

I see a huge disconnect here. What are the books to be used for other than educational purposes? Who wins here? A narrow minded group who feel their thinking is the only thinking that should be considered.

Who loses? The children and the community. It leads to a dictated mind set - narrow. Having lived here far too long, I find it the prevailing mind set. Why else would the school board endorse the process such as it is? Caving to special interests serves no one well.

In this day of Twitter and Facebook, blogging and everything else available on the Internet, these very same kids have access to everything the ad hoc committee is fighting. Someone has their head in the sand. It's not the youngsters. That leaves the school board and those who dictate to them.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

The Unsavory Cheer!

I was listening with interest yesterday as Republicans latched onto the awarding of the Olympics to Rio as equating the downfall of Obama's presidency. Then there were the Democrats laying the blame on Bush. Compare this to we mere citizens who thought neither, but that the President's time and our resources could be better spent than on the games.

Alas, bubble walls are resilient and nearly sound proof. Only occasionally are our voices heard, yet we keep trying. It's what citizens do, having far fewer resources than those we are trying to reach.

I got to thinking about the three categories of people in our nation who live in a bubble, insulated and isolated from reality. One being the politicians who seem to be encased immediately upon being elected to office. Next comes the world of professional sports with their collegiate farm teams used to get potential pros well primed. Thirdly, and these are by no means in particular order, comes the world of celebrity.

Then I thought there is a fourth category. All the rest of us. The main difference is we are held to standards which the others ignore. I think that's why we cheer so mightily when the mighty take a prat fall.

Is this not why many cheered because Chicago lost? Because of the arrogance of many who acted as though it was a shoo in because of the celebrity of the First Lady, the President and Oprah?

Is this not why so many cheered when Michael Vick was brought to justice for his promotion of and part in dog fighting? And booed when the Eagles gave him a contract worth more than most of us will ever see?

Or why we're cheering that David Letterman is getting his and respectively John Edwards is getting his?

Is it why we're waiting with baited breath to see what the Swiss will do with Roman Polanski? One more who deserves to get the book trown at him. Not only for the rape of a 13 year old but for fleeing the country on top of it.

In our world, we'd pay dearly for such indiscretions but the likelihood of them getting news coverage is slim to none. If it did, it would be fleeting.

It's a strange world when we view the spectacular, and relatively infrequent, bad behavior, with more interest than the many more who behave well within the bounds of propriety. Are we jealous? I don't think so. Most of us are relatively satisfied with our lives though a few tweaks here and there might be desirable. We don't tend to extremes as a general rule.

I think maybe we'd just like all those bubbles to burst so we're on a level playing field. That people would be inclined to play nice. The rules are fair. It just doesn't work when someone tries to cheat. The more their compatriots within the bubble have the harder they're likely to fall. And the louder we will cheer.

Friday, October 02, 2009

It's Not The Obamas, Per Se

Every once in awhile a reader will make an assumption that is so dead wrong I feel compelled to answer it. The last time it happened the reader left; I doubt my response was ever read. Such is the way with blogs. Readers come and go.

It has happened again and once more I feel compelled to answer. I want to make clear that this blog is comprised of observations and my thoughts concerning them. It has a political slant with a few deviations into my real life and that of my recently departed dog. On a personal basis, I have no axe to grind with anyone. Especially since I have never met most of them. On a political or professional basis, however, based on what I read and my point of view, I often have axes to grind.

That brings me to an extraction from a comment on yesterday's post:
I don't know what you have against the Obamas but it seems to be worsening.
I have nothing against the Obamas. I find them to be a pleasant, stylish young couple. Okay?

I have a great deal to say about how they are conducting themselves in the offices with which they've been entrusted. They could be anybody, if the actions were the same, I'd feel the same. They are the President and the First Lady of our country. How they are viewed by the world carries over to how we, as a country, are viewed.

I'm not going to take the time to research all the faux pas. Off the top of my head, however, there is the arm around the Queen of England. No matter how generous the Queen was in brushing it off, it was an extreme breach of protocol. Having President Sarkozy intervene to have a department store open on a Sunday so Michelle and the girls could shop. The bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia. Michelle's, "sacrifice" comment. These are but a few that have formed a pattern that shows one of two things or a combination of both; ignorance or arrogance. You choose.

I am not alone in the opinion that the President is still campaigning rather than governing. I am not alone in the opinion that Rahm Emanuel, in concert with Nancy Pelosi, is running the country; certainly defining, by default, domestic policy.

I am not alone in the opinion the President is trying to do too much too quickly and therefore little of it well. My political leanings put me at odds with the majority of his policies.

I am not alone in the opinion the change we are seeing is not what we had hoped for.

The only "stimulus" Obama inherited was, with the consent of his team, TARP. Everything else is his. Stimulus funds are slow in being allocated by design. The idea is to release the bulk of them just prior to the elections for obvious reasons. Meanwhile the country flounders for political expedience.

As for the Bush years? I wasn't happy with a lot of what he did either but then you'd have had to have been reading this blog since it's inception to know that. I felt the Iraq war was one of the most un-American actions ever undertaken. America does not wage wars of choice. I railed often about his propensity to shoot from the lip. How I wished he could articulate what was on his mind.

Okay. I'm weary of this now. If the above doesn't cover it, nothing will. The Obamas are nice people, okay? His policies are another thing. They will determine how I will live out the rest of my life. How they comport themselves in their capacity as President and First Lady has everything to do with how we are viewed by the world. Neither is off the table.

Bush is no longer President. What he might still be doing is moot. The same goes for McCain. Barack Obama is President of the United States of America. As he goes so goes the country. I'll give credit where credit is due. I'll criticise when I feel it is justified. The Presidency does not come with training wheels and campaigns end with a concession speech.

Agree with me or not. That is perfectly okay. But never, ever assume.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

A Sacrifice? Please!

Well, here they are, Michelle Obama and her "dear friend" and "chit chat buddy", Oprah. Isn't everything just hunky dory!

I'm totally disgusted by the tone deafness continually on display by the Obamas. Today is just one more example. There's no need to go into the details of how Chicago does business, nor the fact that Valerie Jarret, a close adviser to the President has holdings in the destitute areas due to be demolished for Olympic venues, that 47% of the people don't even want the Olympics, nor the fact I am becoming a conspiracy theorist, as I spoke of just a few days ago.

No. Today I'm picking up on what Byron York reported in the Washington Examiner. Oprah, Michelle and Obama's trip to Copenhagen to lobby for a Chicago Olympics is a "sacrifice" but they're doing it for the kids.

The blood is barely dry on the streets from where a 14 year old was chased down and beaten with a pipe leaving him in critical condition with a fractured skull. This follows on the footsteps of the death of 16 year old Darrion Albert who was beaten to death with planks wielded by a mob. There's two "kids" that won't be enjoying the Olympics!

Somewhat less violent but egregious none-the-less is the arrest of six charged with yanking an Olympic banner from the Daly Center's Picasso statue and tossing it into the "eternal" flame.

Sacrifice. Michelle and Oprah flying to Copenhagen on a U.S. government 757 and Obama on Air Force One. Sacrifice. What?

Meanwhile, the "new" strategy for Afghanistan awaits. Americans are still losing their jobs and homes. Soldiers are still losing their lives not knowing whether or not their own commander-in-chief is going to support them. You want to talk sacrifice? How about those men and women, not to mention their families!

When Michelle claims that as First Lady it has been a priority to "bridge the gap" between the White House and communities across D.C. and the country, she might need to look beyond the idea that where she came from setting foot in the White House was a dream kids never had.

Well, I can suggest a dream they might have. At fourteen and sixteen to be able to walk down the street without fearing for their lives! Having the Olympics in Chicago is probably not a dream they have either.

As for their friends and parents who weep for them, they may dream the "no snitch rule" becomes unenforcable because they no longer fear those who enforce it.

Oh my, oh my. Chicago has so much to sweep under the carpet they might well throw their hat in the ring for the winter Olympics. By the time they're finished the heap will surely equal Mt. Olympus! How's that for fanning the flame?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Should Polanski Get A Pass?

I can understand why the woman in the Polanski sex scandal would like to keep it all in the past.

After all, it happened 32 years ago. She is now married with three children. Why reopen old wounds? I can't disagree with that except for Polanski to be brought to justice, those wounds will have to be reopened, the fire rekindled. Such is the way it is with the media and celebrity.

As much as I'd like to see the lady have her privacy, I'd like even more to see Polanski brought to justice. If a nineteen year old boy has sex with his underage girlfriend and gets caught he'll have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his days. There is no reason why a man who lied to a thirteen year old girl's mother, found his way to a friend's hot tub, plies her with champagne and a Quaalude then has sex with her should not have to pay a penalty equally as harsh, if not more so, just because he is a celebrity!

Granted he had some pretty serious emotional baggage of his own, having suffered through the aftermath of the horrendous murder of his wife and friends at the hands of Charlie Manson's nutcases, it is no excuse for what he did.

He skipped the country, finding safe haven in Europe. He went on to a career as an Oscar winning director while she dropped out of school at 18, got pregnant and married by the time she was nineteen.

Both were victims of media overkill, she being made out to be the "temptress" while he was the one who committed the crime.

I'm sure Polanski would like to put it behind also. There is one way to have that happen. Face judgement. Would the courts be lenient because he has lead an exemplary life since? I don't know if he has or not. If not, I can't think of a better time to begin.

It would be a powerful statement emphasizing that at least in one case, the perpetrator is not above the law, no matter how rich or famous. It might also give pause to others who think young girls are no more than fair game!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm Becoming A Conspiracy Theorist!

The headline on this morning's Wall Street Journal front page indicates how the paper has departed from it's origins as a financial daily. Or maybe not. Obama enters Olympic Race. The article is followed by the question of the day - Is it appropriate for Obama to push for the 2016 Olympics to be in Chicago?

My initial reaction is an absolute no. Even though it's said the President of Brazil is going to personally lobby for Rio, I think it's inappropriate for our President to do so. With our economic climate such as it is, it's a precarious road to be sure. I don't know what the economic status of either Chicago nor the state of Illinois is at the moment, but nationally it's in the tank. Will it recover by 2016? Irrelevant. All the infrastructure needs to begin the moment the games are awarded. Talk about a stimulus package! The problem is it's for the President's home town!

It's said that during the G20 and the opening of the UN session, Obama spent time wooing several African nations in hopes of obtaining their votes for the old home town. Excuse me? Here's where my downfall from reason begins. What did he promise those nations to secure their votes?

Mayor Daly has said no taxpayer money would be used to pay for the games. Other than for security and infrastructure! Security and infrastructure? And just how many millions of taxpayer dollars would this entail?

He went on to say funding would come from the private sector! What companies, what's less individuals, have that kind of money? The feds are buying up huge chunks of what once were private corporations under the guise of being a bailout. So would that be private sector money or taxpayer dollars? Those who are under the shroud of government bailouts are under the threat of having their salaries and bonuses fixed. These poor folks will have a tough time paying the mortgages on their summer homes across the world what's more ponying up for the Olympics.

How about those corporations who have been forced to give up sponsorships of various events because of the appearance of extravagance? Will it suddenly be okay to shell out for the Olympics?

He talks of the financial windfall for the city and the state. Remember how disappointing attendance was in Beijing? Who in their right mind will want to go through the security hassles that are bound to be procedure to thwart possible terrorist attacks? Our stringent travel requirements and visa requirements make vacationing elsewhere much more attractive. So what if Chicago throws a party and no one comes? Any financial shortfalls will be covered - by you know who. The taxpayer!

So far health care legislation is no where near the break even point. The war in Afghanistan will continue to cost us billions no matter what the new strategy might be. There are a myriad of other proposals in the working stages that are going to do little more than add to the national debt.

Where's the President on all of this? Leavin', on a jet plane - again. Beats having to sit at his desk and do his job. After all, he has another fellow from Chicago handling that for him. Actually Mr. Emanuel might have been the better choice to lobby the IOC. With a Chicago accent Rahm might sound pretty close to ram!

Monday, September 28, 2009

All Hat And No Cattle!

When our government finds itself with allies like Cuba's Castro and Venezuela's Chevez, one might think something is amiss. Well. maybe!

I felt from the first time it made news, that the U.S. condemning the ouster of Honduran President Zelaya was a mistake. It was an internal matter, and the idea that we can't support a coup no matter the reason was flawed. Well, maybe!

Especially since Zelaya was trying to thwart his own constitution a la Chavez to open the doors to becoming another President "for life". Never mind that their own courts, attorney general and their version of Congress acted in concert on the situation, calling in the military only to see Mr. Zelaya out of the country.

Well. He's back now, hiding out in the Brazilian embassy. It would seem, according to the Miami Herald the Honduran government has a better reason then the one mentioned for refusing to allow him to regain power. He's claiming Israeli mercenaries are torturing him with high frequency radiation! Israeli mercenaries? Likely to storm the embassy and assassinate him? Why? Whoooweeeooo!

I wonder how Obama and Hillary are feeling about their actions now! Of course Zelaya has his supporters; most despots do. They are creating havoc around the embassy as Zelaya calls for insurrection. Meanwhile the citizens cannot even get to grocery stores to buy the necessities for their families; a curfew makes it all the more difficult.

Zelaya has no plans to leave the embassy any time soon. He says, "A country can't have two presidents - just one."

Do you think he should take the hint? Do you think we should take the hint!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The More Things Change The More They Stay The Same

Just when I think Bill Clinton has decided to stay above the fray he seems to jump right back into it.

He is now claiming, according to Yahoo News that the vast right wing conspiracy, so named by Hillary, is alive and well and targeting Obama.

The quote attributed to him is a bit confusing to me, but then I confuse easily. When asked if it was still there, he allegedly said, "You bet. Sure it is. It's not as strong as it was because America has changed demographically. But it's as virulent as it was." Here's where my confusion enters into it. If isn't as strong as it was how can it be as virulent?

While no longer targeting him because he no longer holds the office of Presidency, which it was credited with trying to destroy, he sees as their agenda wanting Obama to fail.

How un-American. Does anyone really want President Obama to fail? I rather doubt it. What those of us who have tempered our enthusiasm for him do want are policies that make sense. Leadership rather than appeasement. The ability to articulate his vision rather than repeating the same things over and over hoping something will stick no matter how little sense it makes!

That's not wanting the President to fail. That's wanting him to live up to expectations. It's so easy to blame a shadowy apparition of conspirators than face up to the fact you're not measuring up. I guess the question at this point is can the President measure up or did he reach the pinnacle of his abilities during the campaign?

Friday, September 25, 2009

Where's the TSA?

I got to thinking after watching the chaos at the G20 just why those rabble rousers aren't on some kind of watch list while so many everyday citizens are. While we get man handled at airports they fly around with impunity. It's because they go through the same inconveniences we do knowing full well the odds are with them.

While skimming the Drudge report today, four headlines caught my attention:
Terror suspects accused of targeting Marine base...
FBI arrests Jordanian for Dallas bomb plot...
Illinois man charged in plot to bomb Federal offices...
Men vanish after taking pictures in Philly subway station...
There have been an increasing number of headlines like these that should give us pause. It's comforting to see the FBI is on the job. I wonder, however, if some of these people haven't flown around the country from time to time whether it be on "business" or not. And if so why have they not been caught?

Is it because they blend in with the travelling public so well that they are no more suspect than any of the rest of us? They are so practiced at what they do there is never a downward glance in the face of authority or a nervous twitch? If so what is the use of putting all of us through the humiliating scrutiny of the TSA?

Of course, in the Philadelphia case, the men in question had an easy time of it because the fancy "state of the art" security camera system has yet to be activated and they don't have a clue as to when it will be up and working.

We have a new Secretary of Homeland Security. It would be nice if she would review some of these practices to determine if they are worth the expenditure. Is the TSA catching anyone? If so they need to talk with their media relations people because the word isn't getting out.

Yes, we have the right to protest, we have the right of free speech but that does not include the right to destroy and intimidate. That should apply to both sides. Does the government have the right to destroy our rights and intimidate us into allowing it?

I'm beginning to wonder if they think they do. The FBI is doing it's job for a change. How about everyone else? Hmmm, I'm wondering if not buying health insurance and being fined for it would be considered intimidation?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania!

Ahh, I remember it well. I can't get the lyrics from the Guy Mitchell song out of my head - "There's a pawnshop on a corner in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania..."

Pittsburgh - home of the Steelers and the Penguins. The winners. And the Pirates who' s fans are like the Cubs fans. You love the bums because they're yours.

It's a city that gets in your blood and never goes away. When my family moved there in 1945 we had those days black with smoke from the mills that you read about. Soot everywhere. Where we lived we had the additional joy of cement dust.

It was a city chock full of ethnic neighborhoods - and still is. They give the city as much of it's character as does the spectacular architecture, much of which has come since I left so many years ago. Friends often send me photo spreads to remind me of "home".

Now they will be on the world stage. The G20 is visiting. Foreign dignitaries with their entourages. What a wonderful city to showcase just what America is all about.

But wait. As I watched the news last night I saw merchants boarding up their store fronts. It's not the dignitaries they fear. It's the rabble that follows them where ever they go to protest any and everything. They usually create chaos and leave behind untold damage to property that is not their own.

I don't know what happens during the victory parades that are fairly common place with the Steelers and Penquins. I don't know if store fronts are barricaded. Not to excuse it, but if damage occurs it's from over exuberance. Pittsburgh's fans celebrating. Pittsburgh's rabble rousers.

It's rather like criticising one's mate to a friend just to vent; if the friend does anything more than listen he's/she's treading on dangerous ground. I can trash my mate or my family but don't you dare!

Boarding up store fronts and anticipating a near silent downtown. Anticipating chaos from total strangers who don't care one bit. I wonder about how awful it will be seeing swarms of police trying to maintain peace. A near police state in my home town. Just for a meeting. I wonder if it's worth it.

A huge PS. My worst fears have come true. They need to move these meetings to a ship in the middle of the ocean without televison cameras and surrounded by a well armed Navy!